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10:26pm</time></div></li></ul></div><figure class="ZN3xR"><picture class="cp_picture"><source type="image/avif" srcSet=" media="(m-width: 1280px)"/><source type="image/avif" srcSet=" media="(m-width: 1024px)"/><source type="image/avif" srcSet=" media="(m-width: 768px)"/><source type="image/avif" srcSet="><source type="image/webp" srcSet=" media="(m-width: 1280px)"/><source type="image/webp" srcSet=" media="(m-width: 1024px)"/><source type="image/webp" srcSet=" media="(m-width: 768px)"/><source type="image/webp" srcSet="><source type="image/eg" srcSet=" media="(m-width: 1280px)"/><source type="image/eg" srcSet=" media="(m-width: 1024px)"/><source type="image/eg" srcSet=" media="(m-width: 768px)"/><source type="image/eg" srcSet="><img alt="" class="cp_picture__img" src="></picture><figptn class="Ya3u6 SilLI" data-ttid="ptned-picture-ptn">Belfast Price 2019<span class="mjYl8"> Cred: <!-- -->Prs Eye</span></figptn></figure></hear><div class="_074l4 cp_grid__em" data-ttid="article-body"><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">The returng Belfast Pri para is set to be the largt the cy has ever wnsed, anisers have said.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">The annual event, which was ncelled durg the height of the Covid-19 panmic, returns for the first time three years on Saturday.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">The last time was held 2019, 135 groups registered to take part the para.</p><asi class="cp_grid n1Jiz" data-ttid="le-tile-list-ntaer"><article data-ttid="tile-unfed" class="_9ngZG cp_grid__em cp_width--one-half V42pZ"><div class="fckaL" data-ttid="tile-image-ntaer"><div class="cp_placeholr"></div></div><div data-ttid="tile-headg-ntaer" class="mhohf"><a class="E2VG5" data-ttid="tile-headg-lk" href="/news/utv/2022-07-29/dubl-airport-baggage-handlers-unr-prsure-to-expla-luggage-dumped--b"><h2 class="cp_headg FBRAm">Dubl Airport baggage handlers unr prsure to expla luggage dumped b</h2></a></div></article><article data-ttid="tile-unfed" class="_9ngZG cp_grid__em cp_width--one-half V42pZ"><div class="fckaL" data-ttid="tile-image-ntaer"><div class="cp_placeholr"></div></div><div data-ttid="tile-headg-ntaer" class="mhohf"><a class="E2VG5" data-ttid="tile-headg-lk" href="/news/utv/2022-07-29/man-31-charged-followg-stabbg--cy-centre"><h2 class="cp_headg FBRAm">Man, 31, charged followg stabbg cy centre</h2></a></div></article></asi><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">This year anisers had to close the applitn wdow early after 200 group registratns were received.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">The theme for this year's Pri event is "muny uned diversy" and a group of asylum seekers and refuge who have ma Belfast their home have been ved to lead the afternoon march through the cy centre.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Notable addns to this year's para le-up clu Ulster Rugby and Ulster GAA.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Co-chair of the Belfast Pri Ftival John O'Doherty said: "We're so exced to be back on the streets of Belfast. This is gog to be the biggt Belfast Pri para Belfast has ever seen, we've more groups marchg than ever before.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"We're so exced to be joed for the first time by Ulster Rugby and Ulster GAA.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"We're also really exced to be profilg the experienc of asylum seekers and refuge Northern Ireland and to have them lead our para."</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Mr O'Doherty said 60,000 people were on the streets of the cy 2019 – a figure that clud para participants and watchg crowds.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"We're expectg substantially more than that tomorrow," he add.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"My first Pri Belfast was 20 years ago. I was 18 and I'm 38 now and 's substantially changed sce then. The ftival alone I remember we had our after-party Wrers' Square, where there were no stag, there were no big performanc. It was a much different ftival back then.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"When I look at Pri and even Belfast today pared to what was back then, you have so much more visibily of LGBTQI+ people, so much more visibily and acceptance of our muny more wily, and jt the sheer volume of muny associatns, employers, statutory agenci and others that want to be part of this ftival and they want to support our muny.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"And 's such a visual reprentatn of how far LGBTQI+ people have e.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"We still have a lot to do. There are a lot of equali to be addrsed - trans healthre, banng nversn therapy, RSE (relatnships and sex tn) and protectns schools.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">"All of the thgs still need to be addrsed. However, we should also take time to regnise how far we've e and how much we've achieved."</p><hr/><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX"><strong class="_1ATDh">Want a quick and expert briefg on the biggt news stori? Listen to our latt podsts to fd out What You Need To Know.</strong></p><div class="_8xmX9 A8Lwr" data-ttid="embed-spreaker-playlist"><iame class="vWpZr" src=" tle="Podst playlist embed" loadg="lazy"></iame></div><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX"> <span class="LjyUJ"></span> </p></div><footer data-ttid="article-footer"><div class="cQTzz C04KI" data-ttid="tag-list"><ul class="fHh0w"><li class="Jp5fE"><div class="aqX0o"></div><div data-ttid="tag" class="_6DWPQ xp9pO"><a class="HPL4j" data-ttid="tag-lk" href="/news/utv"><span data-ttid="tag-text">UTV</span></a></div></li><li class="Jp5fE"><div class="aqX0o"></div><div data-ttid="tag" class="_6DWPQ xp9pO"><a class="HPL4j" data-ttid="tag-lk" href="/news/topic/belfast"><span data-ttid="tag-text">Belfast</span></a></div></li><li class="Jp5fE"><div class="aqX0o"></div><div data-ttid="tag" class="_6DWPQ xp9pO"><a class="HPL4j" data-ttid="tag-lk" href="/news/topic/pri"><span data-ttid="tag-text">Pri</span></a></div></li><li class="Jp5fE"><div 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gay parade belfast

