Two members of Rammste kissed durg a ncert spe Rsia's gay propaganda law

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Rammste ma an example of Rsian print Valdimir Put when they flew the face of anti gay laws and locked lips on stage.



Dos miembros l gpo alemán metal se baron ente a una multud en un ncierto en Moscú, en un claro apoyo a la unidad LGBT y para prottar ntra una ley sa “propaganda gay”. * rammstein homosexual *

Rammste Frontman Talks About Gays | Mic News @. In the article, RAMMSTEIN volist Till Lmann asks the reporter: "Do you thk 's homophobic? It’s about gay men and the fact that they're lucky a way.

"I'm not gog to give out any name, but an English band that we [RAMMSTEIN] are iends wh has two gay members.

We ma a bet about somethg and if I were to lose I had to take the two of them out Berl one night and vis all the gay clubs my neighborhood.

Rammste guarists Pl Lanrs and Richard Kspe exchanged a kiss onstage Mosw to prott Rsia's "gay propaganda" ban. * rammstein homosexual *

There, on June 30th, 2013, print Vladimir Put enacted a feral law known as "for the Purpose of Protectg Children From Informatn Advotg for a Denial of Tradnal Fay Valu," or lloquially referred to as the "gay propaganda law." Unr the le, even small gtur n rry heavy nsequenc, and if charged, vlators n be taed for 15 days, fed up to 5,000 bl (hontly, a pretty paltry $78 USD), and foreigners n be arrted and ported.

Salvo que el bo se lo dieron dos hombr en terror so, don ilegal mostrar o promover en públi la ntrovertidos tratamientos que médis an en Ria para "curar la homosexualidad" En vars vios l recal publidos en las res social se ve a los guarristas Pl Lanrs y Richard Kspe dándose un bo en la bo mientras taban tondo el tema "Aüslanr" ("Extranjero", en alemán), en el tad Lchniki Moscú.

" gto Rammste fue un claro safío a la ley "propaganda gay" Ria impulsada por el gobierno Vladimir Put y que s 2013 tablece o ilegal exhibir o promover "relacn sexual no tradicnal". ¿Es la homofobia una enfermedad?


Two members of Rammste kissed durg a ncert spe Rsia's gay propaganda law.