'” Coors Light: “The f*** you are, ” wh pictur of both Bud Light’s special Pri edn and Coors Light’s history of backg the LGBTQ+ media advocy anizatn GLAAD has scribed Coors as “among the most progrsive for s employee polici toward gays” and noted that the pany has been advertisg gay papers sce the also claims to be the first brewer to adopt a non-discrimatn policy on sexual orientatn back Irony of Boyttg Bud LightSome people are tellg others to stop drkg Bud Light and start drkg Coors Light bee they thk Bud Light supports transgenr rights. GLAAD, an LGBTQ+ media advocy anizatn, has scribed Coors as "among the most progrsive for s employee polici toward gays. It is known for supportg anizatns such as Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the Matthew Shepard Foundatn, the Natnal Amatr Gay Athletics Associatn of Ameri, the Natnal Gay & Lbian Chamber of Commerce, the LGBT Victory Instute, Out & Equal, and One Colorado, not Denver Pri’s official webse.
Reportedly, is also regnized as one of the first pani to offer same-sex domtic partner benefs and bagged the honor of beg the Corporatn of the Year by the Natnal Gay & Lbian Chamber of Commerce 2015.
Rex Fuller, CEO of the Gay Lbian Bisexual and Transgenr Communy Center of Colorado, which aniz the para, told Axs Denver that no sponsors of the Denver Pri Para have exprsed ncern about potential backlash or cricism for their sponsorship of the event. “We are a time perd when n be que fashnable some rners to pretty openly exprs homophobic, transphobic (sentiments) and racism, and I thk that n make this unfortable at some pots.