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class="available-ntent"><div dir="to" class="body markup"><div class="ptned-image-ntaer"><figure><a class="image-lk is-viewable-img image2" target="_blank" href=" data-ponent-name="Image2ToDOM" rel><div class="image2-set"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="900" height="600" data-attrs="{"src":"" class="sizg-normal" alt srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" fetchprry="high" /></picture><div class="image-lk-expand"><svg xmlns=" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="luci luci-maximize2"><polyle pots="15 3 21 3 21 9"></polyle><polyle pots="9 21 3 21 3 15"></polyle><le x1="21" x2="14" y1="3" y2="10"></le><le x1="3" x2="10" y1="21" y2="14"></le></svg></div></div></a></figure></div><p><span>In this article, we ntue wh part 2 of our seri: IDP dynasty buys and sells for the AFC. In this edn, Jon Macri and Jase Abbey take a look at the AFC South and the AFC Wt. Which IDPs are they lookg to offload and who are they lookg to acquire? Read on to get their tak, or you n listen to the </span><a href=" rel>full episo here</a><span>. Part 1 of the seri, focg on the AFC North and AFC East, </span><a href=" rel>n be found here</a><span>.</span></p><blockquote><p><strong><a href=" rel>Click here to listen to the full podst episo.</a></strong></p></blockquote><h1 class="hear-wh-anchor-widget"><strong>AFC South</strong><div id="§afc-south" class="hear-anchor-widget offset-top"><div class="hear-anchor-widget-button-ntaer"><div href=" class="hear-anchor-widget-button"><svg xmlns=" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="hear-anchor-widget-in"><path d="M10 13a5 5 0 0 0 7.54.54l3-3a5 5 0 0 0-7.07-7.07l-1.72 1.71"></path><path d="M14 11a5 5 0 0 0-7.54-.54l-3 3a5 5 0 0 0 7.07 7.07l1.71-1.71"></path></svg></div></div></div></h1><h3 class="hear-wh-anchor-widget"><strong>Hoton Texans</strong><div id="§hoton-texans" class="hear-anchor-widget offset-top"><div class="hear-anchor-widget-button-ntaer"><div href=" class="hear-anchor-widget-button"><svg xmlns=" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="hear-anchor-widget-in"><path d="M10 13a5 5 0 0 0 7.54.54l3-3a5 5 0 0 0-7.07-7.07l-1.72 1.71"></path><path d="M14 11a5 5 0 0 0-7.54-.54l-3 3a5 5 0 0 0 7.07 7.07l1.71-1.71"></path></svg></div></div></div></h3><p><strong>Buy: Jonathan Greenard, EDGE</strong></p><p><strong>Jon’s thoughts</strong><span>: I like Greenard, jt maybe not as much as some, but I do thk he’s the bt IDP optn on the Texans, which may not be sayg much. Currently, he as an EDGE3 type for me, mostly bee I want to see more and I’m tryg not to overreact to his smaller sample size pared to his peers. </span></p><p>He had jt 215 pass-sh snaps (82nd among EDs) but earned an 89.2 pass-sh gra (7th among EDGEs). He also had an overly efficient sack rate at 3.7%, which was the 94th percentile for his posn (wh the average beg 1.7%).</p><p><span>I know this mak sound like I don’t believe him, but really I do (I promise).</span><br /><span>I thk he n be one of the better startg EDGEs IDP, so long as your expectatns are that he’s an EDGE2 at bt. Most weeks he’ll probably be more of that EDGE3, but I thk the talent and potential are there that he n provi a cent return if he ntu to play like he did 2021.</span></p><p><strong>Sell: Kamu Ggier-Hill, LB</strong></p><p><strong>Jon’s thoughts</strong><span>: I’m g KGH’s name here but really this uld be any and all Texans lebackers om this past year. None of them, cludg KGH, showed that they uld/should be long-term optns at the lebacker posn, but the team self is so void of talent that they might seem like enticg optns.</span></p><p>The Texans brought back KGH along wh Christian Kirksey, who signed a 2-year al. Even Zach Cunngham, who they cut and has had notorly poor PFF gras, grad better than KGH durg his time there. Kirksey did too. KGH had jt a 44.4 overall gra, 45.9 verage gra, and 45 n fense gra—jt not a lot to love.</p><p>Before the Kirksey signg, there were only two lebackers unr ntract for the Texans headg to the offseason: Kev Pierre-Louis, who didn’t start a sgle game last year, and Garret Wallow, who started 1. They chose to get a al done wh Kirksey first over KGH, too, so that should give some sight to the Texans’ thkg on how they value the guys. At bt, KGH gets to start another year Hoton, but his value isn’t likely to ntue past that. For that reason, I’m out.