Bt sex on premis venu Melbourne | Gay snas and loung

gay action victoria

Keen on actn public? Here are Melbourne’s top four gay snas and cise loung – and remember to play safe.



* gay action victoria *

Homospun Collective Events: Homospun Collective Events is a volunteer-n group that regularly puts on clive events Victoria, BC, Coast Salish Terrory for the gay, lbian, bisexual, trans, queer, two-spir, genrqueer, and qutng muni, as well as our iends, alli, and anyone terted creatg alternative spac to meet, create, dance, relax, and make iends.

Camosun Pri Collective: The Pri Centre at Camosun College is a safe space afford by the CCSS for any stunt who self-intifi as beg lbian, bisexual, gay, transgenr, transsexual, two-spir, asexual, queer, qutng, tersex, or anyone who self-intifi that their sexualy or genr inty as queer*; also to assist people who are qutng/g out; supply a fom for dialogue about sexualy and genr inty; host social events, and te the Camosun mp muny about the wonrful variatn human sexualy and genr inty. Lbian/Bi/Queer Women 20-40 of Victoria: An clive group for women (sgl or upl) their twenti and thirti and of all backgrounds who intify as gay, lbian, bisexual, pan-sexual or queer any way, cludg transgenr dividuals who intify as women or woman-aligned. Victoria Gay/Bi Men’s Social & Activy Group: This is a group of gay or bi men who want to get together wh other guys for group social teractn and activi.

Nanaimo and Cowichan Valley Lbians: This group is tend to be sual and relaxed and a place to vis and have fun wh other women who are lbian/gay or who are queer iendly! Diverse and Inclive Salt Sprg Island: DAISSI is a non-prof society for Gay, Lbian, Bisexual, Transgenr, Queer and Qutng people wh Alli on Salt Sprg Island.


Gay Vanuver and Gay Canada gui wh the latt rmatn on Vanuver, gay iendly hotels, gay travel, gay bars, gay events, gay nightlife, gay shoppg, gay dg and more. * gay action victoria *

Jump to gay travel... Explore vios, photos, travel tips, maps and top gay statns. Browse cis & tours for the bt gay iendly activi.


All the latt rmatn you will need when movg to LGBTQ Victoria Canada, cludg the bt gay neighborhoods, muny groups, gay realtors, and more. * gay action victoria *

Fd the most reliable rmatn about the bt gay events around the globe. I'm a gay guy livg Victoria, where do I go to meet new people.


