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Acrdg to vtigators, a man was beaten at an addrs that match that of L Homm, which is scribed as a gay male entertament store as well as a bathhoe.

''Anyone ught engagg sex wh another person will be asked to leave, '' warns a new sign over the sex-film booths a Wt Si pornography bookstore terg to homosexual men.

''It is illegal to have anal and oral terurse public, by orr of the Health Department, '' a Wt Si homosexual bar remds patrons - who pass the sign as they slip downstairs for sexual enunters one of the few remag ''back rooms'' still growg climate of fear surroundg AIDS, bed wh a new cy-state drive agast tablishments that perm ''high-risk sexual activi, '' has brought noticeable chang to New York Cy's homosexual bar and club scene, viss to some of the leadg plac and terviews wh patrons chang predated the shutdown on Thursday of what some cy officials lled the most notor of the clubs, the Me Shaft at 835 Washgton Street, near Ltle Wt 12th Street. Followg the closg of the Me Shaft -which some activists scribed as the ''granddaddy'' of the cy's homosexual clubs and which spectors said permted dangero sexual practic - Mayor Koch said yterday that the cy was vtigatg whether the club might have been improperly registered as a aternal anizatn and whether had properly paid tax. '' A sign threatened expulsn of anyone engagg sex on the premis, and an ''Off Lims'' sign was posted on a door that patrons remembered as leadg to a back room for sexual former patron, Jan Park, a wrer for the homosexual natnal weekly The Native, said sexual activy at such plac had fallen to wi disfavor sce the AIDS Rooms ClosedAIDS, or acquired immune ficiency syndrome, is believed transmted by a vis durg exchang of bodily fluids, particularly by homosexual men and traveno dg ers.


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Consequently, many popular homosexual bars the Wt Village, such as the Ramrod, Badlands, the Spike and others, solely offer a place for patrons to meet each other, but not for sex on the premis. ''The reference is to the Gay Men's Health Crisis, a group workg to bat the AIDS the lerature, each patron receiv a ndom. ''We need to te the gay muny, and the are the plac where they n be ted, '' said Tim Sweeney, executive director of Lambda, a legal fense fund for homosexuals.


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''We do not oppose unreasonable regulatns, '' said Jefey Levi, polil director of the Natnal Gay Task Force. ''A number of lears qutned the fairns of ernment's focg on homosexual practic while apparently ignorg heterosexual health threats. In fact, while homosexuals gather at their Wt Village bars late at night, women prostut n be seen eely solicg all over the darkened streets near the Hudson River and rtg their ctomers to alleyways or cheap hotels.

Michael Quadland, an assistant profsor of psychiatry at Mount Sai Hospal and an expert sexualy who works wh homosexuals to alter pulsive sexual behavr, said safer sex was more a qutn of tn than lotn. ''A versn of this article appears prt on, Sectn 1, Page 29 of the Natnal edn wh the headle: AT HOMOSEXUAL ESTABLISHMENTS, A NEW CLIMATE OF CAUTION. Wispread homophobia and open police persecutn n make life dangero or out of the gay is no longer a crime Tajikistan, but police are reticent to addrs hate crim, cludg the murr of a gay man Dhanbe 2011.


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It was there that I first realized that I liked men and I began to go to gay bars and parks where men met.

"There's a reason Tajikistan's lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr muny (LGBT) remas one of the most closed and secretive parts of Tajik society. Homophobia is wispread thanks to "tradnal attus and the strong fluence of Islam, " says Kiromidd Gulov, director of Equal Opportuni, a lol NGO tablished 2009 to help Tajikistan's LGBT muny wh legal, medil and moral support.


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"Many Tajiks believe that homosexualy is "a s and that such people should be killed or isolated, " Gulov explaed. ""Homosexualy is ntrary to nature, " said an official om the Mistry of Health, who spoke to on ndn of anonymy bee she is not thorized to speak to the prs. "Although [homosexualy] has been removed om the [ernment's] list of treatable illns, many doctors still see as a disease which n be treated wh medice.

Whereas the Soviet Unn homosexualy was punishable by up to five years prison, Tajikistan was -crimalized 1998. Though Tajikistan's crimal do not prohib homosexualy and homosexual relatnships, LGBT dividuals are still sgled out for persecutn by some officials.

The paper lists regular s of blackmail, arbrary arrt and physil vlence agast LGBT dividuals, mostly gay 23-year-old office worker Said told his bt iend that he was gay, he did not realize the mistake he was makg. In 2011, after beg subjected to ntuo blackmail, a 20-year-old gay flight attendant, Ravshan Uzakov hanged himself, the BBC's Rsian language service reported.


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And last year Dhanbe, a gay stunt was stabbed seven tim and later died of his juri. Police swiftly closed the se and labeled the attack a Parviz, there is only one solutn - the relative safety of Rsia, where hate crim agast homosexuals occur neverthels.


Private Gay Friendly Tour Guis. To fully appreciate Dhanbe you need to book a Holiday Hoeboy, your gay iendly tour gui. Remember a Holiday Hoeboy is your gay iendly tour gui who looks after your safety and welfare at all tim.

Whilst is tertg to explore a cy on your own, better still is to ntact our gay iendly gui for a personal sight to Tajikistan’s history and culture.


Addicted was found 2009 Barcelona, ditg self to the creatn, sign and manufacturg of gay men’s top qualy swimwear. In a short amount of time, the gay brand experienced rapid growth, aid by the succs of 's slightly olr gay brother: •ES•Collectn, which me to life back 2006.

For many years now, Addicted has not only been signg trendy gay swimwear, but has also been expandg s llectns. Several tim a year new unrwear, swimwear and sportswear signs are outed, terg to s gay fashn clientele.


Nowadays, Addicted is the top mol brand wh men’s fashn, and more specifilly, wh the gay sector, one that to md immediately when thkg about gay men’s fashn. MOST COMFORTABLE, ORIGINAL, STYLISH, ELEGANT, SEXY GAY CLOTHING AND FASHION. The brand Addicted, as said before, was and is a brand created for the gay market.

Bee the gays love more flamboyant clothg, more exprsive sexy wear and they are more to a certa life style and willg to show what they've got. Gay men are proud of who and what they are! Come and check out all technologi created by the Addicted team unr the Shapewear tegory at and you'll be amazed of the novatns that e wh this world-famo gay brand.


Addicted the hight qualy materials and accsori creatg the bt gay clothg brand available the market, of urse the Addicted brand is right out there together wh s olr brother •ES•Collectn. So whether you’re wearg an Addicted sexy boxer, hot brief, super fortable long john, sexy swimrwear, horny makg jockstrap or simply one of the attractive basic unrwear: all typ of the bt wear available the gay clothg market you will feel that your prec attribut are safely packed a supportg pouch. The men’s sual wear is for everybody: gay, straight or bi-sexual.

What is men’s sexy clothg for the gay signer fashn brand whout accsori? Or image wearg the Addicted socks for the gay man wh your preferred sexual posn subtly embroired on the si; gay socks wh a msage statg “vers”, “top” or “bttm”. Or jt wear the sexy socks for the nfint gay man to your next cise party: succs guaranteed!


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