COOPER GAY (PARIS 8) Chife d'affair, r�sultat, bilans sur - 449472240

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Gay Paris Gui. The bt gay bars & dance clubs, gay-rated hotels, gay snas & spas, gay cise clubs and more Paris. Exclive reviews, maps, disunts & more.



COOPER GAY � PARIS 8 (75008) RCS, SIREN, SIRET, bilans, statuts, chife d'affair, dirigeants, rtographie, alert, annonc l�gal, enqu�t, APE, NAF, TVA tramuntaire * cooper gay paris *

Introducg Cooper Gay.


Cooper Gay France, a part of the Ed surance and resurance broker, provis surance and resurance optns Paris, France. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore Cooper Gay France's full profile. * cooper gay paris *

Cooper Gay opens a branch the UK. Cooper Gay be part of Ardonagh followg the acquisn of Corant.

Cooper Gay acquir specialist parametric brand METEOPROTECT.


Cooper Gay (France) SAS (CGF), the French MGA owned by Ed Brokg, has announced that plans to acquire a Belgium headquartered service pany om * cooper gay paris *

Cooper Gay succsfully plet the acquisn of Tok Mare Kl Europe. Cooper Gay France be a Lloyd’s broker.

Cooper Gay France be an MGA and a Lloyd’s verholr. Cooper Gay France lnched. A claims manager posn is currently open at Cooper Gay.


Cooper Gay France SAS Paris open now. 24 Rue Mogador, 75009 Paris, Frankrig, phone:+33 1 84 25 09 15, openg hours, photo, map, lotn * cooper gay paris *

Présentatn la société COOPER GAY.

COOPER GAY, soci�t� par actns simplifi�e, immatriculée so le SIREN 449472240, t en activ� puis 19 ans. la soci�t� COOPER GAY. COOPER GAY.

L 6 dirigeants la société COOPER GAY. Dirigeants mandatair COOPER GAY:. L bénéficiair effectifs la société COOPER GAY.


Fd out everythg about Cooper Gay on Wele to the Jungle: lotn, sector, number of employe, job opengs, and siar pani. * cooper gay paris *

Synthèse pour l'entreprise COOPER GAY. la société COOPER GAY. Courtage: Cooper Gay France acquiert Meteo ProtectApr 23, 2020Par.

Six mois après le rachat Tok Mare Kiln Europe, le urtier en assurance et réassurance Cooper Gay France vient faire l’acquisn Meteo Protect, spécialiste s uvertur paramétriqu. Cooper Gay France poursu sa dynamique développement, mos d’un an après le rachat Tok Mare Kiln Europe. L’rmatn, révélée par nos nèr d’Artemis, a été nfirmée à News Assuranc Pro par le groupe: « Cooper Gay a fa l’acquisn la marque Meteo Protect et sa plateforme d’assurance paramétrique.

Gabriel Gross, -fondatr Meteo Protect, dirigera et développera à ce tre le département dédié x assuranc et solutns paramétriqu Cooper Gay ». Le verholr Lloyd’s vra asi fournir nouvell solutns paramétriqu pour Cooper Gay – qui poursu la diversifitn s activés (risqu tastroph, risqu sportifs, assuranc marim) – et l tr filial sa maison-mère londonienne ED Brokg Group (qui appartient à BGC Partners).


COOPER GAY � PARIS 09 (99131) RCS, SIREN, SIRET, bilans, statuts, chife d'affair, dirigeants, rtographie, alert, annonc l�gal, enqu�t, APE, NAF, TVA tramuntaire * cooper gay paris *

Cooper Gay (France) SAS (CGF), the French MGA owned by Ed Brokg, has announced that plans to acquire a Belgium headquartered service pany om Tok Mare Kiln.


Cooper Gay France, a Paris-based broker, has said will buy Tok Mare Kiln Europe as seeks to build a "pan European" surance unrwrg bs, as s U.K. parent pany hedg agast a no-al Brex. * cooper gay paris *

Followg the acquisn, Tok Mare Kiln Europe SA (TMKE) will be wh CGF to create a sgle bs, to be named Cooper Gay. The bed Cooper Gay bs will have 55 staff across Belgium, France, Germany, Martique and the UK. It will be head by Frédéric Chappaz, who is the current Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Cooper Gay France.

Cooper Gay. Lnched 2003, Cooper Gay is a leadg wholale pan-European MGA and Lloyd’s broker.


COOPER GAY SAS - Free pany rmatn om Compani Hoe cludg registered office addrs, filg history, acunts, annual return, officers, charg, bs activy * cooper gay paris *

Cooper Gay’s teams provi specialist surance products for Property & Casualty, Tra Cred, Cyber & Intellectual Property, Personal Accint, Sports, Contgency, Space, Cargo, Leisure Craft and Parametric risks. The data llected by COOPER GAY are the subject of a data procsg tend for the preparatn, the ncln, the management and the executn of your timate or ntract, the applitn of the regulatns the fight agast money lnrg terrorism and the fight agast d, the tablishment of bank transfers or direct bs, the rryg out of statistil studi.


The data llected by COOPER GAY are pliance wh the European Regulatn (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the Protectn of Personal Data (GDPR) and the French Data Protectn Act n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as changed. Unr no circumstanc may they be ed for mercial actns by COOPER GAY and s partners. You may, at any time, exercise your rights of rmatn, accs, rrectn, letn, opposn, limatn of your data and, if need be, you n whdraw your nsent by ntactg Cooper Gay, Data Protectn Officer, 71-73, Avenue s Champs Elysé 75008 Paris France.

COOPER GAY, soci�t� �trang�re immatricul�e registre du merce, immatriculée so le SIREN 513555169, a �t� en activ� pendant 13 ans. L'entreprise COOPER GAY a été radiée le 13 septembre 2022.


? Cooper Gay France SAS Paris openg tim, 24, Rue Mogador, tel. +33 1 84 25 09 15 .