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153.643313,42.437 153.643313,42.196 L153.643313,25.799 C153.643313,25.559 153.803313,25.398 154.043313,25.398 L157.043313,25.398 C157.482313,25.398 157.842312,25.039 157.842312,24.599 L157.842312,20.8 C157.842312,20.359 157.482313,20 157.043313,20 L144.645313,20 C144.205312,20 143.844313,20.359 143.844313,20.8 L143.844313,24.599 C143.844313,25.039 144.205312,25.398 144.645313,25.398 L147.644313,25.398 C147.884312,25.398 148.044313,25.559 148.044313,25.799 L148.044313,42.196 C148.044313,42.437 147.884312,42.596 147.644313,42.596 L144.245313,42.596 C143.805313,42.596 143.445312,42.956 143.445312,43.395 L143.445312,47.195 C143.445312,47.635 143.805313,47.995 144.245313,47.995 L157.442313,47.995 C157.883313,47.995 158.242312,47.635 158.242312,47.195 L158.242312,43.395 Z M122.445312,26 L6.9453125,26 C6.6693125,26 6.4453125,26.225 6.4453125,26.5 L6.4453125,81.5 C6.4453125,81.776 6.6693125,82 6.9453125,82 L121.945312,82 C122.221312,82 122.445312,81.776 122.445312,81.5 L122.445312,26 Z M200.445312,3 L200.445312,65 C200.445312,66.657 199.101313,68 197.445312,68 L128.445312,68 L128.445312,85 C128.445312,86.657 127.102313,88 125.445312,88 L3.4453125,88 C1.7883125,88 0.4453125,86.657 0.4453125,85 L0.4453125,23 C0.4453125,21.344 1.7883125,20 3.4453125,20 L122.445312,20 L122.445312,3 C122.445312,1.343 123.789312,0 125.445312,0 L197.445312,0 C199.101313,0 200.445312,1.343 200.445312,3 Z M104.720312,62.396 L95.2423125,62.396 C95.0023125,62.396 94.8413125,62.236 94.8413125,61.996 L94.8413125,57.197 C94.8413125,56.957 95.0023125,56.797 95.2423125,56.797 L104.240313,56.797 C104.680312,56.797 105.040312,56.438 105.040312,55.997 L105.040312,51.998 C105.040312,51.558 104.680312,51.198 104.240313,51.198 L95.2423125,51.198 C95.0023125,51.198 94.8413125,51.038 94.8413125,50.798 L94.8413125,45.999 C94.8413125,45.759 95.0023125,45.599 95.2423125,45.599 L104.560312,45.599 C105.000312,45.599 105.360312,45.239 105.360312,44.799 L105.360312,40.8 C105.360312,40.359 105.000312,40 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84.4403125,40 84.0013125,40 Z M61.4413125,40 L57.4023125,40 C56.9623125,40 56.6023125,40.359 56.6023125,40.8 L56.6023125,59.597 C56.6023125,61.356 55.1633125,62.796 52.7223125,62.796 C50.3633125,62.796 48.9243125,61.356 48.9243125,59.597 L48.9243125,40.8 C48.9243125,40.359 48.5633125,40 48.1243125,40 L44.0853125,40 C43.6443125,40 43.2843125,40.359 43.2843125,40.8 L43.2843125,59.597 C43.2843125,64.436 47.2843125,68.435 52.7223125,68.435 C58.2423125,68.435 62.2413125,64.436 62.2413125,59.597 L62.2413125,40.8 C62.2413125,40.359 61.8823125,40 61.4413125,40 Z M39.4423125,40.8 L39.4423125,44.799 C39.4423125,45.239 39.0823125,45.599 38.6423125,45.599 L33.6433125,45.599 C33.4033125,45.599 33.2433125,45.759 33.2433125,45.999 L33.2433125,67.195 C33.2433125,67.635 32.8823125,67.995 32.4433125,67.995 L28.4443125,67.995 C28.0043125,67.995 27.6443125,67.635 27.6443125,67.195 L27.6443125,45.999 C27.6443125,45.759 27.4843125,45.599 27.2443125,45.599 L22.2453125,45.599 C21.8043125,45.599 21.4453125,45.239 21.4453125,44.799 L21.4453125,40.8 C21.4453125,40.359 21.8043125,40 22.2453125,40 L38.6423125,40 C39.0823125,40 39.4423125,40.359 39.4423125,40.8 L39.4423125,40.8 Z" id="TuneIn_Marquee"></path></g></g></svg></a></div><a data-ttid="searchOpen" class="hear-module__searchToggleContaer___H0IaD" href="/search/"><svg width="30px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 30 30" data-ttid="searchIn" fill="none" xmlns="><path d="M23.0003 22.9998L17.35 17.3496" stroke="#1c203c" stroke-width="2" stroke-merlim="10"></path><path d="M13.0603 19.1205C16.4072 19.1205 19.1205 16.4072 19.1205 13.0603C19.1205 9.71327 16.4072 7 13.0603 7C9.71327 7 7 9.71327 7 13.0603C7 16.4072 9.71327 19.1205 13.0603 19.1205Z" stroke="#1c203c" stroke-width="2" stroke-merlim="10"></path></svg></a></div></div><div><div style="lor:#000;background-lor:#F1F2F3;transn:-ms-transform 450ms cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1) 