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Language, Nostalgia]</strong></span></p><h3 id="viewer-ecbcv" class="_3qMKZ _1j-51 _3hp5v _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><strong><em><u class="_3zM-5">LEMMY AND FRIENDS VISIT THE TALKING WORDS FACTORY</u></em></strong></span></h3><div id="viewer-ajs32" class="_2vd5k QKej7"><div class="_3CWa- _8Hy4A _3bGXF _8Hy4A _3bGXF _3T0EP _3Mg4q _3mymk _20VpX _20VpX"><div style="width:100%"><span class="_1zoC1 draft-thumb" style="marg:0 to;display:flex;align-ems:center;jtify-ntent:center;overflow:hidn;width:100%;height:NaNpx"><div style="cursor:zoom-;width:100%"><img loadg="lazy" src=" alt="Lemmy And Friends Vis The Talkg Words Factory " style="width:954px;max-width:100%;display:block"/></div></span></div></div></div><h3 id="viewer-f38ku" class="_3qMKZ _1j-51 _3hp5v _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><strong>This is a BraSpyro Indtri Corp. Novelized film. This film's nng time is 30 mut long. S back, relax, and enjoy!</strong></span></h3><p id="viewer-839ga" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><strong><em><u class="_3zM-5">CHAPTER 1 - THE FACTORY ARRIVAL</u></em></strong></span></p><p id="viewer-n4dc" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Once upon a time, a world beyond time and space where multiple univers of Ze Entertament lli, a big day was arrivg. Lazlo was mdg his own buisns playg Super Mar Odyssey on his Ntendo Swch Le, fightg the Rued Dragon. After he beat the boss, he pumped his fist and said, "Yahoo! Oh, if only fightg space mons real life was this easy."</span></p><p id="viewer-b4pm6" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">No one knew that our favore spir monkey was multaskg. And ad swched on the TV for the 'My Dad is the Bt Dad the Whole Wi World Contt'.</span></p><p id="viewer-f46as" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Are you thkg to yourself: my dad is the bt dad the whole wi world?" The host said. "Would'nt you like everyone to know that your dad is the bt dad the whole wi world? Then enter the My Dad is the Bt Dad the Whole Wi World Contt! Jt fill today's newspaper, and send by 6:00PM this eveng."</span></p><p id="viewer-fc73n" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"That sounds amazg!" Lazlo said. "But there's one father is all the way Brazil... I hope Komodo would help me wh such thg."</span></p><p id="viewer-c9h" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Komodo was the blacksmh polishg his wrench, until he felt some fur silk his arm.</span></p><p id="viewer-7i5mk" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Komodo, n you help me wh this?" Lazlo asked.</span></p><p id="viewer-cbtsu" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"This?" Komodo replied, lookg at the newspaper. "Gee, this ntt thg has to be observed by Lemmy. He probably knows about this. LEMMY!!!"</span></p><p id="viewer-9q020" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"What is , Komodo? I heard you ll me." Lemmy said. "And is that the My Dad is the Bt Dad the Whole Wi World Contt? I entered that to Kg Dad, but I won 2nd place prize."</span></p><p id="viewer-7ed3g" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Do you have any ias, Lemmy?" Lazlo asked.</span></p><p id="viewer-7er" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"I know! I'll have to take you two to the Talkg Words Factory, and Lazlo, you will have ENDLESS IDEAS!" Lemmy replied.</span></p><p id="viewer-5qn2u" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">After at least 30 mut, Lemmy, Lazlo and Komodo arrived at the Talkg Words Factory.</span></p><p id="viewer-4a9mk" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Gang, we've arrived." Komodo said.</span></p><p id="viewer-a7kfv" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The letters on the banner began to sg four part harmony. "!"</span></p><p id="viewer-9v914" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The tr walks .</span></p><p id="viewer-cv7bo" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"This is the Talkg Words Factory, guys! And wowie-wow-wowzers, I have not been here sce late 2018!" Lemmy said. "But I gotta warn you, Spyra told me that Profsor Quigley has gotten even hotter, and built world-savg ventns!"</span></p><p id="viewer-e5ubu" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"So that guy uld probably bend the fabric of time and space, probably." Komodo said, tippg his big, blue goggl.</span></p><p id="viewer-82nqh" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Then, Lazlo's face llid wh the fur Profsor Quigley's tail.</span></p><p id="viewer-1ja0a" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Looks like I'm lucky to n to another hot mongoose." Lazlo said, bbg his cheek.</span></p><p id="viewer-4mgrn" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Why hello, boys! It's been que a while, there." Quigley said, shakg paws wh the tr. "I gotta take re of a MASSIVE orr."</span></p><p id="viewer-biiu3" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Don't tell me, profsor." Lemmy said. "A dictnary for that Mr. Websley guy?"</span></p><p id="viewer-em4gk" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"No." Quigley replied "A big orr for lunch, f for a mongoose."</span></p><p id="viewer-490ke" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"One grilled green anonda a hot dog bun wh everythg." An orange robot said, givg the profsor a grilled green anonda a hot dog bun wh untls toppgs.</span></p><p id="viewer-aros4" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Green anonda?" Komodo said, tiltg his head. "I didn't know mongee eat snak."</span></p><p id="viewer-2ps4r" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"And that's a fact, Komodo. This thg looks good." Quigley said, shovg the grilled snake to his mouth.</span></p><p id="viewer-6g7n3" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Profsor, I have a ntt form for my dad all the way Brazil, and I need ias." Lazlo said.</span></p><p id="viewer-15u0i" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"PERFECT!" Profsor Quigley replied. "In fact, there are some amazg word-makg mach RIGHT HERE at The Talkg Words Factory, created by and geni is ME!!!"</span></p><p id="viewer-4l5ro" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Then someone lled for Profsor Quigley.</span></p><p id="viewer-emdlf" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Oh crap." Lemmy said, hidg behd the scientist's back.</span></p><p id="viewer-di0hk" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The someone turned to be me.</span></p><p id="viewer-1ehrg" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Profsor, we need more dictnari for Mr. Websley!" I said, perkg my wgs. "And I have to rendate the zoplex levels the basement or else the entire factory will explo! Try your bt to handle this orr by yourself, my love. I'm unt' on you."</span></p><p id="viewer-6t35b" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Profsor Quigley swallowed the roasted giant snake, and was shocked at the orr. "Mother of Tony Pope! TRIPLE THE ORDER?" He cried. "Damn! What would I do?"</span></p><p id="viewer-8bt7l" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Profsor, we'll team up wh you." Komodo said.</span></p><p id="viewer-ds6l6" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Lazlo needs help!" Lemmy add.</span></p><div id="viewer-8ikil" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><br/></span></div><p id="viewer-fb6f1" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><strong><em><u class="_3zM-5">CHAPTER 2 - The Sticky-Ick-O-Rama</u></em></strong></span></p><p id="viewer-2fjke" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"All we need to do is build words." Profsor Quigley said. "How e every word has a vowel, you ask? It's the glue that holds words together. They're known to be A, E, I, O, and U. Or sometim Y, which I won't mentn."</span></p><p id="viewer-2s5ud" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"I see, 's the se crackg." Komodo replied.