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In junr high school, I wonred: What do love even look like for someone like me, surely the only gay Asian guy town? ”I yearned to have the privileg of beg eher heterosexual or whe bee I wasn’t jt gay and Asian; I was kky too.

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But we also e the ntext of racial fetishism, that empty flattery that sts people of lor as cursi and turns to trophi, makg tough for to tst anyone’s pot: “I love Che food, ” whispered a betiful whe man after we had ma out at a Manhattan gay bar. A send were tim my 20s, as I ventured to the sordid pths of the gay kk world, when I wished I uld disappear to that send sk forever.

”“You n’t be this elevator wh , ” said a dnk whe man a cheap harns at one of Ameri’s largt gay kk events, shovg me to the floor.


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