</p><h3 class="hear-wh-anchor-widget"><strong>Indianapolis Colts</strong><div id="§dianapolis-lts" class="hear-anchor-widget offset-top"><div class="hear-anchor-widget-button-ntaer"><div href=" class="hear-anchor-widget-button"><svg xmlns=" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="hear-anchor-widget-in"><path d="M10 13a5 5 0 0 0 7.54.54l3-3a5 5 0 0 0-7.07-7.07l-1.72 1.71"></path><path d="M14 11a5 5 0 0 0-7.54-.54l-3 3a5 5 0 0 0 7.07 7.07l1.71-1.71"></path></svg></div></div></div></h3><p><strong>Buy: Kwy Paye, EDGE</strong></p><p><strong>Jon’s thoughts</strong><span>: Paye is one hell of an athlete, even breakg the rerd for the 3-ne drill for a player his size and toppg Bce Feldman’s eaks list 2020. He is siar to fellow Michigan alumn, Rashan Gary, who already broke out. Wh Paye, we n get now and acquire him before his potential breakout of the same nature.</span></p><p>He only posted a few tly great gam where his pass-sh gras or prsure numbers were ele, but he’s fely pable. The Colts have typilly been a team that rotat their EDGEs, but Paye played a lot more than I expected last year (638 snaps) and I thk there’s room for them to lean on him even more as he improv as a n fenr—somethg he was excellent at llege.</p><p>Maybe ’s not 2022 exactly that we get the breakout, pecially if he’s on a siar path to Rashan Gary. But the opportuny will be there Year 2 more so than was for Gary and ’s fely possible that he hs sooner rather than later.</p><p>I’m all for bettg on the boom wh Paye this offseason.</p><p><strong>Sell: Kenny Moore II, CB</strong></p><p><strong>Jon’s thoughts</strong><span>: I love Kenny as much as the next guy, but at the same time, if someone lov him so much that they’re willg to send you a cent player or pick(s) for a CB, then he’s gone. And there’s really no reason that you shouldn’t be shoppg him as an add-on tras if you e him jt to entice fantasy managers to get bigger als done wh them. Moore has been a tly ele tackler for his posn but if you n move him and downgra at CB—a very ep posn—jt to upgra at a more valuable or shallower posn, then ’s a no-braer to me.</span></p><p>Moore had 102 total tackl last season, which is sane nsirg that even his 80 tackl om a season ago seemed high. If you’re lookg to sell a player as close to their ceilg as possible, then that is Kenny for me right now.</p><h3 class="hear-wh-anchor-widget"><strong>Jacksonville Jaguars</strong><div id="§jacksonville-jaguars" class="hear-anchor-widget offset-top"><div class="hear-anchor-widget-button-ntaer"><div href=" class="hear-anchor-widget-button"><svg xmlns=" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="hear-anchor-widget-in"><path d="M10 13a5 5 0 0 0 7.54.54l3-3a5 5 0 0 0-7.07-7.07l-1.72 1.71"></path><path d="M14 11a5 5 0 0 0-7.54-.54l-3 3a5 5 0 0 0 7.07 7.07l1.71-1.71"></path></svg></div></div></div></h3><p><strong>Buy: Rayshawn Jenks, Safety</strong></p><p><strong>Jon’s thoughts</strong><span>: So, I’m not love wh this one, but ’s the Jags and there is really nobody else that I actually want to go out and pay for, so I’m gog wh Jenks for the reasons. First, he’s sentially a lock to be on the roster 2022 bee of how much would st the team to cut him (he’s unr ntract until 2025). While safeti are playg more and more of a hybrid role than anythg else, Jenks is the one on the team more likely to see more of his snaps down closer to the le of scrimmage jt bee this is the nature of what teams have asked of him the past.</span></p><p>We don’t know exactly what the new Jags achg staff will ask of him, but wh Andre Cis beg more of your typil ep safety, we’re bettg on which one will play more of those veted box snaps for IDP purpos.</p><p>My money is on Jenks, who played the 8th most box snaps among safeti last year. This led to him averagg around 5 tackl per game, which is still above average for his posn: 4.5 tackl per game (mimum 20% of snaps).