</span></p><p id="viewer-acmkd" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"You see, boys, when the vowels first arrive to this factory, they're pletely normal until we make them STICKY!" Quigley explaed.</span></p><p id="viewer-6tjfh" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"And that uld only be the Sticky Ick-O-Rama!" Lemmy said.</span></p><p id="viewer-m1a" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The five vowels sang the inic "Sticky-Icky Vowels" song while beg blasted wh everythg sticky.</span></p><p id="viewer-83ev4" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"We're A, E, I, O, U, we're the vowels, we're the gule to stick the words together, we're very sticky Letters!"</span></p><p id="viewer-aa4sf" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The team was doed honey om a waterfall...</span></p><p id="viewer-febjr" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"We're A, E, I, O, U, we're the vowels, we're the gule to stick the words together!"</span></p><p id="viewer-7l8h2" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Penut butter gets spread to the fac of the letters.</span></p><p id="viewer-2llhd" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"We're A, E, I, O, U, we're the vowels, we're the gule to stick the words together, we're very sticky Letters!"</span></p><p id="viewer-21tci" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The vowels are then blasted wh large bubbl om bubble gum.</span></p><p id="viewer-cp0a8" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"We're A, E, I, O, U, we're the vowels, we're the gule to stick the words together!"</span></p><p id="viewer-8ej72" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The vowels are then doed wh the soda stuck to cema floors, as fans blow all the sticks off of them.</span></p><p id="viewer-ge4m" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"We're very sticky, very icky, sticky icky letters!"</span></p><p id="viewer-df7uc" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Then, the five vowels emerged om the Sticky Ick-O-Rama.</span></p><p id="viewer-8djsu" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Hehe. Nice and gooey." Profsor Quigley said while blhg, holdg a sticky letter U his paw.</span></p><p id="viewer-b6ndv" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"That's what she said...." Komodo whispered to Lazlo's ear.</span></p><p id="viewer-7e6" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Then someone else bted out of the Sticky-Ick-O-Rama...</span></p><p id="viewer-apbbc" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Everyth' okay, hat?" The someone said, wh his sk and cloth all sticky.</span></p><p id="viewer-6ilv1" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Leapg THE HELL IS THAT?" Profsor Quigley cried, drawg his Plasma Katana. "Its lips are WHY IS ITS EYES ON ITS HAT?" The Quigley ran to the someone, puttg his sword's bla tip close to the someone's face. "The high qualy secury meras ught you breakg to this factory, NOW GET YOUR A-"</span></p><p id="viewer-ak26m" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"QUIGLEY! NO!" Komodo cried, phg Profsor Quigley out of the way. "Mr. Ballyhoo did nothg to you! He might look creepy, but he's extremely iendly!"</span></p><p id="viewer-fc2ks" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Ugh. I gus pouty lips are not my thg. I should shake that thg's hand..." Profsor Quigley said, wipg the sweat off his fur and foldg the Plasma Katana back to the right pocket of his lab at. "The name is Quigley....Profsor are you?"</span></p><p id="viewer-o6" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Who am I, ya ask? I'm yo' Master of Catastroph! MC Ballyhoo, at yo' service!"</span></p><p id="viewer-7t119" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Who named you like that?" Quigley replied, shakg the exuberant rgmaster's sticky hand.</span></p><div id="viewer-5p57c" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><br/></span></div><p id="viewer-dcdjb" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><strong><em><u class="_3zM-5">CHAPTER 3 - The Start to Buildg Words...</u></em></strong></span></p><p id="viewer-2r3" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Gang, meet the Word Bammer 100!" Profsor Quigley said. "She's been here forever! But let me tell you somethg, she still builds words jt silk-smooth as ever!"</span></p><p id="viewer-76fop" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The Word Bammer 100 stggled to turn on.</span></p><p id="viewer-c7j1l" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"It's like 17 years old." Lemmy said. "Don't stab , profsor!"</span></p><p id="viewer-f3l16" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Heh, swch broke years ago." Profsor Quigley said, kickg the mache.</span></p><p id="viewer-48liu" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Ready set, you bet!" Bammy said.</span></p><p id="viewer-9hh40" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"She's still alive?" Lazlo said. "Intertg."</span></p><p id="viewer-dtul0" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"We've got words to build, Bammy!" Profsor Quigley told his elrly ventn.</span></p><p id="viewer-3rdbo" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Every letter mak a sound, the sound you need to hear." Bammy said. "First the first sound, then the next, until the word is clear!"</span></p><p id="viewer-ivr" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"I swear I've heard someone else speak entirely rhyme." Komodo said, strokg his waxed ills before his arrival to this factory.</span></p><p id="viewer-21dvo" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"And by the way, I have a father all the way Brazil. And I need ias how to do so." Lazlo said.</span></p><p id="viewer-8a4pp" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Let's see here..." Profsor Quigley said, bendg his back. "Number 1: My dad is a ol..."</span></p><p id="viewer-25kur" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Lazlo, I know you don't spell right when wrg, so we'll jt n through the basics when speelg." Lemmy rmed.</span></p><p id="viewer-5peo3" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"..!" Lazlo said.</span></p><p id="viewer-avv4b" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Welp, let's do this! (And I mean by buildg words.)" Quigley said as he wked his eye. "It sounds like one sound, but is clearly three sounds workg together!" He displayed some letters on the word bammer's screen. "Remember the sounds?"</span></p><p id="viewer-qd49" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Cuh, ah, ;s !" Lazlo said. He then said the same sounds faster! "I get ! Let beg!"</span></p><p id="viewer-9ha6o" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Got your tail, Lazlo!" Profsor Quigley said. "ORDER UP! One C, A, and T!"</span></p><p id="viewer-18tlb" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Then, a shiverg letter C slid down.</span></p><p id="viewer-8fn" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"That's !" Komodo said.</span></p><p id="viewer-82cj4" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">When the A shifted over, Quigley had no other choice but to sre the s**t out of the A. "WOOGA WOOGA!" He said, holdg his mongoose claws out, makg the A scream. "Works every time."</span></p><p id="viewer-abaat" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Alright! Let's see what happens when Bammy BAMS THEM TOGETHER!" Profsor Quigley exclaimed.</span></p><p id="viewer-eg57t" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The three letters were squished to one word.</span></p><p id="viewer-bqdb7" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"SUCCESS!" Komodo exlamed, jumpg joy.</span></p><p id="viewer-1j66q" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Thanks, profsor! I've still got more to go!" Lazlo said, fillg the ntt's blank. "Now where's the gay word whammer?"