Although I have always enjoyed dog upl work wh gay men, I am hardly a specialist this area. So at tim when I’ve had qutns I’ve turned to my lleagu Rick Miller and Clton Power. Rick’s practice the Boston area specializ work wh gay men and Clton’s…
Although I have always enjoyed dog upl work wh gay men, I am hardly a specialist this area. Rick’s practice the Boston area specializ work wh gay men and Clton’s Sydney serv the LBGTQ for this month’s blog, I reached out to Rick and Clton to help rears who work primarily wh heterosexual upl and want to expand your knowledge base for helpg gay men. I’ll start wh some of Rick’s sights on mon issu for gay male upl and follow up wh a set of qutns om Clton that open munitn l and pave the way for your Miller has been a popular prenter at the annual Coupl Conferenc that we -sponsor wh the Milton Erickson Foundatn.
Last year his prentatn was amed around potentially difficult nversatns a therapist might iate wh gay upl the areas of sex, money and vulnerabily. I know om my own practice and also om the many s therapists have brought to me for nsultatn that the issu n be pecially challengg to heterosexual therapists workg wh gay upl. Wtern culture supports strength men and beltl ep ternal vulnerabily or is pound by the ternalized shame rried by most gay men.
Gay men face disapproval or worse if those emotns are visible. For example:No gay upl are monogamoGay upl don’t have sexls relatnshipsAll gay men like anal sexGay men don’t have erectn issuHe suggted openg the topic of sexualy wh some ial you open or monogamo?