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It’s kd of long but ’s also the most tertg look at the brave meat sticks behd the ter’s most vised webs that I’ve ever read so I thk ’s worth . It all began wh the guy answerg a <a href=">qutn om some other du lookg to get to porn</a>:</p></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div><p> </p><blockquote><p><em>Ser answer? Apply. They’re lookg for guys who have above average dicks(we’re talkg 8-9″ m). Can get hard very quickly wh ltle to no real stimulatn. And you should be able to cum on mand. You shouldn’t have a problem wh dog some thgs that might seem gay to most men. Rubbg you’re balls on another man’s balls while DPg an actrs is a pretty mon thg. You have to have a profsnal portfol. Molg pics, maybe some experience, even if ’s amatr.</em></p></blockquote><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script><p> </p><p>Call a hunch but I’m gog to assume the first le led out a majory of would-be porn studs. But this is good, this is how only the strongt and nst dongs survive. And if you n’t handle another man’s balls on yours or a chick blowg you and some other du then clkg your ck heads like she’s sayg “Cheers” then there’s no hope for you to go pro, fully agreed. Rigoro standards right off the bat.</p><p> </p><blockquote><p><em>If you get as far as an terview, you will walk to a room wh an olr du. He will tell you to pull out your dick. You have 30 sends to get hard. There may or may not be an actrs there. She may or may not help you. As , she’ll allow you to look at her boobs (if you’re a good lookg du she might even let you touch her. Nothg below the waist).</em></p></blockquote><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script><blockquote><p><em>You will be asked to masturbate for around 10-15 m, aga… Wh no visual stimulatn or anythg. The director will tell you to cum. You have a mute, tops, to blow your load. You will be given 15 m to ret and then you mt get erect aga and be able to mata an erectn for another 10 mut or so and then you will be asked to cum aga. 30 sends, they get very unterted if you have trouble ntrollg your climax. If you get through all that and perform well enough. They may offer you a job.</em></p></blockquote><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script><p> </p><p>So basilly you have to get an erectn <a href="> the time tak Trent to n the 100m twice</a>? That seems like a long time watchg a pasty streak of whe lightng but not so much time for gettg a dick hard a room of people. The touchg a porn chick would help a lot though I’d have to image, very kd of her to support a noob like that.</p><p> </p><blockquote><p><em>You’ll beg dog very ltle at first, but they’ll offer you a ntract that will nsist of several scen that you have to film but may never be ed. I’m explag this om a iend who was offered a job wh BangBros Miami. They offered him 35k for the year. Not sure how much “work” he did. Or if any of got past edg. I lost ntact wh him once he moved down there. I’ll tell you this, he was bi-sexual which I believe helped him get the job. He also had a profsnally done molg portfol to beg wh and some semi amatr vios.</em></p></blockquote><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script><p> </p><p>So basilly real life stg of male porn stars is like the fictnal stg of female porn stars on black leather uch where they’re jt fuckg for no reason? That’s tertg and kd of sad.</p><p> </p><blockquote><p><em>While filmg a shoot, you are expected to stay erect while they change mera <a tle="angels" class="aalmanual" target="_blank" href=">angels</a>, ch chat about what the director wants, reapply the female actrs’s make up, fuck around wh lightg, etc. You’ve got you be able to fuck very odd posns. For example, leg up doggy style, siways shot om behd. Keep md they’re lookg for good shots of the woman and you’re jt a dick. Move your leg this way, ’ll seem very awkward and unfortable. But ’s about what the mera se and how feels to you. There’s also about 12 people behd the mera durg each scene, so no beg most. Try to look like you’re really turned on wh the girl even though you’re thkg your head about you’re about whatever stops you om cummg. If you blow too soon, scene is over and you’ve wasted time and money. Get gog aga quickly and you n reem yourself. Beg able to ntrol your nut is probably the most important skill you n have. Get hard on mand, cum on mand, learn to aim your nut wh a snipers precisn. And be quick about beg able to nut aga. The director will want multiple money shots so he n choose the bt one. Know to keep your fuckg hands and legs out of the fuckg way, but still make seem natural.</em></p></blockquote><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script><p> </p><p>The big qutn here: How do you make enough cum to get through all the scen? That’s what separat the pros om the chumps I gus bee I feel like even if I uld somehow rally for a uple of quick nuts a row, I’d be shootg dt while my dick peters out like an old statn wagon by the third. The guys <a href=">mt be drkg a lot of k</a>.</p><p> </p><blockquote><p><em>You also need to be f. If you n’t toss the girl around wh ease you’re gog to have trouble. Some of the girls are easy and ty, but others are “voluptuo” and weight close to a buck 50. Anyways… This is about as much as i n tell you. Aga, you gotta be ol wh some gay sh. If you’re double teamg a girl and your dicks are touchg while they’re her mouth that’s somethg that you gotta stay hard through. If a guy blows a load and gets on your leg or somethg, don’t eak out. No one wants to rhoot if they don’t have to. Remember, time is money. They’re not the bs to lose money. It is possible you might have to suck a dick. It’s all about seeg how fortable you are wh sex. It helps to be bi, or even gay, sce you’re gog to be fuckg a girl for upwards of an hour and you n’t be fightg your nut the entire time. Anyways… This is what I learned om a iend who got a year long ntact wh Bang Bros. I would image Brazzers and all that other sh isn’t much difference. It’s easy to get to as a girl, ’s extremely difficult to get to as a guy.</em></p></blockquote><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script><p> </p><p>This seems like the most fair oute to me. If you’re a du makg a medcre livg wage by bangg porn stars, should be kd of a shty experience aaaaand you might have to suck a dick or two along the way. That means you’re really earng my book. At the same time though, I hope the men who do make through the rigoro procs fd a way to be better pensated. If women’s soccer n even rat up wh men, guys should at least be able to get wh the same stratosphere of pay as the women. Ls dus dog more work but beg paid better, that’s what they should strive for. The dick porn is like a serviceable 6th man the NBA; he don’t have to she, he jt needs to fill some gaps and help the stars do their job to the bt of their abili. We should all be more appreciative of the next vey throbber we e across our ter travels.</p><p> </p><p>(h/t <a href=">Someerds</a>)</p><p> </p><p><a class="twter-follow-button" href=">Follow @ChrisSpags</a></p></div><div class="jsx-2462984785 bs-muteMediaAd"><br/></div></div><div class="jsx-1453688072 storyMeta storyMeta--bottom "><div class="jsx-1453688072 storyMeta__left"><a class="jsx-1453688072 storyMeta__thor "><img alt="Chris Spags" src=" class="jsx-1453688072 avatar"/><div class="jsx-1453688072 byle"><span class="jsx-1453688072 thorName">Chris Spags</span><span class="jsx-1453688072 timtamp">8/17/2016 9:04 PM</span></div></a></div><div class="jsx-1453688072 storyMeta__right"><div class="jsx-1495522993 block-wrapper"><div class="jsx-1495522993 shargLks "><div class="jsx-1495522993 shargLks__social "><a class="jsx-1495522993 shargLk shargLk--facebook"><svg viewBox="0 0 15 33" class="svgIn socialIn inFacebook" style="width:to;height:1rem;fill:#FFF"><tle>Facebook