</span></p><p id="viewer-4ag9l" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"You're thkg that an idge toy would f this massive factory?" Lemmy said. "I know that a spic someone ma that toy famo!"</span></p><p id="viewer-2lvou" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"The endg sound of our first word? The YouTube blockbter? That giv me an ia!" Profsor Quigley said. "Bammy, we're gog to make lots of words that end wh 'AT', such as 'CAT'. Make a large batch of AT's, and send 'em down to Whammy, Bammy!"</span></p><p id="viewer-2ho44" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Whatever you say, they're g your way!" Bammy replied.</span></p><p id="viewer-cccgl" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"That uld only mean one thg!" Lemmy said.</span></p><div id="viewer-7grmd" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><br/></span></div><p id="viewer-1f215" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><strong><em><u class="_3zM-5">CHAPTER 4 - The Word Whammer 3000</u></em></strong></span></p><p id="viewer-3ko1p" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Gang, meet the Word Whammer 3000!" Profsor Quigley said, troducg his wacky creatn. "I ll him 'Whammy' for short."</span></p><p id="viewer-40heo" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Whatever this thg is, 's jt so, damn, STUNNING!" Komodo said. "I bet 'll crank thgs out. And looks like the AT's are arivg!"</span></p><p id="viewer-8kcqn" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The batch of AT's have arrived to the Word Whammer. It's time for some rhym!</span></p><p id="viewer-380h" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Well, they've arrived! Now we're gonna build some words wh the same endg!" Profsor Quigley exclaimed.</span></p><p id="viewer-aqt" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Which uld be known as rhymg..." Lazlo replied. "How about an rhym wh bat."</span></p><p id="viewer-dh332" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The mongoose and spir monkey pared both words.</span></p><p id="viewer-du0ln" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"There's no time to waste, guys!" Lemmy said. "Let's do this!"</span></p><p id="viewer-cqs2p" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"WORD WHAMMER 3000: READY TO RUN. BUILDING WORDS IS LOTS OF FUN." Whammy said his wacky, robotic voice.</span></p><p id="viewer-5n4p0" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"So, let's see here..." Quigley said, scratchg his whiskers. "We've tackled ! Orr up one letter F, Whammy!"</span></p><p id="viewer-cfqc6" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The F and AT slid down, and where cshed to one word.</span></p><p id="viewer-8tf34" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"HE'S GOT IT!" Quigley exclaimed, pumpg his fist.</span></p><p id="viewer-bmaph" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Whammy displayed a fat versn of his ventor.</span></p><p id="viewer-c67ar" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Leapg lguistics..." Quigley mumbled, fallg to his kne, nearly drawg his Plasma Katana. "Don't roast me like that, and let's jt e H to start the word. Orr up H, and don't threaten me like that aga. Please."</span></p><p id="viewer-dhem" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The word's bo slid down, as Lazlo sound out the word.</span></p><p id="viewer-fdu" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Perfect! Jt perfect! 'Hat'!" Lazlo said, tippg his hat.</span></p><p id="viewer-dh41c" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Great, Lazlo! That's 'hat'!" Quigley exclaimed light. "And we've built lots of great words!" Then our mongoose noticed the word 'CAT', and cid to unleash . "Cuh, ah, tuh! Cat! Such a perfect word... Stay fele. You're about to bee part of a....talkg dictnary...." He felt a touch of fake gloom strike him, as he sighed.</span></p><p id="viewer-3eqek" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Everythg okay, profsor? You seem a b down." Komodo said.</span></p><p id="viewer-dba3s" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"I'm gog to miss my 'CAT'; Quigley mourned.</span></p><p id="viewer-bgbtg" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">A small "nya" echoed the distance, as Lazlo, Lemmy and Komodo lghed. For review, a whole nga broke out!</span></p><p id="viewer-cs36t" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"It seems you're better now, buddy!" Lemmy said.</span></p><p id="viewer-bur3n" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><em>"So first you take the start, then you add the end! AT! C, AT, Cat! Now you've got a word!"</em></span></p><p id="viewer-0e" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Now, the word buildg nga starts!</span></p><p id="viewer-d3tij" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><em>First you take the C, then you add the AT, put them all together, now you've got CAT!</em></span></p><p id="viewer-45pif" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The song ntued for each word. Whammy cid to put his own twist on thgs.</span></p><p id="viewer-aqrc0" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><em>"FIRST YOU TAKE THE Z, ZZT. THEN YOU ADD THE AT. PUT THEM ALL TOGETHER, NOW YOU'VE GOT ZAT."</em> Whammy said rhythim, until everythg sudnly stopped.</span></p><p id="viewer-ad8ma" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"LORD HAVE MECHANA-MERCY!" Komodo cried.</span></p><p id="viewer-c7n5p" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Wowie-wow-wowzers!" Lemmy said.</span></p><p id="viewer-c63nh" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"HOLD IT! HOLD IT! 'ZAT' is a non-sensil word!" Quigley exclaimed, clawg his majtic, srlet-red hair.</span></p><p id="viewer-ckgth" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"ZZZ, AT, CAN'T YOU SEE, I USED AN 'AT'. AND THAT MADE 'ZAT'." Whammy said.</span></p><p id="viewer-60j78" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Are you out of your md, Whammy?" Quigley replied. "That's not okay, sce some letters make 'AT' words and others don't."</span></p><p id="viewer-dkeki" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"By my lculatns, nonsense words are illegal to the dictnari." Komodo explaed.</span></p><p id="viewer-eddo8" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"That's right, Komodo!" Quigley replied. "That's how we make word for the dictnari! And we're jt gettg started..."</span></p><div id="viewer-2c8cj" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><br/></span></div><p id="viewer-enl2t" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><strong><em><u class="_3zM-5">CHAPTER 5 - Buildg Words: Contued</u></em></strong></span></p><p id="viewer-96ea9" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Buildg words is que fun, to be surprised! And I need some more words for my fourm." Lazlo said. "What's the next one, Komodo?"</span></p><p id="viewer-19i1i" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"The next one?" Komodo replied. "My dad is the bt dad I've ever...."</span></p><p id="viewer-d1eno" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"..!" Lazlo add.</span></p><p id="viewer-50hlj" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Lazlo! You're gettg so much smarter!" Lemmy said.</span></p><p id="viewer-2mtlt" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Correct!" Profsor Quigley said. "How about we build some 'ET' words? We'll start wh 'MET'. Whammy, send an M, please!"</span></p><p id="viewer-1n9bi" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"AN M FOR YOU. AND YOU, AND YOU." Whammy replied, droppg an M down.</span></p><p id="viewer-og5g" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Orr up some E and T letters!" Komodo add.</span></p><p id="viewer-drlrb" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"ORDER UP E AND T. HERE THEY COME. LOOK AND SEE." Whammy replied.</span></p><p id="viewer-767gv" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"What do the E say?" Quigley asked.