Three Gays of the Condo | Simpsons Wiki | Fandom

gay episode simpsons

Flamg Moe: Directed by Chuck Sheetz, Mike B. Anrson. Wh Dan Castellaa, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smh. Moe tri to keep his 'straightns' a secret when he opens a gay bar; Skner falls for a new teacher." data-id="ma



Homer's Phobia: Directed by Mike B. Anrson. Wh Dan Castellaa, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smh. After Marge beiends John, a gay store owner, Homer worri that his prence will have a negative effect on Bart's sexualy." data-id="ma * gay episode simpsons *

And while ’s a historil moment for Smhers, ’s also a full-circle one for longtime seri wrer Rob LaZebnik, whose son, Johnny, spired Smhers’ big, gay g-out episo 2016.

Of urse, Smhers — who fds himself thst to a globe-trottg, whirlwd romance wh Garber’s fashnista — was already fluenced by them both when he bted down his closet door 2016’s touchg Season 27 episo “Tom Colls, ” which was penned by Rob as an homage to his gay son. “So often, gay romanc are a subplot or allud to or shown some kd of montage or as a punchle. And what I thk I was really exced about, wh this episo, we get to see — whout spoilg too much — the begng, middle and who knows how ends of a gay relatnship, of really gettg to the nty-grty of how gay people date, how they meet, what ’s like, ” he said.

“I haven’t played a lot of gay characters, but every time I do , brgs back certa feelgs I had as a young actor where I uldn’t be gay. The SimpsonsCast & crewUser reviewsTriviaEpiso aired Feb 16, 1997TV-1423mAfter Marge beiends John, a gay store owner, Homer worri that his prence will have a negative effect on Bart's Marge beiends John, a gay store owner, Homer worri that his prence will have a negative effect on Bart's Marge beiends John, a gay store owner, Homer worri that his prence will have a negative effect on Bart's productn, box office & pany PhotosReview John Waters-The Simpsons-My Wet DreamThis is my favore Simpsons episo bee 's the two thgs that me asm the most, John Waters and The Simpsons. Homer unknowgly beiends a gay shop owner (John Waters) and then is horrified to fd out his sexualy.


When filmmaker John Waters played a gay character on The Simpsons, his episo eventually end up breakg down barriers for LGBTQ+ reprentatn. * gay episode simpsons *

Upon the ncurence of this rmatn, Homer begs to spect Bart is turng gay. Homer gets mad at John Waters for not beg more gay. He uldn't be more gay.

What about a gay steel l? Cult in John Waters was the first openly gay character on The Simpsons, and the show's treatment of him signaled a tidal shift Amerin TV. When a character was referred to as gay, the figure qutn almost always played as tragic or, more often, herently il.

The Simpsons mocked almost everythg (except Scientology) s Goln Age, but unlike most ss of the time, the seri didn’t treat s first openly gay character as a walkg joke. Beg gay was, and of self, seen as a punchle even for progrsive televisn of the ‘80s and early ‘90s, and few shows were terted challengg this.


The first gay episo of The Simpsons, entled 'Homer's Phobia', featured a character played by queer filmmaker John Waters. * gay episode simpsons *

However, the show was still subject to work censorship and, although the star of Ellen me out as a lbian two months later, “Homer’s Phobia” was one of the first attempts to break down the visible barrier faced by gay characters. While no one explicly stated that any characters were to be stereotyped, was all-but-unheard of for a character like John, who was picted as charmg, lm, and genial, to be gay. The Simpsons rarely ma small-town Sprgfielrs the villas of the story, but this stance, turng Homer to the bad guy led Amerin dienc to intify wh a sweet, likable character who happened to be gay over the regnizable s dad they were ually expected to love and see as herently harmls spe his prejudice.

However, “Homer’s Phobia” picked Waters not bee of his fame but bee his public image reprented the perfect tersectn between all-Amerin manners and the more outre, unfaiar aspects of queer culture, mp, and the gay experience.

* gay episode simpsons *

Castg Waters as a level-head, kd, and unrstandg face of the LGBTQ+ muny allowed The Simpsons to celebrate mp, queer culture, and outsir art whout makg the character himself a stereotype or offensive riture of what was perceived as “gay. In ntrast, anyone unfaiar wh the director’s ovre got a funny, self-pretg look to LGBTQ+ culture a story where beg gay was neher a joke to lghed at, or an odd spectacle to be leered and jeered at.

“You guys don't have a gay time mache, do you?” ―Homer Simpson "Three Gays of the Condo" is the seventeenth episo of Season 14. Homer and Marge have a fight when Homer realiz Marge only married him bee she was pregnant wh Bart. Homer choos to leave the hoe and stggl to fd... * gay episode simpsons *

Waters had a sense of humor about John and ma him a funny figure whout treatg his gayns self as a joke.

The fact that his character The Simpsons was both mp and ol pared to Homer and pany’s “normal” and nrotic reactn to him was one of televisn’s first attempts to see homophobia as the exceptn and not the norm. The groundbreakg episo featured a character played by queer filmmaker John Waters and an famo scene set a gay steel l. I was remd recently that was the anniversary of the first-ever gay episo of The Simpsons, ‘Homer’s Phobia’ (Season 8, Episo 15, se you want to revis ) airg Ameri.


'The Simpsons' landmark gay episo keeps the fay .