View tailed rmatn about property 531 E Ma St, Gaylord, MI 49735 cludg listg tails, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more.
- 531 E MA ST, GAYLORD, MI 49735
- 531 E MA ST, GAYLORD, MI 49735531 E MA ST, GAYLORD, MI 49735
- 531 E MA STGAYLORD, MI 49735
531 E MA ST, GAYLORD, MI 49735
531 E Ma St, Gaylord, MI 49735 is currently not for sale. The 2,276 Square Feet sgle fay home is a 2 beds, 2 baths property. This home was built null and last sold on 2022-09-15 for $181,500. View more property tails, sal history, and Ztimate data on Zillow. * 531 e main st gaylord mi *
531 E Ma StGaylord, MI 49735$185, 600as of Aug 18, 2023Hom for Sale Near 531 E Ma StLol Informatn© GoogleDcriptnThis property is no longer available to rent or to buy.
Walk to downtown HighlightsHome Details for 531 E Ma StInterr FeaturInterr DetailsBasement: Fished, Basement Size(1138 Sf)Number of Rooms: 9Typ of Rooms: Dg Room, Fay Room, Kchen, Livg RoomBeds & BathsNumber of Bedrooms: 2Number of Bathrooms: 2Number of Bathrooms (full): 1Number of Bathrooms (half): 1Dimensns and LayoutLivg Area: 2276 Square FeetApplianc & UtiliApplianc: Dishwasher, Dryer, Range/Oven, Reigerator, WasherDishwasherDryerLndry: In BasementReigeratorWasherHeatg & CoolgHeatg: Baseboard, Hot WaterHas HeatgHeatg Fuel: BaseboardExterr FeaturExterr Home FeaturFoundatn: BasementParkg & GarageNumber of Garage Spac: 2Number of Covered Spac: 2No CarportHas a GarageHas an Attached GarageParkg Spac: 2Parkg: Attached, Garage Door OpenerFrontageWateront: NoFrontage Type: NoneRoad Frontage: MataedRoad Surface Type: PavedNot on WaterontWater & SewerSewer: MunicipalFished AreaFished Area (above surface): 1138 Square FeetProperty InformatnProperty Type / StyleProperty Type: RintialProperty Subtype: Sgle Fay Rince, Rintial LotArchecture: RanchBuildgConstctn Materials: Frame, Stone, Vyl SidgNot a New ConstctnProperty InformatnCondn: 31+ Years ApproxPrice & StatPriceList Price: $189, 000Stat Change & DatPosssn Timg: TBDActive StatMLS Stat: ClosedLotnDirectn & AddrsCy: GaylordCommuny: T31N R3WSchool InformatnElementary School District: GaylordJr High / Middle School District: GaylordHigh School District: GaylordBuildgBuildg AreaBuildg Area: 2276 Square FeetOfferListg Terms: Cash, Conventnal MortgageCompensatnBuyer Agency Commissn: 3. Water Wonrland MLS, Inc © All rights rmatn is provid exclively for nsumers' personal, non-mercial e and may not be ed for any purpose other than to intify prospective properti nsumers may be terted last updated: 2023-08-17 05:45:25 PDTThe listg broker’s offer of pensatn is ma only to participants of the MLS where the listg is for Rent Near 531 E Ma StOff Market Hom Near 531 E Ma St531 E Ma St, Gaylord, MI 49735 is a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2, 276 sqft sgle-fay home.
Walk to downtown Gaylord.
531 E MA ST, GAYLORD, MI 49735531 E MA ST, GAYLORD, MI 49735
* 531 e main st gaylord mi *
School District Gaylord.
531 E MA STGAYLORD, MI 49735
531 E Ma St, Gaylord, MI 49735 is a 2,276 sqft, 2 bed, 2 bath home sold 2022. See the timate, review home tails, and search for hom nearby. * 531 e main st gaylord mi *
1 photos of this $181,500, 2 Bed, 2 Bath, 2276 SqFt, Rintial property loted at 531 E Ma Street, Gaylord, MI 49735 MLS Number 201820385 * 531 e main st gaylord mi *