gay interview reddit

Kev Maxen, an associate strength ach wh the Jacksonville Jaguars, has bee the first male ach a major U.S.-based profsnal league to e out as gay.



Colton Unrwood, who starred Season 23 of 'The Bachelor,' me out as gay on Wednday durg a 'Good Morng Ameri' terview * gay interview reddit *

TL;DR - I thought I was straight, got cur, started chattg wh a guy 3 hours away, met up, did everythg together, talked everyday sce we met, velopg feelgs for each other, need to take slow, not sure how but termed to figure out, never been happier, both closet bi/gay. "I was so sred of what actually meant to ll yourself gay so even the first man I dated, I still thought that afterwards I was gog to eventually meet a girl and get married bee that's what men did, " he said.


As "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" to an end, we sent Chris Heath to terview dozens of gay servicemen om the past and prent to fd out what life was really like as Ameri's ary stggled wh s last great inty crisis * gay interview reddit *

"I was actually rehab when I was 16 years old and I thk a part of why I end up gog to rehab was the difficulty I had wh acceptg myself as a gay person, " Sharok said. The third party is the hband’s male adaptatn of Bethan Roberts’ novel vers a perd recent English history – stretchg om the 1950s to the 90s – when attus to homosexualy unrwent signifint change. It wasn’t until 1995 that the actor fally felt able to nfirm what had bee an open secret, an terview wh the Daily gay men may now wonr why took him so long but, while homosexualy may have been crimalised 1967, attus didn’t change overnight.

Makg such a fs about not talkg about his private life was, as Sher now wryly accepts, like “puttg a gigantic neon sign over my head sayg ‘This guy is gay’”’s hard to blame eher actor for beg fensive, as the Aids epimic had, the 1980s, not engenred sympathy towards gay men om the tabloids, only more hostily. Lookg back, I thk Andrews, then 73, had cid to e out: he dwelt the terview on how he’d wanted to make “a pot” wh the gay role he played Entertag Mr Sloane.


We speak to those who self-intify as gaycels about datg apps, gay stereotyp, and body shamg * gay interview reddit *

”Psychologists talk airily of how shame always requir punishment – almost as if ’s a procs some gay men have to work through – and LGBT rights mpaigners may today say that not beg open about sexualy amounts to wardice, which holds back the e of equaly. As members of Gaybros—a Redd-based muny for gay guys wh tradnally manly terts like sports, huntg, and beer—the large majory of their bondg tak place through ment threads unr topics like “Ron Swanson vs.

The r is classic pub, all dark woods and vtage trophi, but wh a cidly gay twist: Look even briefly at the hoe-ma baseball and football player posters ratg the walls, and more than sportsmanlike appreciatn for the athletic male form quickly be apparent. From my perch by the rner at pile, I survey the scene: Gay men of an imprsive range of age, race, attractivens, body type, and ball-p embroiry shake hands and strike up nversatns.

He has brought along a solidly built and more maturely handsome AIDS rearcher wh whom I spend a nsirable amount of time discsg the cle of gay social spac like the one we’re .


