Gay Dictnary | How to say Gay different languag | Gay words

how do u say gay in greek

Need to translate "gay" to Greek? Here's how you say .



* how do u say gay in greek *

How to say "I'm gay.

" to say "I'm gay.

" Love Who You Love Vobulary GreekHow "I'm gay. Castilian SpanishYo soy gay.


Ready to learn "I'm gay." and 9 other words for Love Who You Love Greek? Use the illtratns and pronunciatns below to get started. * how do u say gay in greek *

Brazilian PortugueEu sou gay. DanishJeg er homoseksuel.

DutchIk ben homoseksueel. European PortugueSou gay.

EnciclopædiaHow to say gay GreekBelow are the words of our Greek Gay Dictnary that we will expand new edns. But first some rmatn about the language and where is is the official language of Greece and Cyps, belongg to the Indo-European fay, and spoken by about fifteen ln Greece, homosexual behavr between men was legal as of 1950 (between women was never prohibed) and the age of nsent was equal 2015. They have anti-discrimatn laws and agast hate speech (2014) and 2015 they approved the civil unn but not homoparental adoptn.


Vis our Greek Gay Dictnary to learn how to say gay Greek. It is part of our LGBT dictnary wh more than 1600 entri om 68 languag. * how do u say gay in greek *

At the begng of the century, Greek society had a negative view of sexual diversy, but today that homophobia is beg diluted although persists the polil class. In Greece there is a lot of activism, culture and LGBT bs and pri has been celebrated sce 2005, currently several greece this Greek Gay Dictnary we highlight the exprsns kunistós and digidangas explaed our post kunistós, illtratn of Gay Slang Collectn, and also the exprsn Sikiá explaed on god hat figs, illtratn om our Prott Collectn.


"είμαι gay" or if you want to give a more formal tone and say I'm homosexual 's "είμαι ομοφυλόφιλος" |MMMEEEEE|BDJSJDJSJD we only wanna know the IMPORTANT phras lmao|@maials exactly. * how do u say gay in greek *

+Adherfí (Αδερφή)The leral translatn of Adherfí (Αδερφή) is sister and is a rogatory exprsn to refer to homosexual men. Relatg gays to female relativ is a equent fact many languag, such as the Japane word Onee, which means olr sister, or the English word Aunt.

It may have to do wh the suatn that effemate homosexual men lived not many years ago when the bachelorhood and the habatn wh the fay were almost evable issu. Read also: Bible and homosexualy: the word of god.

The first one is an sult for homosexual men and the send is an sult to men of the asshole or stupid style, although n also be ed lloquially among iends. This femy is transferred to the Turkish language sce ibne means “feme form of son”, which ends up g as an sult to homosexual men, nsired as stupid or as women.


Check 'gay' translatns to Greek. Look through exampl of gay translatn sentenc, listen to pronunciatn and learn grammar. * how do u say gay in greek *

+Kínedhos (Κίναιδος)Kínedhos (Κίναιδος) is an archaic and rogatory term ed agast passive homosexuals.

+Ksefoniméni (Ξεφωνημένη)Ksefoniméni (Ξεφωνημένη) uld be translated as a screamg woman and is ed to refer ntemptuoly to homosexual men.


Vis our Gay Dictnary to know how to say gay 1500 different ways. It is part of our LGBT dictnary, wh more than 2200 entri om 68 languag ... * how do u say gay in greek *

Check our post for the Gay Slang Collectn for more rmatn on this exprsn, and, above all, to know why the sign we have created to illtrate this Greek word is the stctns for the assembly of a seaw.

Gay Dictnary (Greece). +Lúgra (Λούγκρα)The word Lúgra (Λούγκρα) is a rogatory exprsn agast homosexual men that would have the meang of “very vic homosexual”+Pisoghléntis (Πισωγλέντης)Pisoghléntis (Πισωγλέντης) is a rogatory exprsn whose leral translatn is “rebel back” and is an sult to bottom homosexual men who “like om behd. It is one of the most ed words Greece to refer disparaggly to homosexual men.

