Human Rights Watch nuncia que la unidad LGBTQ sue abo y discrimación en la isla San Vicente y las Granadas, en el te l Caribe, don el sexo gay todavía tá penado.
The rights of gay, lbian, bisexual and transgenr people have taken centre stage ahead of Spa's July 23 natnal electn. * gay rights espanol *
En buena parte los país occintal ta semana se celebra el Orgullo Gay, que se ha nvertido en todo un símbolo en fensa los rechos y libertas los homosexual.
En su lucha ntra la tolerancia, hay país l mapa que llegan a bldar los rechos nstucnalmente, mientras que en otros no existe una posición clara al rpecto o, directamente, tablecen penas cárcel para quien manifiten una orientación sexual prohibida, llegando en algunos sos a aplir la pena o, s 2012, Ilga (la Asociación Internacnal Gays y Lbianas) elabora un rme anual (excepto en 2018) en el que rege la suación los rechos y libertas los homosexual en todo el mundo en un extenso rme más 500 págas en el que talla cómo tratan los 197 país renocidos por la ONU a las personas n orientacn sexual disttas a la vtigador analizan la legislación propia da país para termar el nivel protección que se oece a los homosexual y, en función ello, tablecen qué regn son más tolerant ntro un mapa mundial. La buena noticia que la mayoría los país se encuentran en el pectro posivo, n al menos una protección limada; por el ntrar, aún existen 11 país que aplin la pena muerte (c nacn mediante su tipifición y seis en los que se cree probable) para quien mutren públimente una orientación no sí, solo hay nueve país en los que los rechos los homosexual tán bldados nstucnalmente...
* gay rights espanol *
Si bien el Artículo 14 la Carta Magna tablece que "los pañol son igual ante la ley, s que pueda prevalecer discrimación alguna por razón nacimiento, raza, sexo, religión, opión o cualquier otra ndición o circunstancia personal o social", los rechos los homosexual no tán explicados en nutro texto fundamental. Aunque nutra Constución no protege expramente los rechos los homosexual, los artículos 511 y 512 l Código Penal penalizan la negación discrimatoria servics por motivos orientación sexual.
El artículo 34 tablece que a protección se apli al sí, el rme apunta que, nque no existe una ley nacnal ntra la discrimación basada en la orientación sexual, más l 85% la población pañola vive en unidas tónomas y regn que oecen una amplia protección ntra dicha discrimación, entre ellas: Andalucía (2014/2018), Aragón (2018), Islas Balear (2007), Cataluña (2014), Canarias (2014), Madrid (2016), Navarra (2017), Valencia (2018), Extremadura (2015), Galicia (2016), País Vas (2012) y Murcia (2016) otro lado, España uno los 30 país todo el mundo que ya han legalizado el matrimon homosexual, siendo el tercero que ant lo implantó (2005), solo por trás País Bajos (2001) y Bélgi (2003). Aquel ho en la legislación pañola supo amás la posibilidad que las faias homoparental (formadas por dos personas l mismo sexo) tuvien acco a la adopción, algo que a día hoy solo permen 28 país en todo el el extremo oputo, Pakistán, Yemen, Irán, Emiratos Árab Unidos, Catar, Arabia Sdí, Afganistán, Sudán, Somalia, Nigeria y Mrania son los país en los que se apli pena muerte a quien practiquen relacn n personas l mismo sexo. SummaryPolls suggt right-wg parti will w Spa electnConservativ may form aln wh far-rightLGBTQ+ activists fear a roll back of their rightsMADRID, July 17 (Thomson Rters Foundatn) - The rights of gay, lbian, bisexual and transgenr people have taken centre stage ahead of Spa's July 23 natnal electn.
