GQ vtigat the reasons why a simple iced ffee—a drk for all seasons, when you thk about —is so gay.
a type of plant k monly nsumed by the queer muny. often ed iced ffee. (disclaimer: not everyone who drks oat k is gay... but i mean)" name="Dcriptn" property="og:scriptn * is oat milk a gay thing *
It’s obv, people rpond: He’s gay. But none of that matters, after all; what was clear to the rner of the Inter known as Gay Twter, and to the se Gay Star News, was that this man was jt exercisg his rights—nay, his duty—as a gay man to drk iced ffee. Iced ffee, you see, is gay culture [ed.
Note: n nfirm] a piece published last October on the LGBTQ webse New Now Next, was noted that for the past two years on social media there’s been a steady flow of jok and mem about the gay muny’s affy for iced ffee. Acrdg to NNN, iced ffee is gay bee: portabily (cute cups), easy nsumptn (’s ld) and ctomizatn (you n pump full of sugar, or sugar-ee syp that is fely not givg you diabet).
The se pared to the stereotype of suburban moms and their nsumptn of pot grig; iced ffee is a gay ctch. While ’s hard the days to tly unrstand why anythg be a meme (this is wavg at the Babadook), there are a lot of portable, easily ctomizable thgs that e cute packagg that aren’t so closely aligned wh the gay muny.
(Although lookg back, actually, that was pretty gay.