TDMN</tle><g data-name="Layer 2"><g data-name="TDMN DARK" fill="#231f20"><path d="M20.1 21.12q-2.57 5.58-9 5.58A11.12 11.12 0 013 23.77a10.19 10.19 0 01-3-7.66 9.29 9.29 0 012.78-6.82A12.72 12.72 0 019.08 6l.15.12A10.64 10.64 0 006 9.76a12.07 12.07 0 00-1.51 6.05 7.45 7.45 0 001.89 5.49 7.81 7.81 0 005.82 2 9.18 9.18 0 001.8-.09V6.64a19.1 19.1 0 01-4.79-1.11 15.56 15.56 0 00-3.82-1Q1.82 4.54 1.73 8h-.25A5.08 5.08 0 01.8 5.5a4.32 4.32 0 011.39-3.4A5.72 5.72 0 016.11.86 16.52 16.52 0 0111.18 2a16.77 16.77 0 004.38 1.17q2 0 2-1.23c0-.72-.4-1.08-1.18-1.08a3.56 3.56 0 00-.83.15l.25-.53a4.16 4.16 0 01.8-.09 2.75 2.75 0 011.88.65 2.67 2.67 0 01.87 2.16 3.29 3.29 0 01-1 2.53 3.61 3.61 0 01-2.55 1h-1.32v16.39a9.38 9.38 0 003.09-.83 7.75 7.75 0 002.28-1.48l.25.31m-7.32-5.19a4.45 4.45 0 01-2.44 4l-2.47 1.49-.31-.37a2.75 2.75 0 001.49-2.46v-9l-1.42.77-.22-.52L12.78 7zM32.85 11.27L32 12v13.32a5.08 5.08 0 01-1.77 4 6.34 6.34 0 01-4.34 1.56 5.41 5.41 0 01-1.88-.31l-.01-.16c2.61 0 3.92-1.89 3.92-5.65V12.22l-2.1-1.75-.56.49V22L27 23.18 24.05 26l-3.61-2.77v-.07l.71-.61V3.15a5.5 5.5 0 00-.44-2.29h.07a2.56 2.56 0 011.08 1.89h.06A5.22 5.22 0 0126.06 0l.09.09a4.41 4.41 0 00-.9 2.75v7.56l3-2.81 4.57 3.62v.06M45 13.27l-6.1 4.17v3.8l3.42 1.88L44 21.49l.4.37L40 26l-5.8-3.16v-.06l.59-.65V11.88A48.27 48.27 0 0042 7.62l3 5.65m-3.61 1.86l-2.38-5.07-.15.07v6.73zM71 22a21.33 21.33 0 00-6 4.79 8.27 8.27 0 00-5.68-2q-5.49 0-5.49 2.69a2.11 2.11 0 00.88 1.74 3 3 0 001.93.69 2.62 2.62 0 001.82-.58l-.16.68a4.46 4.46 0 01-1.91.37 4.26 4.26 0 01-2.84-1 3.67 3.67 0 01-1.27-3 4.56 4.56 0 012.44-4 11.53 11.53 0 016-1.42V5.5a18.3 18.3 0 01-3 .27 7.44 7.44 0 01-4.59-1.11 4.15 4.15 0 01-1.39-3.46q0-.18.15-1.17h.19a2.71 2.71 0 001.17 1.67 7.36 7.36 0 003.4.58 25 25 0 004.21-.55A25.29 25.29 0 0165 1.14q6 0 6 6.64V22M60.14 6.58a3 3 0 00-1 2.5v7.22q0 3.82-5.28 5.53l-.31-.31a3 3 0 001.64-3.06v-3.09h-.68a1.74 1.74 0 00-2 1.33h-.12a2.59 2.59 0 01-.39-1.6 2.42 2.42 0 012.74-2.75h.47V10.8q0-3.51 4.72-4.44zm6.48 5.18V8.27A4.15 4.15 0 0066 5.76 2.37 2.37 0 0064 5a19 19 0 00-2.76.4v6.36a10.52 10.52 0 002.64.37 8.79 8.79 0 002.74-.37zm0 3.43v-3a9.14 9.14 0 01-2.73.38 10.08 10.08 0 01-2.64-.38v3a8.73 8.73 0 012.64-.37 9.34 9.34 0 012.73.37zm0 7.59v-7.16a9.94 9.94 0 00-2.73-.37 9.83 9.83 0 00-2.64.37V21a10.28 10.28 0 015.34 1.76zM87.18 22.45L83.66 26l-3.58-2.87L76.34 26a4.88 4.88 0 01-2.44-1.81 5.57 5.57 0 01-1.2-3.45 5.65 5.65 0 011.11-3.5 5.32 5.32 0 012.75-1.94 12.68 12.68 0 01-2-2.74 6.8 6.8 0 01-1-3.11 2 2 0 01.47-1.34 1.48 1.48 0 011.17-.54c1 0 1.45.52 1.45 1.55 0 .73-.51 1.16-1.54 1.3a2.44 2.44 0 001.23.27 3.5 3.5 0 002.1-1.08 9.27 9.27 0 001.82-2.07l4.54 2.94v.06l-.65.59v10.63l1.73 1.33.93-1 .34.35m-7.1-7.76V12l-2-1.42a2.62 2.62 0 01-1.73.62 2.78 2.78 0 01-1.88-.53l-.06.06q.24 1.83 2.75 4.42a13.46 13.46 0 012.95-.46zm0 7.85v-7.4a2.78 2.78 0 00-2.27 1.37 5.1 5.1 0 00-1 3c0 2.1.64 3.46 1.94 4.07z"></path><path d="M94.8 22.23L91 26l-3.89-3 .71-.5V3.24a5.41 5.41 0 00-.4-2.24h.07a3 3 0 011.08 1.88h.06a5.55 5.55 0 014.2-2.76v.1A4.72 4.72 0 0092 3v18.73l1.45 1.14 1-1 .43.37"></path><path d="M102.43 22.23L98.66 26l-3.89-3 .71-.5V3.24A5.41 5.41 0 0095.05 1h.06a2.92 2.92 0 011.08 1.88h.06a5.59 5.59 0 014.2-2.72v.1A4.78 4.78 0 0099.59 3v18.73l1.41 1.14 1-1 .43.37"></path><path d="M116.72 22.45L113.2 26l-3.58-2.87-3.73 2.87a4.84 4.84 0 01-2.44-1.81 5.52 5.52 0 01-1.21-3.45 5.65 5.65 0 011.11-3.5 5.32 5.32 0 012.75-1.94 12.32 12.32 0 01-2-2.74 6.8 6.8 0 01-1-3.11 2 2 0 01.46-1.34 1.48 1.48 0 011.17-.54c1 0 1.45.52 1.45 1.55 0 .73-.51 1.16-1.54 1.3a2.45 2.45 0 001.24.27A3.56 3.56 0 00108 9.66a9.8 9.8 0 001.82-2.07l4.53 2.94v.06l-.64.59v10.58l1.73 1.33.92-1 .34.35m-7.1-7.76V12l-2-1.42a2.66 2.66 0 01-1.73.62 2.79 2.79 0 01-1.89-.53l-.06.06c.17 1.22 1.08 2.69 2.75 4.42a13.46 13.46 0 012.95-.46zm0 7.85v-7.4a2.79 2.79 0 00-2.27 1.37 5.1 5.1 0 00-1 3c0 2.1.65 3.46 1.94 4.07z"></path><path d="M128.67 6.51a8.52 8.52 0 01-1.61 3.34L124.35 14l3.65 1.87v6.7a17.13 17.13 0 00-4.72 3.58 4.22 4.22 0 00-3-1.3q-3.83 0-3.83 2.35c0 1.54.87 2.34 2.6 2.4l-.47.53a2.84 2.84 0 01-2.71-3 4.62 4.62 0 01.71-2.19c.14-.28.56-.95 1.26-2l2.91-4.36-4.14-2.13v-4.81a20.64 20.64 0 006.67-4.14 2.76 2.76 0 002.37 1.27 2.47 2.47 0 001.67-.62 2 2 0 00.71-1.6 2.23 2.23 0 00-.51-1.55l.78.12a2.49 2.49 0 01.37 1.42m-4.85 11.61l-1.6-.83-3.65 5.49a5.64 5.64 0 013-.74 3.45 3.45 0 012.19.71zm2-7.25a4.45 4.45 0 01-2.21.61 4.3 4.3 0 01-2.83-1.29v4l2.07 1.14zM144.41 1.7l-.86.77C141.8 4 140.27 4.82 139 4.82a9.84 9.84 0 01-1.69-.28 9.23 9.23 0 00-1.55-.28c-1.28 0-1.92.47-1.92 1.42s.59 1.4 1.76 1.42l-.31.43c-1.48-.1-2.22-1-2.22-2.68a3.24 3.24 0 011.11-2.61 4.32 4.32 0 012.9-.94 8 8 0 012.57.57 7.86 7.86 0 002.13.57 2.94 2.94 0 001.39-.28 5.5 5.5 0 001-.77l.28.31m18.4 20.9l-3.64 3.86-3.71-3V6.33l-3-1.88v8h.92l-.92 3v7.31l.65.5 1.08- 3.89-4.83-3.35V23l.74-.62v-6.91h-2l.93-3h1V6.08l-2.84-1.94v14.51a11.74 11.74 0 01-.7 4.93 4.44 4.44 0 01-3 2 10.55 10.55 0 00-3.05 1.21 1.82 1.82 0 00-.77 1.56c0 1.4 1 2.1 2.93 2.1a2.64 2.64 0 001.85-.65l-.15.74a4.13 4.13 0 01-2 .46 5.48 5.48 0 01-3.15-.89 3.07 3.07 0 01-1.45-2.66c0-2.32 1.54-3.84 4.63-4.54a7.39 7.39 0 003.27-1.35 3.52 3.52 0 001-2.78l-.12-14.2a2.8 2.8 0 00-.74 1.51 18 18 0 00-.09 2.25v10.18a2.91 2.91 0 01-1.5 2.41 8.13 8.13 0 01-3.69 1.27l-.15-.34a2.43 2.43 0 001.29-2.29v-4.1h-.68c-1.09 0-1.74.44-1.94 1.32h-.13a2.64 2.64 0 01-.46-1.6 2.43 2.43 0 012.97-2.75h.46V10.6a4.47 4.47 0 01.9-2.72A27.73 27.73 0 01143 4.21l3.34-2.91 4.93 3.11 3.25-3.27 6.05 3.37v.06l-.71.77v16.79l1.51 1.15 1.05-1.08zM152 12.44V4.51l-.8.83v7.1zm0 10.1v-7.07h-.8v6.42z"></path><path d="M175.25 11.7l-.65.59v9.54A42.14 42.14 0 00167 26l-4.2-3v-.07l.62-.64V12.16a30.89 30.89 0 003.38-2 33.74 33.74 0 003.47-2.57l4.94 4.05v.06m-4.78 11.85V12.44l-2.75-2.31-.13.09v11.51l2.6 1.95zM187.75 11.47l-2.9 2.88a8.35 8.35 0 01-2.53-3.61L182 11v10.36l2.72 1.55 1-1 .37.34-3.8 3.75-5.29-3.13v-.06l.9-.74v-10l-1.3-1.45-1 1-.37-.34 3.83-3.68 2.78 3 3.15-3a15.19 15.19 0 002.74 3.88"></path><path d="M204.02 22.23l-3.73 3.76-3.19-2.44V12.23l-2.09-1.73-.56.46v11.08l1.76 1.14-2.93 2.81-3.68-2.78v-.06l.75-.58v-10.5l-1.3-1.45-1.02.99-.37-.34 3.83-3.68 2.78 2.97 3.21-2.97 4.57 3.59v.06l-.84.77v9.72l1.48 1.15.96- 22.23L208.44 26l-3.93-3v-.06l.78-.59V12L204 10.62l-1.05 1-.31-.34 3.77-3.68 3.76 3.52v.07l-.74.58v9.93l1.42 1.17 1-1 .37.37m-1.56-19.4q-1 .93-3.74 3.55L204.39 4l-.89.84-.31-.31C204.79 3 206 1.86 206.89 1l2.6 2.37.86-.8zM227.11 22.23l-3.73 3.76-3.18-2.44V12.23l-2.1-1.73-.56.46v11.08l1.76 1.14-2.93 2.81-3.67-2.78v-.06l.74-.58v-10.5l-1.3-1.45-1.02.99-.37-.34 3.83-3.68 2.78 2.97 3.21-2.97 4.57 3.59v.06l-.84.77v9.72l1.48 1.15.96- 25.37a2.8 2.8 0 01-.9 2l-4.07 4.26a6.06 6.06 0 00-4.2-1.88 6.74 6.74 0 00-4.73 1.73l-.12-.1a7.23 7.23 0 012.19-3.25 5.09 5.09 0 013.4-1.28 7.74 7.74 0 015.49 1.94 1.65 1.65 0 00.68-1.26c0-.58-.44-1-1.33-1.33-1.7-.6-2.59-1.6-2.65-3l-3 2.81-4.54-3.18v-.06l.74-.58v-9.9a35.52 35.52 0 007.1-4.73l4.6 3.77v.06l-.8.77v9.6a2.36 2.36 0 001.04 1.79 2.42 2.42 0 011.07 1.82m-6.27-2.71V12.29l-2.35-2.07-.31.21v11.3l2.1 1.42zM267.28 2.16c-.44 2.43-1.66 3.66-3.68 3.71v20.71h-.74l-6.28-10.47a7.4 7.4 0 00-2.86-.52 7.25 7.25 0 00-2.56.49v5.75a6.58 6.58 0 014.57 1.51l1- 3.73a6.29 6.29 0 00-3.25-.86c-2 0-3 .83-3 2.5a2.64 2.64 0 00.82 2 3 3 0 002.11.77 3 3 0 002-.62l-.19.68a4.75 4.75 0 01-1.94.4q-4.61 0-4.6-4.33a4.67 4.67 0 011.63-3.75 5.76 5.76 0 013.62-1.33v-7.1H250a1.74 1.74 0 00-2 1.32h-.12a2.58 2.58 0 01-.47-1.6 2.43 2.43 0 012.75-2.75h.47V6.42a10.52 10.52 0 00-.77-1.14 1.71 1.71 0 00-1.24-.59c-1 0-1.58.65-1.67 1.95h-.15a4 4 0 01-.71-2.44 3 3 0 011.14-2.44 4.23 4.23 0 012.69-.76 4.39 4.39 0 012.93 1 10.4 10.4 0 011.84 2.37L258 9.72a8.58 8.58 0 002.74.41 7.45 7.45 0 002.38-.41V5.87a7.4 7.4 0 01-4.36-1.42l-1.17 1.29-.4-.37 4-4.2a4.74 4.74 0 003.24 1.42 6 6 0 002.78-.49l.07.06m-11.12 13.43l-5-8.61v8.64a7.77 7.77 0 012.55-.49 5.73 5.73 0 012.45.46zm6.95 2.65v-8a7.36 7.36 0 01-2.36.4 7 7 0 01-2.46-.34l4.76 8zM276.54 13.27l-6.15 4.17v3.8l3.43 1.88 1.7- 26l-5.8-3.15v-.06l.59-.65V11.88a48.27 48.27 0 007.19-4.26l3.06 5.65m-3.62 1.86l-2.37-5.07-.16.07v6.73zM297.41 10.43l-.75.62v10.1A47.49 47.49 0 00289.5 26l-3.33-2.62-3.46 2.62-4.6-3.61v-.06l.86-.74v-8.75a3.51 3.51 0 00-.74-2.5 3.07 3.07 0 01-.92-2.1 2.55 2.55 0 011.45-2.37 6.07 6.07 0 012.9-.62l.22.46c-1-.08-1.55.29-1.55 1.11q0 .9 1.38 1.68a3.12 3.12 0 011.37 