+Sikiá (Συκιά)The leral translatn to the English language of Sikiá (Συκιά) is a fig tree, and is also rogatory slang for a homosexual man. +Tiútos (Τοιούτος)The translatn to the English language of Tiútos (Τοιούτος) is old-fashned and is also rogatory slang for a homosexual man.


Gay Greek? How to e Gay Greek. Now let's learn how to say Gay Greek and how to wre Gay Greek. Alphabet Greek, Greek language . * how do u say gay in greek *

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GeneralPronunciatn: Please fd below many ways to say gay different languag. This page featur translatn of the word "gay" to over 100 other languag.


How to say Gay Greek. Easily fd the right translatn for Gay om English to Greek submted and enhanced by our ers. * how do u say gay in greek *

We also ve you to listen to d pronunciatn more than 40 languag, so you uld learn how to pronounce gay and how to read gay European LanguagSayg gay Asian LanguagSayg gay Middle-Eastern LanguagSayg gay Ain LanguagSayg gay Atronian LanguagSayg gay Other Foreign LanguagabcfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzSayg Gay European LanguagLanguageWays to say gayAlbanianhomoseksualBasquegayBelasianгейBosniangayBulgarianгейCatalangaiCorsingayCroatiangayCzechGayDanishhomoseksuelDutchhomoEstoniangeiFnishhomoFrenchhomosexuelFrisiangayGaliciangaiGermanFröhlichGreekομοφυλόφιλοςHungarianmelegIcelandicHommiIrishaerachItaliangayLatviangejsLhuaniangėjLuxembourgishhomosexuellMacedonianгејMalteomosswaliNorwegianhomofilPolishWołyPortugueGayRomaniangayRsianгей.


How to say GAY Greek? What's the Greek translatn of GAY? See prehensive translatn optns on ! * how do u say gay in greek *

[gey]Sts GaelicgèidhSerbianгаиSlovakgaySloveniangejSpanishhomosexualSwedishgayTatarгейUkraianгей.


[hey]WelshhoywYiddishפריילעךSayg Gay Asian LanguagLanguageWays to say gayArmenianգեյAzerbaijanigeyBengaliসমকামীChe Simplified同性恋Che Tradnal同性戀GeianგეიGujaratiગેHdiसमलैंगिकHmonggayJapaneゲイKannadaಸಲಿಂಗಕಾಮಿKazakhГейKhmerខ្ទើយKorean게이. Sign up to remove ads and ctomize your list of languagSign UpSayg Gay Middle-Eastern LanguagLanguageWays to say gayArabicمثلي الجنس. [mhli aljs]HebrewהומוKurdish (Kurmanji)gayPersianهمجنس گراSayg Gay Ain LanguagLanguageWays to say gayAikaansgayAmharicግብረ ሰዶማዊChichewagayHsaɗan luwaɗiIgbonwoke nwere mmasị nwokeKyarwandaabaryamana bahuje ibsaSothomosodomaShonangochaniSomalikhaniisSwahilishogaXhosagayYobaonibajeZulugaySayg Gay Atronian LanguagLanguageWays to say gayCebuanobayotFilipobaklaHawaiiankāne kāne kāneIndonianGayJavanegayMalagasypelakaMalaygayMaorakatāpuiSamoangaySundanehomoSayg Gay Other Foreign LanguagLanguageWays to say gayEsperantogejaHaian CreolemasisiLatgayDictnary Entri near gaygntletgzegavelgaygazegazellegearCe this Entry"Gay Different Languag.

Translatn of "gay" to Greek.

εύθυμος, ομοφυλόφιλος, ζωηρός are the top translatns of "gay" to Greek.


Sample translated sentence: I'll assume there's a ls-gay man standg behd me. Gay.

term that primarily refers to a homosexual person. I'll assume there's a ls-gay man standg behd me. Currently we have no translatns for Gay the dictnary, maybe you n add one?


How to say Gay Greek Translatn .