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on Facebook. I posted my three chibi pairgs drawg there and sce they are all gay pairgs, was ripped to shreds and threats towards me were thrown. Few of my supporters on facebook were the only on to help and open md enough to appreciate this kd of art I do. So me and said art iend me up wh an ia to jt draw a gay drawg for fun and post them together. Wh a iend who supports what I do and jog to show more people n enjoy this kd of artwork, mak me feel alot better. We soon to sketchg to do multiple LGBT+ drawgs. This beg a male gay/yaoi, ntug wh a female gay/yuri drawg and an extra!<br><br>Goku and Vegeta beg held on pedistals there are now our subject pairg. My drawg was done to be as 'offensive' to this hateful group as possible but also be creative wh our forms and enurage diversy. I wanted to pull afew strgs sce they upset me alot <img tle=";) (Wk)" data-embed-id="387" data-embed-type="emotin" alt=";)" height="15" width="15" src=">  SSJ4 and SSGSS are always fought wh on 'who's stronger' and SSJ4 is owned upon anyways there along wh GT sadly <img tle="Waaaah!" data-embed-id="419" data-embed-type="emotin" alt=":cri:" height="15" width="23" src="> <br>My send favoure Goku SSJ4 wh Vegeta...I thk they look so damn cute <img tle="Aww" data-embed-id="349" data-embed-type="emotin" alt=":aww:" height="15" width="15" src="> I love this ship but don't draw them often.<br>When geets went to tra for a year before the return to the future timele he was secretly seeg and gettg 'special' trag om GT Goku. A year wh him and only a day away om home wh no one else to know <img tle=";) (Wk)" data-embed-id="387" data-embed-type="emotin" alt=";)" height="15" width="15" src="> You n break dimentns there, why not a what if and say timel aswell. Anyways I'm ramblg now and gettg too to this...<br>Any support or feedback is always appreciated <img tle="Meow :3" data-embed-id="578" data-embed-type="emotin" alt=":meow:" height="15" width="15" src="><br><br><br><br><img tle="Post Below" data-embed-id="48" data-embed-type="emotin" alt=":below:" height="15" width="15" src="> <img tle="Post Below" data-embed-id="48" data-embed-type="emotin" alt=":below:" height="15" width="15" src="> <img tle="Post Below" data-embed-id="48" data-embed-type="emotin" alt=":below:" height="15" width="15" src="> <img tle="ShoutBox" data-embed-id="115" data-embed-type="emotin" alt=":shoutbox:" height="22" width="40" src="> <img tle="Post Below" data-embed-id="48" data-embed-type="emotin" alt=":below:" height="15" width="15" src="> <img tle="Post Below" data-embed-id="48" data-embed-type="emotin" alt=":below:" height="15" width="15" src="> <img tle="Post Below" data-embed-id="48" data-embed-type="emotin" alt=":below:" height="15" width="15" src="><br>Lks to my other social medias:<br><img tle="Twter" data-embed-id="614" data-embed-type="emotin" alt=":twter:" height="16" width="16" src="> <a href=" class="external"></a> - My Twter will have my Digal Patgs + other drawgs I'm pleased wh.<br><a href=" class="external"></a> - My Instagram will have sketch, progrsn pictur and sometime progrsive vios and work that isn't Shipped/Rtricted.<br><a href="><img tle="DeviantArt" data-embed-id="620" data-embed-type="emotin" alt=":viantart:" height="19" width="12" src="></a> DeviantArt is my ma platform wh ALL my works submted to here. Support on my other social medias would be greatly appreciated. <br>I also subm my work to Ptert and certa groups on Facebook. <br><img tle="Facebook" data-embed-id="616" data-embed-type="emotin" alt=":facebook:" height="16" width="16" src="> I have a Facebook page but is active om lack of tert. <br><br><img tle="Bullet; Red" data-embed-id="210" data-embed-type="emotin" alt=":bulletred:" height="10" width="10" src="> My work is NOT to be ed/altered/eded or changed any way whout CREDIT or PERMISSION <img tle="Bullet; Red" data-embed-id="210" data-embed-type="emotin" alt=":bulletred:" height="10" width="10" src="><br><br>©Akira Toriyama - Goku and Vegeta<br>Ma wh <a href=">DeviantArt muro</a></div></div></div><div class="_3EPQg"><div class="_1E0e-"><div class="My0gj _19oS_" style="max-height:56px"><div><div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="_2GljG"> © 2019 - 2023 <a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="ZorArt-DBZGTS" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="44020026" data-euid="cfd4f816-2ffb-4d9f-9d6a-8094f47b0a84" href=" class="er-lk _277bf"><span class="_2vKEO">ZorArt-DBZGTS</span></a></div></div></div><div class="_23oWS"><div class="_3U3-y" id="ments"></div><div class="vJ0"><div data-hook="ments_thread"><div class="_1p-42 _2JHop _2YlGm" data-hook="ments_thread_stats"><div data-hook="ments_unt"><span class="_3_W_t">Comments</span><span class="eVBLr">7</span></div></div><div class="_1YhYy"><div><div class="_1pn67"><div id="ment-1-797351758-top" class="no-theme-sk _1vH2x"><div class="_3T2ed"><div class="_3Rfgs"><div class="_1-kKb"><span class="_1nLSY"><div class="_2noXo" style="width:32px;height:32px"><svg viewBox="0 0 23 22" fill="none" xmlns="><tle>