Jacksonville Jaguars associate strength ach Kev Maxen is believed to be the first openly gay male ach major North Amerin men's sports after g out publicly an terview wh Outsports. * gay interview reddit *

Also worthy of note was the lack of excsive ciss wh the group; though gay men almost never stop flirtg entirely, this was clearly not, as multiple bros would tell me, a “datg service.

After the first round had been draed, I overhear my iend Jake—who I only found out was a Gaybro sympathizer after startg on this story and whose hband, Tim Ka, is one of the group’s morators—rpond scily to a ment about football players’ jock straps: “Now that’s a game I uld get to! Pl, I thought I’d earned a break om the prsure of all those firm handshak: The uple I was crashg wh had ved me to a gay hoe party promisg more faiar acutrements like cdés and Robyn mic, so I Google-mapped my way across Boston om bro to ‘mo. But as I glanced around at the Crate & Barrel brand of gayns on display this open-ncept, Hdu y-studd livg room, I felt, not relief, but a twge of doubt.

My terlocutor was mostly jokg, of urse, but the kernel of tth h home: I was probably gog to have to butch-up my vobulary a b if I wanted to hang wh, much ls hope to unrstand, a group of fellow gay men who would willgly ll themselv “bros.


Jacksonville Jaguars ach Kev Maxen, who joed the team last year, me out publicly as gay an terview wh Outsports published on Thursday, beg the first ach a U.S. men’s profsnal league to do so" emprop="scriptn * gay interview reddit *

The first—“a gay man who acts mascule and is terted guy stuff like sports, vio gam, ary issu, grillg, kniv, gear, workg out, gadgets, tech, etc …”—seems to have been lifted om the Gaybros missn statement.

The send is ls ntral: “Young mascule homosexual mal who exhib no effemate characteristics or terts and make a pot of gog on about how ‘normal’ they are.

Many gays I’ve spoken wh share a visceral and somewhat histrnic revulsn toward the very ia of Gaybrodom that, ironilly, is not dissiar to the reactn many straights have to gays before they know one.


When Buzzfeed terviewed the group’s founr, Alex Delu, on the ocsn of their one-year anniversary this past January, the ments sectn immediately filled wh screeds about “mascule privilege” and “femmephobia” wh the gay muny. Delu, 23, spoke the Q-and-A about his dismay at enunterg a “very narrow fn of what means to be gay” mastream culture, one that apparently don’t make room for guys wh terts like “vio gam, patball, and sports. “[A place for them] to gather and talk about shared terts and to break down stereotyp and promote the ia that you uld be a gay man and still be exactly who you’ve always been.

Eli Fox, a menter om New Orleans, ptured the general plat of those who took issue wh Delu’s treatg the gay “stereotype” like an unwanted rdboard box: “This is such bullsh and jt perpetuat the ia that femy is fake or that people put on […] He mak sound like mascule gay guys are somehow OPPRESSED. No, they’re the most sired, bee mascule tras are prized the gay male muny jt like practilly every other social group […] Masc guys aren’t the on who need to spend time promotg some agenda of masculy and “regular guy” culture crap. But if ill-chosen language is unnecsarily drivg would-be members or fans away, that’s a shame, bee Gaybros has a lot to offer—and not jt for jock-strap nnoissrs.

But before the Gaybros n grow to a full-blown movement, they have some cricisms to ntend wh: that they are young (or newly out) and are therefore somewhat naïve or unrmed about the gay culture they don’t intify wh; that they assert their supposed masculy as a power play agast more effemate gays; that their straed relatnship wh the gay mastream is the rult of their own stubbornns as much as mean-girl excln. Still, though the foced discsns of “gay culture” that I’ve read on the se often lack historil ntext and nuance (many imply that ’s only ever been glter, Gaga, and GHB), they’re also almost always thoughtful.


However, the “bro” part of the name—regardls of how “playful” Delu claims to have been choosg —will e many to see them as merely the next rnatn of the “butch, ” “straight-actg” or “regular guys” who have fed themselv agast some abstract notn of a more effemate “gay mastream” sce at least the 1970s. But spend an hour their onle discsns or an eveng chattg wh them over beers and you’ll quickly learn that the Gaybros’ relatnship to masculy and gay inty is not as simple as that. In fact, that gently tawdry jock joke that Jake ma at Frz may have been the only time I heard sports—or any of the tradnally mascule thgs the Gaybros claim as their terts—mentned that eveng.


But then, I wasn’t really surprised to fd that the so-lled Gaybro army don’t actually match some Tom of Fland fantasy; though some members of the muny no doubt aspire to that kd of steroid-assisted gravas, the entirely cliched homosexual gentleman imaged by the group’s missn statement uldn’t possibly be real. This ngence has led them to want to “break the stereotype, ” but fact the Gaybros aren’t breakg anythg—they’re simply addg to the bety of what was already there. ” That might sound banal, but g on the heels of a lengthy discsn about the Gaybro muny’s penchant for helpg guys wh what Ka lled their “journeys” out of the closet and to gay life, ma a lot of sense.


Gaybros: the Redd group of macho gay boys and their trouble wh fellow gays. .