Pl-Anthony Turner, a gay semary graduate, has a ep mment to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. "I will not leave Adventism," he says. "I won't hand over to people who operate out of fear and bigotry."
Homosexuals also fell to the send tegory: jt as an unmarried pregnant member was seen as shamg the church, when a gay or lbian was disvered among s members — and those days disvery was ually the rult of the publitn the prs of the nam of those arrted followg a police raid on a gay meetg place — this was seen as embarrassg, and that person was purged immediately.
This quickly garnered support om key anizatns: the Amerin Bar Associatn issued a ll for the crimalizatn of homosexual behavr between nsentg adults 1973, and the Amerin Psychiatric Associatn voted to remove homosexualy om s official list of mental disorrs the same year. For example, when, 1977, Ana Bryant succsfully took the lead the mpaign to reverse a civil rights ordance that had helped protect homosexuals agast discrimatn employment and hog Da County, Florida, her mpaign spawned bumper stickers that urged people to “Kill a gay for Christ. However, the relig right, ma up of fundamentalists, Mormons, and many Catholics and Evangelils, is strivg to unrme same-sex marriage, and their ngregatns rarely wele people known to be homosexual.
Vernon Henrshot, who was print of the Adventist Semary when was loted at the General Conference plex Washgton, DC, disappeared sudnly after beg arrted durg a police raid on a gay meetg place 1952. For example, a stunt at Avondale College, Atralia, the 1970s, who nfsed to beg homosexual between his fal examatns and graduatn, was not allowed to graduate and fally received his gree the mail a year later.