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gay weapon names

The ia of a gay bomb me om a sire to bilate enemi but not necsarily kill them. The proposed bomb would nta strong aphrodisiacs and make soldiers "sexually irristible" to each other.



This article is about the chemil weapon. For the war photograph, see Fag bomb. The "halosis bomb" and "gay bomb" are rmal nam for two theoretil non-lethal chemil weapons that a Uned Stat Air Force rearch laboratory speculated about producg; the theori volve dischargg... * gay weapon names *

The "halosis bomb" and "gay bomb" are rmal nam for two theoretil non-lethal chemil weapons that a Uned Stat Air Force rearch laboratory speculated about producg; the theori volve dischargg female sex pheromon over enemy forc orr to make them sexually attracted to each other. Usg a bra imagg technique, Swedish rearchers have shown that homosexual and heterosexual mal' bras rpond differently to two odors that may be volved sexual aroal, and that the homosexual men rpond the same way as heterosexual women, though uld not be termed whether this was e or effect.

[catn need] The study was expand to clu homosexual women; the rults were nsistent wh prev fdgs meang that homosexual women were not as rponsive to male intified odors, while their rponse to female cu was siar to that of heterosexual mal. In both of the documents, the possibily was nvassed that a strong aphrodisiac uld be dropped on enemy troops, ially one which would also e "homosexual behavr". Wright Laboratory won the 2007 Ig Nobel Peace Prize for "stigatg rearch & velopment on a chemil weapon—the so-lled 'gay bomb' / 'poof bomb' —that will make enemy soldiers bee sexually irristible to each other.


* gay weapon names *

30 Rock, a s which featured a workg gay bomb the episo Cooter. Brickleberry, a s whose sixth episo Gay Bomb volv a gay bomb. "Gay Men are found to have Different Scent of Attractn.

"Pentagon Confirms It Sought To Build A 'Gay Bomb'". "Pentagon once mulled 'gay bomb' to promote love not war".

"The Gay bomb", Michael Smh, The Telegraph, 15 January 2005. "Gay Bomb, For Real". Gay Charlton: A Charlton Cy Paper Blog.


"The Air Forc' Gay Weapon". "Jonathan Kay on the Pentagon's plan to build a 'gay bomb': Why is this 2005 story news aga? "The Gay Bomb, wh parody diagram".

Gay Bomb.

US ary planned 'gay bomb'. Air force looked at spray to turn enemy gay. Air Force Consired Gay 'Love Bomb' Agast Enemi.


In 1994, The U.S. Milary Actually Consired Buildg A "Gay Bomb" .