0ms,-webk-transform 450ms cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1) 0ms,transform 450ms cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1) 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153.643313,42.437 153.643313,42.196 L153.643313,25.799 C153.643313,25.559 153.803313,25.398 154.043313,25.398 L157.043313,25.398 C157.482313,25.398 157.842312,25.039 157.842312,24.599 L157.842312,20.8 C157.842312,20.359 157.482313,20 157.043313,20 L144.645313,20 C144.205312,20 143.844313,20.359 143.844313,20.8 L143.844313,24.599 C143.844313,25.039 144.205312,25.398 144.645313,25.398 L147.644313,25.398 C147.884312,25.398 148.044313,25.559 148.044313,25.799 L148.044313,42.196 C148.044313,42.437 147.884312,42.596 147.644313,42.596 L144.245313,42.596 C143.805313,42.596 143.445312,42.956 143.445312,43.395 L143.445312,47.195 C143.445312,47.635 143.805313,47.995 144.245313,47.995 L157.442313,47.995 C157.883313,47.995 158.242312,47.635 158.242312,47.195 L158.242312,43.395 Z M122.445312,26 L6.9453125,26 C6.6693125,26 6.4453125,26.225 6.4453125,26.5 L6.4453125,81.5 C6.4453125,81.776 6.6693125,82 6.9453125,82 L121.945312,82 C122.221312,82 122.445312,81.776 122.445312,81.5 L122.445312,26 Z M200.445312,3 L200.445312,65 C200.445312,66.657 199.101313,68 197.445312,68 L128.445312,68 L128.445312,85 C128.445312,86.657 127.102313,88 125.445312,88 L3.4453125,88 C1.7883125,88 0.4453125,86.657 0.4453125,85 L0.4453125,23 C0.4453125,21.344 1.7883125,20 3.4453125,20 L122.445312,20 L122.445312,3 C122.445312,1.343 123.789312,0 125.445312,0 L197.445312,0 C199.101313,0 200.445312,1.343 200.445312,3 Z M104.720312,62.396 L95.2423125,62.396 C95.0023125,62.396 94.8413125,62.236 94.8413125,61.996 L94.8413125,57.197 C94.8413125,56.957 95.0023125,56.797 95.2423125,56.797 L104.240313,56.797 C104.680312,56.797 105.040312,56.438 105.040312,55.997 L105.040312,51.998 C105.040312,51.558 104.680312,51.198 104.240313,51.198 L95.2423125,51.198 C95.0023125,51.198 94.8413125,51.038 94.8413125,50.798 L94.8413125,45.999 C94.8413125,45.759 95.0023125,45.599 95.2423125,45.599 L104.560312,45.599 C105.000312,45.599 105.360312,45.239 105.360312,44.799 L105.360312,40.8 C105.360312,40.359 105.000312,40 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84.4403125,40 84.0013125,40 Z M61.4413125,40 L57.4023125,40 C56.9623125,40 56.6023125,40.359 56.6023125,40.8 L56.6023125,59.597 C56.6023125,61.356 55.1633125,62.796 52.7223125,62.796 C50.3633125,62.796 48.9243125,61.356 48.9243125,59.597 L48.9243125,40.8 C48.9243125,40.359 48.5633125,40 48.1243125,40 L44.0853125,40 C43.6443125,40 43.2843125,40.359 43.2843125,40.8 L43.2843125,59.597 C43.2843125,64.436 47.2843125,68.435 52.7223125,68.435 C58.2423125,68.435 62.2413125,64.436 62.2413125,59.597 L62.2413125,40.8 C62.2413125,40.359 61.8823125,40 61.4413125,40 Z M39.4423125,40.8 L39.4423125,44.799 C39.4423125,45.239 39.0823125,45.599 38.6423125,45.599 L33.6433125,45.599 C33.4033125,45.599 33.2433125,45.759 33.2433125,45.999 L33.2433125,67.195 C33.2433125,67.635 32.8823125,67.995 32.4433125,67.995 L28.4443125,67.995 C28.0043125,67.995 27.6443125,67.635 27.6443125,67.195 L27.6443125,45.999 C27.6443125,45.759 27.4843125,45.599 27.2443125,45.599 L22.2453125,45.599 C21.8043125,45.599 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Listen for all thgs GAY ics and more, but mostly COMICS! This fun, -pth, cril and cute nversatn vers the queer -- whether nonil or subtextual -- super hero ics, animatn and geek culture. Starrg Johnnie "JungleGuts" Mart and Alexandro Sega aka Prof Xtra; </div></h2></div><div class="hear-module__actnButtonsContaer___fUQla"><div class="hear-module__profilePlayButton___dNNKY"><a class="gui-em-module__guiItemLk___HP1Vy mon-module__lk___Mz1h3" href="/podsts/Arts--Culture-Podsts/Super-Gay-p1090486/"><svg width="48px" height="48px" viewBox="0 0 45 45" class="tune-button-module__solid___vhIa1" data-ttid="profilePlayerActnButton" data-in="play" prerveAspectRat="xMidYMid"><tle>Play Button

