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Ivanov [Heart] <br><u>Nicknam [If Available]:</u> Rodi, Voddy, Kg boy <br><u>Preferred Tle:</u> Rodn [prefers not to be lled by royal tl, but will tolerate ]<br><u>Speci/Breed:</u> Wolf<br><u>Genr:</u><b> </b>Male<br><u>Age (Human equivalent):</u> 20<br><u>Kgdom:</u> Heart<br><u>Posn:</u> Kg<br><u>Su Spots:</u><b> </b>Left Eye - surrounds eye pletely<br><br><u>RolePlay/Character Rul:</u><br><i><b>ALLOWED:<br></b></i>- MPreg - It's allowed the group, and tbh 1) I enjoy MPreg,, and 2) Small Rodns nng around everywhere,, jt thk about  <br>- Vlence (slight) - As long as Rodn is not KILLED or BADLY INJURED (limb is chopped off, etc.) vlence is fe our roleplays <br>- Swearg - tbh I swear so i wouldn't re if your character broke out to curs the middle of a roleplay <br>- Smut - yeah ok ok I allow this the role-plays. only if you're fortable wh and s a PRIVATE CHAT (Not, private Skype, etc.)<br><br><b><i>NOT ALLOWED:<br></i></b>- Character Death - I will not allow Rodn to die a roleplay UNLESS I no longer tend to e him (seeg as his role wouldn't be a good one to have as an NPC<br>- Un-ordated Fay - At no time should you EVER make a fay member of Rodn's whout my permissn. I ci who he is related to, and if I get tagged a new app bee you've cid to make Rodn a new fay member, I'll cle and ask you to change that. I was annoyed the first time happened, and I'd rather not al wh aga. <br><hr><h2>♡ Personaly</h2><hr><br><u>Good:</u><br>Peaceful | Unrstandg | Lovg<br><br><ul><li><u>Peaceful</u>: Rodn wants nothg but peace the world, and is happy to stay lm and llective unr even the most threateng of tim.</li><li><u>Unrstandg</u>: Rodn unrstands that thgs happen for a reason, and that whatever reason that was, lsons have been learned.</li><li><u>Lovg</u>: He lov all and wants equaly for everyone bee everyone's existence is loved and should be loved ;v;</li></ul><div><u>Ntral:<br></u>Cur | Naive | Tstg<br><br><ul><li><u>Cur</u>: Cursy killed the t, as some say. Rodn is cur to the pot of there he don't take the time to thk about possible dangers when gog to vtigate somethg new.</li><li><u>Naive</u>: Rodn sometim nt take a ht, and n be easily lured to traps.</li><li><u>Tstg</u>: Rodn tsts others too easily, do somethg nice for him and he'll tst you wh his life. </li></ul><u>Bad:</u></div>'Weak' | Light Hearted | Sensive | Nosey<br><br><ul><li><u>'Weak'</u>: Rodn is scribed as weak bee he ref to fight. Many believe he is unable to fight but he is actually very skilled battle.</li><li><u>Light Hearted</u>: Rodn is too light hearted for his own good, this go wh his tstg everyone.</li><li><u>Sensive</u>: Rodn is physilly sensive, not emotnally. Please don't hurt him he is fluffy and lovable</li><li><u>Nosey:</u> He don't re what is, he wants to know .. </li></ul><hr><h2>♧  Bgraphy</h2><hr><br><b>    Rodn V. Ivanov</b> was born to <b>Woofi</b> [Heart Msenger] and <b>Ivan</b> [Club Milary], and grew up alone wh his mother. Woofi never lived the stle, and Rodn was not born to royalty like many thk. He would often assist his mother when she went to tra the other Heart Msengers, which is where he'd first heard of Fenix [Heart Msenger]. Rodn told himself he would meet Fenix someday, and planned to do so. His childhood was fairly lonely and uneventful. He worked ually the fields of Hearts and learned that this would be his life. His mother me back om a missn one day and said that his father was divg to strong ary bs and sadly uld not afford to re for his son anymore. Woofi was told to fd a new mate for the time beg to assist wh