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class="styl_ntaer__ZKkl3" data-activy-map="social-share-lks-article-top" data-ttid="social-share-menu"><li data-ttid="social-share-facebook" class="styl_em__b5A78 styl_facebook__bOW_X"><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="styl_lk__RsJVU"><span class="in in-share-facebook"></span></a></li><li data-ttid="social-share-twter" class="styl_em__b5A78 styl_twter__ww7sF"><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="styl_lk__RsJVU"><span class="in in-twter"></span></a></li><li data-ttid="social-share-ptert" class="styl_em__b5A78 styl_ptert__CaMm1"><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="styl_lk__RsJVU"><span class="in in-share-ptert"></span></a></li><li data-ttid="social-share-email" class="styl_em__b5A78"><a href="mailto:?subject=Taiwan hosts biggt -person LGBTQ Pri event of post-Covid 2020& target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="styl_lk__RsJVU"><span class="in in-share-email"></span></a></li><li data-ttid="social-share-py" class="styl_em__b5A78 styl_py__RACZ3"><button type="button" class="styl_button__b3sx_"><span class="in in-lk"></span></button><div class="styl_pyTooltip__Ut_t1"><span class="in in-alt-check"></span></div></li><li data-ttid="social-share-sms" class="styl_em__b5A78 styl_sms__Vohh6"><a href="sms:?&body=Taiwan hosts biggt -person LGBTQ Pri event of post-Covid 2020 via nbews - target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="styl_lk__RsJVU"><span class="in in-sms"></span></a></li><li data-ttid="social-share-prt" class="styl_prt__cw6Gn"><button type="button" class="styl_button__b3sx_"><span class="in in-share-prt styl_in__P3XZT"></span><span class="styl_text___8iNX">Prt</span></button></li><li data-ttid="social-share-save" class="styl_save__ILVuj"></li></ul></div><div class="article-body__date-source"><time class="relative z-1" dateTime="2020-10-31T16:31:00.000Z" ntent="2020-10-31T16:31:00.000Z">Oct. 31, 2020, 4:31 PM UTC</time></div><div class="article-le-byle" data-activy-map="le-byle-article-top">By <span class="byle-name">Louise Watt</span></div></sectn><div class="article-body__ntent article-body-font--loadg"><p class="">TAIPEI, Taiwan — An timated 130,000 people attend Taiwan LGBT Pri on Saturday, makg the world’s biggt -person celebratn of gay rights sce the panmic began.</p><p class="">The high turnout rerced Taiwan’s image as a bean of gay rights Asia and one of the world’s saft plac the <a href=" target="_blank">ronavis</a> era.</p><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt" data-ttid="ad__ntaer"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100" data-ttid="ad__ntaer__ner"></div></div><div id="taboolaReadMoreBelow"></div><p class="">“I feel that Taiwan has really set an example, to be able to have a normal life and also to ntue wh this Pri event even though the world is not able to e this year,” said Eve Teo, 34, who liv Taipei.</p><figure class="styl_leImage__yAWZ0 styl_medium__OMa6x"><picture class="styl_image__1qciH"><source media="(m-width: 1000px)" srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><source srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><img loadg="lazy" src=" alt="Image: Pri para Taipei" height="1833" width="2500"/></picture><figptn class="ptn styl_ptn__Pe5JC"><span class="ptn__ntaer" data-ttid="ptn__ntaer">Participants march through a street durg a pri para Taipei, Taiwan, on Oct. 31, 2020.</span><span class="ptn__source">Chiang Yg-yg / AP</span></figptn></figure><p class="">In a year which many global gay pri events have been nceled or moved onle, Taiwan’s para kicked off om outsi Taipei Cy Hall, as schled, on the last Saturday October.</p><p class="">Organizers said they expected to be the biggt Pri event to take place this year sce the World Health Organizatn clared a global panmic March.</p><p class="">The event was a lorful ttament to Taiwan’s succsful ntrol of the ronavis. The island of 24 ln people has seen jt 554 nfirmed Covid-19 s, cludg seven aths, and no lockdowns. Taiwan’s last lolly transmted fectn was rerd April.</p><figure class="styl_leImage__yAWZ0 styl_medium__OMa6x"><picture class="styl_image__1qciH"><source media="(m-width: 1000px)" srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><source srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><img loadg="lazy" src=" alt="Image: Pri para Taipei" height="1875" width="2500"/></picture><figptn class="ptn styl_ptn__Pe5JC"><span class="ptn__ntaer" data-ttid="ptn__ntaer">Chen Yen-shuo and his iend give ee hugs to anyone who wants one at Taiwan LGBT Pri.