13-15 Gay St, Wtwood, MA 02090 | MLS# 73028679 | Redf

13 15 gay street westwood ma

View tailed rmatn about property 13-15 Gay St Un 1, Wtwood, MA 02090 cludg listg tails, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more.


13-15 GAY ST, WTWOOD, MA 02090

13-15 Gay St, Wtwood, MA 02090 is currently not for sale. The 1,440 Square Feet multi fay home is a 2 beds, 2 baths property. This home was built 1900 and last sold on 2022-10-24 for $885,000. View more property tails, sal history, and Ztimate data on Zillow. * 13 15 gay street westwood ma *

2Lot Featur: LevelParcel Number: 300112Zong: RFancialTax Annual Amount: $8, 392Tax Asssed Value: $565, 900Tax Year: 2022UtiliSewer: Public SewerWater Source: PublicLotnDirectns: High Street and Gay StreetUnparsedAddrs: 13-15 Gay St, Wtwood MA 02090OtherDisclosure: NStandardStat: ClosedAnticipated Sold Date: 2022-10-31T04:00:00. Transportatn near 13-15 Gay StSomewhat walkableWalk Sre®Somewhat bikeableBike Sre®Flood FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate flood risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate fire risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate heat risk rmatn for this home.

Compare to nearby zip sWhat tak to w an offer near 02090What is 13-15 Gay St?

13-15 GAY ST,WTWOOD, MA 02090

Sold: 2 beds, 2 baths, 1440 sq. ft. multi-fay (2-4 un) loted at 13-15 Gay St, Wtwood, MA 02090 sold for $885,000 on Oct 24, 2022. MLS# 73028679. Don't miss out on this special, two-fay ... * 13 15 gay street westwood ma *

Transportatn near 13-15 Gay StSomewhat walkableWalk Sre®Somewhat bikeableBike Sre®Risk FactorFlood Factor - MimalUnlikely to flood next 30 yearsFire Factor - Mor0.

Compare to nearby zip sWhat is 13-15 Gay St? 13-15 Gay StWtwood, MA 020902 Beds2 Baths1, 440 sqft2 Beds2 Baths1, 440 sqft$885, 000Last Sold: Oct 24, 20222% below list $899K$615/sqftHom for Sale Near 13-15 Gay StLol InformatnDcriptnThis property is no longer available to rent or to buy. Current rents are well below market - tenants at HighlightsHome Details for 13-15 Gay StInterr FeaturInterr DetailsBasement: FullNumber of Rooms: 6Beds & BathsNumber of Bedrooms: 2Number of Bathrooms: 2Number of Bathrooms (full): 2Dimensns and LayoutLivg Area: 1440 Square FeetFireplace & SpaNo FireplaceLevels, Entrance, & AccsibilyNumber of Stori: 2Exterr FeaturExterr Home FeaturRoof: ShgleFencg: Fenced/EnclosedFoundatn: StoneParkg & GarageNo GarageParkg Spac: 4FrontageNot on WaterontWater & SewerSewer: Public SewerProperty InformatnYear BuiltYear Built: 1900Property Type / StyleProperty Type: Rintial IneProperty Subtype: 2 Fay - 2 Uns Si by SiProperty InformatnParcel Number: 300112Price & StatPriceList Price: $899, 000Price Per Sqft: $615/sqftStat Change & DatOff Market Date: Mon Sep 12 2022Active StatMLS Stat: SoldLotnDirectn & AddrsCy: WtwoodBuildgBuildg AreaBuildg Area: 1440 Square FeetLot InformatnLot Area: 8873 sqftCompensatnBuyer Agency Commissn: 2.

5NotThe listg broker’s offer of pensatn is ma only to participants of the MLS where the listg is filedMiscellaneoBasementMls Number: 73028679Last check for updat: about 5 hours agoListed by Andrea Beth CastettiBought wh: Bernard Starr, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServic Commonwealth Real EstateSource: MLS PIN, MLS#73028679Price History for 13-15 Gay StEvent DetailsPrice10/24/2022SoldMLS PIN #73028679$885K08/24/2022Listed For SaleMLS PIN #73028679$899K06/03/2022ListgRemovedMLS PIN #7291357812/18/2021ListgRemovedMLS PIN #7291366511/15/2021PriceChangeMLS PIN #72913578$845K11/11/2021PriceChangeMLS PIN #72913578$850K11/05/2021PriceChangeMLS PIN #72913665$845K11/01/2021PriceChangeMLS PIN #72913665$850K10/28/2021Listed For SaleMLS PIN #72913578$850K05/03/2018SoldN/A$530K08/04/1998SoldN/A$90KProperty Tax and AsssmentYear2021Tax$7, 463Asssment$504, 950Home facts updated by unty rerdsLGBTQ Lol Legal ProtectnsHom for Rent Near 13-15 Gay StOff Market Hom Near 13-15 Gay St13-15 Gay St, Wtwood, MA 02090 is a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1, 440 sqft multi-fay built 1900. 13-15 Gay St was last sold on Oct 24, 2022 for $885, 000 (2% lower than the askg price of $899, 000). The current Tlia Estimate for 13-15 Gay St is $963, 800.

13-15 GAY ST,WTWOOD, MA 02090

Sold: 2 beds, 2 baths, 1440 sq. ft. multi-fay (2-4 un) loted at 13-15 Gay St, Wtwood, MA 02090 sold for $885,000 on Oct 24, 2022. MLS# 73028679. Don't miss out on this special, two-fay ... * 13 15 gay street westwood ma *

13-15 GAY STWTWOOD, MA 02090

13-15 Gay St, Wtwood, MA 02090 was recently sold on 10-24-2022 for $885,000. See home tails for 13-15 Gay St and fd siar hom for sale now Wtwood, MA on Tlia. * 13 15 gay street westwood ma *

13-15 GAY ST, WTWOOD, MA 0209013-15 GAY ST, WTWOOD, MA 02090

View 30 photos for 13-15 Gay St, Wtwood, MA 02090, a 2 bed, 2 bath, 1,440 Sq. Ft. multi fay home built 1900 that was last sold on 10/24/2022. * 13 15 gay street westwood ma *

13-15 GAY ST UN 1, WTWOOD, MA 0209013-15 GAY ST UN 1, WTWOOD, MA 02090

* 13 15 gay street westwood ma *

13 GAY ST UN 15, WTWOOD, MA 0209013 GAY ST UN 15, WTWOOD, MA 02090


13 Gay St Un 15, Wtwood, MA 02090 | ®.