SAN JUAN (AP) — El gpo fensa Human Rights Watch publicó un rme tallado el juev que talla el abo y la discrimación que la unidad LGBTQ dice que enenta en la isla San Vicente y las Granadas, en el te l Caribe, don el sexo gay todavía tá la falta vivienda hasta el ntuo abo físi y verbal, la unidad gay en la pequeña nación unos 100. En San Vicente, el sexo anal se stiga n hasta 10 años prisión, mientras que la “cencia grave” n otra persona l mismo sexo se sancna n hasta c años prisión, según las ley la era lonial que son un en la región ribeña socialmente bien rara vez se von, el gpo rechos humanos y un activista lol dijeron que las ley ayudan a legimar la hostilidad y el abo ntra las personas homosexual.
Human Rights Watch nuncia que la unidad LGBTQ sue abo y discrimación en la isla San Vicente y las Granadas, en el te l Caribe, don el sexo gay todavía tá penado * gay rights espanol *
“La gente se siente envalentonada para discrimar o ser vlenta” jul 2019, dos hombr homosexual San Vicente que viven en el extranjero prentaron un so para safiar las ley lol que penalizan el sexo entre homosexual que, según los activistas, berían elimarse. SAN JUAN — El gpo fensa Human Rights Watch publicó un rme tallado el juev que talla el abo y la discrimación que la unidad LGBTQ dice que enenta en la isla San Vicente y las Granadas, en el te l Caribe, don el sexo gay todavía tá la falta vivienda hasta el ntuo abo físi y verbal, la unidad gay en la pequeña nación unos 100.
“Todas las personas LGBT entrevistadas por Human Rights Watch dijeron que seaban abandonar el país mediato o que habían imagado su futuro en el extranjero”, dicó el San Vicente, el sexo anal se stiga n hasta 10 años prisión, mientras que la “cencia grave” n otra persona l mismo sexo se sancna n hasta c años prisión, según las ley la era lonial que son un en la región ribeña socialmente bien rara vez se von, el gpo rechos humanos y un activista lol dijeron que las ley ayudan a legimar la hostilidad y el abo ntra las personas homosexual. Gay [ɡeɪ] adjective1 (homosexual) [+man, muny, movement] gay adjective:variable; (a) homosexual; [+woman] homosexual; lbiano; [+bar] gay adjective:variable; (a) gays a centre for lbians and gay men un centro para lbianas y gays; gay men and women hombr y mujer homosexual; gays y lbianas; gay sex relacn (f) homosexual; the gay scene el ambiente gay or homosexual2 gayer (parative)gayt (superlative) (cheerful) [+person, lour, stume] alegre; [+atmosphere, mic, lghter] alegre; ftivo Nancy liked their gay stum she was feelg wty and gay3 (reee) wh gay abandon spreocupadamente; alegremente He has splashed dollars around wh gay abandon she's livg the gay life Paris se da la gran vida en París; se pega la vida padre en París (rmal) I don't have the money to live the gay life gay [Paree] [Paris]noun (man) gay (m); homosexual (m); (woman) lbiana (f); homosexual (f);modifierthe gay liberatn movement gay lib (n) el movimiento liberación homosexualgay rights (n) rechos (m) los homosexual. E., for lbians, gays [homosexual mal], bisexuals, transgenr persons, and queer persons); seeks to elimate sodomy laws; and lls for an end to discrimatn agast LGBTQ persons employment, cred, hog, public acmodatns, and other areas of life.
(Although the term gay is monly ed reference to homosexual mal, is also ed more generally to refer to homosexual mal together wh some or all other orientatns wh the LGBTQ muny. ) Gay rights prr to the 20th century Relig admonns agast sexual relatns between dividuals of the same sex (particularly men) long stigmatized such behavur, but most legal s Europe were silent on the subject of homosexualy and bisexualy.
