For younger than Middle Gra, see Children's Books. For adult memoirs and personal says, click here. * = Not yet released YRE = Young Rears Edn Middle Gra History *Genr Rebels by Kathere Locke (text) and Shanee Benjam (art) The Stonewall Rts: Comg Out the Streets by Gayle E. Pman Rabow Revolutnari by Sarah Prager…
Books shelved as gay-nonfictn: Boys Like Us: Gay Wrers Tell Their Comg Out Stori by Patrick Merla, Why Are Faggots So Aaid of Faggots?: Flamg... * gay non fiction books *
The Deviant’s War: The Homosexual vs.
Before the 1969 Stonewall Uprisg led to the birth of the morn gay rights movement, a young astronomer and ernment employee named Frank Kameny found the Washgton, D.
Books shelved as gay-non-fictn: And the Band Played On: Polics, People, and the AIDS Epimic by Randy Shilts, Gay Bar: Why We Went Out by Jeremy Ath... * gay non fiction books *
, chapter of the Mattache Society, an advocy group that would lead the charge agast persecutn of gay feral employe — many of whom, like Kameny, were fired on the basis of their sexual orientatn the pre-Stonewall era. Don’t miss this unflchg look at the Last Call Killer, so named bee he targeted gay men New York bars the 1980s and 1990s.
(shelved 2 tim as gay-non-fictn).
(shelved 1 time as gay-non-fictn).
June is Pri Month, which means there are plenty of pri paras to attend, ralli to go to, and books to check off of your Pri Month readg list. From personal stori of activism to plete histori of the gay civil rights movement, the… * gay non fiction books *
Trans, nonbary, pansexual, bisexual, lbian, gay, queer, agenr, asexual, people live all rners of our world.
I recently read a review of an Ain queer novel that claimed that the kd of vlent homophobia the protagonist feared and wnsed was no longer a realy.