</span></p><p id="viewer-et4" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Eh?" Lazlo replied.</span></p><p id="viewer-cevns" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"WHAT DOES THE E SAY?" Quigley asked aga.</span></p><p id="viewer-a5ec5" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Eh?" Lazlo replied, aga as he giggled. He sound out the word, and wrote down on his fourm.</span></p><p id="viewer-bpq91" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Don't be surprised at this simplicy, the words are que eful." Quigley said. "And if we orr up a J, Whammy?"</span></p><p id="viewer-3hbh4" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"HEY, HEY, HEY. LETTER J." Whammy replied.</span></p><p id="viewer-fd92i" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The word was built.</span></p><p id="viewer-5f875" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"So jet rhym wh wh a P." Lazlo said.</span></p><p id="viewer-bjbka" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Whammy rulted buildg the word "PET".</span></p><p id="viewer-drq" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Rhight aga! PET!" Quigley said. "Jet, pet. Same endg sound, different first letter. What else rhym wh 'ET', Lemmy?"</span></p><p id="viewer-brtht" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Get, set, and let!" Lemmy replied.</span></p><p id="viewer-914lr" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The profsor started to sg a reprise to the Word Buildg Conga. <em>"First you take the G, then you add the ET, put them all together, now you've got GET!"</em></span></p><p id="viewer-83eo5" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Got-ceptn!" Komodo said as he wked, as Quigley ntued sgg.</span></p><p id="viewer-9ufc" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"First you take the S, then you add the ET, put them all together, now you've got SET!"</span></p><p id="viewer-3q5hd" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"I'll put my own thgs together!" Lemmy said. <em>"First you take the L, then you add the ET, put them all together, now you've got LET!"</em></span></p><p id="viewer-j1hc" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Good job, Lemmy!" Profsor Quigley said.</span></p><p id="viewer-ar6bv" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"What a great mache, profsor!" Komodo plimented. "Defi the tech back at my home pla!"</span></p><p id="viewer-fqrl6" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Thanks!" Quigley replied. "And there's yet another wonrful thg about the Word Whammer: If I was Super Smash Bros, mak the perfect Cematic Fal Smash!"</span></p><p id="viewer-8bian" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"I thought they've unleashed Sephiroth as of January 2021." Lemmy said as he rolled his ey.</span></p><p id="viewer-26b5s" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Yeah, Lemmy." Quigley replied. "I'd be so many fighters a nutshell. A swordfighter, an anthro, and a readhead."</span></p><p id="viewer-6g991" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"What other words do you need, Lazlo?" Komodo asked.</span></p><p id="viewer-96m2p" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"A ltle somethg about Dad's heart..." Lazlo replied.</span></p><p id="viewer-2k1er" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"My dad's heart is very...." Lemmy said.</span></p><p id="viewer-1elfn" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"..!" Lazlo add.</span></p><p id="viewer-fmpbf" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Big, big, big! Tell Whammy what letters you need, young spir monkey!" Quigley said.</span></p><p id="viewer-avc4a" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"B, I, and G! That'll succed thgs!" Lazlo said. "Orr up! Letter B, Whammy!"</span></p><p id="viewer-c5ohl" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The B's sg Beethoven's 5th symphony, as one of them exs the choir as the song go on. As the B slis down, s Beethoven-style wig gently billows some myster wds, t'il the B drops onto the Word Whammer's nveyor belt. The 'IG' drops down as well.</span></p><p id="viewer-fulet" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"YOU ARE RIGHT. SEE YOUR INNER LIGHT?" Whammy said.</span></p><p id="viewer-2gsmo" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Way, to go, Lazlo!" Quigley said. "You're nearly fished!"</span></p><p id="viewer-b7h9a" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"BETTER HURRY. I'LL TELL YOU WHY." Whammy warned. "MR. WEBSLEY IS DROPPING BY."</span></p><p id="viewer-5r3hl" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Oh, oh, oh lord!" Quigley cried as he shed to the back of his Word Whammer, and cried the two words.... "HOPPIN' HOLONYMS!" Our mongoose straightened out the jammed words, as the word 'BIG' rammed close between his tail and butt cheeks.. "WHOO-WHEEE!, Gang, please keep makg words! That big-lipped greml thg is charge! Lemmy and Komodo, help lazlo wITH HIS APPLICATIOOOOoooooonnnnn....!" He nearly fell to the hopper, stgglg to rever.</span></p><p id="viewer-4hbt" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Lord have Mechana-Mercy!" Komodo cried "What will we do now?"</span></p><div id="viewer-13g6u" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><br/></span></div><p id="viewer-egr7r" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><strong><em><u class="_3zM-5">CHAPTER 6 - The Mache's Malfunctn</u></em></strong></span></p><p id="viewer-1t1k3" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"That adorable mad scientist mongoose is untg on ! There's no time to waste! There are words to build! Dictnari to fill! And we're the on for the job!" Lemmy explaed. "Everybody ready for actn?"</span></p><p id="viewer-f6oc2" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"I'm more prepared than you thk!" Lazlo replied.</span></p><p id="viewer-3i9bt" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"I Animal-Mechanil-Can!" Komodo said.</span></p><p id="viewer-3hsmt" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The long-tailed Carlos Alazraqui-voiced duo pumped their fists and high-fived each other.</span></p><p id="viewer-5o9ks" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"You're fett' someone..." Ballyhoo said, reverg om his sticky suatn.</span></p><p id="viewer-fbouj" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"And me!" Big Top add.</span></p><p id="viewer-fsifc" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Senseful!" Lazlo said. "We jt built the word 'BIG', and that's part of your name, I gus."</span></p><p id="viewer-fjgs9" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"I thk you're right, young fella." Ballyhoo replied. "Take a gus at what rim wh 'BIG'."</span></p><p id="viewer-eb01v" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"I'll go wh 'PIG'." Komodo replied. "Whammy, orr up a P, and another IG, please."</span></p><p id="viewer-8h72r" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"A LETTER P IS COMING THROUGH. AND A NEW IG WILL FOLLOW, TOO." Whammy replied, droppg down the P and IG.</span></p><p id="viewer-fikdj" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"See ya, l'il swe!" Ballyhoo said. "Do yo' bt out there, and don't turn to ban!"</span></p><p id="viewer-ecc19" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Lazlo and Lemmy lghed.</span></p><p id="viewer-5khqr" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Anythg else here, Lemmy?" Lazlo asked.</span></p><p id="viewer-6rk1d" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"If one guy is at the top, then he mt be my..." Lemmy replied.</span></p><p id="viewer-7qnpe" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"..!" Lazlo add.</span></p><p id="viewer-dbd5n" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Whammy, we've got ou'selv another orr!" Ballyhoo said. "One P, and an OP! Ple send 'em down!"</span></p><p id="viewer-3g6nj" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Send 'em down town!" Big Top add.