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gay mice research

Rearchers Cha have created healthy mice om two female parents. Why did they do and uld this lead to a way for gay and lbian upl to have blogil children together?



Here's how Amerins have tracked over recent s rponse to "In your view, is beg gay or lbian somethg a person is born wh, or due to factors such as upbrgg and environment?

In the late 1990s, nversatn around a "gay gene" was very ntroversial. Rearch that gets anywhere close to searchg for a gay gene — even wh animals — has been highly ntroversial the U. ” (For the rerd, the male fli beme bisexual, not strictly gay.


There will also be some hopg that this new work further builds towards the possibily that gay and lbian upl may one day be able to have their own blogil children, although there is still a long way to go before showg that the rults mice might be possible humans.

"Gay" seems like the wrong word here.


Has The "Gay Gene" Been Found Female Mice? | Popular Science .