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Havg a Visible Disabily While Comg Out as Gay. Human Rights Campaign – “Through rearch, tnal efforts and outreach, HRC enurag lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr and queer Amerins to live their liv openly and seeks to change the hearts and mds of Amerins to the si of equaly. The Trevor Project – “Found 1998 by the creators of the Amy Award®-wng short film TREVOR, The Trevor Project is the leadg natnal anizatn providg crisis terventn and suici preventn servic to lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, queer & qutng (LGBTQ) young people unr 25.

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Both are gay and had boyiends when they beme disabled.

Acrdg to a 2012 rearch study fund by the Natnal Instut of Health and the Natnal Instute on Agg, “lbian, gay, and bisexual adults showed higher prevalence of disabily than did their heterosexual unterparts.


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