gay vegeta

I heard there is a ton of subtext and subtle them that show Vegeta is gay, such as he pent up rage, obssn wh goku, etc. I was jt readg abo



I heard there is a ton of subtext and subtle them that show Vegeta is gay, such as he pent up rage, obssn wh goku, etc. I was jt readg abo * gay vegeta *

❌ Es gay (relación entre hombre x hombre) si no te gta no lo leas por favor ❌ Va a ver unas cuantas sas bizarras, no peren nada bueno aquí así que si tienen preguntas tipo ¿Cómo hizo o? So myself and a close artist iend I draw wh are part of a really homophobic DB group on Facebook. I posted my three chibi pairgs drawg there and sce they are all gay pairgs, was ripped to shreds and threats towards me were thrown.


The perfect The Post Above Me Mega Gay Vegeta Animated GIF for your nversatn. Disver and Share the bt GIFs on Tenor. * gay vegeta *

So me and said art iend me up wh an ia to jt draw a gay drawg for fun and post them together. This beg a male gay/yaoi, ntug wh a female gay/yuri drawg and an extra!

Cholate & Pa~BEWARE -- HIGH SCHOOL GAY DRAMA! Is te that Vegeta is gay?

I heard there is a ton of subtext and subtle them that show Vegeta is gay, such as he pent up rage, obssn wh goku, etc.


The perfect Goku Vegeta Gay Animated GIF for your nversatn. Disver and Share the bt GIFs on Tenor. * gay vegeta *

I always thought Vageta was eher gay or has some strong hidn feelgs for Goku. @asgardianxeno929: and everyone knows Dennis is secretly gay that show, so are you sayg 's te he's secretly gay? Checks the Gay 's over 9000!!!!!

Until the seri provis wh an stance where he blatantly exhibs acts of homosexualy or attractn toward Goku, no, he isn't.

"fans" that like to watch the character gay scen. Or fan art of them beg gay. gokuvegetagayDragon Ball ZShare URLEmbedDetailsFile Size: 4976KBDuratn: 2.

* gay vegeta *

Frieza is one of their very few fo powerful enough to have the urage to make a gay marriage joke to the duo to their fac the middle of bat. BoardsDragon Ball - GeneralWhat would Vegeta do if Tnks said he was homosexual? Venshen 7 years ago#11thedarklordx3 long as he wasn't the super effemate type of gay and didn't embarrass him nor grow weak then vegeta wouldn't give a s*** This most likely, pl we n't assume saiyans feel the same way on homosexualy as most humans do, all that we n be sure of is that they put fightg and growg stronger over jt about anythgsonictailsfan 7 years ago#12Darkwg EXE "Dad.

I'm gay. "Vegeta: "Do beg gay make you stronger?

DarthBallsBONG 7 years ago#13He'd probably ask if he was hangg around 7 years ago#14 (Topic Creator)7 years ago#15JBMRocket would blame hontly Tnks isn't gay. Blamerponsibily for a flt or sayg homosexualy is wrong?


bulma don't need to know - Gay Vegeta - quickmeme.