As a gay Korean Amerin, I yearned for the privilege of beg heterosexual or whe. So I began wearg latex, a new sk.
So I've received very few hate msag my time playg Sme, and by g the gay pri in I did kda feel like I was settg myself up for . Not only are the voice actg and sound qualy amatrish, enforc the stereotype that gay men are pable of fily (the implitn is that he is cheatg on his boyiend and don't want to get ught).
Even if some gay people are okay wh this-stereotyp are still wrong and n be very harmful. I feel bad for gay kids and teens that may tch heat bee of this riture of our sexualy. AdvertisementSKIP ADVERTISEMENTMorn LoveAs a gay Korean Amerin, I yearned for the privilege of beg heterosexual or whe.