The 15 Gayt Ci the World - Vatner Magaze

gay cities around the world

In this piece, we will take a look at the 25 Gayt Ci the World. For more ci, head on over to 10 Gayt Ci the World. The risg trend of diversy and cln and acceptance for different sexual orientatns is impactg the global enomy posively. Several rearch papers have attempted to expla […]



Lookg for the bt gay-iendly ci to vis? We asked the top LGBT travel bloggers om around to world to remend their favoure statns * gay cities around the world *

Madrid is where you’ll fd Chue, one of the largt gay districts Europe, and one of the most dynamic LGBTQIA+ muni the entire world. Is home to one of the earlit protts for gay rights Ameri, the 1967 monstratns and pickets rponse to police raids on the Black Cat Tavern. Fast facts: 1971 brought the first Pri-like gatherg to the cy, as 300 people me together for a piic and event anized by the Communy Homophile Associatn of Toronto and Toronto Gay Actn.

In Amsterdam, the gay scene is mostly ncentrated around the many gay bars the Reguliersdwarsstraat, and we’ve had many fun parti at the Amstel Fifty Four on Wedndays, the drks night of stunt associatn A. There are great queer bars such as SilverFuture Nkölln and Faccla Krzberg, both wh their flare and social atmospher that make them great plac for tourists, whilst mega techno clubs and parti (what gui to gay Berl uldn’t clu Bergha?! Compared to other plac Mexi, was the cy where I saw the most signs of affectn public between same-sex upl, and there are plenty of gay bars, clubs and parti for everyone.

The right to change legal genr has been place sce 2012 and anti-discrimatn laws are full force Rosar and the big pal cy, Buenos love Buenos Air bee has one of the bt gay scen across Lat Ameri, which is heavily supported by the ernment, particular Augt when has s BADiversa week every Augt. The gay scene of Buenos Air is que spread out, but the fol pot is the large, rintial neighbourhood of Palermo, pl a few plac dotted about super ol San Telmo and well-to-do Releta. The two ma queer tango ongas the cy are La Marshall ( San Telmo) and Tango Queer ( Releta) Air Gay Ftival tak place every November.


* gay cities around the world *

Each year Auckland hosts a week of Pri events, one of which is lled The Big Gay Out (as if New Zealand wasn’t already the most epic spot). Hostels Auckland | Cheap flights to AucklandGran Canaria, Canary IslandsGran Canaria, remend by Stefan and Sebastien om Nomadic Canaria is an extremely famo statn throughout the year for European gays. Durg the harsh, reprsive Fran years, the ernment turned a bld eye to homosexualy as the island was too far away om the maland to bother wh.

From the 1960s, tourism really started to take off, attractg more and more foreigners and therefore even more tolerant love Gran Canaria bee there is a massive gay scene at Maspalomas and Playa l Ingl the southern part of the island.

The Yumbo Centre is the fol pot for the area: a large shoppg mall full of gay bars, clubs, rtrants and boutique shops, makg a gay man’s paradise. Gran Canaria also has several gay pri ftivals happeng throughout the year such as the Maspalomas Fetish Week October, Maspalomas Wter Pri November, Carnivals Febary (both Maspalomas and Las Palmas), Maspalomas Gay Pri May and fally numero bear parti October and another of our favoure experienc Gran Canaria was takg a boat trip (n by Canarias Gay) wh iends to the remote beach lled Gui Gui.


Lookg for fun, safe plac to vis this year? Check out this list of the bt gay ci the world, acrdg to Insir Monkey! * gay cities around the world *

Hostels Gran Canaria | Cheap flights to Gran CanariaMilan, ItalyMilan, remend by Luigi & Daniele om Gayly love Milan bee has the bt GLBT scene Italy. There’s Hell’s Kchen, where lots of gay guys hang out, or Henrietta Hudson the Village, which is one of three remag lbian bars the five boroughs.

Hostels New York | Cheap flights to New YorkRome, ItalyRome, remend by Luigi & Daniele om Gayly is an credible cy wh tonn of amazg plac to take photos and historil s that will take your breath away.


The bt gay statns the world acrdg to travelers. Disver each of the world’s 40 top gay travel statns and why they’re so popular. * gay cities around the world *

You’ll fd yourself talkg to everyone and, wh the night g, you’ll want to disver one of the most popular Italian clubs: Mucssassa wter and Gay Village Pri tak place every June.

Hostels Rome | Cheap flights to RomeLisbon, PortugalLisbon, remend by Gian Lu om Viaggia e of the most amazgly gay-iendly ci I n remend for LGBT travellers Lisbon. Therefore, public displays of affectn (PDAs) and topics like sex and sexualy are thgs Japane do not talk about, though genr norms are more fluid Japan than elsewhere the LGBT people Japan are jt ‘gay for the weekend’ and often even have a ‘normal’ fay durg the rt of the week.


Disver how love and the celebratn of human diversy has turned the ten stunng ci petors for the tle of the world's gay mec! * gay cities around the world *

The gay bars n be found Tokyo’s gay area Shju-nichōme, the perfect place to eher fd your special someone or to celebrate your love wh your special someone. To fd the bt gay hangouts, the top neighborhoods clu the U Street Corridor, Dupont Circle or Logan Circle wh LGBT favore spots like Cobalt, 30 Degre, Green Lantern or DIK Bar.


The 15 Gayt Ci the World - Vatner Magaze .