What Do the Rabow Mean for Gays? | Dirg God

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Celebrate Pri Month wh the spiratnal LGBTQ quot. Fd msag about hope and love om celebri, activists and gay rights trailblazers.



* gay rainbow quotes *

" — Tammy Baldw"The next time someone asks you why LGBT Pri march exist or why Gay Pri Month is June tell them, 'A bisexual woman named Brenda Howard thought should be. " — David Carter, "Stonewall: The Rts That Sparked the Gay Revolutn""Every sgle Amerin — gay, straight, lbian, bisexual, transgenr — every sgle Amerin serv to be treated equally the ey of the law and the ey of our society. June is LGBT Pri Month, so celebrate and memorate the tremendo stris that LGBTQIA+ (lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, queer/qutng), tersex, asexual, and everyone else) people have ma history wh our llectn of the very bt Pri Month is held every June to memorate the Stonewall Rts of 1969, and while celebrat the progrs the LGBTQIA+ muny has ma, also serv to memorate the muny's tragic loss and far too many hate Month serv as a remr that everyone should be equal no matter their sexualy or genr.

“Beg gay isn’t somethg you choose, but you do face choic about whether and how to discs . "I hate the word homophobia.


Funny gay pri mem are even funnier durg the month of June. We piled the funnit jok om the LGBTQ muny for a happy June. * gay rainbow quotes *

It don’t re if you’re gay, straight, or transgenr. The fact that many Amerins nsir a disease says more about them than do about homosexualy.

The rights of gay, lbian, bisexual and transgenr people have taken centre stage ahead of Spa's July 23 natnal electn. * gay rainbow quotes *

"I'd choose hell over a homophobic heaven" — Dmond TutuRelated Stori From YourTango:39.

If you want super gay mem that are super funny, we've got you vered. The Pri mem will have you gigglg while celebratg the queer muny. * gay rainbow quotes *

"Homophobia has a cure: Edutn. "If I uld have chosen to be gay or straight, I thk I would have simply chosen to be happy.

"I thk beg gay is a blsg, and 's somethg I am thankful for every sgle day. 3 Tim CookDanielle CarsonSo let me be clear: I'm proud to be gay, and I nsir beg gay among the greatt gifts God has given me. 5 Anrson CooperDanielle CarsonI thk beg gay is a blsg, and 's somethg I am thankful for every sgle day.

17 Hillary CltonDanielle CarsonGay rights are human rights. 18 Megan RapoeDanielle CarsonThe more I’ve been able to learn about gay rights and equal pay and genr equy and racial equaly, the more that all tersects. Mostly, ’s that gay people n see right through a pany explog the opportuny to sell stuff wh rabow flags on .


What Do the Rabow Mean for Gays? | Dirg God .