helpg Rodn. Woofi found a mate Spas, which rulted the birth of <b>Wilda</b> and <b>Chase </b>Ivanov. Chase was a Spa and left Hearts wh his father, but was never seen or heard of by the small Heart fay ever aga. Rodn grew close to his ltle sister and the two were iends quickly. When Rodn wasn't the Heart fields workg, he was teachg Wilda. <br>    The Heart fay got a letter om Ivan one day that he was ee of his duti fally, and that he'd love to be volved wh his son aga. Woofi had a msage to liver to Clubs anyways, and cid to go for a few days to vis her te mate. A few days later Rodn receiver word om a pair of guards that on her way home, Woofi had been attacked by Clubs assasss. Havg a new found hate for vlence, seeg as had taken his mother, Rodn began to tra himself fightg. He would eher fight to protect his people om harm, or avenge his mother. Woofi was a well loved and known Heart's msenger, and so when word of her ath had gotten around, the Kg of Hearts took both Rodn and his sister. Rodn was then traed to bee the next kg while his sister was traed whichever field she sired, which turned out as a sire to bee a maid. <br>    When he beme kg, Rodn promised to hold peace wh his land and lead to the bt of his abili. He beme fearful of the Queen of Hearts, but ma many iends almost immediately, pecially n om other kgdoms. When the drght [<a href=">E V E N T</a>] swept the land of the kgdoms, Rodn beme strsed and stopped eatg or drkg, believg that if he gave his ratns to his cizens, the Kgdom of Hearts would be ok and not too many aths would occur. Wh this time though, Rodn fally met Fenix and beme a close iend to his mother's favore stunt at once. Upon Fenix's ath, Rodn grew angry, but refed to place blame on anyone. <br>    Rodn took equent night travels after he beme kg. He had a plan md. Nobody ever documented any maps of any terrori, so Rodn would be the first. He currently has all of Hearts memorized and drawn out. The other kgdoms are soon to be learnt. <br>    He also took on close ti wh the Kg of Diamonds, Kg of Clubs, and a Club assass. All of which he lov, but one at the moment stands tall his heart. Ti grew stronger wh the Kg of Diamonds though, and after nfsg his love Rodn and <b>Marx</b> [Diamond Kg] beme an em of their own.<br><hr><h2>♢ Relatnships & K</h2><hr><br><u>Sexual Orientatn:</u> Gay<br><br><u>Stat</u>: Taken [Relatnship Stat: Secret] <br><br><u><b>Fay:</b><br></u><u>Blood Mother:</u> Woofi Ivanov - Msenger - Heart Rint - [ceased]<br><u>Blood Father:</u> Ivan Bragsky - Milary - Club Rint - [livg]<br><u>Half Parents:</u> Biscu Ivanov - [<i>u n k n o w n</i>] - Spa Rint - [livg]<br><u>Blood Siblgs:</u> [u n a v a i l a b l e]<br><u>Half Siblgs:</u> Wilda Ivanov - Maid - Heart Rint - [<i>u n k n o w n</i>], Chase Ivanov - [<i>u n k n o w n</i>] - Spa Rint - [<i>u n k n o w n</i>]<br><u>Adopted Fay:</u> [u n a v a i l a b l e]<br><br><u>Mate:</u> Marx Hydra - Kg - Diamond Rint - [livg] <br><u>Offsprg:</u> [u n a v a i l a b l e]<br><br><u>Relatnships:</u> [<a href=">See File</a>]<br><u>Compann:</u> <a href=">Maw </a>- Espnage - Red-Fronted Maw - [livg]<br><br><br><hr><h2>ℑ Preference</h2><hr><br><u>Weapon(s)</u>:<br><ul><li>Sword</li><li>Small Dagger</li></ul><br><u>Lik:<br></u><ul><li>All kgdoms, sus, and n general</li><li>Love</li><li>Basilly everythg</li><li>Space</li><li>Knowledge</li><li>Marx lol </li></ul><br><u>Dislik:<br></u><ul><li>War or fightg of any kd</li><li>Bears, etc.