2.95v9.94l2.35 1.92.28-.22V11.58L284 10.4l2.9-2.84 3 2.44v11.39l2.35 1.92.28-.22V11.58l-1.73-1.18 2.9-2.84 3.71 2.81v.06M310.71 6.51a8.52 8.52 0 01-1.61 3.34L306.39 14l3.67 1.85v6.7a17.13 17.13 0 00-4.72 3.58 4.22 4.22 0 00-3-1.3q-3.83 0-3.82 2.35c0 1.54.86 2.34 2.59 2.4l-.46.53a2.84 2.84 0 01-2.72-3 4.62 4.62 0 01.71-2.19c.14-.28.56-.95 1.27-2l2.9-4.36-4.14-2.13v-4.79a20.64 20.64 0 006.67-4.14 2.76 2.76 0 002.38 1.27 2.46 2.46 0 001.66-.62 2 2 0 00.71-1.6 2.27 2.27 0 00-.52-1.55l.77.12a2.41 2.41 0 01.37 1.42m-4.85 11.61l-1.59-.83-3.66 5.49a5.61 5.61 0 013-.74 3.43 3.43 0 012.19.71zm2-7.25a4.45 4.45 0 01-2.21.61 4.3 4.3 0 01-2.83-1.29v4l2.08 1.14z"></path></g></g></svg></a></div><nav class="dmnc_chas-se-hear-nfig-ame-ame-module__YIt7V dmnc_chas-se-hear-nfig-ame-ame-module__ZbDmf hidn"><ul id="nav-top" class="dmnc_chas-se-hear-nfig-se-hear-module__YRyZ1 flex mx-to whpace-nowrap"><div style="display:none" id="f0f0zYxb8o0N8KK-0-2-0" data-fn-llectn="featur" data-fn-type="dunng-banner/flt" data-fn-msage="Could not renr ponent [featur:dunng-banner/flt]"></div><li class="dmnc_chas-se-hear-nfig-ame-nav-module__AlAUr flex ems-center jtify-center"><a rel="noopener noreferrer" class="dmnc_chas-se-hear-nfig-ame-nav-module__8bAnT sendaryBoldCaps sendaryBoldCaps-20 outle-none foc_outle-none flex ems-center text-center dmnc_chas-se-hear-nfig-ame-nav-module__zVo1U px-3 sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-10 lk-opacy" href="/news/">News</a></li><li class="dmnc_chas-se-hear-nfig-ame-nav-module__AlAUr flex ems-center jtify-center"><a rel="noopener noreferrer" class="dmnc_chas-se-hear-nfig-ame-nav-module__8bAnT 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0-.133-.054-.16-.108l-.161-.188c-.055-.054-.162-.134-.188-.215-.054-.08-.108-.134-.108-.215v-8.819c0-.162.216-.269.242-.322.055-.028.35-.322.402-.322.055-.028.109 0 .164 0 .105 0 . . 2.822c. 0 .241-.16.296-.215l2.526-2.554c.027-.08.16-.16.16-.268"></path><path fill="#77777D" d="M354.51 108.432c0 . . 0 . 1.801c. 0 .271-.134.353-.215l2.392-2.259c.053-.052.161-.16.161-.241 0-.108-.054-.216-.108-.242l-.241-.243c-.054-.025-.134-.134-.215-.134-.08 0-.162.055-.215.081l-.431.377c-.054.026-.107.161-.215.161-.054 0-.107-.081-.136-.108l-.511-.456a1.466 1.466 0 01-.106-.188c0-.054-.055-.109-.055-.162v-8.819l2.098 1.721c. 1.101.295 1.748.888 2.689.565.859 1.05.914 1.693 1.585.591.673.272.915.272 1.318-1.375-1.048-2.559-1.452-4.306-1.344-2.553.135-4.408 1.425-5.457 3.736 1.236-1.182 3.119-1.505 4.222-1.425 1.37.082 1.854.62 2.849 1.265l.537.377c. 0 .162-.108.243-.136l3.36-3.306c.592-.564.969-1.183.887-2.044-.134-1.452-1.397-1.558-1.747-2.769-.026-.08-.079-.161-.079-.268v-8.254c0-.109-.027-.189 0-.297.025-.054.079-.161.105-.214l2.017-2.125c.027-.054.188-.134.188-.242 0-.053.027-.161-.027-.214l-.511-.377c-.054-.053-.161 0-.241 0-.081.027-.162.161-.242.189l-1.773 1.72c-.107.081-.216.187-.35.187-.109 0-.216-.16-.297-.187l-2.982-2.043c-.11-.081-.218-.188-.378-.188-.133 0-.296.026-.403.107l-4.49 2.984a1 1 0 00-.322.349 1.564 1.564 0 00-.081.511l.027 8.685c0 .135-.107.269-.162.349-.025.054-.107.162-.134.162l-2.231 2.016c-.109.081-.136.162-.136.242M393.789 87.514c-1.184.78-2.098.969-3.656.753-1.183-.134-2.26-1.29-2.77-1.451a.93.93 0 00-.484-.135c-.241 0-.429.189-.59.323l-3.256 3.091a.417.417 0 00-.08.189c0 . 0 .108 0 .135-.028l1.02-.887c.056-.054.109-.135.191-.135.104 0 . 1.104.511 1.828.564v1.64c-.537.349-.968.512-1.587.591-.805.082-1.396 0-2.149-.348l-2.797-4.329c-.94-1.479-2.124-2.635-3.924-2.447-1.212.108-2.179.512-2.745 1.586-.348.7-.456 2.017.136 2.984 0-.994.967-1.934 1.72-1.934 1.668 0 2.017 2.473 2.017 2.473l.028 12.691c-.78.052-1.291.214-1.99.617-.86.485-1.478 1.021-1.881 1.935-.564 1.239-.513 3.04.079 4.034 1.479 2.581 4.222 2.205 4.975 1.989.537-.161.646-.403.914-.698-1.05.779-3.118-.243-3.414-.701-1.074-1.584-.054-3.145 1.317-3.414 1.021-.188 1.909.217 2.877.995.026 0 . 0 .107-.028.107-.055l3.092-3.144c0-.055.053-.109.053-.162 0-.027-.053-.08-.053-.108l-.376-.376c-.054-.027-.108-.082-.162-.082-.053 0-.133.082-.188.082l-.78.564c-.08.027-.133.188-.268.188-.081 0-.161-.106-.217-.161-.457-.296-.645-.591-1.072-.833a4.406 4.406 0 00-1.617-.645v-2.232c.647-.403 1.187-.619 1.938-.672.913-.108 1.586 0 2.446.349l4.947 7.77V91.574c1.074-.027 1.775-.349 2.581-1.022.996-.806 1.45-1.72 1.532-3.038m-13.445 7.77l1.374 2.152a.771.771 0 01-.538.323 1.154 1.154 0 01-.836-.189v-2.286zm1.641 5.512c-.644.081-1.074.242-1.642.591v-3.065c.353.188.675.243 2.823c-.724-.215-1.262-.268-2.015-.135m6.158-1.587l-.806-1.156c. 0 .134 0 .267-.08.375-.133v1.289zm0-2.391a.901.901 0 01-.618.348c-.35.027-.671-.08-.913-.348l-1.562-2.339c.569.214.998.269 1.615.214.592-.053.994-.188 1.479-.511v2.636z"></path><path fill="#77777D" d="M378.276 100.07v-2.877c-.539 0-.914.162-1.371.431-.807.457-1.479 1.639-1.291 2.824.429-.189.752-.324 1.21-.378.538-.08.913-.08 1.452 0M400.321 104.452l-.242-.215c-.054-.026-.106-.134-.188-.134a.338.338 0 00-.242.108l-1.908 1.99c-.027.052-.107.16-.217.16-.052 0-.134-.055-.134-.108l-.16-.188c-.055-.081-.161-.161-.188-.214-.134-.189-.351-.35-.351-.593v-2.043c0-.214-.08-.402 0-.591.029-.135.188-.242.271-.35l4.622-4.867c.109-.134.243-.295.243-.51 0-.188-.162-.375-.271-.51l-3.225-3.281a.413.413 0 00-.296-.16c-.107 0-.243 0-.35.025l-5.942 3.551c.376.052.698.295.834.428. 8.119c0 .135-.106.269-.159.35-.027.053-.107.161-.134.161l-2.233 2.017c-.107.081-.134.161-.134.241 0 . . 0 . 1.802c. 0 00.347-.214l3.873-3.898c.054-.081.162-.161.162-.269a.394.394 0 00-.108-.242m-3.655-7.716c0-.08.025-.162.107-.188.054-. 1.828a.495.495 0 01.134.295c0 .108-.027.215-.079.243l-1.722 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0-.241-.108-.294-.162-.082-.08-.188-.188-.188-.323V93.161c0-1.156-1.318-1.184-2.207-1.801-1.236-.888-1.369-1.694-1.423-1.937-.054-.295-.107-1.559-.218-1.72-.025-.296-.349-.645-.428-.618-.054.026-.054.51-.188.806-.028.215-.163.43-.432.806-.403.62-.753 1.077-.727 1.343 1.453 1.989. .107-.051.215-.078.296-.055.081-.162.161-.215.216l-2.231 2.015c-.109.081-.136.162-.136.242 0 . . 0 . 1.882c. 0 .215-.161.323-.241l2.447-2.34c.053-.027.161-.107.269-.107.08 0 . 2.474c. 0 .242-.081.377-.135l5.807-2.983.026-8.954c0-.162.349-.377.512-.619.053-.08.134-.16.159-.214l2.15-2.366z"></path><path fill="#77777D" d="M430.165 99.56h-3.442l3.63-5.002c.996-.86.888-3.119.807-3.361-.053-.188-.403-1.128-1.075-1.398-.135-.026-1.102-.295-1.344 0-.216.27-.026.377.242.618.671.592 1.316 1.103 1.29 2.018-.027.832-.377 1.505-1.154 1.72-.916.269-1.508-.484-1.885-.753l-.214-.188c-.08-.054-.135-.108-.215-.108-.107 0-.188.054-.27.108l-5.754 3.119a.613.613 0 00-.188.188c-.027.082-.027.187-.027.296v4.033c0 . 5.11c-.779.592-1.505 2.124-1.559 3.065-.054 1.129-.027 2.152.889 2.769.59.377 1.772.404 1.69-.026-.025-.269-.32-.269-.482-.43-.698-.674-1.237-1.237-1.237-2.205 0-1.532 1.614-2.366 3.174-2.474 1.533-.107 2.797 1.022 3.494 1.855. 0 .186-.108.241-.162l3.119-2.983c.056-.054.136-.162.136-.242.054-.109.054-.216.054-.35V99.99a.491.491 0 00-.108-.297c-.054-.053-.188-.133-.268-.133m-3.603 5.779c0 .081-.026.162-.108.188-.053.027-.133-.079-.188-.079-.535-.243-.913-.35-1.504-.377-.807-.054-1.372.055-2.125.377l2.796-4.114h1.129v4.005zm-1.074-5.834l-.835.08c-.107 0-.216-.08-.269-.16a.358.358 0 01-.08-.216v-3.306c.375.295.912.618 1.586.726.645.107 1.129.079 1.774-.108l-2.176 2.984z"></path><path fill="#235BAA" d="M98.861 2.913l-12.106 36.5L75.813 3.092H5.324v62.777h17.398v-22.42h29.684v-14.53H22.722V18.337h39.767l15.925 47.98H93.57l12.556-36.141 12.645 36.141h15.157l20.984-63.225h-18.026l-10.94 36.321-12.108-36.5zM199.324 34.362l-25.487 16.082V39.28h-17.456s-.106 26.588 0 26.588h23.91c5.619 0 10.657-.791 15.112-2.376 4.452-1.583 8.205-3.78 11.255-6.591 3.049-2.81 5.38-6.144 6.995-10 1.613-3.856 2.421-8.056 2.421-12.6v-.179c0-4.543-.793-8.714-2.376-12.511-1.586-3.796-3.888-7.07-6.906-9.82-3.02-2.749-6.726-4.888-11.12-6.412-4.395-1.525-9.403-2.288-15.021-2.288h-24.27s.047 26.4 0 26.352h17.456c.038-.038 0-10.926 0-10.926l25.487 15.845z"></path><path fill="#6D9AD1" d="M262.787 34.361l-25.49 16.082V39.28h-17.419s-.106 26.588 0 26.588h23.876c5.619 0 10.656-.792 15.111-2.377 4.453-1.583 8.206-3.781 11.255-6.591s5.381-6.144 6.995-10 2.422-8.056 2.422-12.6v-.179c0-4.543-.793-8.714-2.377-12.511a27.413 27.413 0 00-6.905-9.82c-3.021-2.749-6.727-4.888-11.12-6.412-4.396-1.525-9.403-2.287-15.022-2.287h-24.234s.048 