</span></p><p id="viewer-flnti" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"ORDER UP: P, O, P. HERE THEY COME: LOOK AND SEE." Whammy replied.</span></p><p id="viewer-bo75s" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The letters dropped down, were sound out, and cshed together.</span></p><p id="viewer-8dfe1" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Now that's succsful!" Lazlo said, wrg the word down.</span></p><p id="viewer-feo3b" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">A uple of mut pass, and a bunch of words have been built.</span></p><p id="viewer-69soa" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Welp, we've got a whole bunch o' words!" MC Ballyhoo said. "I'm wonr' what the weasel who nearly killed me thks 'bout this."</span></p><p id="viewer-9b1s2" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Thanks, MC!" Lemmy said. "You've ma our honor!"</span></p><p id="viewer-ee38s" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Why yo' wele, Lemmy." Ballyhoo replied. "I got'ta go back to my universe." The billn-dollar greml walked back to his universe.</span></p><p id="viewer-emj2l" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Gee, Mr. Ballyhoo is jt a genero man." Komodo said. "Let's build more words! Come on!" Komodo pumped his fist, accintally pullg the wrong swch on the Word Whammer.</span></p><p id="viewer-31aq" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"SUPER SPEED NOW PROCEED!" Whammy said a fast pace. The tr slowly began to panic.</span></p><p id="viewer-4t235" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Crap..." Komodo said.</span></p><p id="viewer-b2tjf" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Lemmy tried to pull the swch back, but was a b of a stggle. "DO SOMETHING, LAZLO!" He cried.</span></p><p id="viewer-4t0q9" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Lazlo phed a bunch of buttons, but the rult was NOT pretty.</span></p><p id="viewer-arm76" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"WARNING: WARNING: SUPER SPEED! WORDS ARE COMING: ALL YOU NEED!" Whammy said, gog sicko mo.</span></p><p id="viewer-4am4h" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Countls words dropped down the chute. Whammy was pletely out of his mechanil md.</span></p><p id="viewer-6sd6f" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Profsor Quigley revered om his ltle cint, his fur and cloth were pletely tact. But the rult of his return didn't end well. <strong><em>"LEAPING LINGUISTICS!"</em></strong> The mad scientist cried at the top of his lungs, shocked to ath at the msed rult.</span></p><p id="viewer-6i3va" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Words ntued shg down onto the Word Whammer.</span></p><p id="viewer-8jf9l" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"THE MACHINE HAS GONE MAD!" Quigley cried utter shock.</span></p><p id="viewer-27me3" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The profsor's cry ed the mache to spell 'MAD' four tim. Talk about karma!</span></p><p id="viewer-dddoc" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Then, after all that ck, Profsor Quigley reached his paw out of the pile of words, turng off the mache, soothg s flutterg heart. "Hey! More words for the dictnari! Thanks, gang!" He said, perkg his head out, sg wh his ey and muzzle.</span></p><p id="viewer-el7r8" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"This is fun!" Lazlo said, jumpg out of the word pile he was cshed by.</span></p><p id="viewer-9qbsv" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Fun? Ho-Ho! That's a great word! And exctly what I need for the talkg dictnari!" Profsor Quigley said, climbg out of the pile.</span></p><p id="viewer-at437" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"And I thk Lazlo uld e, too!" Lemmy add. "Orr them up, buddy!"</span></p><p id="viewer-9vl2" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Lazlo put his orr. "Whammy, I'll take one F, a U, and then one N to fish off!" He said.</span></p><p id="viewer-84k8m" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"ORDERING LETTERS: F, U, N. HERE THEY COME, ARE YOU READY, THEN?" Whammy replied, droppg down the letters buildg the word.</span></p><div id="viewer-1i4k8" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><br/></span></div><p id="viewer-9q1c2" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><strong><em><u class="_3zM-5">CHAPTER 7 - The Sound Sli</u></em></strong></span></p><p id="viewer-6vmn2" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"The words are jt straight out perfect!" Komodo said.</span></p><p id="viewer-72pr1" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Profsor, I jt need one more word for this fourm, but I don't thk 'll f the slots." Lazlo said. "I wanna e the word 'BEST', but I n't figure o-"</span></p><p id="viewer-1bvm8" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Bt? Bt? Why, my spir monkey! Do you know what you need?" Profsor Quigley replied, cuttg off Lazlo's speech. "You need TWO letters the place of ONE!"</span></p><p id="viewer-4lh78" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"That's rrect." Lazlo replied. "Bu-"</span></p><p id="viewer-549" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Quigley cut off Lazlo yet aga. "Bleng letters is directly loted at my die-heart favore part of THIS FACTORY!"</span></p><p id="viewer-5eeda" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"The Sound Sli?" Lemmy asked.</span></p><p id="viewer-fqj6f" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Hell yeah." Quigley replied.</span></p><p id="viewer-951qq" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The quadr walked up the stairs, and took a quick glimpse at the wdg twists and turns...</span></p><p id="viewer-195u0" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"This isn't the sli I know." Komodo said, holdg a letter S. "The twists and turns are almost impossible to take a trace of."</span></p><p id="viewer-5g3ib" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Komodo's right." Lemmy said, graspg a letter T. "This is more of a dry waterpark than a-"</span></p><p id="viewer-3afcg" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"We're gonna take a sli Super Mar 64 style! Hang on!" Profsor Quigley said, pullg a rd that dropped the trapdors, plungg the quadr down to the massive slis. "Gang, this is the sound sli. It's where we blend letters are blend together, to make more sounds AND MORE WORDS!" His majtic whe lab at billowed and flapped throught the wd like absolutley nothg bad was happeng. Durg the landg, he ught Lazlo his arms.</span></p><p id="viewer-1pos6" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"I have to say somethg, profsor, you look glor wh your hair the wd." Lazlo said.</span></p><p id="viewer-4o46q" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Why thanks! But I already knew that." Quigley said. "Let's jt say you were buldg the word 'STOP'. Stop rhym wh what?"</span></p><p id="viewer-htac" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"POP!" Lazlo replied.</span></p><p id="viewer-88r9v" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Profsor Quigley brought down a screen for Lazlo to pare both words.</span></p><p id="viewer-eaovm" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"St, op! So we'll need ST, and OP!" Lazlo rmed.</span></p><p id="viewer-61hfk" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"You're rrect!" Quigley replied. "Watch this, there's Komodo, wh a slherg letter S, and Lemmy, wh a tap-dancg letter T. Now, take a listen to what happens when the two are bed together!" The profsor d the slis to attach to a crossed branch (that might possible nut someone). Komodo and Lemmy drift by, as the letter S and T are almost ready to crash to eachother.</span></p><p id="viewer-9cp9m" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"OH MY GOD!" Lazlo cried. "WATCH OUT! YOU TWO LETTERS ARE ABOUT TO GET NUTTED!"</span></p><p id="viewer-gbg" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"No, 's fe, Lazlo. Humans don't go down that branch. And the letters won't get nutted, I promise." Quigley replied. "By the way, WATCH THIS!"