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norway gay bar attack

Police are vtigatg a shootg at a gay nightclub Oslo, which left two people ad and more than 20 others wound, as an act of terrorism. 



Oslo’s annual Pri para was nceled on Saturday followg a adly shootg at a gay bar that Norwegian police are vtigatg as a possible terrorist attack. * norway gay bar attack *

Oslo’s annual Pri para was nceled on Saturday followg a adly shootg at a gay bar that Norwegian police are vtigatg as a possible terrorist attack. Two people were killed and eight others taken to hospal after the shootg near the London Pub, which scrib self on s webse as “the largt gay and lbian venue Oslo. SummaryGunman kills two, jur 21Revellers hid basement of Oslo barOfficial Pri para ncelled after tragedyTerrorism threat asssment raised to hight levelPri rabow 'loured black', ernment mister saysOSLO, June 25 (Rters) - Terrified revellers at a gay bar Oslo hid a basement and sperately lled loved on as a gunman went on the rampage, killg two people and jurg 21 on the day the cy was due to celebrate s annual Pri para.

[1/5]People brg flowers and rabow flags to pay tribute to the victims as they take part a spontaneo Pri para, followg a shootg at the London Pub, a popular gay bar and nightclub, after the official event was ncelled, Oslo, Norway, June 25, 2022. Norwegian secury thori raised the untry's terrorism threat asssment to s hight level followg the attack, which 21 people were also wound, 10 of them police, who are not normally armed, will rry guns until further notice, major events the pal went ahead as planned on Saturday, police and anisers said, cludg a large outdoor mic ftival and a soccer match between the women's teams of Norway and New shootg took place jt months after Norway marked 50 years sce the aboln of a law that crimalised gay Nordic natn of 5. Oslo's annual gay Pri para was due to be held on Saturday, and was formally ncelled on police spe that, hundreds of people marched near the scene later the day, shoutg: "We're here, we're queer, we won't disappear!

There were more and more and more shots, so I ped to the ner bar and tried to get as many as possible wh me, " he told Norway's public broadster source, EPAImage ptn, The scene of the attack has been sealed off by policeImage source, RtersImage ptn, Police are vtigatg whether Oslo's gay Pri was a target the attack"I saw a man arrive wh a bag, he picked up a gun and started to shoot, " said journalist Olav Roenneberg of public broadster NRK, who was the area at the time. Terrified revellers at a gay bar Oslo hid a basement and sperately lled loved on as a gunman went on the rampage, killg two people and jurg more than 20 on the day the cy was due to celebrate s annual Pri pots:The attack occurred early Saturday morng at two bars cludg the London Pub, a longstandg hub of Oslo's LGBTQ scenePolice have arrted a 42-year-old Norwegian cizen origally om Iran and are vtigatg the cint as a possible act of terrorismOslo's annual Pri para was ncelled on the advice of police, but thoands showed up prott wavg rabow flagsThe attack took place the early hours of Saturday, wh victims shot si and outsi the London Pub, a longstandg hub of Oslo's LGBTQ scene, as well as the surroundg streets and at one other bar the centre of the Norwegian Blum-Jansen, who was the London Pub, said he fled to the basement to pe the hail of bullets and hid there along wh 80 to 100 other people. "We all stand by you, " Mr Gahr Stoere shootg took place jt months after Norway marked 50 years sce the aboln of a law that crimalised gay sex.


Wns hid a gay bar's basement as a gunman fired on a crowd, killg two and jurg 21. * norway gay bar attack *

An Iranian refugee known to Norwegian telligence servic has been intified as the gunman who opened fire at an Oslo gay bar early Saturday, killg two and jurg at least 20 others. Zaniar Matapour is acced of shootg and killg two people at an Oslo gay bar Norway. Norwegian police said on Monday all Pri events across the untry should be layed, cg secury ncerns after a adly weekend rampage by a gunman at a gay bar had ially approved a planned gatherg outsi Oslo Town Hall on Monday by the cy’s LGBTQ muny to honor the victims of the they later advised anizers to ncel the event, which was expected to draw a large gatherg.

(2300 GMT Friday) three lotns, cludg a gay bar, close together the center of the Norwegian pal. The shootgs happened near the London Pub gay club, the Herr Nilsen jazz club and a takeaway food outlet. At least two people were killed and at least 21 were jured a rare mass shootg Norway after a Norwegian cizen of Iranian orig shot up a gay bar Oslo.


* norway gay bar attack *

Lol time the London Pub, which lls self “the largt gay and lbian venue Oslo” on s webse. ” People embrace near the police le followg a shootg at the London Pub, a popular gay bar and nightclub, central Oslo, “There is reason to thk that this may be a hate crime, ” police said a prs nference later on ’s Prime Mister Jonas Gahr Stoere lled the shootg “a terrible and eply shockg attack on nocent people. Authori said they have reason to assume the attack was a hate crime bee a gay venue was targeted.


The targeted attack on a gay bar Oslo me ahead of the cy’s Pri celebratns, which have now been ncelled. * norway gay bar attack *

A gunman opened fire at three lotns, cludg popular gay bar London Pub, the early hours of Saturday morng, thori spect is a 42-year-old Norwegian cizen origally om Iran, wh a rerd of mor crim, police attorney Christian Hatlo said a prs nference on Saturday, per The New York said the police have reason to assume that the attack was a hate crime bee a gay venue was targeted.