26.399 0 26.352h17.419c.038-.039 0-10.927 0-10.927l25.489 15.845zM413.183 3.368l-10.941 36.32-12.106-36.5h-14.978l-12.106 36.5-10.942-36.32h-70.489v62.777h17.399v-22.42h29.683V29.197H299.02V18.614h39.766l15.925 47.98h15.156l12.556-36.142 12.644 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00-6.902-9.816c-3.018-2.747-6.723-4.885-11.114-6.408-4.394-1.524-9.398-2.286-15.015-2.286h-24.257s.048 26.385 0 26.337h17.446c.039-.037 0-10.92 0-10.92l25.475 15.837z"></path><path fill="#6C9AD1" d="M262.873 33.72l-25.479 16.074V38.637h-17.408s-.106 26.574 0 26.574h23.863c5.616 0 10.651-.791 15.104-2.376 4.451-1.582 8.202-3.779 11.249-6.587 3.048-2.809 5.378-6.141 6.992-9.996 1.613-3.854 2.42-8.051 2.42-12.593v-.179c0-4.541-.792-8.709-2.375-12.504a27.411 27.411 0 00-6.902-9.816c-3.019-2.747-6.723-4.885-11.114-6.408-4.393-1.524-9.398-2.286-15.015-2.286h-24.222s.048 26.386 0 26.338h17.408c.039-.038 0-10.921 0-10.921l25.479 15.837zM413.192 2.743l-10.936 36.301-12.1-36.481h-14.968l-12.101 36.481L352.15 2.743h-70.452v62.745h17.389V43.079h29.669V28.558h-29.669V17.98h39.746l15.917 47.956h15.148l12.549-36.124 12.639 36.124h15.149l20.974-63.193z"></path></svg></a></div></div><div style="display:none" id="f0fTbRQ1SImSc8-0-6-3" data-fn-llectn="featur" data-fn-type="ntent-swiper/flt" 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class="dmnc_generic-hear-hear-module__i2K-Y mr-7">'Homosexual nduct' was illegal 15 years ago. How far have LGBTQ rights Texas e sce?</span></h1><h2 class="dmnc_generic-hear-hear-module__sF01k sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-30 md_sendaryRoman-40 text-gray-dark">The arrt of John Lawrence and Tyron Garner sparked a yearslong legal battle that laid the groundwork for every major LGBTQ rights advance that me after . </h2></hgroup></div></div><sectn class="dmnc_layouts-ntent-right-rail-wh-gap-module__gezss row lg_jtify-between lg_flex-nowrap"><div class="dmnc_layouts-ntent-right-rail-wh-gap-module__sZ7QP lumn small-12 large-expand xlarge-8"><figure class="dmnc_imag-featured-image-module__ASEZV borr-b borr-gray-light pb-3 mb-9"><div class="ar-imgContaer-wir_830 ar-imgContaer dmnc_imag-img-module__l2vrE bg-gray-light dmnc_imag-img-module__2TzDj w-full"><img width="1121" height="979" alt="Tyron Garner (left) and John Lawrence were platiffs the U.S. Supreme Court cisn..." src="()/" class="dmnc_imag-img-module__-o1u- max-w-full text-whe object-nta dmnc_imag-img-module__Y5YJY dmnc_imag-img-module__pZHsv aspect-rat-ner-centered-f"/></div><figptn class="dmnc_imag-image-elements-module__ku669 sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-10 mt-3 text-gray-medium">Tyron Garner (left) and John Lawrence were platiffs the U.S. Supreme Court cisn that clared the Texas sodomy law unnstutnal.<span class="dmnc_imag-image-elements-module__7oO0P pl-1">(2003 File Photo / Staff)</span></figptn></figure><div class="dmnc_chas-article-top-article-top-module__6c-b7 flex lg-down_flex-l-reverse"><div class="dmnc_chas-article-top-article-top-module__iUvdA flex-grow lg-down_w-full"><div class="dmnc_generic-byle-byle-module__TwYNy sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-10 text-gray-medium"><p><span class="">By <a class="dmnc_generic-byle-byle-module__oMvhi lk-blue unrle" href="/thor/lren-mcgghy/">Lren McGghy</a></span></p><p>6:00 AM on Jun 23, 2018 CDT</p></div></div><div class="dmnc_chas-article-top-article-top-module__6Ov1b lg-down_w-full"><div class="dmnc_generic-share-bar-share-bar-module__C7Mzo flex flex-l md_flex-row md_ems-center"><div class="dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__QPbOU flex flex-wrap mb-8"><a class="dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__rH-K0 relative borr borr-gray-medium flex whpace-nowrap ems-center p-3 mr-3 my-1 hover_bg-gray-light transn-all" href=" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow" tle="Share on Facebook"><svg xmlns=" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__-UxPq in-le dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__2p85- text-facebook"><path d="M18 2h-3a5 5 0 00-5 5v3H7v4h3v8h4v-8h3l1-4h-4V7a1 1 0 011-1h3z"></path></svg></a><a class="dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__rH-K0 relative borr borr-gray-medium flex whpace-nowrap ems-center p-3 mr-3 my-1 hover_bg-gray-light transn-all" href=" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow" tle="Share on Twter"><svg xmlns=" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__-UxPq in-le dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__vWRQM text-twter"><path d="M23 3a10.9 10.9 0 01-3.14 1.53 4.48 4.48 0 00-7.86 3v1A10.66 10.66 0 013 4s-4 9 5 13a11.64 11.64 0 01-7 2c9 5 20 0 20-11.5a4.5 4.5 0 00-.08-.83A7.72 7.72 0 0023 3z"></path></svg></a><a class="dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__rH-K0 relative borr borr-gray-medium flex whpace-nowrap ems-center p-3 mr-3 my-1 hover_bg-gray-light transn-all" href="mailto:?;Homosexual%20nduct'%20was%20illegal%2015%20years%20ago.%20How%20far%20have%20LGBTQ%20rights%20%20Texas%20e%20sce%3F&body=From%20The%20Dallas%20Morng%20News%3A%0A%0A'Homosexual%20nduct' tle="Share via Email"><svg width="16" height="11" viewBox="0 0 16 11" xmlns=" fill="currentColor" class="dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__-UxPq in-le "><path d="M8.202 6.698L15.085.62c-.046-.007-.088-.028-.136-.028H1.452c-.03 0-.055.015-.083.018l6.833 6.087zM15.913 1.557a.95.95 0 00-.065-.323l-4.86 4.291 4.798 4.198a.954.954 0 00.127-.453V1.557zM.564 1.185a.957.957 0 00-.076.372V9.27c0 . 5.51.564 1.185z"></path><path d="M10.26 6.167L8.2 7.986l-2.054-1.83-4.744 4.066c."></path></svg></a><a class="dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__rH-K0 relative borr borr-gray-medium flex whpace-nowrap ems-center p-3 mr-3 my-1 hover_bg-gray-light transn-all" href="()" tle="Prt"><svg fill="currentColor" class="dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__-UxPq in-le " width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" xmlns="><path d="M13.125 2.813V0H1.875v2.813H0v5.624h1.875v2.813L5.625 15h7.5V8.437H15V2.814h-1.875zM11.25 13.124H6.562v-2.813H3.75v-3.75h7.5v6.563zm0-10.313h-7.5v-.937h7.5v.938z"></path></svg></a></div></div></div></div><div class="dmnc_featur-try-ai-media-player-try-ai-module__XuKhb mb-4"><div class="tryAudPlaceholr"></div></div><div emProp="articleBody" class="body-text dmnc_featur-article-body-body-module__Ldbl- mb-8 false"><sectn><p class="body-text-paragraph"><em style="font-size: 1em; font-weight: 300;"><strong>Edor's Note</strong>: On Tuday, June 26, The Dallas Morng News <a href=">hosted a panel discsn markg 15 years sce the lg Lawrence vs. Texas</a>. Fd <a href=">verage of the event here</a>.</em></p><p class="body-text-paragraph">Tyron Garner went quietly, but John Lawrence refed.</p><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__cOFTB flex flex-l ems-center dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__xNWY5 borr-t borr-b borr-gray-light mb-6 hidn md_flex"><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__3Ge73 upperse py-4 sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-9 text-gray-dark">Advertisement</div><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__hQ4DU flex ems-center jtify-center mb-6 htlad-sktopInle1" data-un="dmn/news/article/sktopInle1" data-targetg="{}"></div></div><p class="body-text-paragraph">Clad only his unrwear, Lawrence stood on the doorstep of his apartment, stgglg as the metal cuffs dug to his wrists. His neighbors gawked as he was dragged down the stairs, the cement drawg blood om his kne and legs, and to the wag squad r.</p><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__cOFTB flex flex-l ems-center dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__xNWY5 borr-t borr-b borr-gray-light mb-6 md_hidn"><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__3Ge73 upperse py-4 sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-9 text-gray-dark">Advertisement</div><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__h-NaF dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__u4HRm dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__N2M5T flex ems-center jtify-center mb-6 md_hidn htlad-dfpPosn1_article" data-un="dmn/news/article/dfpPosn1_article" data-targetg="{}"></div></div><p class="body-text-paragraph">They uldn’t take him om his home, Lawrence plead. He hadn’t done anythg wrong.