Jaguars’ Kev Maxen Is First Publicly Gay Male Coach US Men’s Pro Sports

day is gay

Jacksonville Jaguars associate strength ach Kev Maxen is believed to be the first openly gay male ach major North Amerin men's sports after g out publicly an terview wh Outsports.



Gay Pri, annual celebratn, ually June the Uned Stat and sometim at other tim other untri, of lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, and queer (LGBTQ) inty. Gay Pri memorat the Stonewall rts New York Cy of June 28, 1969. * day is gay *

History of Pri MonthOn a hot summer’s night New York on June 28, 1969, police raid the Stonewall Inn, a gay club Greenwich Village, which rulted bar patrons, staff, and neighborhood rints rtg onto Christopher Street outsi. Speakg of the rabow flag, was actually gay polician Harvey Milk who asked a talented signer iend, Gilbert Baker, to sign an all-enpassg symbol to take to San Francis’s Pri March 1978.


Explore our 2023 Global Gay Pri Calendar for the LGBTQ+ muny featurg a listg of 200+ gay pri paras and celebratns around the world. * day is gay *

In May 2019, Donald Tmp regnized Pri Month wh a tweet announcg that his admistratn had lnched a global mpaign to crimalize homosexualy, although crics have noted that actns speak lour than New York Pri Para is one of the largt and most well-known paras to take place, wh over 2 ln people timated to have taken part Month timele1946The First LGBT OrganizatnThe Netherlands Center for Culture adopts a vague name to mask s then taboo 28, 1969The Stonewall RtsNYC police raid the Stonewall Inn, stigatg the Stonewall 28, 1970First Official Pri ParaOrganized by pneerg bisexual activist Brenda Howard and a mtee she put together, the para se supporters march om Greenwich Village to Central 25, 1978The Rabow Flag Fli HighGilbert Baker's origal sign of the rabow gay pri flag is flown at the San Francis Gay Freedom Day 26, 2015Same Sex Marriage RightsThe U.


2023 / 2024 Gay Pri Calendar and Para Gui. Gui to many of the biggt and bt LGBTQ+ Pris Europe, USA and beyond. When is Pri? * day is gay *

BerlThe German pal’s Pri — technilly lled Christopher Street Day to pay homage to the Stonewall Rts and New York Cy’s key role the gay rights movement — attracts up to half a ln people.


* day is gay *

It also giv you the chance to meet new like-md people, knowg that this is a celebratn of acceptance and sh a light on LGBTQ+ issuThe emphasis may be on fun, but 's also the perfect time to thk about and discs issu related to the gay rights movement, pecially as gets more attentn om the media durg this time — om gay marriage and adoptn to transgenr rights. The uprisg beme a talyst for an emergg gay rights movement as anizatns such as the Gay Liberatn Front and the Gay Activists Alliance were formed, moled after the civil rights movement and the women’s rights movement. In 1978, artist and signer Gilbert Baker was missned by San Francis cy supervisor Harvey Milk – one of the first openly gay elected officials the US – to make a flag for the cy’s upg Pri celebratns.


Kev Maxen has bee the first male ach a US men’s profsnal sports league to e out as gay. * day is gay *

Gay Pri, also lled LGBT Pri or LGBTQ Pri, byname Pri, annual celebratn, ually June the Uned Stat and sometim at other tim other untri, of lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, and queer (LGBTQ) inty. Gay Pri memorat the Stonewall rts, which began the early hours of June 28, 1969, after police raid the Stonewall Inn bar New York Cy’s Greenwich Village neighbourhood.

Gay Pri typilly volv a seri of events and is often pped by a para volvg marchers and lourful floats om the LGBTQ muny and s the Stonewall rts, LGBTQ dividuals had generally not broadst their sexual orientatn or inty, but the event galvanized the gay muny and sparked greater polil activism (see gay rights movement). In 1970, on the first anniversary of the rts, several hundred monstrators marched along Greenwich Village’s Christopher Street, which ns past the Stonewall, what many nsir the first Gay Pri march (though other memoratns were also held that year). Early Gay Pri events (often lled Freedom Day or Gay Liberatn Day) were often sparsely attend and enuntered protts, particularly bee of the outlandish stum that some marchers wore.

As acceptance of the LGBTQ muny creased among the straight muny, policians sympathetic to the views of the LGBTQ muny and gay-iendly bs and rporatns began participatg the march. The total number of people participatg—both gay and straight—mhroomed, and Pri events were held many part of the globe, cludg ci where they sometim enuntered stiff ristance (e.