</p><p><strong>Sell: K’Lavon Chaisson, EDGE</strong></p><p><strong>Jon’s thoughts</strong><span>: Ratnale: He’s not good. I had at least some optimism headg to last season that Chaisson uld be somethg startg last year, but I n fortably say that that optimism has been flhed down the toilet bee he was absolutely terrible aga 2021. I n’t even say that he really flashed last season.</span></p><p>In the very few posively grad plays he had, there were 6 plays where he earned a +1 gra. Jt 2 of the 6 were agast offensive tackl, and both s, were the n game where he missed the tackle the backfield so ends up gettg a -1 to go right along wh his +1 tg out to a big fat 0. The other 4 ws he had were all agast eher a FB or a TE. That is lerally , he has shown so ltle as a 1st rounr that if you n get anythg for him based on his draft pal then you have to do . He uldn’t even beat out Dawuane Smoot for a startg job last year.</p><p>THESE ARE MASSIVE RED FLAGS.</p><h3 class="hear-wh-anchor-widget"><strong>Tennsee Tans</strong><div id="§tennsee-tans" class="hear-anchor-widget offset-top"><div class="hear-anchor-widget-button-ntaer"><div href=" class="hear-anchor-widget-button"><svg xmlns=" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="hear-anchor-widget-in"><path d="M10 13a5 5 0 0 0 7.54.54l3-3a5 5 0 0 0-7.07-7.07l-1.72 1.71"></path><path d="M14 11a5 5 0 0 0-7.54-.54l-3 3a5 5 0 0 0 7.07 7.07l1.71-1.71"></path></svg></div></div></div></h3><p><strong>Buy: David Long, LB</strong></p><p><strong>Jon’s thoughts</strong><span>: The Tans LB suatn was a hot ms last year, but if not for jury, I thk would have been ls so. Long started 8 straight gam before he got hurt and was showg signs that he n be a viable startg lebacker the NFL.</span></p><p>He posted gras above 60 overall, n fense, pass-sh, and verage. And while he still has some work to do cleang up the missed tackl, he looked pretty good overall nsirg he was a 6th round pick 2019. That low draft pal was probably dictated by him beg credibly unrsized for the posn, which uld also be part of the problem wh his missed tackl too. </p><p>Eher way, wh Rashaan Evans and Jayon Brown expected to land elsewhere, Zach Cunngham a prime cut ndidate, and Monty Rice beg the only other LB on the roster after that, Long should see a signifint role 2022 (and potentially beyond).</p><p><strong>Sell: Jayon Brown, LB</strong></p><p><strong>Jon’s thoughts</strong><span>: The Tans were obvly not fortable startg Brown when given the optn. They kept his snaps pretty limed gam where they didn’t have everyone else siled wh jury. He didn’t gra out all that well eher, jt a 51.2 overall and a 42.1 n fense gra. He tted the ee agency waters last year, which didn’t seem to yield the rults he was lookg for, as he went back to Tennsee on a 1-year al and even they didn’t really fd that much e for him. So, you have to assume he’ll h the market aga as another relatively unsirable lebacker.</span></p><p>Brown still has his fair b of clout the IDP world bee of his past productn so shouldn't be impossible to tra away jt yet, pecially if he signs somewhere that creat any kd of optimism around him.</p><blockquote><p><strong><a href=" rel>Click here to listen to the full podst episo.</a></strong></p></blockquote><div><hr /></div><h1 class="hear-wh-anchor-widget"><strong>AFC Wt</strong><div id="§afc-wt" class="hear-anchor-widget offset-top"><div class="hear-anchor-widget-button-ntaer"><div href=" class="hear-anchor-widget-button"><svg xmlns=" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="hear-anchor-widget-in"><path d="M10 13a5 5 0 0 0 7.54.54l3-3a5 5 0 0 0-7.07-7.07l-1.72 1.71"></path><path d="M14 11a5 5 0 0 0-7.54-.54l-3 3a5 5 0 0 0 7.07 7.07l1.71-1.71"></path></svg></div></div></div></h1><h3 class="hear-wh-anchor-widget"><strong>Denver Brons</strong><div id="§nver-brons" class="hear-anchor-widget offset-top"><div class="hear-anchor-widget-button-ntaer"><div href=" class="hear-anchor-widget-button"><svg xmlns=" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="hear-anchor-widget-in"><path d="M10 13a5 5 0 0 0 7.54.54l3-3a5 5 0 0 0-7.07-7.07l-1.72 1.71"></path><path d="M14 11a5 5 0 0 0-7.54-.54l-3 3a5 5 0 0 0 7.07 7.07l1.71-1.71"></path></svg></div></div></div></h3><p><strong>Buy: Baron Browng, LB</strong></p><p><strong>Jase’s thoughts</strong><span>: I have rervatns about Browng, as he was medcre n fense and verage. But he did at least improve verage towards the end of the season. What he do have is the opportuny: Alexanr Johnson, Kenny Young, and Mih Kiser are ee agents. The team re-signed Josey Jewell. </span></p><p>The only off-ball lebackers currently unr ntract are Jewell, Jt Strnad (who was terrible), and Jonas Griffh. Someone has to play, and 's most likely to be Browng. The biggt threat is whoever the Brons brg (and I thk will brg someone ). Hopefully, for Browng's fantasy managers, 's a pth piece.