</li><li>Exil</li><li>Assasss [whoops sorry Drex-] </li></ul><div><u><br>Beliefs:</u><br><ul><li>All n are equal, whether Su or Joker; Kg or townsdog</li><li>Stereotyp are unnecsary thgs</li><li>Ranks are jt tl, everyone is important no matter what their tle is</li><li>Love is love, be wh who you want to be wh</li><li>When a ne di, they get a star the sky to honor their life while their soul liv on earth. Once they are bored of earth though, they n go to their star to rt. They n roam earth at all tim though. </li><li>Vlence is never an answer unls unr self fense</li><li>War is unnecsary and nothg but sufferg</li></ul><div><br><u>Thoughts:</u> <b>[Rodn's thoughts on each Kgdom]<br></b><br><u>HEARTS:</u> "My birth and beloved kgdom. We're well rpectg of each other and know that orr to be the Kgdom of Love, we mt hold our s high. I try to tablish equal rpect for everyone, whether be kg or towns dog!"<br><br><u>SPADES:</u> "Whilst I do not agree wh the given 'power hungry' stereotype, I will agree wh the fact that the Kgdom of Spas is powerful and strong. I know few Spas, but I know they are a force to be reckoned wh and a rpectable kgdom at that!"<br><br><u>CLUBS:</u> "Many many ti wh Clubs! Not only is my father currently workg Clubs, but two close n ri there as well. I love the kgdom's culture and how they go about thgs, but they ncern me at the same time. A Club assass did kill my mother, as one did attempt to slay myself. Clubs and Hearts may dislike each other, but I n at least try to grow close to the kgdom myself."<br><br><u>DIAMONDS:</u> "A geo kgdom, may I say. The terrory of Diamonds is betiful, but the townsdogs are a b mellow and almost sad, no offense! I do hope some of them maybe liven up a b. Marx also liv there, which is a pl for me! He's seemed to liven up sce we nfsed our love, so hopefully his happs bs off on his townsdogs!" <br><br><u>JOKERS:</u> "Jokers.. are absolutely misunrstood! The reason we fear them is bee we've outsted them, or bee they're different. They had never asked to be born suls, and are outsted and banished for beg <i>special</i>. They are enraged by , which is why they kill! Jokers are entirely misunrstood, and I am not aaid to say that. While I know most will bee angry by me sayg this, I will pot out bee is nothg but fact. I nnot pass any act to accept Jokers to my kgdom as cizens though. That would be bad for both me and my people, seeg as our current KNOWN Jokers are aggrsive. Maybe the future though, new Jokers n stay."<br><br><u>EXILED:</u> "While I si wh Jokers, I have the oppose feelgs towards exiled sus. Exil are to be shamed, they have disrpected what has been given to them at birth! They are the on who aren't to be tsted!" </div></div><br><hr><h2>X Updat & Trivia</h2><hr><br><u>Updat:</u> <b>[Updat Start - April 2 2017 - Past Updat Disregard]<br></b><br><u>4/2/17:</u> Rodn's scriptn is new and improved! Do you like ? <br><u>4/5/17:</u> Don't worry I'm not gonna update the updat every time I update... if that mak sense <br><u>4/30/17:</u> Relatnships fally updated and add! For now ther not Character Rponse sentenc, but the key is self explanatory <3 <br><u>5/5/17:</u> I'm makg a 'Character Rul' thgy for Rodn up at the top, for some thgs I allow/won't allow <br><u>5/7/17:</u> Rodn's <u>Relatnships & K</u> tab has been updated and history add to <img tle=";) (Wk)" data-embed-id="387" data-embed-type="emotin" alt=";)" height="15" width="15" src="> take a look! <br><u>5/16/17:</u> Rodn's got an avian pann now! Meet Maw! <br><br><u>Fun Facts:</u> <b>[Facts scribg thgs that have happened to Rodn rangg om sign reasons, jok, event histori, etc.]