The Paras Commissn is to ci if Belfast's Gay Pri para will go ahead as planned.



Thoands of people attend the annual Gay Pri para Belfast cy centre. * gay parade belfast *

READ NEXT: The story behd how Belfast's first ever gay rights para me about 1991 Co Down man bullied as a schoolboy jos NSPCC as mpaigner Ulster Rugby set for Belfast Pri return as lls on clubs for support Cy Hall fac ll to spend same on LGBTQ & ethnic mori as Irish culture For all the latt news, vis the Belfast Live homepage here. Belfast Gay Pri starts 5 days! About Belfast Gay Pri.

Program for Belfast Gay Pri. "Transphobia, biphobia, homophobia, sexism and misogyny are all rooted the same iology - and we nnot succsfully end one whout brgg an end to them all. POLARI WRITING WORKSHOP WITH LEE CAMPBELLBelfast Pri partnership wh Ulster Universy, 17:30 to 19:00 - Ulster Universy, York Street At the start of the workshop, participants watch a short poetry film by Lee lled The Tale of Benny Harris (2022), a film wrten entirely Polari (gay slang).


Belfast Gay Pri 2021 Belfast Pri 2021 will take place om the 31st July to 1st Augt. The Belfast Pri Para is the biggt cross-muny para t * gay parade belfast *

Wh activists such as Jefey Dudgeon, Doug Sobey, Pla Keenan and more, The Troubl I've Seen explor the start of the Gay Liberatn movement, the tablishment of Cara-Friend and the ep sense of muny and support that was fed by mpaigng the face of AIDS, legal rtrictns, and the anarchial polil suatn. Tickets: THE BIG GAY QUIZ 2023 The Rabow Project, 19:00, Unn Bar, Queen's Stunts' Unn The Rabow Project's annual Pri week fundraiser THE BIG GAY QUIZ is back bigger and better.


Thoands of people attend the annual Gay Pri para Belfast cy centre. * gay parade belfast *

Players om the Belfast Azlans, a predomantly gay.

30pm This will take you through Belfast to see where LGBTQ+ history happened and hear the first-hand stori of what was like when was illegal to be gay NI and the ton sce then. Hundreds enjoyed Pri activi cludg Northern Ireland's only gay gby team 'Belfast Azians' showg off their skills.