</p><p>Monor the suatn, given that Denver started to feature more sgle lebacker looks last season. For this reason, I'm suggtg we wa until after the draft to ci whether to buy Browng. </p><p><strong>Sell: Bradley Chubb, EDGE or Kareem Jackson, Safety</strong></p><p><strong>Jase’s thoughts</strong><span>: Chubb was highly effective every way last year. If you n fd a manager who still believ Chubb, I'd nsir sellg him.</span></p><p>But his value is at an all-time low after last season, so you might be better holdg onto him and hopg he looks better 2022. Kareem Jackson is the more obv choice. He also regrsed almost every area last year. He's now a 33-year-old ee agent, and he's about to turn 34 a uple of weeks.</p><h3 class="hear-wh-anchor-widget"><strong>Los Angel Chargers</strong><div id="§los-angel-chargers" class="hear-anchor-widget offset-top"><div class="hear-anchor-widget-button-ntaer"><div href=" class="hear-anchor-widget-button"><svg xmlns=" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="hear-anchor-widget-in"><path d="M10 13a5 5 0 0 0 7.54.54l3-3a5 5 0 0 0-7.07-7.07l-1.72 1.71"></path><path d="M14 11a5 5 0 0 0-7.54-.54l-3 3a5 5 0 0 0 7.07 7.07l1.71-1.71"></path></svg></div></div></div></h3><p><strong>Buy: Kyzir Whe, LB</strong></p><p><strong>Jase’s thoughts</strong><span>: Some believed Whe was gifted the job bee Murray got jured. Not te. Whe mataed a steady 65-70% of snap share through the first three weeks of the season. De Tranquill's role creased over that perd at the expense of Murray, whose snap share dropped om 100% Week 1 to 79% Week 2 and 51% Week 3. Now, Whe wasn't perfect. Two of his worst gam me week two agast the Cowboys and week three agast the Chiefs.</span></p><p>But he was much better once he was given the role full-time. The Chargers have ma splash ee agency, so ’s possible Whe walks. There's uncertaty buyg a player movg teams, but he should be a starter whether he stays or go.</p><p><strong>Sell: Jerry Tillery, DT or Kenh Murray, LB</strong></p><p><strong>Jase’s thoughts</strong><span>: Tillery has been crap each of the last three years. He’s terrible n fense and not much better as a pass sher. He ranked 8th at his posn total snaps 2021 and didn't do anythg wh the opportuny. The signgs this offseason of Sebastian Joseph-Day and At Johnson have sealed Tillery’s fate. He's one of the biggt disappotments for me personally, as I loved his outlook enterg the league. If you n get any value on name regnn, do so.</span></p><p><span>Wh Murray,</span><strong> </strong><span>everyone talked about how Brandon Staley would unlock the young LB’s potential. Nonsense. People got exced about the talk that he would be ed more as a blzer, which should have been a red flag for his fantasy value given that we want off-ball lebackers to play more a tradnal role to maximize their fantasy productn. For Murray to crease value, he'd need:</span></p><ol><li><p>Whe to leave</p></li><li><p>To beat out Tranquill and anyone else the Chargers brg </p></li><li><p>To show a nsirable improvement multiple areas of his game</p></li></ol><p>He has always stggled verage but regrsed every other partment last season. I've watched every snap he's taken as a Charger, and I really don't fancy all three of those thgs to happen. The fact that he regrsed verage, n fense, and missed 20% of his tackl don't provi much hope. </p><h3 class="hear-wh-anchor-widget"><strong>Kansas Cy Chiefs</strong><div id="§kansas-cy-chiefs" class="hear-anchor-widget offset-top"><div class="hear-anchor-widget-button-ntaer"><div href=" class="hear-anchor-widget-button"><svg xmlns=" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="hear-anchor-widget-in"><path d="M10 13a5 5 0 0 0 7.54.54l3-3a5 5 0 0 0-7.07-7.07l-1.72 