</span></p><p id="viewer-3tcs4" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The two letters make their sounds before they crash to eachother, formg the blend. Quigley and Lazlo e back om the operatn platform.</span></p><p id="viewer-5b6m9" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Bravo!" Profsor Quigley cheered. "Now the two letters, S and T, are a betiful blend!"</span></p><p id="viewer-889kb" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Profsor, I feel a ser rash on my butt." Komodo said. "I'm not ed to your slis, I prefer the one I e to travel to my pla's islands."</span></p><p id="viewer-vean" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Your but cheeks will be fe." Quigley replied. "Now, let's take this blend to Whammy!"</span></p><div id="viewer-f82i8" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><br/></span></div><p id="viewer-cehkm" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><strong><em><u class="_3zM-5">CHAPTER 8 - The Blends Rock</u></em></strong></span></p><p id="viewer-35qcv" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Whammy, let me have one of those OP's, please." Quigley said.</span></p><p id="viewer-dc44o" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"ABOUT TO DROP. HERE'S YOUR OP." Whammy replied, droppg the endg down.</span></p><p id="viewer-6ebe9" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Let me sound this out." Lazlo said. "St, o, p, St, op!"</span></p><p id="viewer-bffum" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Profsor Quigley pulled down the lever, buildg the word "STOP".</span></p><p id="viewer-57gll" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"STOOOOOOOOOP!!!" Lazlo cried light. His joyful shriek ed the machery to halt for a uple of sends. An eerie silence fell over the factory.</span></p><p id="viewer-csmoi" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">" alarm! Everyone, back to work!" Quigley lled out to the silence. The mach started back up aga. The gang walked to where most blend are stored. "By the way, Lazlo, some blends n e at the end, like the word you need, bt. Wre down." Quigley rmed.</span></p><p id="viewer-52j31" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"That's , profsor!" Lazlo said, then stg on the floor and wrg his need word down. "Buh, eh, and the blend, st."</span></p><p id="viewer-4k1hf" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"GAHAHAHA! Let me tell ya, Lazlo!" Quigley said, phasg to an Elvis-styled su. "You n e a blend at the start or at the end. There's really noth' to , so I'll show you how to dooooo iiiiit! If you take the word TOP, you uld change to STOP! Wh a blend: S, T, ST, Stop! If you take the word FOG, you uld change to FROG! Wh a blend: F, R, FR, FROG! If you take the word LAP, you uld change to CLAP! Wh a blend: C, L, CL, CLAP! If you take the word VET, you uld change to VEST! Wh a blend: S, T, ST, VEST! A blend is your iend, and there's on and tons of blends! Try a BL, E, ND, BLEEEEENNNNNDDD!"</span></p><p id="viewer-41hbs" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">The song stops.</span></p><div id="viewer-1huhs" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><br/></span></div><p id="viewer-811bi" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><strong><em><u class="_3zM-5">CHAPTER 9 - Son and Father Renunn</u></em></strong></span></p><p id="viewer-4j919" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"And now that we've succsfully built all the words, they're up for entry to Mr. Websley's dictnari!" Profsor Quigley said.</span></p><p id="viewer-22pen" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"I really thank you for the assistance, profsor. You are a kd-hearted mongoose." Lazlo plimented. "My applitn is due, and I'm pletely fished."</span></p><p id="viewer-8v11l" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Thanks Lazlo." Quigley replied. "I'll mail the envelope off to the ntt." Quigley's paw was suprisgly close to the SUCC hose he built. He let go of the envelope, as his watch slipped off his wrist, as his hair and neck tie flown upward like they'd accuratley would do so on a wdy day.</span></p><p id="viewer-oufn" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Super-Duper slick ventn, profsor!" Lemmy giggled.</span></p><p id="viewer-6t2ut" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"I thk 's gonna need more time, Lemmy." Quigley replied, not tendg the pun he quoted.</span></p><p id="viewer-brgu3" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Well, that's a succs." I said. "I've prevented the factory om explodi-" I then enuntered my gang. "Lemmy? Komodo? Lazlo? Profsor Quigley? What are you dog here?"</span></p><p id="viewer-900bi" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Exce me, Spyra the Dragons, masters of rtoon crossovers?" The MDITBDITWWWC host said, actg very touchy and close to me.</span></p><p id="viewer-dk6nb" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Yeah, host weasel thg." I replied. "What do you need om me?"</span></p><p id="viewer-2ufvs" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Congratulatns, Spyra!" The host plimented. "One of your alli is the grand-prize wner of the My Dad is the Bt Dad the Whole Wi World Contt!"</span></p><p id="viewer-35tjh" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Who is ?" I asked.</span></p><p id="viewer-38bhq" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Young Lazzle "Lazlo" Frodd! All the way om Brazil! This young spir monkey is the wner!"</span></p><p id="viewer-b6ae5" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Me?" Lazlo asked. "ME? ME? Ohmigodohmigodohmigod, OH MY GOD!"</span></p><p id="viewer-6ikul" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"And I've got a special surprise for you, Lazzle." The weasel host said. "Your father! ALL THE WAY FROM BRAZIL!"</span></p><p id="viewer-a107" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Lazzle, m filho! Faz tanto tempo! On você teve?" Mr. Frodd said, rng wh his long, lost son. "Você crc tão rápido!"</span></p><p id="viewer-9r395" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">", dad I miss you!" Lazlo cried, nuzzlg his father's arm while sheddg tears of joy. "It's been so long! I've been fightg space mons and sendg blsgs to God for a long time!"</span></p><p id="viewer-5i1h1" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Calma, lma, m rapaz." Lazlo's father said, fortg his son. "Não precisa chorar."</span></p><p id="viewer-6f4h7" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Thank you so much, dad." Lazlo said, thankg his long-lost father.</span></p><p id="viewer-cgtmf" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"That was...majtic!" Profsor Quigley said, wipg his tears of joy.</span></p><p id="viewer-agkrc" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"What do you say, Lazlo?" Komodo asked.</span></p><div id="viewer-e33cd" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><br/></span></div><p id="viewer-96f" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><strong><em><u class="_3zM-5">CHAPTER 10 - The Talkg Words Factory's Rewd!</u></em></strong></span></p><p id="viewer-b7jnl" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"I was simply mdg my buisns, as easy as A-B-C..." Lazlo sang, until a spic whe duck cut .</span></p><p id="viewer-dish9" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"BWAQUABABABA! HOLD IT!" Mr. Websley said, cuttg to the scene. "What's gog on here? HAVE YOU ALL, BWACK, QUACKED UP? WHERE THE HELL IS MY BIG ORDER?!"</span></p><p id="viewer-qr7" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Right here, Mr. Websley!" Profsor Quigley said, drivg wh a forklift that's rryg a crapton of talkg dictnari. "Wh my iends and helpers om multiple rtoon univers, was a snap!" Profsor Quigley snapped his fgers, knockg down the massive stack of books, nearly killg Mr. Websley.