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10.9201 14.5574 11.103L1.55738 19.8303C1.2507 20.0361 0.85551 20.0562 0.529562 19.8824C0.203615 19.7087 0 19.3694 0 19V1C0 0.625535 0.209216 0.282447 0.542124 0.110987Z" fill="whe"/></svg></i></button></div><vio-js data-acunt="2821697655001" data-player="B1J9ApOVZ" data-embed="flt" ntrols="" data-vio-id="6297669814001" data-playlist-id="" data-applitn-id="" class="_4h-ua"></vio-js></div><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX"><strong class="_1ATDh">"She jt started punchg me the head..." Harry told ITV News. New figur show gay hate crim London are risg.</strong></p><hr/><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">A clubber was left vered blood after an alleged homophobic attack near London's Heaven nightclub at the weekend.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Stunt Harry Batt, 21, said he was wag for a b home when a woman started hurlg homophobic abe before punchg him on the back of the head.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">She was wearg a rg which cut to his sk g him to bleed down his head and neck.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"Some girl out of nowhere me up to me and starts hurlg homophobic slurs directed towards me and gettg aggrsive," Harry told ITV News London.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"And then she jt started punchg me the head, multiple tim.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"There's a scuffle and iends try to pull her away and as soon as she do [punch] she ns off to the road and fle the scene," he add.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Harry explaed he felt angry and upset by what happened and said he was wag to give a statement to police and hand over vio of the attack.</p><figure class="A8Lwr m-O"><div class="cp_placeholr"></div><figptn class="Ya3u6 SilLI" data-ttid="ptned-picture-ptn">Harry beg treated for his juri after beg attacked<span class="mjYl8"> Cred: <!-- -->Harry Batt</span></figptn></figure><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"I lled 101 [police non emergency le] requtg an update and they ntacted me through Twter as well and said I'd been assigned an vtigatg officer who would be touch due urse," he said.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">The Met Police said CCTV was beg reviewed and officers were workg wh Brish Transport Police who spoke to Harry first.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"We have rehed our overall approach to tacklg hate crime orr to provi better support to victims, to enable a stronger rponse towards offenrs of hate crime and to improve accsibily of our service to Londoners across all muni," Met Police said.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"We have ntued to improve our proactive and reactive work orr to support the LGBT+ muny.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"Specifilly, the Met’s 125 volunteer LGBT+ advisers lk directly wh the muny to listen to ncerns, feed directly back to the service and enurage reportg of crime," the statement add.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">The attack on Harry Batt durg a sharp rise homophobic hate crim the pal.</p><asi class="GJrzs A8Lwr" data-ttid="embed-fact"><div class="g9YHp" data-ttid="embed-fact-emphasis">2,926</div><p class="AohZs" data-ttid="embed-fact-scriptn">homophobic hate crim 2019</p></asi><asi class="GJrzs A8Lwr" data-ttid="embed-fact"><div class="g9YHp" data-ttid="embed-fact-emphasis">3,555</div><p class="AohZs" data-ttid="embed-fact-scriptn">homophobic hate crim 2021</p></asi><asi class="GJrzs A8Lwr" data-ttid="embed-fact"><div class="g9YHp" data-ttid="embed-fact-emphasis">21%</div><p class="AohZs" data-ttid="embed-fact-scriptn">crease</p></asi><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"Jt bee we have rights law don't mean that everyone is tly acceptg of ," Harry said. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"There are isolated cints but they are beg all too mon. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"It won't stop me livg my life, won't stop me om gog out, enjoyg life and beg myself and make me be a b more reful g out of the plac," he add.</p><figure class="A8Lwr m-O"><div class="cp_placeholr"></div><figptn class="Ya3u6 SilLI" data-ttid="ptned-picture-ptn">Harry at home Lonodn <span class="mjYl8"> Cred: <!-- -->Harry Batt</span></figptn></figure><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Owner of Heaven nightclub Jeremy Joseph said he was shocked by the attack and said London "wasn't a nice place to be" sce the easg of lockdown.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"The streets on a Friday and Saturday night are horrible at the moment you n feel an atmosphere at tim," he said.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"On Friday night, three people attacked our que wearg balaclavas, police were about 50 metr away who chased them away.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"But they were willg to attack the que ont of police that shows how bad is on the streets at the moment," Joseph explaed.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">He said London need better CCTV, better lightg, more police and the return of the Night Tube to make safer for people to get home.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Lookg back at the attack Harry said what happened uld have been a lot worse and urged people to look out for each other.</p></div><footer data-ttid="article-footer"><div class="cQTzz C04KI" data-ttid="tag-list"><ul class="fHh0w"><li class="Jp5fE"><div class="aqX0o"></div><div data-ttid="tag" class="_6DWPQ xp9pO"><a class="HPL4j" data-ttid="tag-lk" href="/news/london"><span data-ttid="tag-text">London</span></a></div></li><li class="Jp5fE"><div class="aqX0o"></div><div data-ttid="tag" class="_6DWPQ xp9pO"><a class="HPL4j" data-ttid="tag-lk" href="/news/topic/lgbt"><span data-ttid="tag-text">LGBT+</span></a></div></li></ul></div></footer></ma><div class="aREli"><span class="_803Oh M2cyI"></span><div class="p73fc"><div class="AFGSz M2cyI"><span 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gay attack london