People around the world face vlence and equaly—and sometim torture, even executn—bee of who they love, how they look, or who they are. Sexual orientatn and genr inty are tegral aspects of our selv and should never lead to discrimatn or abe. Human Rights Watch works for lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr peopl' rights, and wh activists reprentg a multiplicy of inti and issu. We document and expose ab based on sexual orientatn and genr inty worldwi, cludg torture, killg and executns, arrts unr unjt laws, unequal treatment, censorship, medil ab, discrimatn health and jobs and hog, domtic vlence, ab agast children, and nial of fay rights and regnn. We advote for laws and polici that will protect everyone’s digny. We work for a world where all people n enjoy their rights fully. * gay rights espanol *
” Homosexual and bisexual men and women were given voice 1897 wh the foundg of the Scientific-Humanarian Commtee (Wissenschaftlich-humanär Komee; WhK) Berl. Dpe Paragraph 175 and the failure of the WhK to w s repeal, homosexual and bisexual men and women experienced a certa amount of eedom Germany, particularly durg the Weimar perd, between the end of World War I and the Nazi seizure of power.
Gay rights movement, civil rights movement that advot equal rights for LGBTQ persons—that is, for lbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenr persons, and queer persons—and lls for an end to discrimatn agast LGBTQ persons employment, cred, hog, public acmodatns, and other areas of life. * gay rights espanol *
In the Uned Stat this greater visibily brought some backlash, particularly om the ernment and the police: the ernment often fired gay civil servants, the ary attempted to purge s ranks of gay soldiers (a policy enacted durg World War II), and police vice squads equently raid gay bars and arrted their patrons. In the Uned Stat the first major male anizatn, found 1950–51 by Harry Hay Los Angel, was the Mattache Society (s name reputedly rived om a medieval French society of masked players, the Société Mattache, to reprent the public “maskg” of homosexualy), while the Dghters of Bilis (named after the Sapphic love poems of Pierre Louÿs, Chansons Bilis), found 1955 by Phyllis Lyon and Del Mart San Francis, was a leadg group for women.
After a Southern California school district rejected a state-endorsed social studi curriculum that clus material on gay rights, top state officials are vowg to buy a textbook qutn and distribute to stunts before the new school year. * gay rights espanol *
In Bra 1957 a missn chaired by Sir John Wolfenn issued a groundbreakg report (see Wolfenn Report) remendg that private homosexual liaisons between nsentg adults be removed om the doma of crimal law; a later the remendatn was implemented by Parliament the Sexual Offenc Act. The gay rights movement was begng to w victori for legal reform, particularly wtern Europe, but perhaps the sgle fg event of gay activism occurred the Uned Stat. In the 1970s and ’80s, gay polil anizatns proliferated, particularly the Uned Stat and Europe, and spread to other parts of the globe, though their relative size, strength, and succs—and toleratn by thori—varied signifintly.
Groups such as the Human Rights Campaign, the Natnal Gay and Lbian Task Force, and ACT UP (AIDS Coaln to Unleash Power) the Uned Stat and Stonewall and Outrage! Now headquartered Geneva and renamed the Internatnal Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Associatn (ILGA World), plays a signifint role ordatg ternatnal efforts to promote human rights and fight discrimatn agast LGBTQ and tersex persons.
In the Uned Stat, gay activists won support om the Democratic Party 1980, when the party add to s platform nondiscrimatn clse a plank cludg sexual orientatn. This support, along wh mpaigns by gay activists urgg gay men and women to “e out of the closet” (ed, the late 1980s, Natnal Comg Out Day was tablished, and is now celebrated on October 11 most untri), enuraged gay men and women to enter the polil arena as ndidat. In 1974 Wechsler was replaced on the uncil by Kathy Kozachenko, who, havg n openly as a lbian, th beme the first openly gay person to w office after g out.
gay rights translate: rechos los homosexual. Learn more the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictnary. * gay rights espanol *
In addn, 2019 Lori Lightfoot beme the first openly gay person to be elected mayor of Chigo, and two years later Pete Buttigieg beme the first openly gay bet member Amerin history. Large ci Europe also were fertile grounds for succs for openly gay policians; for example, Bertrand Delanoë Paris and Kls Wowere Berl were both elected mayor 2001.
