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Gay sex was crimalised 2018 but the topic of same-sex marriage remas highly sensive, wh tensns nng high before a Supreme Court hearg on Monday. Leaked documents suggt the ernment oppos legal regnn.



Rishi Sunak has apologised on behalf of the Government for the 'horrific' historic treatment of LGBTQ+ people servg the ary. Servg personnel spected of beg gay, lbian, bisexual or... * indian lgbt news *

Kelly Holm was an Army sergeant (Picture: PA)‘As today’s report mak clear, that perd many endured the most horrific sexual abe and vlence, homophobic bullyg and harassment, all while bravely servg this untry, ’ said Sunak.


From attacks on drag shows and a nightclub to viral moments of queer joy, this year was tly a mixed bag of lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr and queer news. * indian lgbt news *

"Today, on behalf of the Brish state, I apologise, and I hope all those affected will be able to feel part of the proud veteran muny that has done so much to keep our untry safe, ” he pennt review, chaired by Lord Terence Etherton and -missned by the UK's Mistry of Defence (MoD) and the Office for Veterans Affairs, examed the experienc of personnel between 1967-2000 who were impacted by the ban on homosexualy the armed ernment has prevly accepted that the treatment of LGBT armed forc personnel and veterans prr to the year 2000 was pletely unacceptable and highly regrettable. Dpe divisn among her teammat, she ntued to pete and went on to bee the first transgenr woman to w an NCAA champnship when she won the 500-yard etyle March for full storyDog abandoned for beg 'gay' is adopted by same-sex upleJohn Wn, Fez and Steve NicholsIn March, a story about a dog named Fez who was abandoned at a shelter North Carola for beg “gay” went viral. She is the latt LGBTQ sensatn on the show, followg Amy Schneir, who beme the show’s top female earner last for full story'It’s already havg an impact': LGBTQ people fear abortn rights reversalA supporter of gay marriage wav a flag ont of the Supreme Court on June 25, Wilson / Getty Imag fileIn May, LGBTQ people anticipated that the reversal of Roe v.

His bank acunts were draed days later, his brother told NBC News May, and the fay was left wh more qutns than answers weeks after his for full storyAnti-LGBTQ threats, fueled by the ter's far right 'mache, ' shut down trans rights and drag eventsPolice Cor d'Alene, Idaho, ta people pulled om a U-Hl tck near the cy's Pri celebratn June Brown via APThroughout June, which is LGBTQ Pri month, activists and alli were forced to ncel events or enact addnal secury measur after drag performanc and readgs at lol librari were targeted by whe natnalist for full storyLns, headach, bilatg pa: Gay men wh mpox share their storiGerald Febl shows mpox lns on his hands July 3, New York.


The Supreme Court recent years has stck down a ban on nsensual gay sex. A lg favor of legalizg gay unns would make India an outlier Asia. * indian lgbt news *

12 and was spired by the 1992 cult classic by director Penny Marshall, brought much-need reprentatn to the screen for lbians and other queer women, who celebrated how “gay, gay, gay” for full storyOne of the most powerful men NYC's gay nightlife scene fac over a of sexual misnduct allegatns NBC News / Getty Imag / via InstagramMichael J. On Monday, the Supreme Court of India said a five-judge bench will start hearg fal arguments over grantg legal regnn to same-sex marriag on April 18, proceedgs of which will be livtreamed on s webse and the urt l favour of legalizg same-sex marriage, will be a landmark moment for LGBTQ people India and the entire majory of the 32 untri and terrori that have already enacted marriage equaly laws are the Ameris and Europe — and, when to relign, are predomantly Christian — so a posive oute India uld fluence laws elsewhere the the seChakraborty and Dang were one of two upl who ially petned the Supreme Court to change the law — the other is Parth Phiroze Mehrotra and Uday Raj Anand, a gay uple New Delhi — but the number of petners has sce grown, and the Supreme Court has also transferred several s om other high urts, cludg those Delhi and petn argu that India's Special Marriage Act, 1954 should allow same-sex upl to have the same legal right to marriage as oppose sex upl and that nyg them that right vlat several articl of India's Special Marriage Act solemniz marriage outsi of the relign or fah of eher spoe, as opposed to unns registered unr laws related to relig unns, such as the Hdu Marriage Act, It HappensTennsee law rtrictg drag is the 1st of many such proposed bills the U. Sgapore to repeal lonial-era law banng sex between menPri celebratns happeng war-torn Kharkiv as LGBTQ muny fights for rights"The urts are not bound by popular opn, " said Shep Sgh, the founr and director of the Indian onle LGBTQ magaze Gaylaxy.