al super gay cats

Stan's got a new dog named Sparky. Stan proclaims his pet to be the tought dog on the mounta. Though while Stan thks his dog is ready for fightg, Sparky proceeds to hump Sylvter like a ltle bch. The other boys tnt Stan about his gay dog and Sparky ns away to fd someone who will love him for who he is.



After obtag the Pse Timefart, this missn will bee available. Go to Big Gay Al&#x2019;s Hoe and talk to him. He missns you to retrieve all of * al super gay cats *

AdvertisementIf the t you are lookg for is not the specified lotn, e the Timefart Rewd to brg the t Gay BogieTo beg, head to Hillvale Farm on the northeast end of town. Big Gay BlossomGo to SoDoSoPa and look for the pwheel to iate the Fartkour abily.

AdvertisementBig Gay BonoIn the woods to the left of the church is another t up a tree. RewardReturn to Big Gay Al wh all the ts secured to earn Fele Costume Set and the Snowt Costume Set.

The South Park: The Fractured But Whole Big Gay Al's Big Gay Cats Svenger Hunt will have you tryg to fd missg ts hidn around the game.


Where to fd all Big Gay Al's Big Gay Cats * al super gay cats *

Lotg all the missg Big Gay Cats will volve a range of skills - om basic exploratn of hidn areas, to g the right abili and powers.

To trigger this si missn you need to first feat Profsor Chaos and then go to Big Gay Al's hoe.

Then all that's left to do is fd all the South Park: The Fractured But Whole Hunt: Big Gay Al's Big Gay Cat lotns. Track them down and return them to Big Gay Al, to receive some new fele outfs as your reward. Big Gay ShadowBy the path leadg to Playground, ont of Bijou Theater - e TimeFart Pse to grab Shadow.


Svenger Hunt: Big Gay Al's Big Gay Cats is a si missn South Park: The Fractured But Whole. Big Gay Al is unhappy that his ts has gone missg, also he's aaid that the Sixth Grars might have ptured them. He requts The New Kid to go look for his ts around town and to return... * al super gay cats *

Big Gay KirbyOn a branch the tree outsi Bebe's Hoe - e your firecrackers to break the branch, then e TimeFart Pse to grab Kirby.

Big Gay BonoOn a branch the tree near the Church Fast Travel Flag - e your firecrackers to break the branch, then e TimeFart Pse to grab Bono.

Big Gay LokiBehd a snowdrift to the right of the South Park Mall nstctn se - e TimeFart Pse to grab Loki. Big Gay BogieOn a branch the tree next to the path to Canada behd Hillvale Farm - e your firecrackers to break the branch, then e TimeFart Pse to grab Bogie.


Big Gay Al is a stereotypil homosexual man who first appeared the Season One episo, "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ri". He is known for his flamboyant and posive meanor and ually rponds to the greetg "How are you?" wh an upbeat "I'm super! Thanks for askg!" In his first... * al super gay cats *

As before, if the branch is already broken, e TimeFart Glch to rtore all six ts the bag, return them to Big Gay Al and you'll receive the Fele Costume Set and Snowt Costume Set, pl Big Gay Al will now pose for a selfie wh you to crease that all-important follower unt on Coonstagram. Svenger Hunt: Big Gay Al's Big Gay Cats is a si missn South Park: The Fractured But Whole. Big Gay Al is unhappy that his ts has gone missg, also he's aaid that the Sixth Grars might have ptured them.


Beg Asian Amerin and LGBTQ+ n feel lonely, wh stutns such as ethnic church often disavowg non-heterosexual relatnships while tradnal LGBTQ+ spac such as gay bars n be unwelg. * al super gay cats *

To beg the qut, head over to Big Gay Al's Hoe, where he'll be seen standg outsi smokg a cigarette.