</span></p><p id="viewer-diuq3" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Bwa- Oof, ack, QUAH, BWAÆGH, OW! OUGH! BWÆUGH!" Mr. Websley cried excsive quackg. When he popped his head out of the book pile, he got bonked wh one of them, as opened.</span></p><p id="viewer-9h7vl" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"D-U-C-K spells DUCK! QUACC!" The dictnary's d said.</span></p><p id="viewer-dl6f1" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Oh-ho-ho, great! I do love the stocks of quap! BWAK, BWAK, BWACK!" Mr. Websley quacked light.</span></p><p id="viewer-dth73" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">"Now, Lazlo, you were sayg..." Profsor Quigley said.</span></p><p id="viewer-3cp5o" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">Lazlo sang a song about his time at the Talkg Words Factory. <em>"I was simply mdg my buisns, as easy as A-B-C, but then I saw this one ntt, and was mixed up as n be! Until I then asked Lemmy or Komodo what to do, Profsor Quigley fixed I'll sg all for you!" Lazlo repped the steps to buildg words. "Snatch a vowel that will stick words together, like an A that says 'ah'! Add a sound at the begng, and one at the end's way, G, A, Y mak guh, ah, yuh, GAY! I uld put a new sound at any entry, such as D-A-D, I uld make the word DAD! Blend some sounds together, like a GL, guh-ulll, And I'm so glad the my dad has me JESUS! My father has returned! We've rned at the factory of words! It's tly jt majtic as I thought would be, and I fixed my heart here at The Talkg, Words Factoryyyyyyyyy~! HELL YEAH!"</em></span></p><div id="viewer-am9em" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr"><br/></span></div><p id="viewer-1ufi1" class="mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDeflt-block-pth0 public-DraftStyleDeflt-text-ltr"><span class="_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDeflt-ltr">THE END</span></p></div></div></div><!--/$--></div></div></div></sectn></div></div><div class="_1VvVp _10lmT x8Jwc" role="plementary"><div class="_3L-AU"><div class="_2rl2o"><span class="_3Ua2p"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="BraSpyro" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="47019769" data-euid="10c752d2-4c2e-436f-b310-0cbeb5fd81e9" href=" class="er-lk _277bf _3VrNw">More by <span class="_2vKEO">BraSpyro</span><span class="_1qFwb _13Gzz"></span></a></span><button class="_3uGXj lhRPS vvI-A _1mjov _2N7EG _22XXy" data-hook="er_watch_button"><span class="_2Q8pG"><span class="nB1UF _2hd9j HFiAh"><svg xmlns=" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M14.035 7.985a1 1 0 01-1 1h-4v4.1a1 1 0 01-.874.993l-.126.008a1 1 0 01-.993-.884l-.007-.116V8.985h-4a1 1 0 110-2l4-.001V3.086a1 1 0 01.875-.993l.125-.007a1 1 0 01.993.883l.007.117v3.898l4 .001a1 1 0 011 1z" clip-le="evenodd"></path></svg></span><span class="nB1UF _2hd9j _16DpB"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="><path fill-le="evenodd" clip-le="evenodd" d="M12.95 3.05a1 1 0 010 1.414L9.415 8l3.606 3.608a1 1 0 01.083 1.32l-.083.094a1 1 0 01-1.32.083l-.094-.083L8 9.414 4.465 12.95a1 1 0 01-1.414-1.414l3.535-3.537-3.464-3.463a1 1 0 01-.083-1.32l.083-.095a1 1 0 011.32-.083l.094.083L8 6.585l3.536-3.535a1 1 0 011.414 0z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg></span>Watch</span><span class="gtkWD"></span></button></div><div><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="_36_Cg" tle="BraSpyro's All-Stars: Espe to Cariboo Island by BraSpyro"><div class="_3ufQB"><sectn class="Q91qI aG7Yi" style="width:308px;height:343px"><div class="_16ECM _1xMkk" aria-hidn="te"><svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 15 12" prerveAspectRat="xMidYM slice" fill-le="evenodd"><learGradient x1="87.8481761%" y1="16.3690766%" x2="45.4107524%" y2="71.4898596%" id="app-root-3"><stop stop-lor="#00FF62" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-lor="#3197EF" stop-opacy="0" offset="100%"></stop></learGradient><text class="_2uqbc" fill="url(#app-root-3)" text-anchor="end" x="15" y="11">B</text></svg></div><div class="_1xz9u">Lerature</div><h2 class="_2WvKD">BraSpyro's All-Stars: Espe to Cariboo Island</h2><div class="_2CPLm">BRAINSPYRO'S ALL-STARS: ESCAPE TO CARIBOO ISLAND Chapter 1 - Hearg of The Isl The sky was clear, and the heat has been drivg sane. It's somewhat perfect beach weather, but the gods of sunlight jt didn't want to go outsi and brave the heat. I walked to Profsor Quigley's laboratory of the palace, and noticed him workg on his latt ventn. "What is that, Profsor?" I asked. "Spyra m'girl, the are my latt and greatt ventns: the Metal Detector Dron." Profsor Quigley replied. "The sensors built to the thgs track metal unrneath sand, snow, or bble. The send off a signal and stop when they fd somethg metal." "I would love to see them actn!." Quigley giggled. "Me too, but they are still the beta stage." "It looks like they n't handle all the weather right now." "Yeah, the Metal Detector Dron are still babi, and aren't weather ristant yet." One of the palace guards barged to the laboratory. "Profsor, Spyra</div></sectn></div></a></div></div><div class="_3L-AU"><div class="_2rl2o IL8uY"><span class="_3Ua2p">Suggted Collectns</span></div><div><div class="_1kKLr"><a class="_2RmVO" href=">Yoshi and Other Mar</a></div><div style="max-width:100%"></div><div><div><div data-ttid="grid-row"><div class="WZqY9" style="width:308px;nta-trsic-size:308px 92px;ntent-visibily:to;marg:-16px;paddg:16px"><div style="width:92px;height:92px;marg-left:0"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" tle="Smash Bros posters: AVAILABLE NOW! ORDER TODAY! by DrCrafty"><div class="_3ufQB"><div class="_25ptW" style="width:92px;height:92px" data-ttid="thumb"><img alt="Smash Bros posters: AVAILABLE NOW! 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2x"/></div></div></a></div><div style="width:92px;height:92px;marg-left:16px"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" tle="Radrops Keep Fall' On His Head by BraSpyro"><div class="_3ufQB"><div class="_25ptW" style="width:92px;height:92px" data-ttid="thumb"><img alt="Radrops Keep Fall' On His Head" style="width:92px;height:92px;object-f:ver;object-posn:50% 50%" src=" loadg="lazy" srcSet=" 2x"/></div></div></a></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="_2XOk-"></div></div><div class="_23oWS _3DU1E"><div class="Aff _3YuPp"><div><div class="legacy-journal _2DahR _1EXZw maturefilter _2X_JL">Lazlo needs to fill out a ntt entry for his father all the way Brazil. He tri to ask Komodo and Lemmy what to do, and the solutn is to spire Lazlo at the Talkg Words Factory! The adorably wacky Profsor Quigley fix the spir monkey's md wh his wacky machery.<br><br>CAST:<br>Lemmy & Big Top - Tom Kenny<br>Komodo & Lazlo - Carlos Alazraqui<br>Profsor Quigley - Charl Martet<br>Spyra the Dragons - My real life self, I will not reveal my real name.<br>MC Ballyhoo & My Dad is the Bt Dad the Whole Wi World Host - Ryan Reynolds<br>Word Bammer 100 - Wenda Lee<br>Word Whammer 3000 & Mr. Websley - Billy Wt<br>Letters A-Z - David Axel (Gut star! Sr Pelo himself)<br><br>Characters (C) LeapFrog, Ntendo, HalifaxFilm, Cartoon Network & Hudson Soft<br>The Talkg Words Factory (C) LeapFrog<br>LITERATURE THEFT IS JUST AS BAD AS ART THEFT. DO NOT COMMIT IT!</div></div><div class="_3hKF2"><div class="_2IId3"> © 2021 - 2023 <a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="BraSpyro" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="47019769" data-euid="10c752d2-4c2e-436f-b310-0cbeb5fd81e9" href=" class="er-lk _277bf"><span class="_2vKEO">BraSpyro</span></a></div></div></div></div><div style="width:1px;float:left"></div><div class="_23oWS"><div class="_3U3-y" id="ments"></div><div class="vJ0"><div data-hook="ments_thread"><div class="_1p-42 _2JHop _2YlGm" data-hook="ments_thread_stats"><div data-hook="ments_unt"><span class="_3_W_t">Comments</span><span class="eVBLr">5</span></div></div><div class="_1YhYy"><div><div class="_1pn67"><div id="ment-1-866733130-top" class="no-theme-sk _1vH2x"><div class="_3T2ed"><div class="_3Rfgs"><div class="_1-kKb"><span class="_1nLSY"><div class="_2noXo" style="width:32px;height:32px"><svg viewBox="0 0 23 22" fill="none" xmlns="><tle>