1.71"></path><path d="M14 11a5 5 0 0 0-7.54-.54l-3 3a5 5 0 0 0 7.07 7.07l1.71-1.71"></path></svg></div></div></div></h3><p><strong>Buy: Chris Jon, DT</strong></p><p><strong>Jase’s thoughts</strong><span>: Jon was ele when he moved back to the fensive terr, boastg the hight prsure rate of any terr fensive leman. From Week 9 onwards, across ALL posns, only four players the entire league generated more prsure than Jon. In fact, he had five more prsur over that same perd than Defensive MVP T.J. Watt. It's even more imprsive when you nsir that the Chiefs had their bye Week 10, and Jon missed the game agast the Chargers Week 15 due to beg the COVID protol.</span></p><p>There are younger players at the posn like Jefey Simmons and Qunen Williams who’ve arguably bee flashier nam on the fensive terr. However, Jon is still only 27. For the fensive terr, you n hardly nsir that old.</p><p>If you n fd a manager who got ught up the failed experiment earlier the season when the Chiefs tried playg Jon as a fensive end, pull the trigger, pecially DT-required leagu.</p><p><strong>Sell: Nick Bolton, LB</strong></p><p><strong>Jase’s thoughts</strong><span>: People won't like this, pecially Chiefs fans. I'm a fan of what he did. He was a revelatn, and I unrstand why people like him. He led all rooki tackl spe playg approximately 60% of available snaps.</span></p><p>However, his 18.6% tackle efficiency is unstaable. History shows that players are extremely unlikely to reta such efficiency levels om year to year. Tom Kislgbury produced excellent rearch that showed the league average is between 11-14%, and that players rarely exceed those valu nsistently om year to year.</p><p>Assumptns are beg ma that he plays more 2022. That's jt not how Andy Reid and Spags like to do thgs. Injuri asi, the Chiefs played a four-man rotatn all year prisg Willie Gay, Anthony Hchens, Ben Niemann, and Bolton.</p><p>Opportuny (rather than tackle efficiency) is arguably the most important factor fantasy. We like to look for off-ball lebackers who play above or near 1,000 snaps. In 2021, 15 guys met or exceed that number. No Chiefs lebacker has played 1,000 snaps sce 2015. Bolton had 632 a season when Willie Gay missed five gam.</p><p>From Week 13 onwards, cludg the playoffs, there were seven gam when all four lebackers were healthy. Bolton’s snap share those gam percentag: 29%, 44%, 39%, 44%, 58%, 58%, and 48%. Bolton's fantasy value is red hot. It may never be higher than is right now. If that's a gamble you're willg to take, go for .</p><h3 class="hear-wh-anchor-widget"><strong>Las Vegas Rairs</strong><div id="§las-vegas-rairs" class="hear-anchor-widget offset-top"><div class="hear-anchor-widget-button-ntaer"><div href=" class="hear-anchor-widget-button"><svg xmlns=" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="hear-anchor-widget-in"><path d="M10 13a5 5 0 0 0 7.54.54l3-3a5 5 0 0 0-7.07-7.07l-1.72 1.71"></path><path d="M14 11a5 5 0 0 0-7.54-.54l-3 3a5 5 0 0 0 7.07 7.07l1.71-1.71"></path></svg></div></div></div></h3><p><strong>Buy: Maxx Crosby, EDGE</strong></p><p><strong>Jase’s thoughts</strong><span>: Last month, I wrote </span><a href=" rel>a piece on Crosby</a><span> as part of an “IDP Surpris” article for DLF. I know not everyone feels siarly about him, but I'm a big fan.</span><br /><span>Crosby led the league prsure wh 101, which was 15 more than Aaron Donald and 20 ahead of the next neart edge sher, Rashan Gary. That's the largt marg between the #1 and #2 edge sher over 15 years. That stat has some signifince when valug Crosby relative to other edge shers.</span></p><p>Crosby did go long spells whout earng sacks. He had some massive gam, cludg a 5-sack performance, but his abily to generate sacks nsistently hurt fantasy managers. I get that that left a sour taste the mouths of many. I'm suggtg managers e this to their advantage and buy him. His fishg rate of 9.9% was abysmal. In the last ten years, none of the league lears prsur nverted a lower percentage of their prsur to sacks.</p><p><span>Crosby himself had a 14.5% fishg rate 2020 and a 24.4% rate 2019. It's a strong possibily this will improve 2022, and wh that, so will his sack numbers and his value. Crosby's is an spiratnal story. I was pleased to see him reward wh a big, fat ntract this offseason on the 2-year anniversary of his sobriety.