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The weather forest lls for more of the same this week across Central Florida, wh sticky humidy, highs the low 90s and a chance of afternoon and eveng thunrstorms. (Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentel via AP)" alt="A gut fds a shady spot as a rpe om the heat ont of a lorful mural adjacent to the Connectns Cafe at Ept at Walt Disney World, Lake Buena Vista, Fla., Monday, July 10, 2023. The weather forest lls for more of the same this week across Central Florida, wh sticky humidy, highs the low 90s and a chance of afternoon and eveng thunrstorms. (Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentel via AP)" loadg="eager" src="" siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 920px) 80vw, (max-width: 1320px) 50vw, 720px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block bg-black y100 mnh0 fill"/></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"><div class="x100 y100 aic f jcc" role="prentatn"><div class="ma ox-hidn oy-hidn i123jqob"><ul class="aic f jcc p0 ma csv2yd3" style="transform:translateX(0px)"></ul></div></div></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 td300 ttfe tdl300 y136px o100"><span class="oy-hidn mh104px"><span class="re6bgoq n4l52un ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 c-gray700">A gut fds a shady spot as a rpe om the heat ont of a lorful mural adjacent to the Connectns Cafe at Ept at Walt Disney World, Lake Buena Vista, Fla., Monday, July 10, 2023. The weather forest lls for more of the same this week across Central Florida, wh sticky humidy, highs the low 90s and a chance of afternoon and eveng thunrstorms. (Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentel via AP)</span></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs13 c-gray600 mt2 mr72 y24px"><div>Joe Burbank/AP</div></span></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 2 of 3" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh f x100"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Park guts walk near the statue of Walt Disney and Mickey Moe the Magic Kgdom at Walt Disney World Friday, July 14, 2023, Lake Buena Vista, Fla. Disney is askg a Florida judge to toss out a lawsu filed by Gov. Ron DeSantis' appote to Disney World's erng district." alt="Park guts walk near the statue of Walt Disney and Mickey Moe the Magic Kgdom at Walt Disney World Friday, July 14, 2023, Lake Buena Vista, Fla. Disney is askg a Florida judge to toss out a lawsu filed by Gov. Ron DeSantis' appote to Disney World's erng district." loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 920px) 80vw, (max-width: 1320px) 50vw, 720px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block bg-black y100 mnh0 fill"/></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 td300 ttfe tdl300 y136px o0"><span class="oy-hidn mh104px"><span class="re6bgoq n4l52un ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 c-gray700">Park guts walk near the statue of Walt Disney and Mickey Moe the Magic Kgdom at Walt Disney World Friday, July 14, 2023, Lake Buena Vista, Fla. Disney is askg a Florida judge to toss out a lawsu filed by Gov. Ron DeSantis' appote to Disney World's erng district.</span></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs13 c-gray600 mt2 mr72 y24px"><div>John Raoux/AP</div></span></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 3 of 3" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh f x100"><div class="ar3-2 f aic bg-whe i15tu57v"><div><div id="taboola-terstial-gallery-thumbnails-3364e9c8-29ff-4a9b-b45d-1d910a2bbc62"></div></div></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 y136px o100"></figptn></figure></div></sectn><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Disney asked a Florida judge on Friday to toss out a lawsu agast the pany’s efforts to ntralize a takeover of Disney World’s erng district by Gov. Ron DeSantis and his appote.</p></div><div class="mb32"><img src=" alt="" class="x1px y1px vh abs" aria-hidn="te" width="1" height="1"/><div id="d4dbb2d2-057c-4ad9-ba3c-4ac5a6d223f8"></div></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>The se state urt Orlando is one of two stemmg om the takeover, which was retaliatn for the pany’s public opposn to the so-lled Don’t Say Gay legislatn champned by DeSantis and Republin lawmakers. Disney is fightg DeSantis one lawsu and his Disney World board appote another.