D.C.’s Newt Queer Bar is a Ltle Gay Pub. Lerally. | District Fray

logan circle gay

Borrstan rears say Logan Circle is still the top gay neighborhood D.C.



About 300 people turned out D.C.'s Logan Circle on Thursday night for a ndlelight gatherg of remembrance for gay longtime . . . * logan circle gay *

Acrdg to Smh, that un, listed on the MPD webse as the Lbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgenr Liaison Un (LGBTLU), provis servic to crime victims, outreach to muny meetgs, and “trag and support to the rt of the partment as well as the muny. Gay rint Ernt Terrell Newkirk, 55, whose body was found May 28 on a Southeast D. Street several hours after he attend an LGBTQ Black Pri dance party at a Capol Hill gay bar.

Gay man whose body was found on a street Southeast D. The natn's pal is home to a lively LGBTQ+ nightlife scene wh plenty of gay and lbian bars jt wag for you to jo on the fun. Larry’s Lounge is a gay neighborhood pub, wh always-affordable drks, solid happy hour specials, mouth-waterg pub fare (see: sweet potato tots) and one of the cy’s iendlit pats (you n brg your dog, too!


The natn's pal is home to a lively LGBTQ nightlife scene wh plenty of gay and lbian bars jt wag for you to drk, dance and play. Disver DC's bt spots. * logan circle gay *

Number Ne to the btlg Logan Circle urty of -founr Ed Bailey, who helped DC’s gay nightlife scene to grow durg his days as a DJ. Suated right the heart of Adams Man’s btlg 18th Street is Pchers, a gay sports bar, and A League of Her Own, the adjacent bar for lbian and queer women. Gay Neighborhoods outsi of Logan Circle.

I've read several plac that Logan Circle seems to be the gay place to be, but let's face , 's damn expensive. What are some other areas, maybe even more specific--wh hog that someone n actually afford on a median salary, that are gay-iendly?


Gone is the closeted, often tolerant Washgton; the pal is now perhaps the gayt place the natn. * logan circle gay *

I'm Dallas, TX currently, and although this cy is fairly progrsive pared to the rt of the state, we still have a very distctive gayborhood.

AdvertisementSKIP ADVERTISEMENTVioTen percent of adults the District of Columbia intify as lbian, gay, bisexual or transgenr, nearly three tim the natnal average.

What mak the cy such a gay-iendly place?

* logan circle gay *

15, 2013WASHINGTON — My earlit sense of what meant to be gay the natn’s pal me more than a ago when I was a summer tern. But the msage was as clear as was unsettlg for a 20-year-old stgglg wh his own sexual inty: There were plenty of gay people Washgton, even at the hight levels of ernment. I now live the gayt place don’t take my word for .

Consir what surveys by Gallup and the Cens Bure have found about the gay populatn here. When the District of Columbia is pared wh the 50 stat, has the hight percentage of adults who intify as lbian, gay, bisexual or transgenr, acrdg to Gallup.

All the latt rmatn + rourc you will need when movg to LGBTQ Washgton DC, cludg the bt gay neighborhoods, muny groups, gay realtors, and more. * logan circle gay *

The natnal average is jt unr 1 of my first observatns about my new cy was the throngs of gay men I would see over the urse of a typil day all over town — walkg their dogs my neighborhood before work, ridg the Metro, workg the halls of Congrs.

“There’s an openly gay prence that mak you thk you’re the Castro or Wt Hollywood, and wasn’t always the se, ” Robert Raben, an assistant attorney general durg the Clton admistratn who was one of several openly gay people appoted by Print Clton, told me.


Logan Circle Remas D.C.'s Top Gay Neighborhood | DCist .