"WATCH | LGBTQ muny India marks 2018 crimalizatn of homosexualy: Gay sex ban overturned IndiaCBC News spoke to members of the Indo-Canadian muny to fd out what the historic lg means to of rights brgs bra draPolil and societal chang haven't happened quickly enough for many LGBTQ Indians, who have opted to rettle more progrsive untri. In recent years, the urt has held up dividual eedoms, cludg strikg down a ban on nsensual gay sex, grantg rights to India’s margalized transgenr muny and clarg privacy as a nstutnal right of all is unclear how long the urt will take to reach a cisn, but a lg favor of the petners would make India an outlier for gay rights Asia, where most untri still outlaw same-sex ’s nservative Hdu-natnalist ernment is opposed to legalizg the unns, and a urt filg on Monday, lled same-sex marriage an “urban elist ncept far removed om the social ethos of the untry.

Modi’s lg Bharatiya Janata Party, and s iologil parent, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak many members of India’s lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr muny say they ntue to lead margalized Patel, a 43-year-old human rourc executive Mumbai, who suffered sexual abe as a child and is one of the petners, ma a blunt plea for marriage equaly. 28 Mar, 2023, 02:13 AM ISTSame-sex marriage se: Supreme Court refers matter to 5-judge bench, hearg om April 18In a historic verdict 2018, the Supreme Court had crimalised homosexualy by scrappg a lonial-era ban on gay sex. 05 Nov, 2022, 12:15 AM ISTUK foreign secy Jam Cleverly's ‘flex and promise' advice for LGBT football fans fac ireThe UK foreign secretary Jam Cleverly has faced public outrage after mentg that LGBT football fans mt show rpect to Qatar, which crimalis homosexualy when attendg the World Cup.

India Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgenr and Intersex News, India Queer News, India LGBT News, India  LGBTQ News, India LGBTI News... * indian lgbt news *

"I'm very optimistic and have great fah the judiciary, " Ms Guswamy, whose team is reprentg six same-sex unn s urt, told the of her optimism e om readg the December 2018 judgement that crimalised gay sex - "the thg that stck me most was that the urt emphasised the right to choice of partner and that mak me very optimistic", she said.

"Homosexualy is not a disease, " the IPS said, addg that discrimatn agast LGBTQ+ people uld "lead to mental health issu them" IPS statement rri some heft - a siar statement supportg crimalisg gay sex 2018 had been referred to by the Supreme Court s judgement.

When Parliament bated love, sex, ct the way mt / May 04, 2023, 19:43 (IST) Parliament rerds om some 70 years ago show that the bat precedg the enactment of the Special Marriage Act 1954 – which is currently domatg headl – parliamentarians discsed much more than jt homosexualy How different is India’s view om world on same-sex marriage?

* indian lgbt news *

Not jt India, world over, pavg of the way for legalisg gay marriage has been ght wh hurdl Thank you, Bhagwatji, for highlightg India's LGBT history Jan 12, 2023, 20:02 (IST) His disvery of gay generals Mahabharat remds all stakeholrs that the Hdu dive mak space for all Onir slams Bollywood for s ‘double standards’, claims the dtry is still ‘homophobic’ / Jun 17, 2023, 11:51 (IST) Filmmaker Onir feels that most of the heterosexual filmmakers out there try to show queer muny through their lens are basilly homophobic. 'It’s very difficult to fd te love as a trans-woman' TNN / Jun 22, 2021, 15:03 (IST) Why kids mt know the difference between sex and sexualy Feb 15, 2022, 16:10 (IST) Can India ever overe s llective homophobia when a parliamentary panel objects to the Gaya airport beg assigned ‘GAY’ as s ? / Jun 07, 2022, 14:17 (IST) Ironilly, Google’s India-born vice-print Prabhakar Raghavan and s CEO Sundar Pichai lnched an iative on sk ton durg Dal History Month, but the pany ncelled an ternal talk by a Dal woman Why gay and lbian employe are forced to act 'straight' office TNN / May 07, 2022, 11:18 (IST) Forty people om the gay and lbian muny, specifilly om India’s rporate world, tell their stori of how difficult is to e out of the closet My sartorial choice has turned me to a celeb Florence: Phpak Sen TNN / Nov 01, 2021, 09:22 (IST) A queer person om Kolkata, the fashn stunt slayg the streets of Europe saris and bdis cri the Italian senate's rejectn of the divisive bill aimed at fightg homophobia Sgapore police vtigate Indian-orig man for threateng LGBTQ muny PTI / Jul 03, 2021, 13:58 (IST) Sgapore police are vtigatg a 23-year-old Indian-orig man who allegedly threatened vlence agast the LGBTQ muny here a now-viral Instagram live broadst.

