Jam 2:3 KJV: And ye have rpect to him that weareth the gay clothg, and say unto him, S thou here a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or s here unr my footstool:

gay clothing bible verse

The Bible vers aren't about nmng homosexuals, gays, lbians, or transgenr people. Rather, read God's lovg warng and grace for those who have strayed om His will for sex



* gay clothing bible verse *

“And ye have rpect to him that weareth the gay clothg, and say unto him, S thou here a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or s here unr my footstool:”.

2For if there e unto your assembly a man wh a gold rg, goodly apparel, and there e also a poor man vile raiment; 3And ye have rpect to him that weareth the gay clothg, and say unto him, S thou here a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or s here unr my footstool: 4Are ye not then partial yourselv, and are bee judg of evil thoughts? "And ye have rpect to him that weareth the gay clothg, and say unto him, S thou here a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or s here unr my footstool:" Jam 2:3 KJV.

And ye have rpect to him that weareth the gay clothg, and say unto him, S thou here a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or s here unr my footstool:.

Jam 2:3 KJV: And ye have rpect to him that weareth the gay clothg, and say unto him, S thou here a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or s here unr my footstool: * gay clothing bible verse *

And yee he rpect to him that weareth the gay clothg, and say vnto him, S thou here a good place: and say to the poore, Stand thou there, or s here vnr my footstoole:- Kg Jam Versn (1611) - View 1611 Bible Snand you pay special attentn to the one who is wearg the fe cloth, and say, "You s here a good place, and you say to the poor man, "You stand over there, or s down by my footstool, ""- New Amerin Standard Versn (1995)and ye have regard to him that weareth the fe clothg, and say, S thou here a good place; and ye say to the poor man, Stand thou there, or s unr my footstool;- Amerin Standard Versn (1901)And you do honour to the man fair clothg and say, Come here and take this good place; and you say to the poor man, Take up your posn there, or be seated at my feet;- Basic English Bibleand ye look upon him who wears the splendid apparel, and say, Do thou s here well, and say to the poor, Do thou stand there, or s here unr my footstool:- Darby BibleAnd ye have rpect to him that weareth the gay clothg, and say to him, S thou here a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or s here unr my footstool: - Webster's Bibleand you pay urt to the one who wears the fe cloth, and say, "S here; this is a good place;" while to the poor man you say, "Stand there, or s on the floor at my feet;"- Weymouth Bibleand you pay special attentn to him who wears the fe clothg, and say, "S here a good place;" and you tell the poor man, "Stand there, " or "S by my footstool;"- World English Bibleand if ye biholn to hym that is clothid wh clere clothg, and if ye seie to hym, Ste thou here wel; but to the pore man ye seien, Ston thou there, ethir ste vndur the stool of my feet; whether ye men not anentis you silf, - Wycliffe Bibleand ye may look upon him bearg the gay raiment, and may say to him, `Thou -- s thou here well, ' and to the poor man may say, `Thou -- stand thou there, or, S thou here unr my footstool, ' --- Youngs Leral Bible. Jas 2:3 And ye have rpect to him that weareth the gay clothg. Kg Jam BibleAnd ye have rpect to him that weareth the gay clothg, and say unto him, S thou here a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or s here unr my footstool:New Kg Jam Versnand you pay attentn to the one wearg the fe cloth and say to him, “You s here a good place, ” and say to the poor man, “You stand there, ” or, “S here at my footstool, ”Amerin Standard Versnand ye have regard to him that weareth the fe clothg, and say, S thou here a good place; and ye say to the poor man, Stand thou there, or s unr my footstool;Berean Study BibleIf you lavish attentn on the man fe cloth and say, “Here is a seat of honor, ” but say to the poor man, “You mt stand” or “S at my feet, ”Douay-Rheims BibleAnd you have rpect to him that is clothed wh the fe apparel, and shall say to him: S thou here well; but say to the poor man: Stand thou there, or s unr my footstool: English Revised Versnand ye have regard to him that weareth the fe clothg, and say, S thou here a good place; and ye say to the poor man, Stand thou there, or s unr my footstool;World English Bibleand you pay special attentn to him who wears the fe clothg, and say, "S here a good place;" and you tell the poor man, "Stand there, " or "S by my footstool;"Young's Leral Translatn and ye may look upon him bearg the gay raiment, and may say to him, 'Thou -- s thou here well, ' and to the poor man may say, 'Thou -- stand thou there, or, S thou here unr my footstool, ' -- Jam 2:3 Addnal Translatns...

Do not be ceived: neher the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexualy, nor thiev, nor the greedy, nor dnkards, nor revilers, nor swdlers will her the kgdom of God.

"him that weareth the GAY clothg" - Jam 2:3; "the Lord is very PITIFUL" Jam 5:11.

Bible vers about Gays * gay clothing bible verse *

Should we “revise” the Kg Jam Bible to get rid of the word “gay”?

Jam 2:3 “And ye have rpect to him that weareth the GAY clothg, and say unto him, S thou here a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or s here unr my footstool. Anyway, the subject of this article is to look at the word “gay” as found Jam 2:3 and try to e some mon sense. The English speakg world today often the word “gay” to refer to homosexuals.

But should also be obv that the word “gay” has had and ntu to have other meangs such as bright, happy, brilliant lor or merry.

Another Kg Jam Bible Believer - Jam 2:3 GAY - The Kg Jam Bible. * gay clothing bible verse *

A simple look at Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictnary 11th edn shows the fns and of the English word “gay”.

Defn of GAY 1a: happily exced: merry < a gay mood> b: keenly alive and exuberant: havg or ducg high spirs <a bird's gay sprg song> 2a: bright, lively <gay sunny meadows> b: brilliant lor 3 given to social pleasur; also: licent 4 a: homosexual <gay men> b: of, relatg to, or ed by homosexuals <the gay rights movement> <a gay bar> Exampl of GAY band was playg a gay tune. Gayt of the sprg flowers We also have the well know Christmas rol “Deck the Halls” which part says: “Don we now our gay apparel", which simply means that we now put on our brightly lored clothg.


What Do the Bible Say About Gays? .