Kev Maxen, assistant ach of the Jacksonville Jaguars, is the first openly gay ach of a U.S. men’s profsnal league sport * day is gay *

Jam Lewis Stoll’s Birthday - January 18thDolly Parton’s Birthday - January 19thCelebrate this ally’s birthday by readg Dolly Parton’s most spirg quot — cludg about human rights and the LGBTQ+ munyTrans Prisoner Day of Actn and Solidary - January 22ndBrazilian Natnal Day of Transgenr Visibily - January 29thWeeks & MonthsNatnal Blood Donor MonthUse this day to advote for the rights of gay men to be able to donate bloodNo Name-Callg Week - Every third week of January‍‍FebaryHolidaysAnniversary of the Appotment of the First Openly Gay Uned Stat Feral Judge, Joseph Gale - Febary 6thNatnal Black HIV/AIDS Awarens Day - Febary 7thNatnal Freedom to Marry Day - Febary 12thAudre Lor’s Birthday - Febary 18thChosen Fay Day - Febary 22ndWeeks & MonthsAromantic Spectm Awarens Week - Week after Febary 14th‍‍MarchHolidaysZero Discrimatn Day - March 1stInternatnal Women’s Day - March 8thJa Mock’s Birthday - March 10thBayard Rt’s Birthday - March 17thInternatnal Day for the Elimatn of Racial Discrimatn - March 21stTwo-Spir and Indigeno LGBTQ+ Awarens to Celebratn Day - March 21stInternatnal Transgenr Day of Visibily - March 31stRead and share the ultimate gui on how to celebrate Transgenr Day of VisibilyWeeks & MonthsWomen’s History MonthRead and share our gui to celebratg Women’s History MonthBisexual Health Awarens MonthNatnal LGBTQ+ Health Awarens Week - Every last week of March‍‍AprilHolidaysGLSEN Day of Silence - April, Day VariNatnal Youth HIV & AIDS Awarens Day - April 10thNatnal Transgenr HIV Ttg Day - April 18thNonbary Parents Day - Every third Sunday AprilPhill Wilson’s Birthday - April 22ndLbian Visibily Day - April 26thWeeks & MonthsLbian Visibily Week - Full week after April 26thNatnal Deaf LGBTQ+ Awarens Week - Week Vari‍‍MayHolidaysInternatnal Fay Equaly Day - Every 1st Sunday of MayNatnal Honor Our LGBT Elrs Day - May 16thInternatnal Day Agast Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia - May 17thWorld AIDS Vacce Day - May 18thRead about the potential good news about an AIDS vacceAgenr Pri Day - May 19thWorld Day of Cultural Diversy for Dialogue and Development - May 21stHarvey Milk Day - May 22ndRead the bt quot om Harvey MilkPansexual and Panromantic Visibily Day - May 24thMeet the celebri you may not know are pansexualLaverne Cox’s Birthday - May 29thWeeks & MonthsMental Health Awarens MonthRead about how to celebrate Mental Health Awarens Month so you n better support the LGBTQ+ munyQueer and Transgenr Asian Amerin/Pacific Islanr Week - Every last week of May‍‍JuneHolidaysBrandi Carlile’s Birthday - June 1stTroye Sivan’s Birthday - June 5thRead about Troye Sivan’s actg but a film that fights HIV/AIDS stigmaHIV Long-Term Survivors Day - June 5thPulse Night of Remembrance - June 12thWorld Refugee Day - June 20thLearn about the anizatn Rabow Railroad is helpg LGBTQ+ refuge and this gui on how to celebrate World Refugee DayLarry Kramer’s Birthday - June 25thFirst Use of LGBTQ+ Pri Flag - June 25thLearn about the meang of the first Pri flag — and every LGBTQ+ Pri flag that’s e sceLGBTQ+ Equaly Day - June 26thLearn about the meang of LGBTQIA+ and other acronymsAnniversary of the Legalizatn of Same-Sex Marriage the U.

Johnson and dive to her bt quotWomen’s Equaly Day - Augt 26thWeeks & MonthsGay Uncle’s Day / Guncle’s Day - Every send Sunday Augt‍‍SeptemberHolidays​​Natnal HIV/AIDS and Agg Awarens Day - September 18th10th Anniversary of U.


Jaguars’ Kev Maxen Is First Publicly Gay Male Coach US Men’s Pro Sports .