Is Mar Mengoni Gay? Who is Mar Mengoni?  - News

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Mar Mengoni is a talented Italian sger-songwrer and many are searchg for Is Mar Mengoni Gay? Here we vered all tails about his personal life cludg the most popular search Mar Mengoni Gay and also his worth and social media acunts. * marco italy gay *

“We’re livg fear, ” Mar said, cg the example of a gay iend who was almost killed by his antagonist followg repeated harassment. “This guy me to simply bee he hat gays.

This isn’t anythg new, happens to gay people all the time, but many do not report through fear. ”Although Italy approved same-sex civil unns 2016, the untry lags behd s EU partners creatg anti-homophobia measur.


Photograph: Ricrdo Antimiani/EPAAttempts by var ernments over the past three s to enshre gay rights law have eher been stifled or sabotaged. In addn, would crimalise a spate of recent attacks agast gay people, proponents argue that the legislatn is urgently need.

Ls than two weeks later, a gay uple were asslted by a group of six after they kissed each other at a tra statn Cque Terre, Liguria. Fabriz Marrazzo, a spokperson for Gay Centre, a Rome-based associatn, said received about 20, 000 reports of discrimatn agast LGBT people a year, of which about 9% are severe. Alsandro Zan, a gay polician wh the Democratic party, part of the lg aln, and archect of the draft legislatn, was threatened wh ath by an onle opponent unls he whdrew the bill.


Another Sicily who opposed the law said durg a sermon: “If you exprs an opn agast homosexuals, or don’t agree wh two men adoptg a child, you uld end up jail. ”Zan said: “While is te that there is still strong homophobia, stemmg om a patriarchal culture, the untry has also ma progrs. Holdg a rabow flag, Mar Marras walked on stage at the start of a rally beg held by Grgia Meloni Sardia durg her electn mpaign to nont her about gay rights.

”If gay people Italy, a untry that regularly ranks reports as beg among the worst wtern Europe for LGBTQ+ rights, had already unrstood that privileg so far gaed were threadbare, Meloni ma explicly clear they would not get any better unr her ernment.

She practilly rpond: ‘Be happy wh what you have’ – they thk I should live a lser life bee I’m gay. The first formal step towards s formatn rulted the electn of two ntroversial figur: Ignaz La Rsa, a Brothers of Italy polician who llects fascist memorabilia, and Lorenzo Fontana, a League member wh anti-abortn and anti-gay views, as speakers of the upper and lower hoe of parliament enacted a civil unns law 2016 when the untry was erned by a aln led by the centre-left Democratic party, but the bill stopped short of legalisg gay marriage, while a clse that would have allowed a person to adopt the child of their same-sex partner was scrapped after prsure om rightwg parti and the Catholic church.


Is Mar Mengoni Gay.