</p><div class="dmnc_featur-cta-newsletter-cta-newsletter-module__J4vZB dmnc_featur-cta-newsletter-cta-newsletter-module__oPm-X flex flex-row pb-6 md_pb-9 mb-9 md_mb-7 sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-20 borr-t borr-b borr-gray-light pt-6 md_pt-9 mt-9 md_mt-7"><div class="dmnc_featur-cta-newsletter-cta-newsletter-module__LAPui mr-6 md_mr-8"><img class="dmnc_featur-cta-newsletter-cta-newsletter-module__kbcj8 h-f" src=" alt="Breakg News"/></div><div class="dmnc_featur-cta-newsletter-cta-newsletter-module__nW1Im flex-to"><div class="dmnc_featur-cta-newsletter-cta-newsletter-module__3rR5T dmnc_featur-cta-newsletter-cta-newsletter-module__li9kJ mb-4 sendaryBold sendaryBold-20">Breakg News</div><p class="dmnc_featur-cta-newsletter-cta-newsletter-module__RhDsU mb-4">Get the latt breakg news om North Texas and beyond.</p><form><label for="subscribeEmail" class="dmnc_featur-cta-newsletter-cta-newsletter-module__cgbBU block mb-4 sendaryBoldCaps sendaryBoldCaps-20">Email Addrs</label><div class="dmnc_featur-cta-newsletter-cta-newsletter-module__RJ-O5 flex flex-row flex-wrap gap-x-5"><div class="dmnc_featur-cta-newsletter-cta-newsletter-module__pIXRj flex flex-l w-full"><put type="email" class="dmnc_featur-cta-newsletter-cta-newsletter-module__sZ1DH py-4 px-4 w-full round" style="borr:1px solid #BBC1C4" value="" placeholr="Enter your email addrs" putid="subscribeEmail"/><p class="dmnc_featur-cta-newsletter-cta-newsletter-module__nrih8 flex flex-wrap py-4 text-black sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-15 ntas-lk-blue-unrle">By signg up you agree to our <a class="lk-blue" href="/help/terms-of-service/">Terms of Service</a> and <a class="lk-blue" href="/help/privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a></p></div><button type="subm" class="dmnc_featur-cta-newsletter-cta-newsletter-module__5iXsN btn btn-blue foc_borr-blue" disabled=""><span class="dmnc_featur-cta-newsletter-cta-newsletter-module__DbaCN">SUBMIT</span></button></div></form></div></div><div><div class='s2nPlayer k-iEBoJZDZ' data-type='float'></div></div><p class="body-text-paragraph">On that balmy night Harris County 20 years ago, sheriff's puti arrted the two men and charged them wh "viant sexual terurse." In the ey of the law, bee they were gay — and had allegedly acted on , the privacy of their own home — Garner and Lawrence were now alleged crimals.</p><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__cOFTB flex flex-l ems-center dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__xNWY5 borr-t borr-b borr-gray-light mb-6"><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__3Ge73 upperse py-4 sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-9 text-gray-dark">Advertisement</div><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__D24FM w-full mb-6 htlad-nativeArticleInle" data-un="dmn/news/article/nativeArticleInle" data-targetg="{"native":"nativeArticleInle","scroll":"1"}"></div></div><p class="body-text-paragraph">They were, que physilly and lerally, outed. It was humanizg and huiatg. But for gay rights, was also earth-shatterg.</p><p class="body-text-paragraph">Their arrt would spark a years-long legal battle that would erase anti-gay laws Texas and 13 other stat, and lay the groundwork for every major LGBTQ rights advance that me after . But as <a href=">the anniversary of Lawrence and Garner's urt w approach</a>, gay and lbian Texans are wonrg how far they've e the battle for their rights — and how far they have to go.</p><figure class="flex ems-center flex-l"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="dmnc_imag-img-module__o-Ndr bg-gray-light aspect-rat-ner-centered-f"></div></div><figptn class="dmnc_imag-image-elements-module__ku669 sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-10 mt-3 text-gray-medium">Tyron Garner (left) and John Lawrence were platiffs the U.S. Supreme Court cisn that clared the Texas sodomy law unnstutnal.<span class="dmnc_imag-image-elements-module__7oO0P pl-1">(2003 File Photo / Staff)</span></figptn></figure><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__cOFTB flex flex-l ems-center dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__xNWY5 borr-t borr-b borr-gray-light mb-6 md_hidn"><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__3Ge73 upperse py-4 sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-9 text-gray-dark">Advertisement</div><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__YIHSg dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__u4HRm dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__N2M5T flex ems-center jtify-center mb-6 md_hidn htlad-dfpPosn2_article" data-un="dmn/news/article/dfpPosn2_article" data-targetg="{}"></div></div><h2 class="body-text-hear">‘A huge breakthrough’</h2><p class="body-text-paragraph">Tuday marks 15 years sce the U.S. Supreme Court stck down Texas’ ban on “homosexual nduct,” the law that land Lawrence and Garner jail that September night 1998. Until that day — June 26, 2003 — engagg oral or anal terurse wh a member of the same sex was a Class C mismeanor Texas, punishable at the time by a $200 fe.</p><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__cOFTB flex flex-l ems-center dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__xNWY5 borr-t borr-b borr-gray-light mb-6 hidn md_flex"><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__3Ge73 upperse py-4 sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-9 text-gray-dark">Advertisement</div><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__-zD5N flex ems-center jtify-center mb-6 htlad-sktopInle2" data-un="dmn/news/article/sktopInle2" data-targetg="{}"></div></div><p class="body-text-paragraph"><a href=">Quotg a prev abortn lg</a>, <a href=">Jtice Anthony Kennedy wrote his 2003 majory opn</a> that this and siar laws crimalizg gay sex 13 other stat were unnstutnal bee "our obligatn is to fe the liberty of all, not to mandate our own moral ."</p><p class="body-text-paragraph">The lg was pivotal. Not only was public perceptn toward LGBTQ people shiftg, <a href=">but the urt also regnized</a> "that laws once thought necsary and proper fact serve only to opprs."</p><p class="body-text-paragraph">“Once you had those two prcipl, the pathway to marriage equaly was pretty much laid out,” said attorney Pl Smh, who argued the Lawrence se before the Supreme Court.</p><div class=""><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__3Ge73 upperse py-4 sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-9 text-gray-dark dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__aJKMz hidn">Advertisement</div><div class="" id="teads-article-ad"></div></div><p class="body-text-paragraph">It built on s of se law before , most <a href=">importantly a Dallas lawsu</a> <a href=">filed 1979 by schoolteacher Don Baker</a>, who was fired for beg gay. But Lawrence vs. Texas "was the thg that broke the logjam," Smh told <i>The Dallas Morng News</i>.</p><p class="body-text-paragraph">"The se that people pare to is Brown vs. Board of Edutn," he said. What Brown did for racial equaly, he add, Lawrence did for LGBTQ rights. “That was a huge breakthrough.”</p><p class="body-text-paragraph">Sure enough, exactly a dozen years later, <a href=">the urt extend the right to marry to same-sex upl</a>, cg Lawrence as a precent for s cisn that "marriage is sential to our most profound hop and aspiratns."</p><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__cOFTB flex flex-l ems-center dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__xNWY5 borr-t borr-b borr-gray-light mb-6"><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__3Ge73 upperse py-4 sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-9 text-gray-dark">Advertisement</div><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__Z-JdA dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__N2M5T flex ems-center jtify-center mb-6 htlad-dfpPosn" data-un="dmn/news/article/dfpPosn" data-targetg="{"scroll":"1"}"></div></div><p class="body-text-paragraph">But the Lone Star State, further gas for the LGBTQ muny have been elive.