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Although I've had them on a number of ocsns, wasn't until recently that dawned on me that multi-hued Twizzlers rrpond closely to the lors of the Gay Pri rabow flag. And after dog rearch on the topic of ndy, I me to the ncln that this le extensn...



* gay friendly candy *

Although I've had them on a number of ocsns, wasn't until recently that dawned on me that multi-hued Twizzlers rrpond closely to the lors of the Gay Pri rabow flag. And after dog rearch on the topic of ndy, I me to the ncln that this le extensn of Twizzlers lirice mak the most gay-iendly ndy on the market. (I also learned that a "twizzler" is an urban term for a homosexual.

) Although they've been sold for a number of years, rabow Twizzlers have somehow managed to pe the wrath of anti-gay groups.


A Salute to Rabow Twizzlers - The Gayt Candy of Them All? - ZeGAYst .