</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>The ernor has touted his yearlong fd wh Disney his n for the 2024 GOP printial nomatn, often accg the entertament giant of beg too “woke.” Disney has acced the ernor of vlatg s ee speech rights.</p></div><div class="pt16 mb32 sy16 bb bt b-gray300"><div class=""><p class="ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs13 f aic jcc ttu">Advertisement</p><p class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 fs13 f aic jcc">Article ntu below this ad</p></div><div class="tac mb16 sm:mnh300px" data-block-type="ad" data-small-id="A300" data-large-id="Inle-1" data-un=""></div></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>Attorneys for Disney argued before Circu Judge Margaret Schreiber that any cisn state urt would be moot sce the Republin-ntrolled Legislature already has passed a law voidg agreements that the pany ma wh a prr erng board of Disney supporters that gave sign and nstctn powers to the pany.</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>If the judge cis not to dismiss the state se, the entertament giant asked that the state urt se be put on hold until a feral lawsu Tallahassee is rolved sce they ver the same ground and that lawsu was filed first.</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>In that se, Disney sued DeSantis and his appote to the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District an effort to stop the takeover, claimg the ernor was vlatg the pany's ee speech and “weaponizg the power of ernment to punish private bs.”</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>“We are alg wh the same issue both s,” Daniel Petrocelli, an attorney for Disney, told the judge durg an hourlong hearg watched remotely by several Disney executiv.</p></div><div class="md:pt16 md:mb32 md:sy16 md:bb md:bt b-gray300"><div class="vh y0 mb0 md:vv md:y100 md:mb16"><p class="ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs13 f aic jcc ttu">Advertisement</p><p class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 fs13 f aic jcc">Article ntu below this ad</p></div><div class="tac mb16 sm:mnh300px" data-block-type="ad" data-small-id="NTV7ARD" data-large-id="Inle-2" data-un=""></div></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>Attorneys for the district's board asked that their se not be dismissed, tellg the circu judge that wasn't moot and puttg on hold would be improper. They also argued that the board's lawsu state urt was filed first sce Disney's feral lawsu wasn't properly served to the fendants.</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>DeSantis isn't a party the state urt lawsu.</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>The judge didn't say when she would make a cisn, but asked attorneys for both sis to prepare orrs for her as if she had renred a lg each of their favor by next Wednday.</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>The fight between DeSantis and Disney began last year after the pany, facg signifint prsure ternally and externally, publicly opposed a state law banng classroom lsons on sexual orientatn and genr inty early gras, a policy crics ll “Don’t Say Gay.”</p></div><div class="pt16 mb32 sy16 bb bt b-gray300"><div class=""><p class="ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs13 f aic jcc ttu">Advertisement</p><p class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 fs13 f aic jcc">Article ntu below this ad</p></div><div class="tac mb16 sm:mnh300px mnh300px" data-block-type="ad" data-small-id="Inle-1" data-large-id="Inle-3" data-un=""></div></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>As punishment, DeSantis took over the district through legislatn passed by Florida lawmakers and appoted a new board of supervisors to oversee municipal servic for the sprawlg theme parks and hotels. But before the new board me , the pany ma agreements wh prev oversight board members who were Disney supporters that stripped the new supervisors of their thory over sign and nstctn.</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>In rponse, DeSantis and Florida lawmakers passed the legislatn that repealed those agreements.</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>Disney announced May that was scrappg plans to build a new mp central Florida and relote 2,000 employe om Southern California to work digal technology, fance and product velopment. Disney had planned to build the mp about 20 (30 kilometers) om the giant Walt Disney World theme park rort.