At the lol and natnal levels, the number of openly gay policians creased dramatilly durg the 1990s and 2000s, and 2009 Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir beme prime mister of Iceland, which ma her the world’s first openly gay head of ernment. In Ai, Asia, and Lat Ameri, openly gay policians have had only limed succs wng office; notable electns to natnal legislatur clud Patria Jiménez Flor Mexi (1997), Mike Waters South Ai (1999), and Clodovil Hernans Brazil (2006). The issu emphasized by gay rights groups have varied sce the 1970s by time and place; different natnal anizatns have promoted polici specifilly tailored to their untry’s i.
Other issu of primary importance for the gay rights movement sce the 1970s clud batg the HIV/AIDS epimic and promotg disease preventn and fundg for rearch; lobbyg ernment for nondiscrimatory polici employment, hog, and other aspects of civil society; endg the ban on ary service for gay and lbian dividuals; expandg hate crim legislatn to clu protectns for gays, cludg transgenr dividuals; and securg marriage rights for same-sex upl (see same-sex marriage). Ary’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy (1993–2011), which had permted gay and lbian dividuals to serve the ary if they did not disclose their sexual orientatn or engage homosexual activy; the repeal effectively end the ban on homosexuals the ary.
Translate Gay rights. See thorative translatns of Gay rights Spanish wh d pronunciatns. * gay rights espanol *
Hodg), and 2020 the Court termed that firg an employee for beg homosexual or transgenr was a vlatn of Tle VII of the Civil Rights Act (1964), which prohibs discrimatn on the basis of sex (Bostock v. Vcent and the Grenad, where gay sex is still homelsns to ongog physil and verbal abe, the gay muny the small natn of some 100, 000 people says is unr nstant threat.
”Human Rights Watch terviewed more than 20 members of the island’s LGBTQ muny who shared their stori but were not intified to protect them, notg that lol police are often openly discrimatory toward gay people who seek help. Many also stggle to fd jobs amid a high unemployment rate and said they face discrimatn, cludg a 19-year-old gay man who said he has rorted to beggg: “Sometim I am so hungry.
”González wh Human Rights Watch noted that 2019, the ernment held a workshop for public employe on the importance of rpectg gay rights, a rare move for a nservative Caribbean natn. After a Southern California school district rejected a state-endorsed social studi curriculum that clus material on gay rights, top state officials are vowg to buy a textbook qutn and distribute to stunts before the new school year.
A gay ach was fired om a nservative Christian llege Beaver County. * gay rights espanol *
The announcement is the latt dispute between state and lol officials after the Temecula Valley Unified School District’s board voted 3-2 on May 16 to reject the curriculum, wh some board members claimg there was not enough parental volvement the curriculum creatn procs as well as makg ments attackg gay rights activist and polician Harvey Milk. The curriculum – for gras one through five – ntas supplemental rource material for teachers that clus a short bgraphy of Milk, who is believed to be the first openly gay polician elected to public office California 1977. Komrosky said June that his statements about Milk “were not based upon him beg a homosexual, but rather based upon him beg an adult havg a sexual relatnship wh a mor.
Passg the Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Fay Valu bill would further rce eedoms a untry where gay sex is already punishable wh up to three years jail, crics and activists Odoi, an amic rearcher, filed a lawsu on July 7 challengg the bill's nstutnaly, sayg would impact donor aid and other forms of fancial support. Ghana's Supreme Court on Wednday led her arguments were not sufficiently nvcg to grant an lg cleared the way for the bill, one of the harsht towards the LGBTQ muny Ai, to go through a fal stage of parliamentary approval before beg signed to May, Uganda's Print Yoweri Meveni signed one of the world's tought anti-LGBTQ laws, which spelled out the ath penalty for "aggravated homosexualy"'s bill, backed by relig and tradnal lears, clus jail sentenc of up to 10 years for advotg for LGBTQ rights. WASHINGTON – A feral appeals urt has led that a Catholic high school Indianapolis was ee to fire a gay guidance unselor bee she performed at least some relig duti, the latt legal setback for LGBTQ+ rights when they nflict wh Fzgerald had worked for 14 years as a guidance unselor at Ronlli High School when school officials disvered she was married to another woman.