Group of stylised people reprentg the diversy of the LGBTIQ+ muny</tle> <mask id="mask0" maskUns="erSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="699" height="411"><path d="M699 0L114.075 170.226L0 411H699V0Z" fill="whe"></path></mask> <g mask="url(#mask0)"><image width="699" height="411" xlk:href=" href="></image></g></svg></span></div> <div class="rpl-mpaign-primary__image-outer rpl-mpaign-primary__image-outer--small"><img src=" alt="Group of stylised people reprentg the diversy of the LGBTIQ+ muny" class="rpl-mpaign-primary__image"></div> <div class="rpl-mpaign-primary__row"><div class="rpl-mpaign-primary__left"><div class="rpl-mpaign-primary__ntent"><h2 class="rpl-mpaign-primary__tle">Pri our future: Victoria's LGBTIQ+ strategy 2022-32</h2> <div class="rpl-mpaign-primary__summary"><p>Every Victorian – whout exceptn – serv to be safe, supported and equal.</p></div></div> <a href="/pri-our-future-victorias-lgbtiq-strategy-2022-32" data-prt-url=" class="rpl-lk rpl-lk--nuxt rpl-button rpl-mpaign-primary__ll-to-actn rpl-button--primary"><span class="rpl-lk__ner">Read the strategy</span></a> <!----></div></div></div></div></div> <sectn id="rpl-ma-ntent" class="rpl-ntent rpl-ntent--wh-sibar"><div class="rpl-se-nstra--on-all"><div class="rpl-row"><div class="rpl-ma rpl-l rpl-l--full rpl-l--7-l"> <div class="rpl-row app-ntent ti-ntent ti-ntent--landg-page rpl-row--gutter"><div class="rpl-l rpl-l--full"><div class="rpl-anchor-lks"><div class="rpl-anchor-lks__row"><h2 class="rpl-anchor-lks__tle">On this page:</h2></div> <div class="rpl-anchor-lks__row"><ul class="rpl-anchor-lks__ems"><li class="rpl-anchor-lks__em"><!----> <a href="#visn" data-prt-url=" class="rpl-lk rpl-text-lk rpl-text-lk--unrle"><span class="rpl-lk__ner"><span class="rpl-text-label rpl-text-label--small rpl-text-label--small--unrle"><span>Visn</span></span></span></a></li><li class="rpl-anchor-lks__em"><!----> <a href="#liverg-the-visn" data-prt-url=" class="rpl-lk rpl-text-lk rpl-text-lk--unrle"><span class="rpl-lk__ner"><span class="rpl-text-label rpl-text-label--small rpl-text-label--small--unrle"><span>Deliverg the visn</span></span></span></a></li><li class="rpl-anchor-lks__em"><!----> <a href="#prry-areas" data-prt-url=" class="rpl-lk rpl-text-lk rpl-text-lk--unrle"><span class="rpl-lk__ner"><span class="rpl-text-label rpl-text-label--small rpl-text-label--small--unrle"><span>Prry areas</span></span></span></a></li><li class="rpl-anchor-lks__em"><!----> <a href="#fundg" data-prt-url=" class="rpl-lk rpl-text-lk rpl-text-lk--unrle"><span class="rpl-lk__ner"><span class="rpl-text-label rpl-text-label--small rpl-text-label--small--unrle"><span>Fundg</span></span></span></a></li><li class="rpl-anchor-lks__em"><!----> <a href="#more-rmatn" data-prt-url=" class="rpl-lk rpl-text-lk rpl-text-lk--unrle"><span class="rpl-lk__ner"><span class="rpl-text-label rpl-text-label--small rpl-text-label--small--unrle"><span>More rmatn</span></span></span></a></li><li class="rpl-anchor-lks__em rpl-anchor-lks__em--nt"><svg viewBox="0 0 20 18" aria-hidn="te" overflow="visible" class="rpl-anchor-lks__em--nt-in rpl-in rpl-in--list_nt" style="width:21px;height:18.900000000000002px;"><!----> <path d="m 9 5 v 8 h 5 " stroke="#465870" fill="none" stroke-width="1"></path> </svg> <a href="#fns" data-prt-url=" class="rpl-lk rpl-text-lk rpl-text-lk--unrle"><span class="rpl-lk__ner"><span class="rpl-text-label rpl-text-label--small rpl-text-label--small--unrle"><span>Defns</span></span></span></a></li><li class="rpl-anchor-lks__em rpl-anchor-lks__em--nt"><svg viewBox="0 0 20 18" aria-hidn="te" overflow="visible" class="rpl-anchor-lks__em--nt-in rpl-in rpl-in--list_nt" style="width:21px;height:18.900000000000002px;"><!----> <path d="m 9 5 v 8 h 5 " stroke="#465870" fill="none" stroke-width="1"></path> </svg> <a href="#referenc" data-prt-url=" class="rpl-lk rpl-text-lk rpl-text-lk--unrle"><span class="rpl-lk__ner"><span class="rpl-text-label rpl-text-label--small rpl-text-label--small--unrle"><span>Referenc</span></span></span></a></li></ul></div></div> <!