BELFAST Cy Hall was l up wh a rabow of lours to celebrate the Gay Pri rnival over the weekend., wr Amanda Fergon * gay parade belfast *

30pm An eveng of Gay Speed Datg where you n meet multiple sgle men one night - away om your ual apps. 30pm An eveng of Gay Speed Datg where you n meet multiple sgle women one night - away om your ual apps.


<p>Christian group jos Belfast para for first time after Iris Robson lled gays 'wicked and vile'</p> * gay parade belfast *

Thursday, July 28 The Big Gay Quiz - Common Market - 8pm Hosted by Tdy Scmpt, the annual pri fundraiser is back - supported by Taboo Prents. A Belfast man who has given years of his life to Pri has revealed how he me to lead the cy’s first ever gay rights para 1991. Niall Gillpie has spent many of the last 31 years leadg, anisg and cleang up after the now huge event which brgs NI’s gay muny and more together every summer.


There will be no rtrictns placed on this year's Gay Pri para Belfast, is announced. * gay parade belfast *

NIGRA, which is the Northern Ireland Gay Rights Associatn, were the anisatn that took Jeff Dudgeon’s se the European Court of human Rights. Niall add: “There was some young person there who’s name I don’t rell and he me up wh the ia, why spend money to take people away when we uld have a gay Pri para Belfast to which everybody said ‘we n’t’.

T-shirt om Belfast's first gay pri on show at the Ulster Mm. I said Gay Pri and offered them a balloon.


* gay parade belfast *

Media ptn, The marchers celebrated the 25th year of the annual para BelfastThoands of people have led the streets of Belfast for the cy's annual Gay Pri Para.

"Image ptn, Ftival aniser Sarah Melville-Watson said the thoands of supporters on the streets showed the pth of support for gay rights and same-sex marriage"This is our opportuny. " 'Open-md'One spectator, who moved out of Belfast more than 40 years ago, said the growth of the lol Gay Pri movement was a sign of how much the cy has changed.


Thoands of people attend the annual Gay Pri para Belfast cy centre. * gay parade belfast *

"It's gog to be a spectacle of lour, 's gog to be an exprsn of inty and an exprsn of diversy for Belfast" ptn, The event marked the 25th anniversary of the Belfast Pri paraImage ptn, Lord Mayor of Belfast, Arr Carson, said the para was an exprsn of inty and diversyThe Sn Fé uncillor said markg the 25th anniversary of the first Belfast Pri para was a "tone" for the gay rights movement. Image ptn, The para began at Ctom Hoe Square the cy centre at noonAfter voters the Republic of Ireland supported the troductn of same sex marriage a referendum May, Northern Ireland is now the only part of the UK and Ireland where gay marriage has not been legalised.

READ NEXT: The story behd how Belfast's first ever gay rights para me about 1991 Belfast Pri: Returng para set to be biggt one yet, anisers predict Ulster Rugby set for Belfast Pri return as lls on clubs for support Cy Hall fac ll to spend same on LGBTQ & ethnic mori as Irish culture For all the latt news, vis the Belfast Live homepage here. Reverend Chris Hudson, a mister Non-Subscribg Prbyterian Church of Ireland, said that he wanted to show solidary wh the gay and lbian muny. He add: "I want to say to them, particularly those of a Christian fah, that is ok to be gay and a Christian and do not let anyone tell you otherwise.


Two men attendg the annual Gay Pri para Belfast expla why they believe they should be able to get married. * gay parade belfast *

"Those prottg believe that homosexualy is patible wh biblil scripture. "Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) officers first parad uniform at the event police have faced cricism as some have seen their attendance as an official endorsement of gay rights mpaign a statement, Mr Sgleton said: "As a police service, we have had to refully nsir this requt om our LGBT+ Network on s mers, the stated purpos and circumstanc surroundg the para and our statutory obligatns to act wh fairns, tegry and impartialy, whilst upholdg fundamental human rights and acrdg equal rpect to all dividuals, their tradns and beliefs.


[ Thoands take part annual Trans and Intersex Pri march Dubl][ Hoax vice wrapped Pri flag left at Antrim home of Alliance party uncillor]Uniformed gardaí marched the Dubl Pri para for the first time 2019, wh the Garda Reprentative Associatn last year sayg how “privileged” felt takg part the “very public display of solidary and cln” month, gardaí also joed the Dubl event, drivg rs bearg the Pri flag and rabow SDLP’s Séamas Faoe, who scrib himself as one of Belfast Cy Council’s “few openly gay uncillors”, exprsed “signifint ncerns” about the PSNI cisn.