For such reasons, LGBT dividuals flocked to gay bars and clubs, plac of refuge where they uld exprs themselv openly and […]Read more about Stonewall Rts. A rash of laws ncerng the teachg of human sexualy school curricula, banng trans stunt athlet and strippg parents of the right to help their genr-variant children obta appropriate re have popped up numero red stat this same-sex marriage is now part of the fabric of Ameri, nservativ have chosen to explo Amerins’ unfaiary wh trans people and piggyback on parental anger over the perceived overreach of Covid-era school closur, nflatg wh an sid sense of “wokens”, the hop of fdg an electorally viable sluiceway for anti-LGBTQ+ most famo of the anti-LGBTQ+ laws is the piece of Florida legislatn banng stctn on sexual orientatn or genr inty schools between krgarten and third gra, the so-lled “don’t say gay” law.
The gay rights movement is the stggle for equaly and marriage rights for gay, lbian and transgenr people. Learn about the Stonewall Rts, Harvey Milk, the Pri flag and more. * gay rights espanol *
The ernor and his supporters have labeled as a “groomer” anyone who believ children n learn LGBTQ+ people exist, argug that simply by talkg about gay relatnships to a child, you are sexualizg that child.
”To be gay, their view, is to be herently sexualized, a threat to nocence a way that straight Amerins are vehemence has ught even veteran LGBTQ+ advot by surprise.
A slew of bills are rollg back recently won eedoms for gay people. Is Ameri ready to fight for LGBTQ+ rights all over aga? * gay rights espanol *
He was followed by Arizona’s ernor, Doug Ducey, who, after barrg mors om genr-affirmatn treatment, wouldn’t even state for the rerd that trans people were Florida lawmaker Michele Rayner-Goolsby, left, hugs her wife, Bian Goolsby, durg a march at cy hall St Petersburg agast the ‘don’t say gay’ bill. Photograph: Bob Daemmrich/Zuma Wire/Rex/ShutterstockPolicians are supported the media by mentators like Tucker Carlson, who claimed “no one had heard of this trans thg four years ago”, or Charlie Kirk, channelg 1980s fears sayg “gays want to rpt your children” rejuvenated, the right wg is poised to make transphobia and homophobia rnerston of the midterms and 2024 electns, wh promis to liver “don’t say gay” legislatn stat cludg Michigan and New Perks, the print of the Fay Rearch Council, a nservative lobbyg group, veighed agast the ernors of Indiana and Utah for vetog legislatn banng trans women om participatg sports, llg the bills “timely, mastream protectns”. The Republin US reprentative Marjorie Taylor Greene vowed to troduce a feral “don’t say gay” bill if Republins w the Hoe this November, only to one-up herself days later by tweetg that for people to be pro-trans is to be pro-pedophilia.
”The bs-iendly wg of the GOP that would quietly team up wh Democrats to scuttle rabidly homophobic bills is now outnumbered, and legislators a dozen or more stat that lean even farther to the right than DeSantis are takg, the Natnal Center for Lbian Rights legal director, believ Florida is the tt se for a renewed ph for an aggrsive, Christian-natnalist program. ”The “don’t say gay” bill, Mter not, is very siar to what’s been passed Rsia, tetherg Amerin nservativ to their thorarian unterparts who have succsfully rolled back mocratic norms across eastern Europe. “I’ve seen this movie before over the last 30 years: The right wg cid to target the LGBTQ muny, whether ’s around marriage or adoptn or trans kids playg sports or bathrooms, ” says the California state senator Stt Wiener, who is gay.
“I thought was really important to ph back on the policy level, and to send a clear signal that California and other stat really re about the kids, ” he believ that “don’t say gay” is “patently unnstutnal” but also ntends that relyg on the judicial system to protect human rights may no longer be a sound optn.