India's top urt crimalised homosexualy a historic verdict 2018 by scrappg a lonial-era ban on gay sex, followg years of activism and latt se is seen as an important tone the velopment of LGBT rights India, home to 1. The issue is still highly sensive: speakg openly about homosexualy is still taboo for many the socially nservative least 15 pleas, some by gay upl, askg the urt to regnise same-sex marriag have been filed recent months, settg the stage for this legal face-off wh Prime Mister Narendra Modi's ernment. Sgapore last year end a ban on gay sex but took steps to bar same-sex is the only untry among the Group of Seven (G7) natns that do not legally regnise same-sex unns, although the public broadly favours India, the issue has fuelled tensns the media and parliament, where a member of Modi's lg Hdu natnalist party December asked the ernment to strongly oppose the petns filed the top activists argue that while the 2018 lg affirmed their nstutnal rights, is unjt that they still miss out on legal backg for their marriag - a basic right enjoyed by heterosexual married upl.

Although gay marriage is legal the US, Indian-Amerin upl stggle to fd prits to marry them. * indian lgbt news *

Image source, Sameer SamudraImage ptn, Sameer (L) and Am stggled to fd a Hdu prit willg to marry themExclud by tradnal marriage ceremoni, Indian-Amerin gay upl the US are fdg new and unique ways to solemnise their unns, reports Sava Patel. Templ refg to host same-sex weddgs, prits hangg up on their phone lls or unwillg to tweak the ceremony to su them and, some s, not even showg up on the day of the weddg - the experienc have driven Indian-Amerin gay upl to fall back on iends and well-wishers to create unique ceremoni rooted their culture. A 2015 report om the Natnal Congrs of Amerin Indians found 54 percent of gay and lbian AIAN stunts reported beg subject to physil vlence bee of their sexual orientatn, and more than 1 3 said they missed class at least once the last month for fear of beg bullied or harassed.

Lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr Amerin Indian and Alaskan Native (AIAN) adults have higher levels of mental health issu, physil abe and enomic * indian lgbt news *

Gay sex was fally legalized 2018 a unanimo lg by the Supreme Court; another law was passed 2019 to protect transgenr rights, though drew cricism for a provisn requirg that transgenr people get a certifite to nfirm their stat. The 1975 ax more shows after Malaysia LGBT rowAttributnAsiaPosted1 day agoFtival axed as 1975 sger attacks Malaysian LGBT lawsAttributnAsiaPosted2 days agoLbian uple drop NHS fertily legal challengeAttributnBerkshirePosted2 days agoFirst Pri events to 'raise the rabow roof'AttributnSomersetPosted2 days agoPub mural salut first openly gay pro footballerAttributnNorfolkPosted3 days agoPM's apology for past gay ban weled by veteranAttributnShropshirePosted4 days ago'LGBT veteran apology returns my digny'AttributnHereford & WorcterPosted4 days agoTrans guidance for schools to be layedAttributnUKPosted4 days agoPM says sorry to LGBT veterans for past gay banAttributnUKPosted5 days agoLGBT veterans: On behalf of the Brish state I apologise. Vio, 00:00:47AttributnUK PolicsPosted5 days agoTheme park's Pri boytt over drag actAttributnEssexPosted5 days agoTransgenr nner lls for separate tegoryAttributnNorthamptonPosted5 days agoWill Kenya be the latt untry to pass anti-gay law?

The pennt review, chaired by Lord Terence Etherton and -missned by the UK’s Mistry of Defence (MoD) and the Office for Veterans Affairs, examed the experienc of personnel between 1967-2000 who were impacted by the ban on homosexualy the armed forc. (Sujay Reddy/Barcroft Media/Getty Imag)MUMBAI, India – Two s ago a film lled "Fire, " about two neglected wiv who fall love wh each other, set movie theaters India cema's first ank pictn of homosexual love was met wh vlent protts by right-wg groups who claimed the film was "agast Indian culture.


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