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1.53-1.53.85-1.59 1.7-2.39 3.15-2.03l.02.01c1.66.4 2.28 1.89 1.84 3.69a5.467 5.467 0 01-2.2 3.2zM17.82 62.93l.65-1.77 8.06 2.94-.64 1.77-8.07-2.94zM23.69 59.41l-.03-.01c-2.16-1.12-3.05-3.75-1.83-6.1 1.22-2.35 3.85-3.13 6.01-2l.02.01c2.16 1.12 3.05 3.75 1.83 6.1-1.21 2.35-3.84 3.13-6 2zm3.29-6.34l-.02-.01c-1.31-.68-2.89-.29-3.59 1.07-.7 1.34-.12 2.83 1.18 3.51l.02.01c1.3.68 2.89.28 3.59-1.06.7-1.35.12-2.84-1.18-3.52zM26.41 45.75l1.05-1.39h6.63l-4.2-3.2 1.13-1.48 6.83 5.2-.98 1.28h-6.85l4.34 3.3-1.13 1.48-6.82-5.19zM36.19 34.22l1.27-1.19 8.6 3.77-1.44 1.35-1.89-.86-2.64 2.49.75 1.93-1.4 1.32-3.25-8.81zm4.91 2.32l-2.74-1.25 1.08 2.81 1.66-1.56zM43.14 28.32l1.56-1.08 3.91 5.64 3.52-2.44.97 1.41-5.07 3.52-4.89-7.05zM57.58 24.53l-.01-.03c-.91-2.26.1-4.82 2.52-5.79 1.43-.58 2.45-.54 3.57-.17l-.57 1.77c-.82-.26-1.48-.34-2.41.03-1.27.51-1.84 2.04-1.29 3.4l.01.02c.58 1.46 2.01 2.12 3.42 1.55.64-.25 1.14-.64 1.46-1.14l-.46-1.13-1.76.71-.61-1.51 3.46-1.39 1.4 3.46c-.54 1.02-1.43 2.04-2.89 2.63-2.49 1-4.9-.06-5.84-2.41zM68.3 20.46v-.03c-.51-2.38.96-4.74 3.54-5.29 2.59-.55 4.86.98 5.37 3.37l.01.03c.51 2.38-.95 4.74-3.55 5.29-2.59.55-4.86-.98-5.37-3.37zm6.99-1.49l-.01-.02c-.31-1.44-1.62-2.41-3.1-2.1-1.49.32-2.26 1.71-1.96 3.15l.01.03c.31 1.43 1.62 2.41 3.11 2.09 1.48-.31 2.26-1.71 1.95-3.15zM80.43 13.93l1.88-.1.38 6.85 4.27-.23.09 1.71-6.16.34-.46-8.57zM90.27 13.67l6.51.52-.14 1.71-4.63-.38-.15 1.83 4.08.33-.14 1.71-4.08-.33-.27 3.31-1.88-.15.7-8.55zM100.57 14.8l6.31 1.43-.37 1.63-4.48-1.01-.39 1.7 3.95.89-.37 1.64-3.95-.89-.4 1.75 4.55 1.03-.38 1.64-6.38-1.44 1.91-8.37zM110.85 17.44l3.65 1.42c1.02.4 1.69.99 2.02 1.34-.04 2.1l-.01.02c-.5 1.29-1.51 1.83-2.68 1.81l.84 3.61-2.06-.8-.72-3.22-.02-.01-1.36-.53-1 2.56-1.76-.69 3.14-7.99zm2.03 5.26c.85.33 1.52.07 1.78-.6l.01-.03c.29-.75-.08-1.34-.93-1.68l-1.75-.69-.89 2.3 1.78.7zM117.01 27.92l1.63-.61c.36.94.86 1.69 1.71 1.23.35 1.48-.09l.01-.02c.24-.42.1-.78-.96-1.8-1.28-1.24-2.01-2.2-1.17-3.69l.01-.02c.77-1.35 2.37-1.63 3.89-.76 1.09.62 1.82 1.49 2.23 2.53l-1.56.75c-.39-.83-.88-1.48-1.52-1.84-.63-.36-1.12-.26-1.33.1l-.01.02c-.28.49-.05.83 1.05 1.9 1.29 1.26 1.83 2.29 1.09 3.58l-.01.02c-.84 1.48-2.45 1.67-4.06.75a5.466 5.466 0 01-2.48-2.99zM127.16 29.19c.74.42 1.33.32 1.68-.29l-.62-.44 1.14-1.6 1.61 1.16-.97 1.34c-.94 1.31-1.98 1.37-3.18.54l.34-.71zM140.2 36.01l1.2 1.26-3.75 8.61-1.36-1.44.86-1.89-2.5-2.63-1.93.75-1.32-1.4 8.8-3.26zm-2.3 4.91l1.24-2.74-2.81 1.08 1.57 1.66zM139.69 46.55l1.73.15c-.08 1 .05 1.89.62 1.37.55l.02-.02c.39-.27.43-.65-.1-2.04-.62-1.67-.87-2.86.53-3.83l.02-.01c1.28-.89 2.84-.46 1.03 1 2.12.93 3.24l-1.72.01c0-.93-.17-1.72-.58-2.31-.42-.59-.9-.72-1.25-.48l-.02.02c-.46.32-.4.73.13 2.16.62 1.69.67 2.85-.55 3.71l-.02.01c-1.4.97-2.93.46-3.99-1.06a5.535 5.535 0 01-.96-3.78zM144.73 54.01l1.7.39c-.22.98-.21 1.88.24 1.29.74l.02-.01c.43-.22.51-.59.19-2.04-.39-1.74-.48-2.95 1.04-3.72l.02-.01c1.39-.71 2.87-.07 3.66 1.5.57 1.11.71 2.24.49 3.33l-1.71-.22c.12-.92.06-1.73-.26-2.37-.33-.65-.8-.83-1.17-.64l-.03.01c-.5.26-.5.67-.16 2.16.38 1.76.28 2.91-1.05 3.6l-.03.01c-1.51.78-2.96.06-3.8-1.59-.6-1.17-.79-2.55-.44-3.89zM151.77 61.47l.02-.01c2.32-.75 4.82.46 5.63 2.98.82 2.51-.47 4.93-2.79 5.69h-.02c-2.32.76-4.82-.45-5.64-2.97-.81-2.51.49-4.93 2.8-5.69zm2.21 6.8h.03c1.4-.46 2.23-1.86 1.76-3.3-.47-1.45-1.94-2.08-3.34-1.62l-.02.01c-1.39.46-2.23 1.86-1.76 3.31.47 1.42 1.93 2.06 3.33 1.6zM155.26 73.2l.02-.01c2.41-.35 4.66 1.17 5.04 3.78.24 1.6-.15 2.64-.81 3.54l-1.55-.99c.5-.74.76-1.46.64-2.31-.21-1.43-1.56-2.29-3.01-2.07h-.03c-1.45.22-2.52 1.41-2.3 1.51 1.32 2.08l-1.02 1.37c-1.06-.74-1.79-1.62-2.03-3.26-.37-2.48 1.29-4.62 3.73-4.99zM160.82 84.12l.05 1.88-8.57.25-.06-1.88 8.58-.25zM160.71 93.24l-.16 1.73-8.94 2.87.18-1.97 1.99-.61.33-3.61-1.84-.96.18-1.92 8.26 4.47zm-5.21 1.52l2.87-.88-2.67-1.39-.2 2.27zM157.5 102.64l.59-2.54 1.69.39-1.6 6.92-1.7-.39.59-2.55-6.67-1.54.43-1.84 6.67 1.55zM157.04 110.82l-.63 1.78-8.09-2.85.62-1.78 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fred gay golf academy