<br></b><br>- Whenever he is extremely mad, extremely sad, or dnk, Rodn tak on a Rsian accent whout realizg , which is somethg he got om his father<br>- Rodn is based on a character i ma at the end of 7th gra, and that character's name is ALSO Rodn. Rodn (the origal, human versn) is a hetalia ship kid, and he actually has two last nam (which is a recent add on) so his name n be seen as eher Rodn V. Ivanov or Rodn V. Ivanov-Bragski, BUT KING OF HEARTS RODION ONLY HAS THE IVANOV LAST NAME ; )<br>- HIS NEW OUTFIT IS KING GEORGE'S OUTFIT FROM HAMILTON YES DONT ASK HOW THAT HAPPENED<br>- He curls his hair <img data-embed-id="387" data-embed-type="emotin" style="width: 15px; height: 15px;" alt=";) (Wk)" src="> <a href="></a> [[ Water s his curls. They'll fall out immediately don't let this boy the water- Ra is effective unls s pourg though<br>- Rodn's most known sayg is <i><b>"everythg happens for a reason"</b></i><i>, </i>which is a sayg his mother told him, which is a sayg I ocsnally live by~<i> <br></i>- Rodn played a part as a <b>MURDERER</b>  the <a href=">murr event</a>, but died while tryg to kill Marx (Marx killed him out of self fense) and they end up killg each other lol. <br>- The <b>V.</b>  his name stands for <b>Vodka</b>. Y his full name is Rodn Vodka Ivanov... It a LONG story but one of his nicknam is Voddy :> <br>- He gets flowers and stuff om Drex [Club] and lov talkg about Space and stuff wh Marx [Diamond] <br>- Rodn is practilly immune to gettg dnk (m at the <b>Club Ftival Event</b>. Startg om now 'll be hard to get the poor thg dnk,,<br>- He's practilly his own oppose the <b>Gang!AU</b> - he lov vlence and is rather sassy and malevolent<br>- Joker rights! Joker rights! <br>- Alright fe I'm dog this - Rodn's father is a wolf versn of APH Rsia, therefore Rodn's origal last name hath been revealed </div></div></div></div><div class="_3EPQg"><div class="_1E0e-"><div class="My0gj _19oS_" style="max-height:56px"><div><div><div class="_3QlTq"><div class="_3RVC5">Image size</div><div>3835x2935px 42.94 MB</div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="_2GljG"> © 2016 - 2023 <a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="Woofi2003" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="33851708" data-euid="d7fced0a-911f-46e0-83b1-355a826b0dbc" href=" class="er-lk _277bf"><span class="_2vKEO">Woofi2003</span></a></div></div></div><div class="_23oWS"><div class="_3U3-y" id="ments"></div><div class="vJ0"><div data-hook="ments_thread"><div class="_1p-42 _2JHop _2YlGm" data-hook="ments_thread_stats"><div data-hook="ments_unt"><span class="_3_W_t">Comments</span><span class="eVBLr">154</span></div></div><div class="_1YhYy"><div><div class="_1pn67"><div id="ment-1-621132454-top" class="no-theme-sk _1vH2x"><div class="_3T2ed"><div class="_3Rfgs"><div class="_1-kKb"><span class="_1nLSY"><div class="_2noXo" style="width:32px;height:32px"><svg viewBox="0 0 23 22" fill="none" xmlns="><tle>

rodion gay



♢ Relatnships & KSexual Orientatn: GayStat: Taken [Relatnship Stat: Secret] Fay:Blood Mother: Woofi Ivanov - Msenger - Heart Rint - [ceased]Blood Father: Ivan Bragsky - Milary - Club Rint - [livg]Half Parents: Biscu Ivanov - [u n k n o w n] - Spa Rint - [livg]Blood Siblgs: [u n a v a i l a b l e]Half Siblgs: Wilda Ivanov - Maid - Heart Rint - [u n k n o w n], Chase Ivanov - [u n k n o w n] - Spa Rint - [u n k n o w n]Adopted Fay: [u n a v a i l a b l e]Mate: Marx Hydra - Kg - Diamond Rint - [livg] Offsprg: [u n a v a i l a b l e]Relatnships: [See File]Compann: Maw - Espnage - Red-Fronted Maw - [livg]ℑ PreferenceWeapon(s):SwordSmall DaggerLik:All kgdoms, sus, and n generalLoveBasilly everythgSpaceKnowledgeMarx lol Dislik:War or fightg of any kdBears, etc.