</p><p class="body-text-paragraph">In Texas, remas legal to fire, evict or refe service to someone bee of their sexual orientatn or genr inty. This means a gay or lbian uple n get married on Saturday, lose their home on Sunday and get fired on Monday, and would all be legal.</p><p class="body-text-paragraph">The Republin-domated <a href=">Legislature has also refed to remove the law banng gay sex</a> — the one stck down as unnstutnal Lawrence vs. Texas — om the books. Gay Texans say 's meant to send the same msage did when beme law 1974.</p><p class="body-text-paragraph">"The threat to enforce the laws is not the ma effect," said Dale Carpenter, a nstutnal law profsor at Southern Methodist Universy's Dedman School of Law <a href=">who wrote a book about the Lawrence se</a>. "The ma burn was, and I suppose still is, the jtifitn of all sorts of discrimatn daily life."</p><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__cOFTB flex flex-l ems-center dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__xNWY5 borr-t borr-b borr-gray-light mb-6"><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__3Ge73 upperse py-4 sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-9 text-gray-dark">Advertisement</div><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__Z-JdA dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__N2M5T flex ems-center jtify-center mb-6 htlad-dfpPosn" data-un="dmn/news/article/dfpPosn" data-targetg="{"scroll":"2"}"></div></div><p class="body-text-paragraph">It's a terrent, a threat ed to kept LGBTQ people the closet, Carpenter add. And while the law is unenforceable, <a href=">police sometim still threaten to e </a>. In fact, if not for the Lawrence lg 15 years ago, Carpenter believ gay sex would still be a crimal act Texas today.</p><p class="body-text-paragraph">"The state Legislature has absolutely no tert, as evinced, repealg the state sodomy law," Carpenter told <i>The News</i>. "Whout a doubt, would still be illegal."</p><h2 class="body-text-hear">‘On the horizon’</h2><p class="body-text-paragraph">State lawmakers haven't passed an explicly pro-LGBTQ law sce 2001, when they <a href=">add "sexual preference"</a> to the <a href=">Texas hate crim statute</a>.</p><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__cOFTB flex flex-l ems-center dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__xNWY5 borr-t borr-b borr-gray-light mb-6"><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__3Ge73 upperse py-4 sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-9 text-gray-dark">Advertisement</div><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__Z-JdA dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__N2M5T flex ems-center jtify-center mb-6 htlad-dfpPosn" data-un="dmn/news/article/dfpPosn" data-targetg="{"scroll":"3"}"></div></div><p class="body-text-paragraph">“The Legislature as ’s currently nstuted is much much worse for the LGBT muny than when I was there,” said Glen Maxey, the first openly gay member of the Texas Hoe, who retired 2003. “It’s actually gone backward.”</p><p class="body-text-paragraph">This is evint  the actns of elected reprentativ recent years, Maxey add, pecially sce the right to marry was extend to all Amerins.</p><p class="body-text-paragraph">In 2017, Republin lawmakers <a href=">sponsored nearly two dozens piec of legislatn</a> that would have chipped away at LGBTQ rights, cludg <a href=">the now-famo bathroom bill</a>. All but one — to give greater<a href="> legal ver to adoptn agenci that ce relign to ny kids</a> to prospective parents — failed to bee law.</p><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__cOFTB flex flex-l ems-center dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__xNWY5 borr-t borr-b borr-gray-light mb-6"><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__3Ge73 upperse py-4 sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-9 text-gray-dark">Advertisement</div><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__Z-JdA dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__N2M5T flex ems-center jtify-center mb-6 htlad-dfpPosn" data-un="dmn/news/article/dfpPosn" data-targetg="{"scroll":"4"}"></div></div><p class="body-text-paragraph">In the absence of protectns om the state, <a href=">ci like Dallas have taken charge</a>, adoptg ordanc barrg discrimatn agast gay and transgenr Texans. But GOP lawmakers have tried to undo the lol laws, too, argug that <a href=">only they should have the thory</a> to create a specially protected class of cizens.</p><p class="body-text-paragraph">But the real tt for LGBTQ rights, both Texas and natnally, will probably e om the urts. How do we fe "sex" and "genr?" What are the rights of gay men and lbians, <a href=">like Mansfield ISD art teacher Stacy Bailey</a>, who was spend, the workplace? Where do one person's relig beliefs end and another's fundamental rights beg?</p><p class="body-text-paragraph">The are the sorts of qutns the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to tackle the next few years.</p><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__cOFTB flex flex-l ems-center dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__xNWY5 borr-t borr-b borr-gray-light mb-6"><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__3Ge73 upperse py-4 sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-9 text-gray-dark">Advertisement</div><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__Z-JdA dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__N2M5T flex ems-center jtify-center mb-6 htlad-dfpPosn" data-un="dmn/news/article/dfpPosn" data-targetg="{"scroll":"5"}"></div></div><p class="body-text-paragraph">“The tersectn of anti-discrimatn law and relig exemptns is a next ontier,” Carpenter said. “And transgenr rights are more on the horizon than anythg before.”</p><h2 class="body-text-hear">‘Be who you are’</h2><p class="body-text-paragraph">Garner and Lawrence had no ia their arrt that night at the Colorado Club Apartments would change everythg.</p><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__cOFTB flex flex-l ems-center dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__xNWY5 borr-t borr-b borr-gray-light mb-6"><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__3Ge73 upperse py-4 sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-9 text-gray-dark">Advertisement</div><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__Z-JdA dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__N2M5T flex ems-center jtify-center mb-6 htlad-dfpPosn" data-un="dmn/news/article/dfpPosn" data-targetg="{"scroll":"6"}"></div></div><p class="body-text-paragraph">A uple of blue-llar guys, they weren't activists and <a href=">probably weren't even lovers</a>. Quiet, unassumg, even shy, they didn't seek out the spotlight. They were swept to by surprise, by the actns of the sheriff's puti and the urggs of lawyers and activists.</p><p class="body-text-paragraph">For a short while, Lawrence and Garner beme the nam and fac of the fight for LGBTQ rights. But the two men didn’t bee fixtur the gay muny after their w urt. They didn’t wre memoirs or pch screenplays. They rarely went on televisn.</p><p class="body-text-paragraph">Fadg to obscury, <a href=">their aths went largely unnoticed</a>.</p><p class="body-text-paragraph">Yet the legal precent set by Lawrence vs. Texas still echo urt lgs across the natn.</p><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__cOFTB flex flex-l ems-center dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__xNWY5 borr-t borr-b borr-gray-light mb-6"><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-arc-ad-_children-ad-wrapper-module__3Ge73 upperse py-4 sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-9 text-gray-dark">Advertisement</div><div class="dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__Z-JdA dmnc_featur-ads-nfig-prets-module__N2M5T flex ems-center jtify-center mb-6 htlad-dfpPosn" data-un="dmn/news/article/dfpPosn" data-targetg="{"scroll":"7"}"></div></div><p class="body-text-paragraph">It's heard at llege gay-straight alliance meetgs, on the Transgenr Day of Remembrance and every legal challenge ma to anti-LGBTQ laws, which, like Lawrence and Garner, other Amerins make the choice to step to the spotlight wh the hope that their voic will make a difference, wh the dream that they'll be the on to change the urse of history.