word whammer gay

Kev Maxen, an associate strength ach wh the Jacksonville Jaguars, has bee the first male ach a major U.S.-based profsnal league to e out as gay.



Insanely fast, mobile-iendly meme generator. Make Word Whammer Gay mem or upload your own imag to make ctom mem * word whammer gay *

On Febary 24, 2007, a er by the name of Andrew Smh upload a vio where he spells a few nghty words on the toy, cludg "WTF", and the famo "gay".

Most vios about this toy, if they aren't reviews, have the er spellg out nghty words, which always clus the word "gay", which has now bee a mor ter meme. Also of note is that sexualy is very hard to terme, as the mal and femal of the group appear nearly intil, and even the non-homosexuals exhib many homosexual tras. New York (CNN) — In a sea of nned cktails, Gay Water wants to stand out.


For many years, the term 'gay water' has been known wh the queer muny as a lloquialism for a vodka soda. As of today, the brand Gay Water officially lnch to brg that phrase to the mastream as one of the first alholic beverag found and ground the LGBTQ+ muny. * word whammer gay *

In other words, where Bud Light has buckled unr prsure as bigotry grows agast the LGBTQ+ muny, Gay Water’s creator Spencer Hodson wants his new boozy brand to be the anthis of that.

“The key issue that Bud Light tapped to was the fact that they didn’t unrstand their re dience and know enough about them, ” Hodson, a gay man, told CNN about the ntroversy that began when the Anhser-Bch beer brand sent fluencer Dylan Mulvaney a n of beer.


Growg up, Spencer Hodson said he mostly heard the term “gay” a negative ntext. Now, he wants to stigmatize the word and create reprentatn spac that tradnally don’t have LGBTQ-owned products, one Gay Water at a time. * word whammer gay *

” Gay Water, however, is out and proud.


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The nned cktail is named after a lloquialism given to the popular mixed drk (vodka and soda) orred at bars by the gay muny.

“Puttg a product wh the word gay the tle is reprentatn self, ” which he hop reclaims the word om the negativy ’s sometim associated wh.


Blank Word Whammer Gay template * word whammer gay *

He thought of creatg Gay Water about a year ago while on a vatn wh his iend that had got a job wh the beverage dtry. The two chatted about the limed amount of gay people wh , and wh Hodson burnt out om his tradnal day job tech, started the nned cktail. Big onle Hodson built up a strong social media followg on TikTok and Instagram durg Covid-19 and is g some of the money om that (as well as om iends and fay) to help fund Gay Water.


“Gay is an umbrella term and the ia behd the brand is to be as clive as possible, which means we want alli, we want straight people to be part of this muny we’re buildg.

” For now, Gay Water is sold largely onle (wh a few retailers) and four sugar-ee flavors — watermelon, lime, peach and grapeu — at lnch.


Gay Water might not have the ep pockets pared to s petors, like Whe Claw, but “even at small sle, pani of many siz are havg succs makg spir-based seltzers and premixed cktails, ” Bryan Roth, an analyst for Feel Goods Company and edor of the alhol beverage newsletter, Sightl+, told CNN. “There’s lots of space the spir-based seltzer tegory which Gay Water n play, pecially if the brand n offer a cultural or emotnal nnectn that will feel more excg than the prospect of another peapple-flavored vodka seltzer om natnal or ternatnal rporatns, ” Roth said. ” Of urse, other drks e the word “gay, ” too, cludg Gay Beer and So Gay Rosé, Hodson noted, which are also tryg to reach the queer muny and offer them an alternative the straight-domated space.

HI, GAY! - Canned Vodka Soda Brand created by and for the LGBTQ+ muny Aims to Dtigmatize the word 'Gay', Lnch wh Four Inic Flavors Fance Watchlists My Portfol Markets Optns: Hight Open Intert Optns: Hight Implied Volatily News Vios Yahoo Fance Pl Screeners Personal Fance High-yield savgs acunt rat Crypto Indtri Contact Us S&P Futur Dow Futur Nasdaq Futur Rsell 2000 Futur C Oil Gold Silver EUR/USD 10-Yr Bond Vix GBP/USD USD/JPY B USD CMC Crypto 200 FTSE 100 Nikkei 225 HI, GAY! - Canned Vodka Soda Brand created by and for the LGBTQ+ muny Aims to Dtigmatize the word 'Gay', Lnch wh Four Inic FlavorsNEW YORK, July 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- For many years, the term 'gay water' has been known wh the queer muny as a lloquialism for a vodka soda.


Gay Water, a new nned cktail, wants to be the anti-Bud Light - East Idaho News .