German Translatn of “gay” | Colls English-German Dictnary

gay word german

In Germany, every person is ee to live out their sexual/genr inty, and the law protects lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, transsexual, queer and asexual dividuals, i.e. the LGBTQIA+ muny. Neverthels, LGBTQIA+ persons still face hostily and discrimatn om some people the society. Fd out more about your rights and how to fight discrimatn.



German Translatn of “gay” | The official Colls English-German Dictnary onle. Over 100,000 German translatns of English words and phras. * gay word german *

(f); rights für Schwule gay men and women Schwule und Lben pl (f) gay movement Schwulenbewegung f gay bar Schwulenkneipe f gay marriage gleichgchlechtliche Ehe, Homoehe f (f) gay group Schwulengppe f the gay muny die Schwulen pl 2.

wh gay abandon völlig unbekümmert, ohne Rücksicht f Verlte (hum)Copyright © by HarperColls Publishers. What's the German word for gay?

More German words for gay. I was speakg to someone I’m iends wh onle and both of grew up wh a fair amount of German our liv; both of are cur (and me as a gay man) if there is any mon lgbt slang the German language like there is English?


Need to translate "gay" to German? Here's how you say . * gay word german *

Fundamental » All languag » German » Terms by age » Slang » Gay slang.


The rrect term German is "homosexuell"The lloquial terms are "schwul" and "homo" Send opn Actually the term "homosexuell" is beg prited bee is a clil term. Homo also has a b of an old-fashned sound to ; nowadays, schwul is by far the most mon term and the term typilly preferred by LGBT groups German-speakg Europe. Note also the issue of register: English we have formal/clil "homosexual" and lloquial/nventnal "gay," and German draws a siar register distctn between homosexuell/schwul. * gay word german *

German slang terms whose age is typilly rtricted to homosexual people. Pag tegory "German gay slang". Categori: German slang:LGBTGay slang by languageHidn tegory: Pag g DynamicPageList.

Gay slang German. Updated: 11/7/2022Wiki User ∙ 14y agoThe rrect term German is "homosexuell"The lloquial terms are "schwul" and "homo" Send opn Actually the term "homosexuell" is beg prited bee is a clil term.

Homo also has a b of an old-fashned sound to ; nowadays, schwul is by far the most mon term and the term typilly preferred by LGBT groups German-speakg Europe.


German Translatn of “gay” | The official Colls English-German Dictnary onle. Over 100,000 German translatns of English words and phras. * gay word german *

Note also the issue of register: English we have formal/clil "homosexual" and lloquial/nventnal "gay, " and German draws a siar register distctn between homosexuell/ User ∙ 14y agoAdd your answer:Earn +20 ptsQ: German word for gayWre your answer...

How to say gay GermanBelow are the words that pose our German Gay Dictnary that we will expand new edns.


Vis our German Gay Dictnary, wh more than 45 exprsns, to know how to say gay German. It is part of our LGBT dictnary wh more than 2100 e... * gay word german *

Jody Skner’s work “Bezeichnungen für das Homosexuelle im Dtschen”, Die Bl Eule (1999) (Denomatns for Homosexual German), and wh the help of Rocío Laguía, Mos of the translatns Germany, Jody was so kd to give the two volum of his work that is our ma source for the realizatn of this dictnary. Rocío and María Cano helped wh the first translatns and terpretatns and th we found a lot of rogative words and exprsns, but also some that ed up a great sense of humor, even bety, bee they arose the LGBT muny self, who survived the slums and margal environments and who had the need to speak of the most outstandg topics this German Gay Dictnary is that of warmth wh the word warm, and do so for two reasons, the first, for a large number of words and exprsns has generated, and the send, bee s relatnship wh effemate men and wh those who fucked wh other men, go back to the Middle Ag or perhaps much further back time. It origated the 19th century the wake of the medil bate that nsirs homosexualy as a disease.


GAY Meang: "full of joy, merry; light-hearted, reee;" also "wanton, lewd, lasciv" (late 12c. as a surname,… See orig and meang of gay. * gay word german *

It is ctomary many untri say that homosexual behavr always om outsi.