Boys On Purpose: A Collectn Of Poetry, Prose And Stori Wh Decidly Gay Overton! Fighg For Lucho: A Gay Man's Stggle Begs (The Lucho Trilogy) (Volume 1)|Rodn Rebenyar. The Choic We Ma: Story Of Gay Friendship, Love And Tragedy|Rodn Rebenyar.



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Ivanov [Heart] <br><u>Nicknam [If Available]:</u> Rodi, Voddy, Kg boy <br><u>Preferred Tle:</u> Rodn [prefers not to be lled by royal tl, but will tolerate ]<br><u>Speci/Breed:</u> Wolf<br><u>Genr:</u><b> </b>Male<br><u>Age (Human equivalent):</u> 20<br><u>Kgdom:</u> Heart<br><u>Posn:</u> Kg<br><u>Su Spots:</u><b> </b>Left Eye - surrounds eye pletely<br><br><u>RolePlay/Character Rul:</u><br><i><b>ALLOWED:<br></b></i>- MPreg - It's allowed the group, and tbh 1) I enjoy MPreg,, and 2) Small Rodns nng around everywhere,, jt thk about  <br>- Vlence (slight) - As long as Rodn is not KILLED or BADLY INJURED (limb is chopped off, etc.) vlence is fe our roleplays <br>- Swearg - tbh I swear so i wouldn't re if your character broke out to curs the middle of a roleplay <br>- Smut - yeah ok ok I allow this the role-plays. only if you're fortable wh and s a PRIVATE CHAT (Not, private Skype, etc.)<br><br><b><i>NOT ALLOWED:<br></i></b>- Character Death - I will not allow Rodn to die a roleplay UNLESS I no longer tend to e him (seeg as his role wouldn't be a good one to have as an NPC<br>- Un-ordated Fay - At no time should you EVER make a fay member of Rodn's whout my permissn. I ci who he is related to, and if I get tagged a new app bee you've cid to make Rodn a new fay member, I'll cle and ask you to change that. I was annoyed the first time happened, and I'd rather not al wh aga. <br><hr><h2>♡ Personaly</h2><hr><br><u>Good:</u><br>Peaceful | Unrstandg | Lovg<br><br><ul><li><u>Peaceful</u>: Rodn wants nothg but peace the world, and is happy to stay lm and llective unr even the most threateng of tim.</li><li><u>Unrstandg</u>: Rodn unrstands that thgs happen for a reason, and that whatever reason that was, lsons have been learned.</li><li><u>Lovg</u>: He lov all and wants equaly for everyone bee everyone's existence is loved and should be loved ;v;</li></ul><div><u>Ntral:<br></u>Cur | Naive | Tstg<br><br><ul><li><u>Cur</u>: Cursy killed the t, as some say. Rodn is cur to the pot of there he don't take the time to thk about possible dangers when gog to vtigate somethg new.</li><li><u>Naive</u>: Rodn sometim nt take a ht, and n be easily lured to traps.</li><li><u>Tstg</u>: Rodn tsts others too easily, do somethg nice for him and he'll tst you wh his life. </li></ul><u>Bad:</u></div>'Weak' | Light Hearted | Sensive | Nosey<br><br><ul><li><u>'Weak'</u>: Rodn is scribed as weak bee he ref to fight. Many believe he is unable to fight but he is actually very skilled battle.</li><li><u>Light Hearted</u>: Rodn is too light hearted for his own good, this go wh his tstg everyone.</li><li><u>Sensive</u>: Rodn is physilly sensive, not emotnally. Please don't hurt him he is fluffy and lovable</li><li><u>Nosey:</u> He don't re what is, he wants to know .. </li></ul><hr><h2>♧  Bgraphy</h2><hr><br><b>    Rodn V. Ivanov</b> was born to <b>Woofi</b> [Heart Msenger] and <b>Ivan</b> [Club Milary], and grew up alone wh his mother. Woofi never lived the stle, and Rodn was not born to royalty like many thk. He would often assist his mother when she went to tra the other Heart Msengers, which is where he'd first heard of Fenix [Heart Msenger]. Rodn told himself he