35 French Gay Slang Words You Need to Know - Talk French

gay slur in french

The followg is a list of LGBT-related slurs that are, or have been, ed as suatns or allegatns about lbian, gay, bisexual, or transgenr and non-bary people, or to refer to them a rogatory (that is, cril), pejorative (disapprovg or ntemptuo), or otherwise sultg man



Frhen up your French vobulary wh our list of lorful French gay slang. Learn gay and lbian words to add variety to your vobulary! * gay slur in french *

French gay slang is no gay-speak is generally translated om English/Amerin gay slang, and as wh s heterosexual unterpart, is bt to know a thg or two about , whatever your you are cur about gay slang and how to say gay, lbian, or homosexual French, we piled a list for you! If not, then check out the list of slang words grouped to two: gay guy lgo, and lbian n also download this list PDF slang for Gay men.

YAG (Gay upsi down)Homosexuals who refe to be associated wh a gay group or muny and are regnised by their liftyle.

In se you want to add more or know the English slang for some of the ems mentned above, feel ee to sound off the ments more related readgs, check out the followg:What is like to be gay France?


* gay slur in french *

List of LGBT-related slurs - WikiMili, The Bt Wikipedia RearLast updated January 04, 2021The followg is a list of LGBT-related slurs that are, or have been, ed as suatns or allegatns about lbian, gay, bisexual, or transgenr and non-bary people, or to refer to them a rogatory (that is, cril), pejorative (disapprovg or ntemptuo), or otherwise sultg manner. General Agast men Agast women Agast homosexuals Gay men Lbians Agast bisexual people Bisexual women Agast transgenr people Trans men Trans women Agast tersex people Intersex men Intersex women Agast cross-drsers Cross-drsg men Cross-drsg women Agast androgyno people Androgyno men Other Disputed or reclaimed age See also Not Referenc GeneralTermLanguageMeangNotRefsBenrEnglishSomeone who twists somethg [1] Deviant EnglishWrong and different [2] Agast menTermLanguageMeangNotRefs Sissy EnglishEffemate man [3] Girlie men EnglishEffemate man [4] PansyEnglishEffemate man [5] JanEnglishEffemate man [5] Sodome EnglishMan who has anal sex [6] NancyEnglishHomosexual or effemate man [7] [8] Poof/PoofterEnglishEffemate man [1] Fairy EnglishEffemate man [9] BrownieEnglishMan who enjoys beg anally perated [10] Pillow-berEnglishMan who enjoys beg anally perated [11] Bugger EnglishMan who has anal sex [12] Cola Chilean Spanish "Tail", man who enjoys beg anally perated [13] FudgepackerEnglishMan who enjoys to perate anally [14] NellyEnglishA feme man [15] Agast womenTermLanguageMeangNotRefs Fag hag EnglishWoman who lik to associate wh androphilic men [16] FishEnglish"Fish" as somethg smellg badlyUsed by some gay men to refer to women [17] Rug muncherEnglishA woman who performs cunnilg [18] MarimachoSpanishMascule woman [19] Agast homosexualsPrejudice agast homosexual people is lled homophobia TermLanguageMeangNotRefsHomoEnglishHomosexual [20] Homtern EnglishHomosexual advote, member of the so-lled "Gay Mafia"Used durg the McCarthyist sre [21] [22] InvertEnglish [23] BentEnglishCrooked or wrongUsed the Uned Kgdom [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] Пидорас (Pidoras)RsianHomosexual [29] Gay menTermLanguageMeangNotRefs Faggot/FagEnglishHomosexual manUsed North Ameri.


35 French Gay Slang Words You Need to Know - Talk French .