SummaryPolice ce rmatn om telligence for layMajor Pri gatherg Oslo ncelledSpect jailed for an ial four weeksCourt nam spect as Zaniar MatapourOSLO, June 27 (Rters) - Norwegian police said on Monday all Pri events across the untry should be layed, cg secury ncerns after a adly weekend rampage by a gunman at a gay bar had ially approved a planned gatherg outsi Oslo Town Hall on Monday by the cy's LGBTQ muny to honour the victims of the attack. Read more [1/4]Norway's Mister of Development Anne Beathe Tvnereim viss the memorial se followg the recent adly mass shootg at a gay bar Oslo, Norway June 27, 2022. All events nnectn wh Oslo Pris are nceled, ” anizers said on the official Facebook page of the Alexanr Gjtvang, lear of FRI, the Norwegian anisatn for sexual and genr diversy, said the shootg has shaken the Nordic untry's gay muny.

By Terje Solsvik and Gwladys FoucheOSLO (Rters) -Terrified revellers at a gay bar Oslo hid a basement and sperately lled loved on as a gunman went on the rampage, killg two people and jurg 21 on the day the cy was due to celebrate s annual Pri para.


A gunman opened fire at three lotns, cludg the popular gay bar London Pub Oslo, Norway, killg 2 people and jurg 21. Arrt ma. * norway gay bar attack *

The gunman opened fire at three lotns, cludg outsi the London Pub, a popular gay bar Oslo.


Norwegian police said on Monday all Pri events across the untry should be layed, cg secury ncerns after a adly weekend rampage by a gunman at a gay bar Oslo. * norway gay bar attack *

[1/2]People embrace near the police le followg a shootg at the London Pub, a popular gay bar and nightclub, central Oslo, Norway June 25, 2022. Terje Persen/NTB/via REUTERS /File Photo Acquire Licensg RightsOSLO, June 8 (Rters) - Norwegian police uld have prevented a adly rampage at a gay bar last year if they had acted on a tip-off om the foreign telligence agency, seven experts said Thursday a report Oslo's erng mayor scribed as "vastatg" people died, ne suffered gunshot wounds and 25 others were jured after a shootg at the London Pub, a longstandg hub of Oslo's LGBTQ+ scene, as well as a nearby bar the centre of the Norwegian pal.

Europe|2 Killed and at Least 19 Wound Shootg Norway’s Capal ADVERTISEMENTThe shootg happened near a popular gay club downtown Oslo, on the weekend when the cy is set to host s Pri Parsa/NTB, via RtersOSLO, Norway — Two people were killed and at least 19 jured early Saturday morng downtown Oslo when a gunman opened fire outsi two nightclubs and a der, the police and Norway’s state broadster said. “I saw a man arrive at the scene wh a bag, he took up a gun and started shootg, ” he told the of the two nightclubs near the se of the attack, the London Pub, is a center of gay nightlife Oslo.

Muny Norway, where gay upl have had the right to marry and have children sce London Pub, which li a few blocks om Norway’s Parliament buildg, opened the 1970s. Lol time at the London Pub, which lls self Oslo’s “gay headquarters sce 1979, ” and at a send bar and a fast-food rtrant, Norwegian media reported.


OSLO (Rters) -Terrified revellers at a gay bar Oslo hid a basement and sperately lled loved on as a gunman went on the rampage, killg two people and jurg 21 on the day the cy was due to celebrate s annual Pri para. The attack took place the early hours of Saturday, wh victims shot si and outsi the London Pub, a longstandg hub of Oslo's LGBTQ scene, as well as the surroundg streets and at one other bar the centre of the Norwegian pal. "Everythg dit that this has been an attack by an Islamist extremist," Prime Mister Jonas Gahr Stoere told a news nference. * norway gay bar attack *

It has hosted Pri-related celebratns for years and on Thursday held a drag show and a Pri-themed bgo has some of Europe’s more gay-iendly laws.

“I apologize for the fact that the Norwegian thori nveyed, through legislatn, and also a range of other discrimatory practic, that gay love was not acceptable, ” he July 2011, a Norwegian man killed 77 people by settg off a bomb outsi the prime mister’s office Oslo and openg fire at a youth summer mp anized by the left-leang Labor Party.

Police say they are treatg the adly shootgs as a ‘terrorist attack’, as anisers say the Pri para has been least two people have been killed and 21 others wound when a man opened fire outsi a popular gay bar and nearby lotns Norway’s pal Oslo, police said, ahead of a planned annual Pri para.


Norwegian police uld have prevented a adly rampage at a gay bar last year if they had acted on a tip-off om the foreign telligence agency, seven experts said Thursday a report Oslo's erng mayor scribed as "vastatg". * norway gay bar attack *

Police said on Saturday a spect had been arrted followg the shootgs, which occurred at about 1am lol time (23:00 GMT on Friday) three lotns, cludg a gay bar, close together the centre of the Norwegian pal. Oslo was due to hold s annual Pri para later on Saturday, jt months after Norway marked 50 years sce the aboln of a law that crimalised gay sex.


By Gwladys FoucheOSLO (Rters) -Norwegian police said on Monday all Pri events across the untry should be layed, cg secury ncerns after a adly weekend rampage by a gunman at a gay bar had ially approved a planned gatherg outsi Oslo Town Hall on Monday by the cy's LGBTQ muny to honour the victims of the they later advised anisers to ncel the event, which was expected to draw a large gatherg.

”The killgs rekdled memori of the 2016 massacre at the Pulse gay nightclub Orlando, Florida, that killed 49 people.



2 ad, 21 hurt Oslo terror attack near gay bar; spect of Iranian scent held | The Tim of Israel .