Disver the shockg tails of the vic homophobic attack at the Eagle London gay bar, and learn how we n all fight agast hate crim.



Oslo’s annual Pri para was nceled on Saturday followg a adly shootg at a gay bar that Norwegian police are vtigatg as a possible terrorist attack. * gay attack london *

As the pair ma their way towards the Southbank, they were set upon by four people who proceed to "stamp" on them, strip their clothg, and steal their posssns the terrifyg homophobic attack. The victim claimed: "Me and a iend were victims of a homophobic attack and robbery on Wednday morng after leavg G-A-Y Late on Charg Cross Bridge. " The cint as London has been revealed to have the hight level of homophobic hate crim the whole of the UK after seeg a 28 per cent rise this year.


* gay attack london *

It was intified that this was a homophobic hate crime om the outset.

The btal attack was, police believe, motivated by homophobia and a man has been arrted on spicn of murr. A day earlier, a uple lled Rob and Patrick were attacked wh broken bottl Birmgham’s gay village, leavg one unnsc and the other wh extensive cuts.


A three-storey mosque and Islamic centre, named 'Picdilly Prayer Space,' is set to be tablished wh the Troro, a historic entertament plex London's entertament quarter. However, the cisn to build the mosque has also sparked a bate, wh crics qutng s lotn, also known for s bars, nightclubs, gay venu and strip jots. * gay attack london *

Three men have been arrted on spicn of robbery and 30 July, Edburgh, a married gay uple were punched, kicked and spat at as they walked down a by cy centre street. Three men have been charged nnectn wh alleged asslts and homophobic Liverpool, durg Pri month, hundreds of people joed a prott on 22 June after at least three street attacks on young men wh the space of a few activists and natnal mpaigners have told the Guardian that this spate of attacks across the UK, while unnnected, unrsr a climate of fear endured by the LGBTQ+ muny on the 2015, hate crim related to sexual orientatn and genr inty have creased year on year, acrdg to ernment data for England, Wal and Stland.


Police have arrted a 36-year-old man on spicn of murr after a gay man was found ad a London cemetery.  * gay attack london *

In the year to March 2020 England and Wal, sexual orientatn hate crim rose by 19% to 15, 835, and transgenr inty hate crim by 16% to 2, 540 – averagg more than 50 reports each Misra, the associate director of mpaigns at the LGBTQ+ rights chary Stonewall, said: “The recent cints Edburgh, Birmgham, Liverpool and London are a stark remr that 2021, lbian, gay, bi, trans and queer people do not feel safe to be ourselv.


Read Gay uple attacked by teenage gang east London latt on ITV News. All the Tuday 24th June 2014 news * gay attack london *

“Tradnally, homophobic and transphobic hate crim have been signifintly unrreported, ” he said, though he argued that the work of LGBTQ+ liaison officers wh specific rponsibily for buildg muny lks was among iativ that were payg off.

Lawrence Barton, the director of Birmgham Pri, who ns a number of venu the gay district, said: “There has been an crease this type of activy, lolly and natnally. We had a homophobic attack on a drag queen only a few weeks ago.

“I’m out regularly the gay district on a weekend, and staggers me how many people e out wh homophobic remarks, shout om their r wdows and make ments as they’re walkg past, ” he said he was “disappoted wh the rced amounts of police prence” the area, although Wt Midlands police said they have recently creased high-visibily patrols and wanted to reassure anyone who is targeted that their report would be treated wh preventg attacks was important, Barton said tacklg the wir problem of homophobic views is his biggt ncern. ”LGBTQ+ hate crim do not often make headl, said Diva Campo, a drag queen om Manchter, who said she was aware of a number of recent asslts the cy, cludg one of a transgenr Campo, who spearhead fundraisg efforts after LGBTQ+ murals the cy’s gay village were faced at the end of June, said: “I’m very aware that the atmosphere and environment on the street is much more hostile. New figur show gay hate crim London are risg.