</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>In <a class="" href=" data-lk="native">an terview</a> this week on CNBC, Disney CEO Bob Iger said the pany didn't want to be volved any culture wars.</p></div><div class="pt16 mb32 sy16 bb bt b-gray300"><div class=""><p class="ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs13 f aic jcc ttu">Advertisement</p><p class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 fs13 f aic jcc">Article ntu below this ad</p></div><div class="tac mb16 sm:mnh300px mnh300px" data-block-type="ad" data-small-id="Inle-2" data-large-id="Inle-4" data-un=""></div></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>“Our goal is to ntue to tell wonrful stori and have a posive, posive impact on the world,” Iger said.</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>___</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>Follow Mike Schneir on Twter at <a class="" href=" data-lk="native">@MikeSchneirAP</a></p></div><div class="y1px x100 abs bgn top"></div><div style="top:25%" class="y1px x100 abs bgn"></div><div style="top:50%" class="y1px x100 abs bgn"></div><div style="top:75%" class="y1px x100 abs bgn"></div><div class="y1px x100 abs bgn bottom"></div></article></div><div class="package"><span class="mb16 block"><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 lg:fs16 fs14 c-gray600"><time dateTime="2023-07-14 07:11:42">July 14, 2023</time></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 lg:fs16 fs14 c-gray600"><span class="px8">|</span>Updated<!-- --> <time dateTime="2023-07-14 15:10:11">July 14, 2023 3:10 p.m.</time></span></span><div class="bt bb b-gray400 py16 pr8"><div class="f aic jcb fw g8"><div class="f fdc sy4"><span class="c-gray700 f aic g2 fw owa"><span class="fs16"><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs16 fs16">By </span><span class="ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh12 ps1 lg:fs16 fs14"><span class="c-gray700 wbbw">MIKE SCHNEIDER</span></span></span></span></div><div class="sx8 f"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="none lg:f mnw300px x300px fdc sy40 jcb"><div class="package y100 none md:block"><div class="s top97"><div class=""><div class="tac" data-block-type="ad" data-large-id="A300" data-un=""></div></div></div></div><div data-eid="llectn-121401-mostPopular" class="package"><div class="f fdc sy32 lg:sy24"><div class="ttc f aic sx16"><h2 class="wsn ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs18">Most Popular</h2><div class="bb bw2 x100 b-primary"></div></div><div class="grid pl0"><div class="f fdr aib"><span class="c-primary mr8 ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs20">1<!-- -->.</span><div class="f fdc g8 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paleontologists disver 30-foot prehistoric lizard</a></h2></div></div><div class="bsd bw2 b-gray600 bb pen my16 lg:my24"></div></div><div class="f fdc jcb"><div class="f fdr aib"><span class="c-primary mr8 ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs20">4<!-- -->.</span><div class="f fdc g8"><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh13 fs18"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/sports/rockets/article/">Inter reacts to Jam Harn loadg up on Trill Burgers</a></h2></div></div><div class="bsd bw2 b-gray600 bb pen my16 lg:my24"></div></div><div class="f fdc jcb"><div class="f fdr aib"><span class="c-primary mr8 ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs20">5<!-- -->.</span><div class="f fdc g8"><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh13 fs18"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/sports/astros/article/">Will Astros get Yordan Alvarez back for Rangers seri?</a></h2></div></div></div></div></div></div><div data-eid="llectn-120706-dynamic_thumbnail_list" class="package"><div class="f fdc sy28"><div class="f aic"><div class="f aic ttu ls10 xmc le-block rel ff-fontB fw-fontB fs-fontB lh12 fs20 ls12 md:fs25 md:ls15"><div class="wsn pl20 sm:pl28 pr12 sm:pr16 pt12 pb16 sm:pt16 sm:pb20 z1001 f aic">Shoppg<div class="ml8 sm:ml12 br50 x8px y8px borr bw2"></div></div><svg prerveAspectRat="none" width="100%" height="100%" class="le-block abs top left c-primary" viewBox="0 0 211 77" fill="none" xmlns="><path d="M187.291 7.95447H8.87643C4.45816 7.95447 0.876434 11.5362 0.876434 15.9545V68.6212C0.876434 73.0395 4.45816 76.6212 8.87644 76.6212H183.325C185.824 76.6212 188.179 75.4538 189.692 73.4652L196.112 65.0274V18.3692L187.291 