The gay iendly small towns of Sgatuck and Douglas are the midwt’s bt gay travel statns for a relaxg and fun weekend getaway or plete vatn
Disver the lgbt iendly rtrants, bars, and eateri Michigan’s most loved gay iendly small towns, Sgatuck and Douglas. * gay owned businesses in michigan *
My partner and I ll Grand Rapids home and enjoy visg the lol gay bars, as well as some of the outstandg shops Uptown, and beyond, that are owned and operated by some of the LGBTQ+ muny. Downtown is home to the Apartment Lounge, Michigan’s olst gay bar, and Rumors Night Club, a dance bar wh DJs, karaoke, and drag shows.
The followg are jt a few of the cy’s LGBTQ+ owned and operated bs that you should check out next time you are town:The Apartment Lounge is the olst gay bar Michigan.