The “Ins” and “Outs” of Rectal Supposori | The Gay Digt

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The practice of preparg for sex wh an enema, or a 'rectal douche,' is mon for gay and bisexual men, but they need to unrstand how to protect themselv durg anal sex.



This is Part 4 of a BuzzFeed News 1: Revealed: The Hidn Epimic of Abe, Overdose, And Death Csed By The Sex Dg GPart 2: The Sex Dg GBL Is Beg Sold Through FacebookPart 3: He Found His Hband Dead From A GHB Overdose But Is Now Fightg To Unver The Tth About What HappenedGay men are beg dgged whout their knowledge g GHB put to lubrint orr to rape and sexually asslt them, BuzzFeed News and Channel 4’s Dispatch n a documentary to be broadst on Sunday night, Stephen Morris, who ns the only specialist un the Prison and Probatn Service for offenrs who m crim amid chemsex suatns, warns: “One of the most recent velopments is that GHB n be admistered wh lubrint.

”The crimal technique volv dggg victims by jectg the mixture anally, g the chemil to be absorbed more quickly to the bloodstream, therefore triggerg a more immediate or heightened ’s warng a BuzzFeed News–Dispatch documentary lled Sex, Dgs and Murr, which reveals how GHB is beg weaponised by rapists and murrers, and maps the abe, addictn, and aths has ed among gay victim, who rpond to a survey nducted for the documentary, said he had been unknowgly overdosed on the dg through lubrint and later was sent photographs of the two men rapg him.


His acunt was one of dozens of survey rponnts’ who also reported beg dgged wh GHB through method is particularly beg ed on gay and bisexual men and often chemsex suatns — where crystal meth, GHB, and mephedrone might already be prent — and has prompted LGBT health chari to highlight the ser health risks pos as well as the numero crim n unique danger of GHB and GBL, which turns to GHB the body, is how easy they are to overdose on: Jt half a lilre too much n e ath, and when mixed wh alhol, the danger is even higher. That mixture uld then be put to a syrge and jected anally or “would be ed the body the way that you would e lubrint to facilate sexual behavur peratn” is often referred to the media as a “date rape” dg, but reference to beg slipped to people’s drks, and ually relatg to female ’s warng, however, cid wh the rults of the largt-ever survey of gay and bisexual men’s experienc of GHB and GBL, the two almost intil dgs ually referred to simply as “G” effect of this dg, like crystal meth, n crease the chanc of an offence, said Morris. ”The method of applyg GHB anally, or through lubrint, first emerged the se of serial killer Stephen Port, who was nvicted 2016 of rapg and killg four young gay men wh GHB.


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