A man om the Uned Kgdom fac jail time after pleadg guilty to sprayg harmful chemils at six people June, nearly bldg a gay man. * gay attack london *

A clubber was left vered blood after an alleged homophobic attack near London's Heaven nightclub at the weekend. Stunt Harry Batt, 21, said he was wag for a b home when a woman started hurlg homophobic abe before punchg him on the back of the was wearg a rg which cut to his sk g him to bleed down his head and neck. "Some girl out of nowhere me up to me and starts hurlg homophobic slurs directed towards me and gettg aggrsive, " Harry told ITV News London.

"Specifilly, the Met’s 125 volunteer LGBT+ advisers lk directly wh the muny to listen to ncerns, feed directly back to the service and enurage reportg of crime, " the statement attack on Harry Batt durg a sharp rise homophobic hate crim the pal. Lol time at the London Pub, which lls self Oslo’s “gay headquarters sce 1979, ” and at a send bar and a fast-food rtrant, Norwegian media reported. It has hosted Pri-related celebratns for years and on Thursday held a drag show and a Pri-themed bgo has some of Europe’s more gay-iendly laws.

“I apologize for the fact that the Norwegian thori nveyed, through legislatn, and also a range of other discrimatory practic, that gay love was not acceptable, ” he July 2011, a Norwegian man killed 77 people by settg off a bomb outsi the prime mister’s office Oslo and openg fire at a youth summer mp anized by the left-leang Labor Party. Oslo’s annual Pri para was nceled on Saturday followg a adly shootg at a gay bar that Norwegian police are vtigatg as a possible terrorist attack. Two people were killed and eight others taken to hospal after the shootg near the London Pub, which scrib self on s webse as “the largt gay and lbian venue Oslo.


A group of teenagers reportedly ed anti-gay slurs prr to the vic asslt that sent both men to the hospal. * gay attack london *

It’s been eight months sce a horrific attack outsi London gay bar Dalston Superstore last year, but the gang who reportedly targeted gay men, attacked them and sprayed them wh acid have officially been jailed. It’s believed the gang targeted gay men who were leavg Dalston Superstore one night last May.

Fightg Homophobia the Heart of London’s LGBTQ+ Communy: The Aftermath of the Eagle London Gay Bar Attack. Inclivy or Intolerance: Why the Recent Attack on Eagle London Gay Bar is a Wake-up Call for Everyone.


From Hate to Hope: How the Eagle London Gay Bar Attack Sparked a Powerful Movement Agast LGBTQ+ Vlence. Standg Stronger Together: The Rilience and Ristance of London’s LGBTQ+ Communy the Face of Homophobic Vlence.


London’s LGBTQ+ muny was shaken by a vic attack on the Eagle London gay bar, which left three staff members jured.

Acrdg to wns, a group of men entered the bar and began hurlg homophobic slurs and attackg staff members. Whether ’s llg out a iend for g a homophobic slur or attendg a rally support of LGBTQ+ rights, every actn we take n make a difference. London’s LGBTQ+ muny is g together the wake of a btal attack on the Eagle London gay bar.

The cint has sparked outrage and lls for actn to bat homophobia and hate crim the cy. The attack, which left three staff members jured, is a stark remr that even a cy as diverse and acceptg as London, homophobia and tolerance still exist. But beyond the visible displays of support, there is also a growg regnn that fightg homophobia requir staed effort and mment.


So let ntue to stand together the fight agast homophobia and hate crim. The recent attack on the Eagle London gay bar is a soberg remr of jt how important the safe spac are. And if you see somethg that don’t feel right – whether ’s a homophobic ment or an act of vlence – speak up and let others know that hate has no place our muny.

The recent attack on the Eagle London gay bar is a wake-up ll for everyone, regardls of their sexual orientatn or genr inty. It’s a remr that even a cy as diverse and acceptg as London, there is still work to be done to bat homophobia and tolerance. Ultimately, the attack on the Eagle London gay bar is a remr that clivy and tolerance require ongog effort and mment.

The recent attack on the Eagle London gay bar was a heo act of vlence that left many the LGBTQ+ muny feelg sred and vulnerable. But beyond the visible displays of support, there is also a growg regnn that more needs to be done to bat homophobia and hate crim.


Two Gay Men Btally Attacked by Gang of Ten Homophobic Teens .