Saturnalia was an ancient Roman ftival held December to honour Saturn, the god of plenty, and agriculture, and has many gay tendanci.
A homosexual is characterized by his exclive sexual preference for same-sex relatnships.
Our morn preoccupatn wh sexualy has pend on a distctn between homo- and hetero-. Today you n have a lbian who was born a man and a gay male who was born a woman or a male prison who behav ways that to the outsi world appear homosexual, but to the prison, the muny do not, alongsi the more tradnal homosexual, bisexual, and heterosexual rol.
Sce the ncepts 'heterosexual' and 'homosexual' did not exist, but there do seem to be a high gree of rrelatn between the nduct of men intified as caedi and that of some men now labeled 'homosexuals, ' though mt be appreciated that the morn term is clil while the ancient one is emotnal and even hostile, and that both have been imposed om outsi. "Although later Romans sometim asserted that homosexualy was imported om Greece, by the close of the 6th century B.