</span><span class="ptn__source">Louise Watt / for NBC News</span></figptn></figure><p class="">Organizers asked participants to wear masks, although many didn’t. Wearg a mask was Chen Yen-shuo, 25, who held up a sign offerg “ee hugs.” The software engeer om Taichung said the panmic wasn’t stoppg people om huggg a stranger: He gave more than a hundred hugs about an hour and a half, he said.</p><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt" data-ttid="ad__ntaer"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100" data-ttid="ad__ntaer__ner"></div></div><p class="">Democratic Taiwan is a trailblazer for gay rights Asia. In May last year, beme the first — and still only — place Asia to legalize same-sex marriage. Sce then, more than 4,000 same-sex upl have tied the knot Taiwan.</p><p class="">On Friday, two gay upl were, for the first time, among dozens takg part the Taiwan army’s annual mass weddg ceremony. The army posted on Facebook weddg photos of the upl, and those of the two female soldiers and their civilian partners by far received the most lik om the public.</p><p class="">“You fend our untry, we fend your eedom,” read one ment.</p><div><sectn class="related related--sgle dn-prt" data-activy-map="related-article-body-related" data-ttid="related" aria-label="Related ntent"><h3 class="related__tle">Related</h3><div id="related" class="related__ems"><div class="related-em related-em__sgle"><div class="related-em__thumbnail-wrapper"><a href=" data-icid="related" class="related-em__lk related-em__picture-lk"><picture class="related-em__thumbnail__image"><source media="(m-width: 1240px)" srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><source media="(m-width: 758px)" srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><source srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><img loadg="lazy" src=" alt="" height="60" width="60"/></picture></a><span class="related-em__eyebrow"><a class="related-em__label" href="><span>NBC OUT</span></a><a href=" data-icid="related"></a></span></div><div class="related-em__-wrapper"><h3 class="related-em__tle"><a class="" href="><span class="related-em__eyebrow">NBC OUT</span></a><a href=" data-icid="related" class="related-em__lk">Two lbian upl marry mass weddg held by Taiwan's ary</a></h3></div></div></div></sectn></div><p class="">Last year, anizers timated 200,000 people marched to celebrate Taiwan’s legalizatn of same-sex marriage. This year, fewer people uld travel om elsewhere Asia to attend the event bee Taiwan’s borrs are closed to tourists. Anyone who do enter mt self-isolate for 14 days.</p><div class="remend-tersectn-ref" data-activy-map="remend-article-body-remend"></div><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt" data-ttid="ad__ntaer"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100" data-ttid="ad__ntaer__ner"></div></div><p class="">Liu Chun-chieh, 34, who works e-merce and was drsed as a Greek warrr, said the event was important for the regn at large.</p><p class="">“Taiwan jt legalized same-sex marriage last year, and there still hasn’t been a send untry Asia to do so, so I thk this para is really important for Asia,” Liu said. “We first reached the tone, and we n help others to march forward and take the next step, and make more people Asia re about this aspect of human rights.”</p><figure class="styl_leImage__yAWZ0 styl_medium__OMa6x"><picture class="styl_image__1qciH"><source media="(m-width: 1000px)" srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><source srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><img loadg="lazy" src=" alt="Image: Pri para Taipei" height="1875" width="2500"/></picture><figptn class="ptn styl_ptn__Pe5JC"><span class="ptn__ntaer" data-ttid="ptn__ntaer">An Elephant God is among revellers at Taiwan's annual pri, which attracted 130,000 people.</span><span class="ptn__source">Louise Watt / for NBC News</span></figptn></figure><p class="">Even though gay men and women have the right to marry Taiwan, activists say discrimatory attus still need to change as well as the law. In one example, a Taiwane person n only marry a foreigner of the same sex if same-sex marriage is also legal the foreigner’s home untry. In addn to Taiwan, only <a href=">28 untri around the world allow same-sex marriage</a>.