Sger says would be 'pretty damn powerful … for a gay kid Jamai' to see Spir-Man actor Andrew Garfield the clip
Ar Fire ontman W Butler has rpond to cricism om Agast Me! sger Lra Jane Grace about a mic vio for Ar Fire’s gay-rights anthem "We Exist," starrg Andrew Garfield as a transgenr woman. * arcade fire gay rights *
Sger Lra Jane Grace about a mic vio for Ar Fire's gay-rights anthem "We Exist, " starrg Andrew Garfield as a…. Sger Lra Jane Grace about a mic vio for Ar Fire’s gay-rights anthem “We Exist, ” starrg Andrew Garfield as a transgenr woman who fds peace while rockg out on onstage wh the band at Coachella. Butler rpond a recent terview wh the Advote by sayg the stg of a film star like Garfield “We Exist, ” a song about a son tryg to tell his father that he’s gay, helped make the vio more impactful wh viewers.
“For a gay kid Jamai to see the actor who played Spir-Man that role is pretty damn powerful, my opn, ” Butler told the Advote, also admtg that he uld “see the sensivy of the issue. “For a gay kid Jamai to see the actor who played Spir-Man that role is pretty damn powerful, my opn, ” Butler told The Advote, also admtg that he uld “see the sensivy of the issue.
"For a gay kid Jamai to see the actor who played Spir-Man that role is pretty damn powerful, my opn," W Butler told The Advote. * arcade fire gay rights *
Owen Pallett is no stranger to gay dienc. Dpe disapproval om some rners of the LGBTQ muny, W Butler fend the stg of Andrew Garfield the clip's lead role, explag that would be "pretty damn powerful … for a gay kid Jamai to see the actor who played Spir-Man that [part]".
And Butler has repeatedly stated that the lyrics of We Exist were spired by a nversatn wh gay, rather than trans, Exist is "about siar terrory" to Ar Fire's track Normal Person, Butler told the Advote.
"[There's] this overwhelmg prsure to be normal and to f to a certa mould, and you n feel that prsure bee you are gay … or bee you like wearg pk, or you don't wear name-brand sho, or you're to hip-hop and you're a whe kid, or you're to rock mic and you're a black kid … I thk 's a pretty universal feelg.