----></div> <div class="rpl-l rpl-l--full"><div class="rpl-markup ti-wysiwyg app-wysiwyg"><div class="rpl-markup__ner"><div class="rpl-embedd-vio rpl-markup__embedd-vio"><div class="rpl-embedd-vio-iame-ntaer"><iame width="854" height="480" src=" allow="toplay; fullscreen; picture--picture" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" data-chromatic="ignore" tle="" class="rpl-embedd-vio-ame"></iame></div> <div class="rpl-embed-vio__lk"><svg viewBox="0 0 15 11" aria-hidn="te" overflow="visible" class="rpl-in rpl-in--view rpl-in--lor_primary" style="width:15px;height:11px;"><!----> <path d="M7.5 0C4.09 0 1.18 2.195 0 5.294c1.18 3.099 4.09 5.294 7.5 5.294s6.32-2.195 7.5-5.294C13.82 2.195 10.91 0 7.5 0zm0 8.824c-1.882 0-3.41-1.582-3.41-3.53 0-1.948 1.528-3.53 3.41-3.53 1.882 0 3.41 1.582 3.41 3.53 0 1.948-1.528 3.53-3.41 3.53zm0-5.648c-1.132 0-2.045.946-2.045 2.118S6.368 7.412 7.5 7.412s2.045-.946 2.045-2.118S8.632 3.176 7.5 3.176z"></path> </svg> <a href="/media/157974" data-prt-url=" class="rpl-lk rpl-lk--nuxt rpl-text-lk"><span class="rpl-lk__ner"><span class="rpl-text-label"><span>View transcript</span></span></span></a></div> <div class="rpl-embed-vio__transcript"></div></div> <p>Jt over one 20 adult Victorians openly intify as beg LGBTIQ+<sup>1 </sup>(lbian, gay, bisexual, trans and genr diverse, tersex and queer). LGBTIQ+ Victorians are valued members of our muny who add to our diversy and make Victoria a better place to live.</p> <p>LGBTIQ+ Victorians also face higher levels of discrimatn, stigma and excln, which n lead to poorer health, enomic, social and mental health out than other Victorians.</p> <p>Many people wh LGBTIQ+ muni who wh other forms of equaly or discrimatn, such as LGBTIQ+ people of lour, asylum seekers, refuge, people of fah or sex workers are ls visible. This overlappg and ternnectg of inti is often lled ‘tersectnaly’.</p> <p>LGBTIQ+ voic are at the heart of Victoria’s first LGBTIQ+ strategy. Over 1,600 LGBTIQ+ Victorians, their fai, advot and alli, anisatns and broar muny, shared their experienc to help velop Victoria’s first 10-year LGBTIQ+ strategy to improve the liv of LGBTIQ+ muni.</p> <h2 id="visn">Visn</h2> <p>The strategy’s visn clus makg sure:</p> <ul><li>all Victorians feel safe, are healthy, have equal human rights and n live wholly and eely.</li> <li>LGBTIQ+ Victorians experience the benefs of full participatn enomic, tnal, polil, muny and social areas at all stag of life</li> <li>Victoria leads the way LGBTIQ+ equaly, celebratg culture, muny and takg staed, endurg and measurable actn.</li></ul><h2 id="liverg-the-visn">Deliverg the visn</h2> <p>The Mister for Equaly will lead the LGBTIQ+ strategy wh the support of all other Victorian misters and their partments.</p> <p> The Commissner for LGBTIQ+ Communi will ntue to engage wh muny and reprent muny perspectiv as we velop and liver actns.</p> <p>The Victorian Government’s LGBTIQ+ Taskforce will ntue to provi muny advice and oversight for liverg actns and trackg out.</p> <p>LGBTIQ+ muni’ voic are embedd the sign and livery of reforms, wh opportuni for muny to participate and lead the chang.</p> <p>We will velop an out amework to measure the impact the strategy is havg on LGBTIQ+ Victorians, tappg to existg ernment out measur and buildg new data pots that reflect LGBTIQ+ out.</p> <p>Fally, we will report back to all Victorians each year across the strategy’s 10-year lifetime via this webpage to keep the muny updated on our progrs.</p> <h2 id="prry-areas">Prry areas</h2> <p>The actns we m to this strategy are anised around four prry areas:</p></div></div> <!----></div><div class="rpl-l rpl-l--full rpl-l--6-m rpl-l--4-xxxl"><a href=" data-prt-url=" class="rpl-lk rpl-rd-promo rpl-rd-promo--hi-rabow rpl-rd-promo--thumbnail"><span class="rpl-lk__ner"><img alt="" height="496" width="818" src=" srcset=" 764w, 764w, 448w, 333w" siz="(max-width: 576px) 764px, (max-width: 768px) 448px, (max-width: 992px) 333px, 100vw" class="rpl-rponsive-image rpl-rd-promo__image rpl-rponsive-image--f-ver" style="object-posn:50.00% 50.00%;font-fay:'object-f: ver; object-posn: 50.00% 50.00%;';"> <div class="rpl-rd-promo__ntent"><!----> <h2 class="rpl-rd-promo__tle">Prry area 1: Equal rights and eedoms</h2> <p class="rpl-rd-promo__summary">Strengtheng existg legal protectns for LGBTIQ+ Victorians and ensurg we create laws wh an equy lens will benef all muny members.</p></div></span></a> <!