Homophobia and xenophobia together. Wh this pejorative and antiquated idm was wanted to emphasize the femy of the gay people relatg them wh the first woman, acrdg to the Bible Eve, the same way that wh Adamstochter the masculy of lbians was remarked relatg them wh the first man, Adam, a time which the only referent was the mp people, people wh a genr exprsn that did not rrpond to their sex and that worked, not whout error, as a predictor of sexual orientatn.


gay translatns: schwul, öhlich, bunt, r Schwule. Learn more the Cambridge English-German Dictnary. * gay word german *

+HomosexuelleThe translatn to the English language of the word Homosexuelle is homosexual, a term ed by Karl Maria Benkert, the precursor of the fight for gay rights, which was then ed medice to name a false What is homosexual? Origated the 19th century due to the medil bate that nsirs homosexualy as a disease. Essentially those who were not Christians were heretics, and the, as animist trib that existed the current terrory of Bulgaria, they attributed all sorts of vic and ss, hence this is the orig of the word bugger and the relatn between hery and homosexual behavr.

This slang was origated the 19th century due to the medil bate that nsirs homosexualy as a disease.

+LeckermlThe first meang of Leckerml is a greedy person, however, the first part of the word Leck- is related to the cunnilg or anilg (rim job), so this exprsn n be ed as a slang for a homosexual person, both for gays and lbians. This exprsn has s orig the 19th century as a rult of the medil bate which homosexualy is nsired as a disease. +RosettenkrlerThe words Rose and Rosetten are slang words for the an, so Rosettenkrler has the meang of the one that als wh his partner’s an sex, for this reason, is ed as slang for the homosexual man that we uld translate to the English language as eyelets scratcher.


by Jordan Redman Staff Wrer  Do you know what the word gay really means? The word gay dat back to the 12th century and om the Old French “gai,” meang “full of joy or mirth.” It may also relate to the Old High German “gahi,” meang impulsive. * gay word german *

+SpatstecherIn the German language, when are ed exprsns whose first element is Spat- the ntext of homosexual men and male homosexualy, is metaphorilly speakg of the fec, sce Spat translated to the English language is spach, the vegetable, and all the exprsns are referrg to anal sexual activy.


* gay word german *

Th, Spatforscher or “spach rearcher” means gay or faggot acrdg to the ntext, and Spatstich or “peratn spach” is a slang word for anal terurse.


The leral translatn of Spatstecher would be a skewer or spach knife, and we uld translate to English as is said that the term Spatstecher origat the Rotwelsch jargon at the begng of the 19th century and refers to the top homosexual man anal terurse.

The Spatstecher is also documented several dialects, such as the one talked Frankfurt, which Spatstecher addn to homosexual man is also ed to refer to the own penis.

As a cursy, an unpleasant alln to the homosexualy of the Berl sexologist, Ludwig Thoma, he lled “Magn Spatfeld“, that is, a large field of sh. +TunteTunte is a rogatory exprsn and feme genr ed to refer to effemate homosexual men. The forenner of homosexualy and heterosexualy, ed var terms such as Uranier.


Free-e photograph snned by Jdsteakley, download om wikipedia, rized, and is a German term rarely ed today, but is the precsor of the term homosexual, this se referrg to men. It may seem silly, but mt be taken to acunt that, at that time, homosexualy did not exist, but jt homosexual behavr that first was a s and then a crime. The terms reprented a paradigm shift sce they anticipated the inty aspect of homosexualy, and om afar, the overg of the bary sexual mol.

Uranism (uranism) was the term Ulrich ed to refer to what only a few years later (1869), Karl Maria Kertbeny ed as homosexualy. Ulrichs’ ia was so succsful that we fd many other relatnship between beg, e om or livg on the pla Uran, and homosexualy, aris Plato’s work, Symposium, which he relat to men’s homosexual behavr; a story of gods…Variatns: Uranier, Uranist, Uri, Urnist, Urnisch (adjetiv).

And at least sce the 18th century is a slang that has given rise to a large number of exprsns to refer to homosexualy and homosexual people, pecially men. Another explanatn found is the fact that homosexual men get horny wh those of their same sex, and fally, the one that relat the heat wh the dangerons that has always been attributed to our opn there are two possible origs that are related. The other explanatn, related to the prev one, has to do wh the patriarchal intifitn, wh the attributn of supposedly feme characteristics to homosexual men, such as the warmth the voice, the softns of the gtur and the weakns general.


gay | translatn English to German: Cambridge Dictnary .