Crics had claimed the attendance of officers uniform was an official endorsement of gay rights mpaign issu. Image ptn, The para is takg place Belfast cy centreThoands of people have attend the annual Gay Pri para Belfast cy s 23rd year, the Belfast para is claimed to be the largt of s kd on the island of left Ctom Hoe Square at 12:00 BST and ma s way through the cy centre.

The 23rd Annual Belfast Pri ParaThe 23rd Annual Belfast Pri ParaGay Pri para Belfast. Picture Mark McCormickGay Pri para Belfast.


Picture by Kelv Boy / Prs EyePacemaker Prs Belfast 06-07-02013: Thoands of people attend the annual Gay Pri para Belfast cy centre. Pacemaker Prs Belfast 06-07-02013: Thoands of people attend the annual Gay Pri para Belfast cy centre.

Picture by Kelv Boy / Prs EyeBELFAST Cy Hall was l up wh a rabow of lours to celebrate the Gay Pri rnival over the weekend., wr Amanda FergonIt was the first time the buildg had been illumated this manner for this or any other buildg will now be bathed lour for notable events the future — cludg green for St Patrick’s Day and orange for Orangeft this 23rd annual rnival celebratg the lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenred (LGBT) muny attracted tens of thoands of people to the cy centre on Saturday. Belfast Lord Mayor Mairt O Muilleoir helped lead the para, followed by an eye-tchg mobily soter tribute to the late veteran gay rights mpaigner PA MagLochlan, one of 100 people to take part the first Pri para om High Street to Botanic Garns 1991, died Saturday his iends, sister Denise and niece Lucie drsed up stum he had worn at var Pri said: “We hope that he is proud of today, bee he ma very proud.

“He wanted equaly for all, he was a great csar for gay rights. ”HIV blogger Michael Carchrie Campbell om east Belfast was reprentg gay Christian anisatn Fah and said: “It's not about puttg down others views but puttg forward the simple tth that you n be both Christian and gay, they aren't opposg each other.


Irish Prime Mister Leo Varadkar said Saturday that was “only a matter of time” before Northern Ireland legaliz same-sex marriage, as he attend a gay pri event Belfast. “It is of urse a cisn for the Northern Ireland Assembly, but I am nfint that like other wtern European untri they will make that cisn due urse, ” said Varadkar, Ireland’s first openly gay lear who took office June. Iris Robson, the Democratic Unnist MP who believ homosexualy n be cured by psychiatry, ma a 'gut' appearance at yterday's annual Gay Pri para Strangford MP appeared the 'guise' of several marchers wearg Iris masks what turned out to be Northern Ireland's largt Pri rally for years.

The para took place a cy labelled the most homophobic place the UK or Ireland. Organisers claimed the large turn-out was rponse to the ntroversy stirred up by the DUP MP, who recently also likened gay sex to child abe.

Her remarks prompted one anisatn to bee the first Christian gay group to march the Belfast para. Changg Attu Ireland, a new anisatn reprentg gay Christians throughout the island, said they had cid to jo Pri rponse to the MP's remarks. 'This is the first time our banner has been displayed at Pri Belfast bee was important to crease our visibily and to show people that there are alternative Christian views than those poed by Iris Robson, ' said a retired Church of Ireland mister, the Rev Mervyn said there was growg support wh the Church of Ireland for equaly for gay people si the Anglin Communn.


'In June, Robson told a lol rad that homosexualy was 'disgtg, loathsome, nseatg, wicked and vile'.

The wife of Northern Ireland's First Mister, Peter Robson, also claimed psychologil unsellg uld 'cure' gay people.

A number of other clergymen joed the Gay Pri march along Belfast's Royal Avenue, cludg the Rev Chris Hudson, the Dubl-born peace activist who acted as a secret ndu between loyalist paraari and the Irish ernment the lead up to the 1994 ceasefir.


Revelers take part Belfast Gay Pri para .