would meet Fenix someday, and planned to do so. His childhood was fairly lonely and uneventful. He worked ually the fields of Hearts and learned that this would be his life. His mother me back om a missn one day and said that his father was divg to strong ary bs and sadly uld not afford to re for his son anymore. Woofi was told to fd a new mate for the time beg to assist wh helpg Rodn. Woofi found a mate Spas, which rulted the birth of <b>Wilda</b> and <b>Chase </b>Ivanov. Chase was a Spa and left Hearts wh his father, but was never seen or heard of by the small Heart fay ever aga. Rodn grew close to his ltle sister and the two were iends quickly. When Rodn wasn't the Heart fields workg, he was teachg Wilda. <br>    The Heart fay got a letter om Ivan one day that he was ee of his duti fally, and that he'd love to be volved wh his son aga. Woofi had a msage to liver to Clubs anyways, and cid to go for a few days to vis her te mate. A few days later Rodn receiver word om a pair of guards that on her way home, Woofi had been attacked by Clubs assasss. Havg a new found hate for vlence, seeg as had taken his mother, Rodn began to tra himself fightg. He would eher fight to protect his people om harm, or avenge his mother. Woofi was a well loved and known Heart's msenger, and so when word of her ath had gotten around, the Kg of Hearts took both Rodn and his sister. Rodn was then traed to bee the next kg while his sister was traed whichever field she sired, which turned out as a sire to bee a maid. <br>    When he beme kg, Rodn promised to hold peace wh his land and lead to the bt of his abili. He beme fearful of the Queen of Hearts, but ma many iends almost immediately, pecially n om other kgdoms. When the drght [<a href=">E V E N T</a>] swept the land of the kgdoms, Rodn beme strsed and stopped eatg or drkg, believg that if he gave his ratns to his cizens, the Kgdom of Hearts would be ok and not too many aths would occur. Wh this time though, Rodn fally met Fenix and beme a close iend to his mother's favore stunt at once. Upon Fenix's ath, Rodn grew angry, but refed to place blame on anyone. <br>    Rodn took equent night travels after he beme kg. He had a plan md. Nobody ever documented any maps of any terrori, so Rodn would be the first. He currently has all of Hearts memorized and drawn out. The other kgdoms are soon to be learnt. <br>    He also took on close ti wh the Kg of Diamonds, Kg of Clubs, and a Club assass. All of which he lov, but one at the moment stands tall his heart. Ti grew stronger wh the Kg of Diamonds though, and after nfsg his love Rodn and <b>Marx</b> [Diamond Kg] beme an em of their own.<br><hr><h2>♢ Relatnships & K</h2><hr><br><u>Sexual Orientatn:</u> Gay<br><br><u>Stat</u>: Taken [Relatnship Stat: Secret] <br><br><u><b>Fay:</b><br></u><u>Blood Mother:</u> Woofi Ivanov - Msenger - Heart Rint - [ceased]<br><u>Blood Father:</u> Ivan Bragsky - Milary - Club Rint - [livg]<br><u>Half Parents:</u> Biscu Ivanov - [<i>u n k n o w n</i>] - Spa Rint - [livg]<br><u>Blood Siblgs:</u> [u n a v a i l a b l e]<br><u>Half Siblgs:</u> Wilda Ivanov - Maid - Heart Rint - [<i>u n k n o w n</i>], Chase Ivanov - [<i>u n k n o w n</i>] - Spa Rint - [<i>u n k n o w n</i>]<br><u>Adopted Fay:</u> [u n a v a i l a b l e]<br><br><u>Mate:</u> Marx Hydra - Kg - Diamond Rint - [livg] <br><u>Offsprg:</u> [u n a v a i l a b l e]<br><br><u>Relatnships:</u> [<a href=">See File</a>]<br><u>Compann:</u> <a href=">Maw </a>- Espnage - Red-Fronted Maw - [livg]<br><br><br><hr><h2>ℑ Preference</h2><hr><br><u>Weapon(s)</u>:<br><ul><li>Sword</li><li>Small Dagger</li></ul><br><u>Lik:<br></u><ul><li>All kgdoms, sus, and n general</li><li>Love</li><li>Basilly everythg</li><li>Space</li><li>Knowledge</li><li>Marx lol </li></ul><br><u>Dislik:<br></u><ul><li>War or fightg of any kd</li><li>Bears, etc.