</p><p class="body-text-paragraph">"I don't really want to be a hero," Garner told <i>the Hoton Chronicle</i> 2004, <a href=">jt two years before he died</a>. "But I want to tell other gay people, 'Be who you are, and don't be aaid.'"</p></sectn></div><div class="dmnc_generic-share-bar-share-bar-module__C7Mzo flex flex-l md_flex-row md_ems-center"><div class="dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__QPbOU flex flex-wrap mb-8"><a class="dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__rH-K0 relative borr borr-gray-medium flex whpace-nowrap ems-center p-3 mr-3 my-1 hover_bg-gray-light transn-all" href=" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow" tle="Share on Facebook"><svg xmlns=" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__-UxPq in-le dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__2p85- text-facebook"><path d="M18 2h-3a5 5 0 00-5 5v3H7v4h3v8h4v-8h3l1-4h-4V7a1 1 0 011-1h3z"></path></svg></a><a class="dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__rH-K0 relative borr borr-gray-medium flex whpace-nowrap ems-center p-3 mr-3 my-1 hover_bg-gray-light transn-all" href=" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow" tle="Share on Twter"><svg xmlns=" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__-UxPq in-le dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__vWRQM text-twter"><path d="M23 3a10.9 10.9 0 01-3.14 1.53 4.48 4.48 0 00-7.86 3v1A10.66 10.66 0 013 4s-4 9 5 13a11.64 11.64 0 01-7 2c9 5 20 0 20-11.5a4.5 4.5 0 00-.08-.83A7.72 7.72 0 0023 3z"></path></svg></a><a class="dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__rH-K0 relative borr borr-gray-medium flex whpace-nowrap ems-center p-3 mr-3 my-1 hover_bg-gray-light transn-all" href="mailto:?;Homosexual%20nduct'%20was%20illegal%2015%20years%20ago.%20How%20far%20have%20LGBTQ%20rights%20%20Texas%20e%20sce%3F&body=From%20The%20Dallas%20Morng%20News%3A%0A%0A'Homosexual%20nduct' tle="Share via Email"><svg width="16" height="11" viewBox="0 0 16 11" xmlns=" fill="currentColor" class="dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__-UxPq in-le "><path d="M8.202 6.698L15.085.62c-.046-.007-.088-.028-.136-.028H1.452c-.03 0-.055.015-.083.018l6.833 6.087zM15.913 1.557a.95.95 0 00-.065-.323l-4.86 4.291 4.798 4.198a.954.954 0 00.127-.453V1.557zM.564 1.185a.957.957 0 00-.076.372V9.27c0 . 5.51.564 1.185z"></path><path d="M10.26 6.167L8.2 7.986l-2.054-1.83-4.744 4.066c."></path></svg></a><a class="dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__rH-K0 relative borr borr-gray-medium flex whpace-nowrap ems-center p-3 mr-3 my-1 hover_bg-gray-light transn-all" href="()" tle="Prt"><svg fill="currentColor" class="dmnc_social-ins-social-ins-module__-UxPq in-le " width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" xmlns="><path d="M13.125 2.813V0H1.875v2.813H0v5.624h1.875v2.813L5.625 15h7.5V8.437H15V2.814h-1.875zM11.25 13.124H6.562v-2.813H3.75v-3.75h7.5v6.563zm0-10.313h-7.5v-.937h7.5v.938z"></path></svg></a></div></div><div class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-thor-module__0hBFH mb-8"><div class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-thor-module__Jh9-n flex lg_ems-center pt-4 pb-4 borr-t borr-gray-light"><a href="/thor/lren-mcgghy" class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-thor-module__TT9iw flex-shrk-0 mr-5"><img width="140" height="140" alt="Lren McGghy" src="()/" class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-thor-module__3OzIr block dmnc_imag-circle-image-module__dSj87 round-circular bg-ver bg-center dmnc_imag-img-module__-o1u- max-w-full text-whe object-nta"/></a><div><p class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-thor-module__sZHYI sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-20 mb-2"><a class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-thor-module__Bj7w9 lk-blue unrle" href="/thor/lren-mcgghy/">Lren McGghy</a>. Lren is an vtigative reporter foced on state polics and policy. Her expertise areas clu urts, crimal jtice, ethics and LGBTQ issu. She prevly vered Texas polics for The Hoton Chronicle and Louisiana polics for The New Orleans Tim-Piyune. She lov ts, cemeteri and ic books, and oks a mean steak.</p><span class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-social-lks-module__RuutG sendaryRoman sendaryRoman-10"><a class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-social-lks-module__t5PNF mr-3 lk-blue le-block" href=""><svg width="16" height="11" viewBox="0 0 16 11" xmlns=" fill="currentColor" class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-social-lks-module__z1A9C mr-2 in-le"><path d="M8.202 6.698L15.085.62c-.046-.007-.088-.028-.136-.028H1.452c-.03 0-.055.015-.083.018l6.833 6.087zM15.913 1.557a.95.95 0 00-.065-.323l-4.86 4.291 4.798 4.198a.954.954 0 00.127-.453V1.557zM.564 1.185a.957.957 0 00-.076.372V9.27c0 . 5.51.564 1.185z"></path><path d="M10.26 6.167L8.2 7.986l-2.054-1.83-4.744 4.066c."></path></svg><span class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-social-lks-module__h4J6r align-middle unrle"></span></a> <a class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-social-lks-module__t5PNF mr-3 lk-blue le-block" href="><svg xmlns=" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-social-lks-module__z1A9C mr-2 in-le"><path d="M18 2h-3a5 5 0 00-5 5v3H7v4h3v8h4v-8h3l1-4h-4V7a1 1 0 011-1h3z"></path></svg><span class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-social-lks-module__h4J6r align-middle unrle">/lrenrmcgghy</span></a> <a class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-social-lks-module__t5PNF mr-3 lk-blue le-block" href="><svg xmlns=" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-social-lks-module__z1A9C mr-2 in-le"><path d="M23 3a10.9 10.9 0 01-3.14 1.53 4.48 4.48 0 00-7.86 3v1A10.66 10.66 0 013 4s-4 9 5 13a11.64 11.64 0 01-7 2c9 5 20 0 20-11.5a4.5 4.5 0 00-.08-.83A7.72 7.72 0 0023 3z"></path></svg><span class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-social-lks-module__h4J6r align-middle unrle">@lmcgghy</span></a> <a class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-social-lks-module__t5PNF mr-3 lk-blue le-block" href="><svg xmlns=" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="2" class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-social-lks-module__z1A9C mr-2 in-le"><path d="M16 2.881c4.275 0 4.781.019 6.462.094 1.563.069 2.406.331 2.969.55a4.952 4.952 0 011.837 1.194 5.015 5.015 0 011.2 1.838c.219.563.481 1.412.55 2.969.075 1.688.094 2.194.094 6.463s-.019 4.781-.094 6.463c-.069 1.563-.331 2.406-.55 2.969a4.94 4.94 0 01-1.194 1.837 5.02 5.02 0 01-1.837 1.2c-.563.219-1.413.481-2.969.55-1.688.075-2.194.094-6.463.094s-4.781-.019-6.463-.094c-1.563-.069-2.406-.331-2.969-.55a4.952 4.952 0 01-1.838-1.194 5.02 5.02 0 01-1.2-1.837c-.219-.563-.481-1.413-.55-2.969-.075-1.688-.094-2.194-.094-6.463s.019-4.781.094-6.463c.069-1.563.331-2.406.55-2.969a4.964 4.964 0 011.194-1.838 5.015 5.015 0 011.838-1.2c.563-.219 1.412-.481 2.969-.55 1.681-.075 2.188-.094 6.463-.094zM16 0c-4.344 0-4.887.019-6.594.094-1.7.075-2.869.35-3.881.744-1.056.412-1.95.956-2.837 1.85a7.833 7.833 0 00-1.85 2.831C.444 6.538.169 7.7.094 9.4.019 11.113 0 11.656 0 16s.019 4.887.094 6.594c.075 1.7.35 2.869.744 3.881.413 1.056.956 1.95 1.85 2.837a7.82 7.82 0 002.831 1.844c1.019.394 2.181.669 3.881.744 1.706.075 2.25.094 6.594.094s4.888-.019 6.594-.094c1.7-.075 2.869-.35 3.881-.744 1.05-.406 1.944-.956 2.831-1.844s1.438-1.781 1.844-2.831c.394-1.019.669-2.181.744-3.881.075-1.706.094-2.25.094-6.594s-.019-4.887-.094-6.594c-.075-1.7-.35-2.869-.744-3.881a7.506 7.506 0 00-1.831-2.844A7.82 7.82 0 0026.482.843C25.463.449 24.301.174 22.601.099c-1.712-.081-2.256-.1-6.6-.1z"></path><path d="M16 7.781c-4.537 0-8.219 3.681-8.219 8.219s3.681 8.219 8.219 8.219 8.219-3.681 8.219-8.219A8.221 8.221 0 0016 7.781zm0 13.55a5.331 5.331 0 110-10.663 5.331 5.331 0 010 10.663zM26.462 7.456a1.919 1.919 0 11-3.838 0 1.919 1.919 0 013.838 0z"></path></svg><span class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-social-lks-module__h4J6r align-middle unrle"></span></a> <a class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-social-lks-module__t5PNF mr-3 lk-blue le-block" href="><svg xmlns=" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="2" class="dmnc_featur-article-thor-social-lks-module__z1A9C mr-2 in-le"><tle>LkedIn In