Fred Gay, former owner of Qualy Pontiac/Buick/GMC, was one of the most rpected, acplished and fluential bs lears and philanthropists the Brevard Conty muny for more than 45 years. Among his most impactful legaci was his support of the Eastern Florida State College athletic programs, and 2008, EFSC paid homage to him by renamg their golf facily Coa, "The Fred Gay Golf Amy."



* fred gay golf academy *

Sce 1981, EFSC Fred Gay Golf Amy provis a urse to learn the sential skills of the game of golf wh a range prised of 13 acr wt Coa. In 2008, EFSC paid homage to Fred Gay by namg the golf amy after him.

Fred Gay was the former owner of 'Fred Gay's Qualy Buick, GMC Pontiac' Coa. Gay was a longtime supporter of the College's athletic programs. At the EFSC Fred Gay Golf Amy,.


Fred Gay, former owner of Qualy Pontiac/Buick/GMC, was one of the most rpected, acplished and fluential bs lears and philanthropists the Brevard Conty muny for more than 45 years. Among his most impactful legaci was his support of the Eastern Florida State College athletic programs, and 2008, EFSC paid homage to him by renamg their golf facily Coa, "The Fred Gay Golf Amy." * fred gay golf academy *

Home » WATCH: Brevard Entreprenr, Philanthropist Fred Gay Honored Wh Special Tribute By the Space Coast Sports Hall of Fame.

Eastern Florida State honored Gay, named their golf facily Coa 'The Fred Gay Golf Amy'.

WATCH: Fred Gay, the former owner of Qualy Pontiac/Buick/GMC, was one of the most rpected, acplished, and fluential bs lears and philanthropists the Brevard County muny for more than 45 years. Among his most impactful legaci was his support of the Eastern Florida State College athletic programs, and 2008, EFSC paid homage to him by renamg their golf facily Coa “The Fred Gay Golf Amy.


Disver Gay datg near you and Poznan, Wielkopolskie. Fd a lol nnectn today! * fred gay golf academy *

Among Fred Gay’s most impactful legaci was his support of the Eastern Florida State College athletic programs, and 2008, EFSC paid homage to him by renamg their golf facily Coa “The Fred Gay Golf Amy.

BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – Fred Gay, former owner of Qualy Pontiac/Buick/GMC, was one of the most rpected, acplished, and fluential bs lears and philanthropists the Brevard County muny for more than 45 years.