7.95447Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M193.618 1.39624H16.7216C12.3033 1.39624 8.72159 4.97796 8.72159 9.39624V60.8462C8.72159 65.2645 12.3033 68.8462 16.7216 68.8462H193.381C195.298 68.8462 197.151 68.1579 198.604 66.9065L206.791 59.8514C208.554 58.3317 209.568 56.1191 209.568 53.7911V15.5505C209.568 13.0753 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fs-fontD lh13 fs18 xs:fs22 lg:fs16"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/">The FB Inspire 3 is 20% off on Amazon right now</a></h2></div><div class="grid sy8 row2 l1"></div><div class="block l2 row1span3 ml8 x78px xs:x100px sm:x140px lg:x78px"><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="The FB Inspire 3 is 20% off on Amazon right now" alt="The Fb Inspire 3 Health & Fns Tracker is 20% off on Amazon. 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We are here to help!" loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:1 / 1" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div></article></div></div></div></div><div class="package y100 none md:block"><div class="s top97"><div class=""><div class="tac" data-block-type="ad" data-large-id="NTV7ARD" data-un=""></div></div></div></div><div><div id="taboola-right-rail-thumbnails"></div></div><div class="package y100 none md:block"><div class="s top97"><div class=""><div class="tac" data-block-type="ad" data-large-id="RB-1" data-un=""></div></div></div></div><div class="package y100 none md:block"><div class="s top97"><div class=""><div class="tac" data-block-type="ad" data-large-id="RB-2" data-un=""></div></div></div></div><div class="package y100 none md:block"><div class="s top97"><div class=""><div class="tac" data-block-type="ad" data-large-id="RB-3" data-un=""></div></div></div></div><div class="package y100 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hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/">SimpliSafe’s home secury system is unr $200 on Amazon today</a></h2></div></article><div class="b-gray400 br pen"></div><article class="f fdc sy8 sm:mnwa xs:mnw300px md:mnw140px mnw200px"><div><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Is a Sam's Club membership worth ?" alt="Is a Sam's Club membership worth ?" loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div><div class="f fdc sy8"><h2 class="hya c-black lc lc3 ff-fontB fw-fontB fs-fontB lh12 sm:fs18 xs:fs22 fs18 ls02 xs:ls05 sm:ls02"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/">Is a Sam's Club membership worth ?</a></h2></div></article><div class="b-gray400 br pen"></div><article class="f fdc sy8 sm:mnwa xs:mnw300px md:mnw140px mnw200px mr20 sm:mr0"><div><a class="" data-lk="spa" 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sm:mr0 sm:grid g1a3t45e"><article class="f fdc sy8 sm:mnwa xs:mnw300px md:mnw140px mnw200px"><div><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/sports/texans/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="C.J. 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What's next?</a></h2></div></article><div class="b-gray400 br pen"></div><article class="f fdc sy8 sm:mnwa xs:mnw300px md:mnw140px mnw200px"><div><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/food/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Borr agents fd e hidn si chee durg stop" alt="Borr agents fd e hidn si chee durg stop" loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div><div class="f fdc sy8"><span class="ttu"><span class="f ff-fontA fw-fontA fs-fontA lh12 ls10 fs14 c-primaryAccsible wsn"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" href="/food/" data-lk="native">Food</a></span></span><h2 class="hya c-black lc lc3 ff-fontB fw-fontB fs-fontB lh12 sm:fs18 xs:fs22 fs18 ls02 xs:ls05 sm:ls02"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/food/article/">Borr agents fd e hidn si chee durg stop</a></h2></div></article><div class="b-gray400 br pen"></div><article class="f fdc 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In other words, where Bud Light has buckled unr prsure as bigotry grows agast the LGBTQ+ muny, Gay Water’s creator Spencer Hodson wants his new boozy brand to be the anthis of that. “The key issue that Bud Light tapped to was the fact that they didn’t unrstand their re dience and know enough about them,” Hodson, a gay man, told CNN about the ntroversy that began when the Anhser-Bch beer brand sent fluencer Dylan Mulvaney a n of beer. Gay Water, however, is out and proud.