</span><br /><br /><strong>Sell: Cory Ltleton, LB or Denzel Perryman, LB</strong></p><p><strong>Jase’s thoughts</strong><span>: Ltleton lost his job toward the end of the season bee he's bbish! He's had one, maybe, 1.5 good seasons out of 5, and he hasn't played well sce 2019. He was headg for a productive year 2021, but anyone that role would be productive. Guys like Tae Crowr, Alex Sgleton, and CJ Mosley are other exampl of how off-ball lebackers don't need to play well to be productive fantasy. The problem for those players when their NFL teams have had enough, as the Rairs did wh Ltleton. They cut him this offseason and he signed wh the Panthers, but even wh that squad, my expectatns are very low.</span></p><p>Wh Perryman, fantasy managers might hate this one! He was credibly productive 2021, and he will probably play a lot 2022. I don't thk he n mata the same level of tackle efficiency. He had a 17.8% tackle efficiency rate, and aga, rearch and history show that any player is unlikely to mata that gog forward.</p><p>This time next year, he'll be 31. He'll have the same limed skillset, and he'll probably be a ee agent. Fantasy managers might want to get out while they n unls you're a ntenr 2022 and would fd yourself serly short-hand whout him.</p><blockquote><p><strong><a href=" rel>Click here to listen to the full podst episo.</a></strong></p></blockquote><div><hr /></div><p><em><span>Subscribe to </span><a href=" rel>The IDP Show</a><span> so you don’t miss an episo!</span></em></p><p><em>Get 20% OFF @mansped + Free Shippg wh promo IDPSHOW at ! #ad #manspedpod</em></p><p><em><span>Get 10% OFF the </span><a href=" rel>Realy Sports Onle</a><span> se fee for 2022 g promo IDPSHOW #ad</span></em></p><p><em><span>Preorr The IDP Draft K today for 50% off the regular price: </span><a href=" rel></a></em></p></div></div><div class="visibily-check"></div><div class="post-footer"><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flexGrow--mx4xz ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-jtify-space-between--NvIcg ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-align-center--rSd6h ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-gap-16--TpblU ontend-pencraft-Box-module__paddg-y-16--ohCEm ontend-pencraft-Box-module__borr-top-tail-themed--e17yZ ontend-pencraft-Box-module__borr-bottom-tail-themed--eVwFY post-ufi"><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-gap-8--HFpIK"><div class="like-button-ntaer post-ufi-button style-button"><a role="button" class="post-ufi-button style-button no-label wh-borr"><svg role="img" style="height: 20px; width: 20px;" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="#000000" stroke-width="2" stroke="#000" xmlns=" class="in"><g><tle>

willie gay idp

Willie Gay Jr. Latt Fantasy Football News 2023 | Shark B | Draft Sharks



Through jt 12 gam of his sophomore mpaign, Werner totaled 78 tackl – well on his way to over 100 – pl three pass fend and two forced fumbl all while primarily playg only on first and send down.

Willie Gay (LB – KC).


It hasn’t been the smootht road for Willie Gay the NFL but he’s gotten better each of the three seasons and is primed to take to the top level. Drafted the send round of the 2020 NFL Draft, Gay was expected to make an immediate impact g out of Mississippi State but his rookie season rults were mixed, at bt, startg jt half the season’s gam and totalg jt 39 tackl while playg jt 25% of the Chiefs fensive snaps. His sophomore season was better, seeg the field for 57% of snaps and uppg his tackle unt to 48.

But 2022 was a semi-breakout for Gay. The 2023 season is a ntract year for Gay so he’ll be extremely motivated to outperform even those numbers. And while the Chiefs drafted pth for the lebacker room and signed veteran De Tranquill, don’t expect Gay to be g off the field a whole lot – he’s a playmaker who the Chiefs will need if they’re gog to repeat.

Willie Gay. Willie Gay will see his playg time around 75%, wh rookie Leo Chenal lookg to rotate as well. The Chiefs selected Willie Gay wh the 31st pick the Send Round (64th overall) the 2020 NFL draft.


Willie Gay Jr. Fantasy Football News | Shark B .