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Edor's note: In 1922, Gaylord beme a cy and regnn of the 100th anniversary of that velopment, the Herald Tim will n a seri of articl about the culture, history, and people of Gaylord. GAYLORD — There were two dividuals — Orlando Barn and Augte Gaylord — who played important rol the foundg of Gaylord. Acrdg to Phil Alexanr of the Otsego County Historil Society, the town of Gaylord was created when the Jackson, Lansg and Sagaw Railroad phed north om Otsego Lake Village 1873.
At the time the railroad me to Gaylord, what is now Ma Street served as the dividg le between two townships, Alexanr said.
Alexanr said that is probably the se for Barn and Gaylord.
Augte GaylordBy all acunts, Augte Smh Gaylord, whose surname was chosen 1874 as the place name for Gaylord, lived a brief but exemplary was born Oh 1831 and moved to Sagaw 1851 and was hired as a school that year he beme a unty clerk Sagaw. Gaylord was admted to the bar 1856 and formed a partnership wh Moore which was dissolved by mutual nsent 1861.
Gaylord served as an attorney for the Jackson, Lansg & Sagaw Railroad and was active the Sagaw muny, helpg to start the public schools and servg on the board of tn.
He was also a member of the cy's mon 1862, Gaylord was elected to the state legislature on the Unn ticket.
Gaylord voted agast the re-electn of his iend Zachariah Chandler as a U. Dpe that, when Chandler beme secretary of the Interr unr Print Ulyss Grant 1875, he requted that Gaylord serve as solicor of the Grant's requt 1876, Gaylord acpanied Bishop Henry Whipple and other missners to negotiate a treaty wh Native Amerin trib the Dakota and Montana hardship of that journey may have advanced the illns that eventually took his life 1877 at the age of 46.
His funeral procsn Sagaw was reportedly attend by was fond of art and books and at the time of his ath, Gaylord had the largt private library Sagaw. "He owned property Otsego County (Hay Township) but never lived here, " said GaylordIn 1873 when the Jackson, Lansg & Sagaw Railroad cid to tablish a railroad pot Gaylord, there was a lumber town lled Otsego Lake Village to the south, said Alexanr.