----></div><div class="rpl-l rpl-l--full rpl-l--6-m rpl-l--4-xxxl"><a href=" data-prt-url=" class="rpl-lk rpl-rd-promo rpl-rd-promo--hi-rabow rpl-rd-promo--thumbnail"><span class="rpl-lk__ner"><img alt="" height="496" width="818" src=" srcset=" 764w, 764w, 448w, 333w" siz="(max-width: 576px) 764px, (max-width: 768px) 448px, (max-width: 992px) 333px, 100vw" class="rpl-rponsive-image rpl-rd-promo__image rpl-rponsive-image--f-ver" style="object-posn:50.00% 50.00%;font-fay:'object-f: ver; object-posn: 50.00% 50.00%;';"> <div class="rpl-rd-promo__ntent"><!----> <h2 class="rpl-rd-promo__tle">Prry area 2: Equable, clive and accsible servic</h2> <p class="rpl-rd-promo__summary">Servic should be approachable, welg, safe and clive for all Victorians throughout their journey and when movg between servic.</p></div></span></a> <!----></div><div class="rpl-l rpl-l--full rpl-l--6-m rpl-l--4-xxxl"><a href=" data-prt-url=" class="rpl-lk rpl-rd-promo rpl-rd-promo--hi-rabow rpl-rd-promo--thumbnail"><span class="rpl-lk__ner"><img alt="" height="496" width="818" src=" srcset=" 764w, 764w, 448w, 333w" siz="(max-width: 576px) 764px, (max-width: 768px) 448px, (max-width: 992px) 333px, 100vw" class="rpl-rponsive-image rpl-rd-promo__image rpl-rponsive-image--f-ver" style="object-posn:50.00% 50.00%;font-fay:'object-f: ver; object-posn: 50.00% 50.00%;';"> <div class="rpl-rd-promo__ntent"><!----> <h2 class="rpl-rd-promo__tle">Prry area 3: Visibily to rm cisn makg</h2> <p class="rpl-rd-promo__summary">Improvg LGBTIQ+ data llectn to build evince will enable to get a better picture of how LGBTIQ+ Victorians experience all parts of their liv.</p></div></span></a> <!----></div><div class="rpl-l rpl-l--full rpl-l--6-m rpl-l--4-xxxl"><a href=" data-prt-url=" class="rpl-lk rpl-rd-promo rpl-rd-promo--hi-rabow rpl-rd-promo--thumbnail"><span class="rpl-lk__ner"><img alt="" height="496" width="818" src=" srcset=" 764w, 764w, 448w, 333w" siz="(max-width: 576px) 764px, (max-width: 768px) 448px, (max-width: 992px) 333px, 100vw" class="rpl-rponsive-image rpl-rd-promo__image rpl-rponsive-image--f-ver" style="object-posn:50.00% 50.00%;font-fay:'object-f: ver; object-posn: 50.00% 50.00%;';"> <div class="rpl-rd-promo__ntent"><!----> <h2 class="rpl-rd-promo__tle">Prry area 4: Safe, strong and staable muni</h2> <p class="rpl-rd-promo__summary">LGBTIQ+ muni are a proud part of the Victorian muny. It is cril that we build a society where all people n be themselv and support one another.</p></div></span></a> <!----></div><div class="rpl-l rpl-l--full"><div class="rpl-markup ti-wysiwyg app-wysiwyg"><div class="rpl-markup__ner"><h2 id="fundg">Fundg</h2> <p>The Victorian Budget 2021-22 provid an ial $6.5 ln to liver the LGBTIQ+ strategy:</p> <ul><li>$2 ln for the livery of state-wi trag and rourc</li> <li>$1.3 ln to support the health and wellbeg of people wh an tersex variatn</li> <li>$2 ln to support the ernment’s Trans and Genr Diverse Peer Support Program</li> <li>$1.2 ln to roll out awarens raisg mpaigns</li></ul><h2 id="more-rmatn">More rmatn</h2> <p>Watch the Commissner for LGBTIQ+ Communi, Todd Fernando, and Mister for Equaly, the Hon Harriet Shg, talk about the strategy and why is so important:</p> <p></p><div class="rpl-markup__iame-ntaer"><iame ameborr="0" height="360" src=" width="640"></iame></div><p></p> <h3 id="fns">Defns</h3> <p>We regnise the diversy of Aborigal people livg throughout Victoria. While the terms ‘Koorie’ or ‘Koori’ are monly ed to scribe Aborigal people of southeast Atralia, we have ed the term ‘Aborigal’ to clu all people of Aborigal and Torr Stra Islanr scent who are livg Victoria.</p> <p>Some data mentned on this webpage is limed bee do not always acunt for the experienc of people wh an tersex variatn. For this reason, we sometim e the term ‘LGBTQ+’ to reflect the rearch’s limatns.</p> <p>The words ‘our’ and ‘we’ ed throughout this webpage refer to the Victorian Government.</p> <p>For a more plete list of fns, please refer to the <a href=" data-prt-url=" class="rpl-lk rpl-text-lk"><span class="rpl-lk__ner"><span class="rpl-text-label"><span><span>fns and key terms web</span> <span class="rpl-text-in__group"> page<svg viewBox="0 0 14 14" aria-hidn="false" overflow="visible" class="rpl-in rpl-in--external_lk rpl-in--lor_primary rpl-text-in--after" style="width:14px;height:14px;"><tle>External Lk .