Legally Blon (Mil) - Gay or European lyrics + German translatn

gay or european traduzione

Legally Blon The Mil - Gay Or European? (Letra y nción para cuchar) - [Elle / There! Right there / Look at that tan, that tted sk / Look at the killer shape he's / Look at that slightly stubly ch / Oh please he's gay," name="scriptn



Legally Blon (Mil) Gay or European lyrics: There! Right there! / Look at that tan, well-tend sk / Look at the k... * gay or european traduzione *

Look at that tan, that tted skLook at the killer shape he's Look at that slightly stubly chOh please he's gay, totally gay[Calahan]I'm not about to celebrateEvery tra uld dite the totally straight expotriateThis guy's not gay, I say not gay[All]That is the elephant the roomWell, is relevant to assumeThat a man who wears perfumeIs tomatilly radilly fay?

[Calahan]Is he gay? [Elle]Of urse he's gay[Calahan]Or ropean?


Defn of gay or European Haha, Legally Blon, right? The joke is simply that European men are often (supposedly) very well groomed pared to Amerin (straight) men, so ’s apparently difficult to tell whether a well-groomed man is gay… or European. * gay or european traduzione *

[All]OhGay or ropean?

It's hard to guaranteeIs he gay or ropean? [Warner]Well, hey don't look at me[Vivian]You see they brg their boys up differentIn those charmg foreign portsThey play peculiar sports[All]In shy shirts and ty shortsGay or foreign fella?


* gay or european traduzione *

The answer uld take weeksThey both say thgs like ciao bellaWhile they kiss you on both cheeks[Elle]Oh please[All]Gay or ropean? So many shas of gray[Warner]Dependg on the time of dayThe ench go eher way[All]Is he gay or ropean? Look at that nscendg smirkSeen on every guy at workThat is a metro-hetro jerkThat guy's not gay, I say no way[All]That is the elephant the roomWell is relevant to prumeThat a hottie that stume[Elle]Is tomatilly, radilly[Calahan]Ironilly, cronilly[Vivian]Scurtly, curtaly[Warner]Geilly, illy[All]Gay!

Officially gay! Officially gay, gay, gay, gay! DammGay or ropean?


Legally Blon The Mil - Gay Or European? (tradução) (Letra e músi para ouvir) - [Elle / There! Right there / Look at that tan, that tted sk / Look at the killer shape he's / Look at that slightly stubly ch / Oh please he's gay," name="scriptn * gay or european traduzione *

[Calahan]So stylish and relaxed[All]Is he gay or ropean?


GAY OR EUROPEAN? (TRADUÇÃO) - Legally Blon The Mil .