arrest gay

Arbrary arrts and tentn of lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) people Ghana, and a proposed dranian anti-LGBT bill are g ser enomic hardship and psychologil strs for LGBT people, Human Rights Watch said today.



Jacksonville Jaguars associate strength ach Kev Maxen has e out as gay. * arrest gay *

Gay uple charged wh moltg their adopted sons also pimped them out to pedophile rg, report claims — New York Post (@nypost) January 20, 2023 Acrdg to a 17-unt dictment obtaed by Townhall, the uple allegedly performed oral sex on the boys, forced the children to perform oral sex on them and one stance anally raped the olr child to the pot of jury. “The key issue that Bud Light tapped to was the fact that they didn’t unrstand their re dience and know enough about them, ” Hodson, a gay man, told CNN about the ntroversy that began when the Anhser-Bch beer brand sent fluencer Dylan Mulvaney a n of beer.


A gay uple Geia have been acced of sexually abg and &quot;pimpg&quot; out their adopted children, acrdg to reports. * arrest gay *

Gay Water might not have the ep pockets pared to s petors, like Whe Claw, but “even at small sle, pani of many siz are havg succs makg spir-based seltzers and premixed cktails, ” Bryan Roth, an analyst for Feel Goods Company and edor of the alhol beverage newsletter, Sightl+, told CNN. “There’s lots of space the spir-based seltzer tegory which Gay Water n play, pecially if the brand n offer a cultural or emotnal nnectn that will feel more excg than the prospect of another peapple-flavored vodka seltzer om natnal or ternatnal rporatns, ” Roth said.

Passg the Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Fay Valu bill would further rce eedoms a untry where gay sex is already punishable wh up to three years jail, crics and activists Odoi, an amic rearcher, filed a lawsu on July 7 challengg the bill's nstutnaly, sayg would impact donor aid and other forms of fancial support. Ghana's Supreme Court on Wednday led her arguments were not sufficiently nvcg to grant an lg cleared the way for the bill, one of the harsht towards the LGBTQ muny Ai, to go through a fal stage of parliamentary approval before beg signed to May, Uganda's Print Yoweri Meveni signed one of the world's tought anti-LGBTQ laws, which spelled out the ath penalty for "aggravated homosexualy"'s bill, backed by relig and tradnal lears, clus jail sentenc of up to 10 years for advotg for LGBTQ rights. A 53-year-old woman has been arrted, police said, after an activist told a crowd at a trans pri event to punch genr-cril people the the march London on July 8, an activist was filmed apparently llg for protters to “punch Terfs the face” Metropolan Police said a woman had now been arrted on spicn of cement to vlence Wtmster after a vio of the cint was wily shared on social is an abbreviatn for “trans-exclnary radil femist”, a term ed to scribe people who believe that a trans woman’s genr inty is the vio, the activist was apparently seen tellg a cheerg crowd: “I was gog to e here and be really fluffy, be really nice and be really lovely and queer and gay and lgh.


In a sea of nned cktails, Gay Water wants to stand out. * arrest gay *

A nvictn of an “unnatural and lasciv act” is nsired a send-gree mismeanor and is punishable by up to 60 days jail and a $500 discsg the circumstanc surroundg the Operatn Park Hopper arrts laid out the statement, Lambda Legal Director of Constutnal Ligatn San Sommer told NBC Out “entrapment is fely a law enforcement tool ed agast gay men.

”Stern poted to a prev se Long Beach, Calif., where a urt threw out the nvictn of a gay man who had been arrted for cisg, bee was led that the police partment had acted on unnstutnal “anim toward homosexuals. ”“Put simply, is not at all clear that the Volia County Sheriff remaed wh nstutnal boundari his zeal to arrt, imprison and huiate the men, ” Stern of the men arrted Operatn Park Hopper were middle-aged or olr, which Sommer speculated uld be ditive of generatnal differenc between olr and younger gay men. [ Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office]Sheriff’s spokwoman Crystal Clark fend the operatn as way of protectg children and said accatns that the stg was prejudiced agast gay men “are absurd, and que ankly, offensive.

Havg officers go unrver to target cisg — which men pick each other up for sex public — was a major aspect of those anti-gay efforts, cludg those by the Johns and raids targetg the LGBTQ muny cled the late 20th century, Stewart-Wter said — particular, police stopped raidg gay bars the face of public cricism. ”Durg the mid-century heyday of anti-gay policg, Stewart-Wter said, teachers and profsors arrted the stgs were often sgled out for particularly harsh public shamg, due to the myth that gay men pose a particular threat to said Chronister’s foc on the safety of children furthers that false and pernic stereotype. AdvertisementSKIP ADVERTISEMENTIt was the fifth arrt nnected to a seri of dgggs and robberi that killed two men last Q bar Hell’s Kchen was one of the bars where victims were targeted the Moon for The New York TimA man whom the Police Department scribed as a lear of a gang that perpetrated a seri of robberi and killgs at Manhattan gay bars has been arrted, law enforcement officials said on man, Jayqwan Haton, 35, of Brooklyn, was arrted on Monday and charged wh murr, grand larceny and other crim nnectn wh the killgs of Jul Ramirez and John Umberger, two men who were dgged at bars Manhattan, robbed g facial regnn technology on their phon and later found ad of enforcement said the motive for the killgs was fancial, but the murrs neverthels terrorized the cy’s L.


The men are acced of agreeg to have sex a park wh other men — who were actually unrver puti. Experts and advot say rells an era of anti-gay policg. * arrest gay *

Ramirez, a 25-year-old social worker om Queens, was dgged at the Rz, a gay bar Hell’s Kchen, and left wh a group of men who abandoned his body the back of a taxi on the Lower East Si roughly one hour later, his fay month later, Mr. "Sargeant Delgado was unable to nfirm whether the arrts were at the hands of uniformed or placloth Washgton Post scrib Meridian Hill Park as a "gatherg place for all of the District's disparate trib: black and whe, rich and poor, young and old, immigrant and lol, gay and straight, borg and bizarre.


The Nazi regime rried out a mpaign agast male homosexualy and persecuted gay men between 1933 and 1945. * arrest gay *

The 1969 police raid of the Stonewall Inn, the famed gay bar New York Cy, was no different than many others before s, before and after the rts, some law enforcement officers and agenci targeted known LGBTQ-iendly tablishments an effort to shut them down, btalize patrons, and arrt people who vlated the homophobic and transphobic polici of the time, acrdg to the Natnal Park Foundatn, an anizatn that foc on U. Reported police misnduct, cludg unjtified arrt, e of excsive force and Samuel, of the Gay Officers Actn League, a nonprof LGBTQIA law enforcement advocy group, said that s members were upset by anizers’ cisn to remove law enforcement groups om the lp.


A Louisiana sheriff is g the state’s “Crime Agast Nature” statute to arrt gay men parks for agreeg to have sex wh other men their hom. * arrest gay *

“That was the jtifitn for so much blackmailg and harassment of gay people and trans people by the police bee they uld still charge you wh sodomy and you would actually go to jail for havg nsensual sex wh another adult. Acrdg to the Prison Policy Iniative (PPI), a crimal jtice rearch and advocy group, LGBTQ people, of every age group, are overreprented the crimal jtice 2019, a PPI study found that gay, lbian, and bisexual dividuals were 2. SiegedSec, a self-scribed group of gay furry hackers, took s skills to state ernments late June, breachg agenci across five stat and releasg a wealth of data.The stat targeted on June 27 were Texas, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and South Carola.

(Istanbul) – Turkish police attacked and arrted hundreds of people at the Istanbul Pri March on June 26, 2022, a sweepg display of vlence and discrimatn agast lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) people, Human Rights Watch said today. The same day, Fahrett Altun, Print Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s munitns director, ma an anti-LGBT speech, sayg that “Fai and children [are] targeted through … tolerance for homosexualy propaganda” and llg homosexualy “ugls. Rearchers analyzg the most recent Natnal Inmate Survey found that LGB people are rcerated at a rate over three tim that of the total adult populatn: 1, 882 per 100, 000 lbian, gay, and bisexual people are rcerated, pared wh 612 per 100, 000 U.


Turkish police attacked and arrted hundreds at the Istanbul Pri March last weekend, a sweepg display of vlence and discrimatn agast lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) people, as well as journalists attemptg to report on the June 26 event. The number of arrts 2022 is three-tim more than the arrts durg the prev seven Istanbul Pri march bed. Thirty-four of those arrted were youth, acrdg to Kaos GL, a Turkish LGBT rights group. * arrest gay *

Our analysis of the NSDUH data reveals that people on probatn and parole are almost twice as likely to be lbian, gay, or bisexual than people not on probatn and parole – and aga, lbian and bisexual women are pecially overreprented:. Acrdg to the Natnal Center for Transgenr Equaly and the Natnal Gay and Lbian Task Force’s Injtice at Every Turn: A Report of the Natnal Transgenr Discrimatn Survey, nearly half of trans people reported that they do not feel fortable seekg help om police. But as the anniversary of Lawrence and Garner's urt w approach, gay and lbian Texans are wonrg how far they've e the battle for their rights — and how far they have to Garner (left) and John Lawrence were platiffs the U.

Quotg a prev abortn lg, Jtice Anthony Kennedy wrote his 2003 majory opn that this and siar laws crimalizg gay sex 13 other stat were unnstutnal bee "our obligatn is to fe the liberty of all, not to mandate our own moral . "“Once you had those two prcipl, the pathway to marriage equaly was pretty much laid out, ” said attorney Pl Smh, who argued the Lawrence se before the Supreme built on s of se law before , most importantly a Dallas lawsu filed 1979 by schoolteacher Don Baker, who was fired for beg gay. This means a gay or lbian uple n get married on Saturday, lose their home on Sunday and get fired on Monday, and would all be Republin-domated Legislature has also refed to remove the law banng gay sex — the one stck down as unnstutnal Lawrence vs.

All but one — to give greater legal ver to adoptn agenci that ce relign to ny kids to prospective parents — failed to bee the absence of protectns om the state, ci like Dallas have taken charge, adoptg ordanc barrg discrimatn agast gay and transgenr Texans.