</li><li>Exil</li><li>Assasss [whoops sorry Drex-] </li></ul><div><u><br>Beliefs:</u><br><ul><li>All n are equal, whether Su or Joker; Kg or townsdog</li><li>Stereotyp are unnecsary thgs</li><li>Ranks are jt tl, everyone is important no matter what their tle is</li><li>Love is love, be wh who you want to be wh</li><li>When a ne di, they get a star the sky to honor their life while their soul liv on earth. Once they are bored of earth though, they n go to their star to rt. They n roam earth at all tim though. </li><li>Vlence is never an answer unls unr self fense</li><li>War is unnecsary and nothg but sufferg</li></ul><div><br><u>Thoughts:</u> <b>[Rodn's thoughts on each Kgdom]<br></b><br><u>HEARTS:</u> "My birth and beloved kgdom. We're well rpectg of each other and know that orr to be the Kgdom of Love, we mt hold our s high. I try to tablish equal rpect for everyone, whether be kg or towns dog!"<br><br><u>SPADES:</u> "Whilst I do not agree wh the given 'power hungry' stereotype, I will agree wh the fact that the Kgdom of Spas is powerful and strong. I know few Spas, but I know they are a force to be reckoned wh and a rpectable kgdom at that!"<br><br><u>CLUBS:</u> "Many many ti wh Clubs! Not only is my father currently workg Clubs, but two close n ri there as well. I love the kgdom's culture and how they go about thgs, but they ncern me at the same time. A Club assass did kill my mother, as one did attempt to slay myself. Clubs and Hearts may dislike each other, but I n at least try to grow close to the kgdom myself."<br><br><u>DIAMONDS:</u> "A geo kgdom, may I say. The terrory of Diamonds is betiful, but the townsdogs are a b mellow and almost sad, no offense! I do hope some of them maybe liven up a b. Marx also liv there, which is a pl for me! He's seemed to liven up sce we nfsed our love, so hopefully his happs bs off on his townsdogs!" <br><br><u>JOKERS:</u> "Jokers.. are absolutely misunrstood! The reason we fear them is bee we've outsted them, or bee they're different. They had never asked to be born suls, and are outsted and banished for beg <i>special</i>. They are enraged by , which is why they kill! Jokers are entirely misunrstood, and I am not aaid to say that. While I know most will bee angry by me sayg this, I will pot out bee is nothg but fact. I nnot pass any act to accept Jokers to my kgdom as cizens though. That would be bad for both me and my people, seeg as our current KNOWN Jokers are aggrsive. Maybe the future though, new Jokers n stay."<br><br><u>EXILED:</u> "While I si wh Jokers, I have the oppose feelgs towards exiled sus. Exil are to be shamed, they have disrpected what has been given to them at birth! They are the on who aren't to be tsted!" </div></div><br><hr><h2>X Updat & Trivia</h2><hr><br><u>Updat:</u> <b>[Updat Start - April 2 2017 - Past Updat Disregard]<br></b><br><u>4/2/17:</u> Rodn's scriptn is new and improved! Do you like ? <br><u>4/5/17:</u> Don't worry I'm not gonna update the updat every time I update... if that mak sense <br><u>4/30/17:</u> Relatnships fally updated and add! For now ther not Character Rponse sentenc, but the