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The nned cktail is named after a lloquialism given to the popular mixed drk (vodka and soda) orred at bars by the gay muny.


This week's Man Candy tch-up is wh adult ntent creator The Gay Gaston. So, firstly, why Gaston? He's wrecked wh toxic masculy... "Ha! He’s the worst," Gaston lghs, "But was sort of my sexual awakeng. When i was about 5 years old I remember seeg him rip open his shirt and show off his hairy * gay porn disney *

“Puttg a product wh the word gay the tle is reprentatn self,” which he hop reclaims the word om the negativy ’s sometim associated wh. He thought of creatg Gay Water about a year ago while on a vatn wh his iend that had got a job wh the beverage dtry.


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The two chatted about the limed amount of gay people wh , and wh Hodson burnt out om his tradnal day job tech, started the nned cktail. Hodson built up a strong social media followg on TikTok and Instagram durg Covid-19 and is g some of the money om that (as well as om iends and fay) to help fund Gay Water.

“Gay is an umbrella term and the ia behd the brand is to be as clive as possible, which means we want alli, we want straight people to be part of this muny we’re buildg.”. For now, Gay Water is sold largely onle (wh a few retailers) and four sugar-ee flavors — watermelon, lime, peach and grapeu — at lnch. Gay Water might not have the ep pockets pared to s petors, like Whe Claw, but “even at small sle, pani of many siz are havg succs makg spir-based seltzers and premixed cktails,” Bryan Roth, an analyst for Feel Goods Company and edor of the alhol beverage newsletter, Sightl+, told CNN.

“There’s lots of space the spir-based seltzer tegory which Gay Water n play, pecially if the brand n offer a cultural or emotnal nnectn that will feel more excg than the prospect of another peapple-flavored vodka seltzer om natnal or ternatnal rporatns,” Roth said.


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Of urse, other drks e the word “gay,” too, cludg Gay Beer and So Gay Rosé, Hodson noted, which are also tryg to reach the queer muny and offer them an alternative the straight-domated space. Gay sex — some humans do , some pengus do , and as turns out, many monkeys do .

There have been many different theori — cludg not enough femal, tablishg domance, or blowg off steam — that may expla why animals might engage homosexual behavr. Moreover, the male monkeys weren't strictly homosexual. Gay sex male monkeys is partially herableBy g geic tts and fay tre, they found that same sex behavr was 6.

"Unfortunately there is still a belief amongst some people that same-sex behavr is 'unnatural, ' and some untri sadly still enforce the ath penalty for homosexualy. Sunday’s “Great Midwtern Trendkill” event wasn’t the first time out gay pro wrtler AC Mack stepped to a Naptown All-Pro Wrtlg rg, but will be his last.


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He is an out gay Black man the South who thrived, buildg human nnectns whose strength manifted the emotnal rponse by the ACTION fanbase when he announced he was leavg -rg petn last month. This week’s Man Candy tch-up is wh adult ntent creator The Gay Gaston.


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WATCH: Gay Gaston gets passive. Kev Spacey has addrsed his ntroversial 2017 statement which he me out as gay rponse to Anthony Rapp’s accatn of sexual misnduct.


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He said some members of his team disagreed wh the urse of actn but they took a vote and ultimately released a statement which Spacey revealed he was gay.

“The gay muny had been prsurg me for a very long time about g out, ” he said. "Iger, the CEO of one of Florida's largt employers, also fend Disney's right to speak out last year agast a ntroversial state bill that limed classroom discsn of LGBTQ+ issu, dubbed "Don't Say Gay" by move by then-CEO Bob Chapek, who succeed Iger 2020 and rigned 2022 when Iger returned to the helm, kicked off the bter fd wh the ernor and his Republin alli.


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"The DeSantis mpaign rpond to Iger later Thursday by tweetg a vio clip of Disney executive Karey Burke speakg a 2022 pany-wi Zoom ll about LGBTQ reprentatn the pany's that clip scrib herself as a mother of two queer children and says, "We don't have enough leads and narrativ which gay characters jt get to be characters and not have to be about gay stori. Chat wh a horny gay mol now - they are onle and want your pany! Don’t miss a vio chat wh a straight guy shy but cur of strippg on m and havg a dirty talk about his gay sexual fantasi.

Gay. Ron DeSantis and his se state urt Orlando is one of two stemmg om the takeover, which was retaliatn for the pany’s public opposn to the so-lled Don’t Say Gay legislatn champned by DeSantis and Republin lawmakers. DeSantis isn't a party the state urt judge didn't say when she would make a cisn, but asked attorneys for both sis to prepare orrs for her as if she had renred a lg each of their favor by next fight between DeSantis and Disney began last year after the pany, facg signifint prsure ternally and externally, publicly opposed a state law banng classroom lsons on sexual orientatn and genr inty early gras, a policy crics ll “Don’t Say Gay.


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