* arrest gay *

Texas still echo urt lgs across the 's heard at llege gay-straight alliance meetgs, on the Transgenr Day of Remembrance and every legal challenge ma to anti-LGBTQ laws, which, like Lawrence and Garner, other Amerins make the choice to step to the spotlight wh the hope that their voic will make a difference, wh the dream that they'll be the on to change the urse of history. (Johannburg) – Arbrary arrts and tentn of lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) people Ghana, and a proposed dranian anti-LGBT bill are g ser enomic hardship and psychologil strs for LGBT people, Human Rights Watch said today.


A jury nvicted the wealthy Californian on charg he jected gay men wh methamphetame exchange for sex, leadg to two aths and other overdos. He fac a potential life sentence. * arrest gay *

Introduce legislative and policy measur to prevent, punish, and provi effective remedi for vlence agast lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr people on the basis of their real or imputed sexual orientatn and genr inty and ensure their nstutnal rights to equaly and non-discrimatn. Take necsary steps to protect lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr people agast all forms of discrimatn, timidatn, and vlence, and amend sectn 104 of the Crimal Offenc Act, 1960, to ensure that sexual relatns between nsentg adults of the same sex are not nsired a mismeanour or punishable by law. Provi more fancial and technil support to civil society anizatns providg servic to lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr people who have suffered vlence, cludg domtic vlence, and discrimatn on the basis of their sexual orientatn and genr inty.


Egyptian police and Natnal Secury Agency officers arbrarily arrt lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) people and ta them human ndns, systematilly subject them to ill-treatment cludg torture, and often ce fellow mat to abe them. * arrest gay *

ANTI-GAY HATE CRIME ARREST A man reported to have ed a guar to attack a man sleepg a downtown Berkeley tent enmpment while makg “disparagg ments toward people of the LGBTQ muny” has been charged wh asslt and crimal threats, which are both feloni, as well as a hate crime, acrdg to police and urt rerds. M., police said 31-year-old Matthew Harris (no addrs) attacked a 51-year-old man asleep at an enmpment near Shattuck Avenue and Blake Street: “Usg the man’s nearby guar, the spect repeatedly stck the man the face, ” and also kicked and punched him while makg homophobic ments, acrdg to BPD.


WTF: Police Arrtg Gay Men Simply For Agreeg To Have Sex (UPDATE) * arrest gay *

(Beit) – Egyptian police and Natnal Secury Agency officers arbrarily arrt lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) people and ta them human ndns, systematilly subject them to ill-treatment cludg torture, and often ce fellow mat to abe them, Human Rights Watch said today.


The police have been arrtg gay men what experts say are unprecented numbers, raidg not jt bars but hotel rooms and private apartments. * arrest gay *

Human rights groups have documented wi-sle ab the wake of a September 2017 ncert by the Lebane band Mashrou’ Leila, whose lead sger is openly gay and which performs songs that support sexual and genr diversy. The Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office stg was revealed on Saturday by the Baton Rouge Advote, which vtigated the arrts of at least a dozen Louisiana gay men sce 2011 who agreed to nsensual gay sex wh unrver officers.

In fact, two years ago a Michigan sheriff’s office was revealed to be executg siar stgs agast gay men the on July 29 at 2:45pm ET: The East Baton Rouge Parish sheriff’s office has released a statement wh an apology which note, "While sectns of La. Based on Human Rights Watch’s monorg and discsns wh Cameroonian nonernmental anizatns, the recent acunts of abe documented here seem to be part of an overall uptick police actn agast lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr (LGBT) people Cameroon. · The jtice mister should make absolutely clear, particular to all law enforcement, prosecutg and judicial thori, that Cameroonian law do not make a crime or offense to be a lbian, gay, bisexual or transgenr person, or to drs a way that is perceived as genr nonnformg, and that any official purportg to exercise thory to ta, charge, or prosecute an LGBT person on the basis of their actual or perceived sexual orientatn or genr nonnformy, or threateng to do so, is actg whout a lawful basis and shall be held to acunt for abe of power.

Handoko’s fay that he had been sentenced absentia to two years and three months prison, nvicted of vlatg Indonia’s antipornography law, which clus a ban on striptease Indonia, the world’s largt Mlim-majory untry, homosexualy has generally been tolerated, if margalized. But that began to change last year, when the thori, unr prsure om right-wg Islamic groups, started arrtg gay men what experts say are unprecented numbers, raidg not jt bars and snas but hotel rooms and private crackdown began November 2016, when the police broke up a party South Jakarta and taed 13 men. ”Historilly, gay and transgenr Indonians have been accepted — if poorly unrstood — as long as they married people of the oppose sex and had children, said Tom Boellstorff, an anthropologist at the Universy of California, Irve, and thor of “The Gay Archipelago: Sexualy and Natn Indonia.


Kansas Cy Chiefs lebacker Willie Gay Jr. is acced of phg his ex-partner durg an argument si her Johnson County apartment before his arrt. * arrest gay *

Later, the broadstg regulator banned the pictn of gay characters or effemate men on fense mister likened homosexualy to nuclear war: While a bomb blast over Jakarta would at least be ntaed, he said, tolerance for gays uld spread dangeroly throughout the untry. Cizens late last year, but to ltle avail; the wave of raids began the next week, a nservative group’s petn to ban all sex outsi marriage, which would have effectively crimalized homosexualy, was narrowly rejected by Indonia’s Constutnal Boellstorff said the current crackdown on gay men had no precent. On the way, cryptic msag of support began arrivg om distant home she found her mother, a vout Christian, tears — not jt bee her son had been arrted, but bee he was Indonians have stggled to put the news about the raids to ntext, bee there are few posive exampl of gay men the popular media, Mr.

AdvertisementSKIP ADVERTISEMENTCharged wh “cg bchery, ” Sarah Hegazi was jailed and Schwghammer/Picture Alliance, via Getty ImagCAIRO — When the openly gay ontman of a hugely popular Lebane pop group sttted onto the stage of a Cairo summer ftival 2017, rabow flags lifted the air, and somethg sparked si Sarah a lbian a untry where homosexualy is taboo, and gay people are routely persecuted by the thori, here was a glimmer of eedom. She had shed the head-verg veil that she had once worn, and had begun to embrace her inty as a gay the ncert she felt liberated, she told the German broadster Dtsche Welle, bee “I was clarg myself a society that hat all that is different om the norm. Outsi, the harsht crackdown years agast Egypt’s gay muny was least 75 people were charged wh bchery raids nducted the days after the ncert, said Lobna Darwish, a genr rights rearcher at the Cairo-based Egyptian Iniative for Personal Rights.


”There was a rare moment of optimism for Egypt’s gay and transgenr muni last month when Hisham Salim, a famo actor, revealed that his 26-year-old dghter had transned to bee a son, days later, father and son were terviewed on televisn together, discsg their hardship but also sharg lghs and affectnate gtur.

Selim, groundbreakg terview was hailed as a watershed moment for transgenr Egyptians, stokg hop of greater acceptance a society where they often suffer vilent the police ntued wh a crackdown on gay people, even durg the ronavis lockdown. Activists have lamented a rise attacks and abe this relatnships are illegal Ghana, yet while prosecutns are rare, rights groups say has led to wispread targetg and extortn of vulnerable people and anyone spected to be gay or queer.


It’s already a vulnerable suatn for LGBTQ+ people Ghana, ” he add that he received ath threats when a muny space providg help for gay and queer people, which had opened January, was shut down March followg an outcry om policians, nservative and relig March, the actor Idris Elba, the Vogue magaze edor--chief, Edward Ennful, the mol Naomi Campbell and the UK Labour MP Diane Abbott led a list of proment figur signg an open letter nmng the closure and support of Ghana’s LGBTQ+ muny. He plead not guilty to the charge a virtual urt hearg Thursday and was released om jail a few hours ex-partner’s petn for a protective orr om Gay, approved by Judge Keven O’Grady on Friday, offers the first public tails about what allegedly happened si her apartment before Gay’s ’s fense attorney Ryan Gie nied the allegatns ma the petn but cled to ment further on the se. There were no dgs or alhol volved the cint and Gay’s ex-partner was not physilly hurt, the police report ’s arrt urt appearance on chargeGay was arrted and charged wh crimal property damage, a class B non-person mismeanor, “which nstut a domtic vlence offense, ” urt rerds plead not guilty to the charge Thursday afternoon and both Gie and the prosecutor noted durg the hearg that Gay had no crimal temporary protective orr prohibs Gay om ntactg his ex-partner, and a hearg regardg the orr is schled for Feb.

READ NEXTFlorida Gay Nu Rort Can’t Ban Women, Judge RulTexas Governor Signs Law Banng Drag Performanc PublicDeSantis Campaign Shar Homoerotic Ad Toutg Anti-LGBTQ RerdIntersex Activist Alicia Roth Weigel is Fightg for the ‘I’. Most gay bars and clubs New York at the time (cludg the Stonewall) were operated by the Mafia, who paid rpt police officers to look the other way and blackmailed wealthy gay patrons by threateng to “out” them. Acrdg to David Carter, historian and thor of Stonewall: The Rts That Sparked the Gay Revolutn, the “hierarchy of ristance” the rts began wh the homels or “street” kids, those young gay men who viewed the Stonewall as the only safe place their liv.

June 29-July 1, 1969: Stonewall be gatherg pot for LGBTQ the next several nights, gay activists ntued to gather near the Stonewall, takg advantage of the moment to spread rmatn and build the muny that would fuel the growth of the gay rights movement. Though the gay rights movement didn’t beg at Stonewall, the uprisg did mark a turng pot, as earlier “homophile” anizatns like the Mattache Society gave way to more radil groups like the Gay Liberatn Front (GLF) and the Gay Activists Alliance (GAA). June 28, 1970: First Gay Pri para sets off om the first anniversary of the police raid on the Stonewall Inn, gay activists New York anized the Christopher Street Liberatn March to p off the cy’s first Gay Pri Week.


The enzy of activism born on that first night at Stonewall would eventually fuel gay rights movements Canada, Bra, France, Germany, Atralia and New Zealand, among other untri, beg a lastg force that would rry on for the next half-century—and beyond.

" This sign was wrten by the Mattache Society–an early anizatn dited to fightg for gay reportg the events, The New York Daily News rorted to homophobic slurs s tailed verage, nng the headle: “Homo Nt Raid, Queen Be Are Stgg Mad.



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