key is self explanatory <3 <br><u>5/5/17:</u> I'm makg a 'Character Rul' thgy for Rodn up at the top, for some thgs I allow/won't allow <br><u>5/7/17:</u> Rodn's <u>Relatnships & K</u> tab has been updated and history add to <img tle=";) (Wk)" data-embed-id="387" data-embed-type="emotin" alt=";)" height="15" width="15" src="> take a look! <br><u>5/16/17:</u> Rodn's got an avian pann now! Meet Maw! <br><br><u>Fun Facts:</u> <b>[Facts scribg thgs that have happened to Rodn rangg om sign reasons, jok, event histori, etc.]<br></b><br>- Whenever he is extremely mad, extremely sad, or dnk, Rodn tak on a Rsian accent whout realizg , which is somethg he got om his father<br>- Rodn is based on a character i ma at the end of 7th gra, and that character's name is ALSO Rodn. Rodn (the origal, human versn) is a hetalia ship kid, and he actually has two last nam (which is a recent add on) so his name n be seen as eher Rodn V. Ivanov or Rodn V. Ivanov-Bragski, BUT KING OF HEARTS RODION ONLY HAS THE IVANOV LAST NAME ; )<br>- HIS NEW OUTFIT IS KING GEORGE'S OUTFIT FROM HAMILTON YES DONT ASK HOW THAT HAPPENED<br>- He curls his hair <img data-embed-id="387" data-embed-type="emotin" style="width: 15px; height: 15px;" alt=";) (Wk)" src="> <a href="></a> [[ Water s his curls. They'll fall out immediately don't let this boy the water- Ra is effective unls s pourg though<br>- Rodn's most known sayg is <i><b>"everythg happens for a reason"</b></i><i>, </i>which is a sayg his mother told him, which is a sayg I ocsnally live by~<i> <br></i>- Rodn played a part as a <b>MURDERER</b>  the <a href=">murr event</a>, but died while tryg to kill Marx (Marx killed him out of self fense) and they end up killg each other lol. <br>- The <b>V.</b>  his name stands for <b>Vodka</b>. Y his full name is Rodn Vodka Ivanov... It a LONG story but one of his nicknam is Voddy :> <br>- He gets flowers and stuff om Drex [Club] and lov talkg about Space and stuff wh Marx [Diamond] <br>- Rodn is practilly immune to gettg dnk (m at the <b>Club Ftival Event</b>. Startg om now 'll be hard to get the poor thg dnk,,<br>- He's practilly his own oppose the <b>Gang!AU</b> - he lov vlence and is rather sassy and malevolent<br>- Joker rights! Joker rights! <br>- Alright fe I'm dog this - Rodn's father is a wolf versn of APH Rsia, therefore Rodn's origal last name hath been revealed </div></div></div></div><div class="_3EPQg"><div class="_1E0e-"><div class="My0gj _19oS_" style="max-height:56px"><div><div><div class="_3QlTq"><div class="_3RVC5">Image size</div><div>3835x2935px 42.94 MB</div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="_2GljG"> © 2016 - 2023 <a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="Woofi2003" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="33851708" data-euid="d7fced0a-911f-46e0-83b1-355a826b0dbc" href=" class="er-lk _277bf"><span class="_2vKEO">Woofi2003</span></a></div></div></div><div class="_23oWS"><div class="_3U3-y" id="ments"></div><div class="vJ0"><div data-hook="ments_thread"><div class="_1p-42 _2JHop _2YlGm" data-hook="ments_thread_stats"><div data-hook="ments_unt"><span class="_3_W_t">Comments</span><span class="eVBLr">154</span></div></div><div class="_1YhYy"><div><div class="_1pn67"><div id="ment-1-621132454-top" class="no-theme-sk _1vH2x"><div class="_3T2ed"><div class="_3Rfgs"><div class="_1-kKb"><span class="_1nLSY"><div class="_2noXo" style="width:32px;height:32px"><svg viewBox="0 0 23 22" fill="none" xmlns="><tle> .