Tangible evince of cultural progrs — a giant beer maker partnerg wh a transgenr fluencer, for example — is now often met wh fire and brimstone om right-wg fact, new rearch found that the recent effort to roll back gas for gay and trans Amerins spiked durg Pri celebratns, cludg "blue" stat such as California, which was home to a full 1 5 of the anti-LGBTQ+ monstratns last month, acrdg to the Armed Conflict Lotn and Event Data Project. Such actns were rerd 26 stat and the District of Columbia, but were ncentrated Texas, New York, and California, wh jt unr 20% of rerd anti-LGBTQ+ events takg place the Goln fdg after ACLED prevly reported a more than 300% crease anti-LGBTQ+ actns by far-right extremists 2022, pared to the year before, which said "strongly" rrelat wh ensug acts of vlence agast people who are perceived as gay or also rrelat wh a legislative ph to roll back gas for the LGBTQ+ muny, Sophie Bjork-Jam, an assistant profsor at Vanrbilt Universy wh a foc on the relig right and whe natnalism, told Insir.
"Former Print Donald Tmp — who once boasted about a transgenr performer takg part his Miss Ameri ntt — has monstrated that many whe evangelils are willg to overlook personaly flaws and other disagreements, and vice versa, if means achievg polil power and victori the culture 's 2016 mpaign helped fe such alns, wh far-right groups themselv explog issu of sex and genr — topics ripe for magoguery — to rec new members and make roads wh more mastream negative reactn to the creased acceptance of LGBTQ+ people, ma pecially visible by rporatns such as Target celebratg Pri Month, self risks a backlash, however: Most Amerins support gay marriage, for example, and many are likely unfortable wh imag of armed vigilant cidg for themselv who n read books at a library. Ci celebrate Gay Pri Month. The origal anizers chose this month to pay homage to the Stonewall uprisg June 1969 New York Cy, which helped spark the morn gay rights movement.
LGBTQ is an acronym meang lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr and queer. In the early hours of June 28, 1969, police raid the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar New York’s Greenwich Village, and began hlg ctomers outsi. New York’s gay muny, fed up after years of harassment by thori, broke out neighborhood rts that went on for three days.