In addn to beg one of Brevard’s most succsful tomobile alers, Gay spearhead many succsful bs ventur, chary events, and worthwhile enavors durg his reer, cludg as a -founr of Communy Bank of the South and vtor the Space Coast Prs newspaper, which was sold to Gan 1999.


Eastern Florida State honored Gay, named their golf facily Coa 'The Fred Gay Golf Amy'WATCH:Fred Gay, former owner of Qualy Pontiac/Buick/GMC, was one of the most rpected, acplished and fluential bs lears and philanthropists the Brevard Conty muny for more than 45 years. * fred gay golf academy *

Fred’s longtime ditn and support for our ary played a large part his support and foundg of the Civilian Milary Communy Foundatn, and his learship their biggt yearly fundraiser, The Fred Gay Civ-Mil Golf Classic. Gay quickly beme a golf fanatic, and Rockledge Country Club beme his home away om home, and the club members were grateful for his learship and volvement. After ten years as general manager at the Bob Ennis alership, Gay beme a partner at Marni Pontiac and, 1987, beme the owner of Qualy Pontiac/GMC.

Gay’s joy life was helpg iends and anyone else need. Gay passed away at home on September 14, 2011, at age 70. Fred’s longtime ditn and support for our ary played a large part his support and foundg of the Civilian Milary Communy Foundatn and his learship their biggt yearly fundraiser, The Fred Gay Civ-Mil Golf Classic.


■ SPECIAL TRIBUTE: Fred Gay. Fred Gay Golf Amy Drivg Range is a golf urse Florida. Fred Gay Golf Amy Drivg Range is suated nearby to Junny Rs Martez Park and Big Mud Lake.

Fred Gay Golf Amy Drivg Range. Astront Memorial Plaarium and Observatory is suated 1½ km southeast of Fred Gay Golf Amy Drivg Range. Coa High School is suated 1½ km south of Fred Gay Golf Amy Drivg Range.


Florida Solar Energy Center is suated 2 km southeast of Fred Gay Golf Amy Drivg Range. Coa Wt is suated 4 km south of Fred Gay Golf Amy Drivg Range. Sharp is suated 5 km north of Fred Gay Golf Amy Drivg Range.

Indianola is suated 6 km east of Fred Gay Golf Amy Drivg Range. Fred Gay Golf Amy Drivg Range Satelle Map. EFSC Fred Gay Golf Amy and Drivg Range.

The golf amy was named for bsman Fred Gay 2008, who was a longtime supporter. Home » Young Golfers Learn About The Game At Eastern Florida State College Fred Gay Golf Amy. The Eastern Florida State College Fred Gay Golf Amy plex is filled wh young golfers this week and next learng how to play the game durg the 25th annual Eastern Florida State College P.


BREVARD COUNTY • MELBOURNE, FLORIDA – The Eastern Florida State College Fred Gay Golf Amy plex is filled wh young golfers this week and next learng how to play the game durg the 25th annual Eastern Florida State College P.

The golf mp will be held at the Eastern Florida State College Fred Gay Golf Amy at 3570 State Road 524 Coa and drks and snacks will be provid.


Home » WATCH: Fred Gay Honored Wh Special Tribute By the Space Coast Sports Hall of Fame.

WATCH: Fred Gay, former owner of Qualy Pontiac/Buick/GMC, was one of the most rpected, acplished and fluential bs lears and philanthropists the Brevard Conty muny for more than 45 years.

Among his most impactful legaci was his support of the Eastern Florida State College athletic programs, and 2008, EFSC paid homage to him by renamg their golf facily Coa, “The Fred Gay Golf Amy.


Among Fred Gay’s most impactful legaci was his support of the Eastern Florida State College athletic programs, and 2008, EFSC paid homage to him by renamg their golf facily Coa, “The Fred Gay Golf Amy.

BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – Fred Gay, former owner of Qualy Pontiac/Buick/GMC, was one of the most rpected, acplished and fluential bs lears and philanthropists the Brevard Conty muny for more than 45 years. In addn to beg one of Brevard’s most succsful tomobile alers, Gay spearhead many succsful bs ventur, chary events and worthwhile enavors durg his reer, cludg as a -founr of Communy Bank of the South and vtor the Space Coast Prs newspaper, which was sold to Gan 1999. Gay quickly beme a golf fanatic and Rockledge Country Club beme his home away om home, and the club members were grateful for his learship and volvement.

After ten years as general manager at the Bob Ennis alership, Gay be me a partner at Marni Pontiac, and 1987, beme the owner of Qualy Pontiac/GMC. Gay passed away at home on September 14, 2011 at age 70.


ntact the tennis center at 321-433-7893Eastern Florida State College announc that the Fred Gay Golf Amy Drivg Range and the Tan Tennis Center will re-open on Wednday.

BREVARD COUNTY, MELBOURNE • FLORIDA – Eastern Florida State College announc that the Fred Gay Golf Amy Drivg Range and the Tan Tennis Center will re-open on Wednday. Fred Gay Golf Amy @ Bcc. At the EFSC Fred Gay Golf Amy, loted at 3570 S.


WATCH: Fred Gay Honored Wh Special Tribute By the Space Coast Sports Hall of Fame - Space Coast Daily .