A short cut scene will then play, whereby Big Gay Al will state that his ts have all gone missg, spectg that they might have been ptured by the Sixth Grars. Big Gay Al's ts will be sttered across town, as mentned the ts are intifiable by their pk srv. To tch Big Gay Al's ts, quickly iate Timefart Pse before they proceed to hidg, then approach the ts and llect them, they will be then stored to your ventory.


The gay world is often reprented as some sort of monolhic whole that has the same culture. That is a lie. It is actually broken down to a handful of substrata to which each gay belongs. Here they are. * al super gay cats *

Big Gay Al will post msag on Coonstagram while you're searchg, givg hts to where his ts may be.


Super Gay! podst on mand - A podst for ic book gays!!! Listen for all thgs GAY ics and more, but mostly COMICS! This fun, -pth, cril and cute nversatn vers the queer -- whether nonil or subtextual -- super hero ics, animatn and geek... * al super gay cats *

Cat name: Big Gay ShadowLoted on the ground at the pathway between Ma Street and the playground. Cat name: Big Gay LokiLoted on the ground by the right of the area, next to a tool cht.

Once all the ts have been ught, return to Big Gay Al and he will reward you wh the Fele Costume and Snowt Costume sets, and you will also be able to take a selfie wh him. There are two ways to start the qut: talkg to Big Gay Al directly, or llectg one of his ts beforehand.


Cat behavr nsultant om Class Act Cats shar rmatn on a quirky topic: Do gay ts exist? * al super gay cats *

After speakg wh Big Gay Al at his home, he will give you a qut to fd his 6 missg ts.

If you are havg trouble fdg the remag ts, check out the vio below to see the lotns of all of Big Gay Als Big Gay will need to have unlocked the eeze time fart along wh the Fartre power before you will be able to get all of the ts.


South Park: The Fractured but Whole Cats Lotns Gui to help you tch all the Cats to plete Svenger Hunt: Big Gay Al’s Big Gay Cats. * al super gay cats *

Big Gay Al is a stereotypil homosexual man who first appeared the Season One episo, "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ri". In his first appearance "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ri", he ran an animal sanctuary rerved for gay animals who had been rejected by homophobic pet owners. He temporarily adopted Sparky, Stan Marsh's homosexual dog, who had n away om home after Stan had gotten upset wh him.

Stan then wanted Sparky back, and Big Gay Al agreed to return him, but only after explag homosexualy to Stan. However, the parents of the children were uneasy about a gay sut lear, and the club fired him. He rejected this, sayg he knows the Sut lears are still good men, and sce the suts are a private club, they should have the right to exclu people if they choose to, jt as he has the right to exprs himself as a gay man.

Big Gay Al is thick set and has brown hair, eyelash, a mtache, and very red lips. He appears to be very passnate about thgs he lov, savg homosexual animals "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ri", beg the suts sce age ne "Cripple Fight", and etc.


* al super gay cats *

Slave and Big Gay Al are the first to see the boys' attempts at gettg rid of the lol Harley Rirs, by wrg "Fags Get Out!

" Inially they are paed and horrified by the sign, until realizg that the boys did not mean anythg disparagg agast gays, but were stead g the term "Fag" regards to the Harley Rirs, statg "You n be gay, and not a fag". Al and Slave, fdg agreement wh this, help the boys to change the fn of "faggot" om a gay person to an annoyg Harley rir, wh Al pridg over meetgs town and brandishg a rifle agast the Harley rirs.

In the missn "A Clone of Your Own", he is one of the templat for the formed clon enuntered by the boys ( fact, only Big Gay Al clon are fought the first stage). While Big Gay Al do not physilly appear the game, he n be add as Facebook iend by answerg the iPhone Mr.


Salut ami south park J ai ete dans l an mr clave et je n ai pas crocher le telephone pour avoir al super gay t il possible l avoir trement ou rerentrer dans son cul ? - Topic Al super gay du 20-03-2014 14:07:28 sur l foms * al super gay cats *

He explas to Stan why 's alright to be homosexual and tak Stan on the eponymo boat ri before disappearg.

"Cripple Fight" - Al is the Suts Lear, until the club fir him for beg gay, g Stan, Kenny, Cartman, Butters, and Timmy to try to get him back as lear. "The F Word" - Al leads the gay people to help the boys change the fn of "faggot" om gay people, to annoyg Harley Rirs. In a culturally nservative muny, where gog to church and buildg a fay were heavily emphasized, Ahn felt his gay inty kept him “om beg able to participate Korean culture.

” Then, he started equentg GAMeBoi, a weekly Asian Amerin gay party at Wt Hollywood’s Rage Nightclub. He learned to embrace beg both Korean and gay, so much so that he directed “Fire Island, ” a groundbreakg queer Asian Amerin rom- released last year.


Big Gay Al's Cat Lotns - South Park: The Fractured But Whole Game Guis .