</p><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt" data-ttid="ad__ntaer"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100" data-ttid="ad__ntaer__ner"></div></div><p class="">As the ernment’s measur to stop the spread of Covid-19 have clud barrg the entry of many foreigners, this has meant some same-sex upl have been forced apart this year.</p><p class="">Among those unable to marry Taiwan are Olivia Wu and her partner Eve Teo, who is om Sgapore, where a <a href=" target="_blank">law banng nsensual sex between men</a> is still on the books.</p><figure class="styl_leImage__yAWZ0 styl_medium__OMa6x"><picture class="styl_image__1qciH"><source media="(m-width: 1000px)" srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><source srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><img loadg="lazy" src=" alt="Image: Pri para Taipei" height="1667" width="2500"/></picture><figptn class="ptn styl_ptn__Pe5JC"><span class="ptn__ntaer" data-ttid="ptn__ntaer">A drag queen performs durg Asia's biggt pri para Taipei, Taiwan, on Oct. 31, 2020.</span><span class="ptn__source">Ann Wang / Rters</span></figptn></figure><p class="">“Sgapore hasn’t legalized same-sex marriage, so cidg to live here Taiwan, that has really affected ,” said Wu, a Taiwane Amerin om Los Angel. The uple were marchg wh Wu’s parents.</p><p class="">“As a muny, we’re still very proud and obvly happy that Taiwan is the only untry that regniz this, but we jt feel like there’s that part where we’re not plete yet,” Wu, 35, said.</p><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt" data-ttid="ad__ntaer"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100" data-ttid="ad__ntaer__ner"></div></div><p class="">Activists are also fightg for equal adoptn and assisted-reproductn rights. At the moment, Taiwan’s law only allows for married same-sex upl to adopt children who are blogilly related to one of the partners. Ree Li, secretary general of Taiwan LGBT Fay Rights Advocy, said there were at least 300 LGBTQ fai Taiwan who had adopted children or had assisted reproductn abroad.</p><figure class="styl_leImage__yAWZ0 styl_medium__OMa6x"><picture class="styl_image__1qciH"><source media="(m-width: 1000px)" srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><source srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><img loadg="lazy" src=" alt="Image: Pri para Taipei" height="1875" width="2500"/></picture><figptn class="ptn styl_ptn__Pe5JC"><span class="ptn__ntaer" data-ttid="ptn__ntaer">Taiwan's bt-known gay rights activist, Chi Chia-wei, wav a rabow flag outsi Taipei Cy Hall, where the para kicked off.</span><span class="ptn__source">Louise Watt / for NBC News</span></figptn></figure><p class="">Chi Chia-wei, an activist who had been mpaigng for marriage equaly Taiwan sce the 1980s, said this year’s para was ls about prott, and more about tn regardg LGBTQ issu and equaly.</p><div class="remend-tersectn-ref" data-activy-map="remend-article-body-remend"></div><p class="">“In schools, they don’t teach children that after same-sex marriage is passed, there will be a lot of LGBT fai,” he said. “They don’t let children unrstand this, and so there needs to be more effort to strengthen this.”</p><p class="endmark"><em><strong>Follow <a href=" target="_blank">NBC Out</a> on <a href=">Twter</a>, <a href=">Facebook</a> & <a href=">Instagram</a></strong> </em></p></div><div class="article-body__ntent article-body-font--loadg"><div class="expand-byle-ntributors articleByleContaer"><div class="expand-byle article-expand-byle" data-activy-map="expand-byle-article-bottom"><span class="byle-thumbnail byle-thumbnail--no-image expand-byle__thumbnail"></span><span class="byle-name expand-byle__name">Louise Watt</span><span class="byle-social expand-byle__social"></span><div class="expand-byle__b-wrapper"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="article-body--right-rail-ntaer"><div class="article-body__right-rail layout-grid-em grid-l-4_5-l grid-l-3_5-xl 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biggest gay pride parade

If you’re a gay person lookg to work wh other LGBTQ people, you n party on at the 10 ftivals across the untry.



In this article, we are gog to list the 13 largt gay pri paras the world. Click to skip ahead and jump to the 5 largt gay pri paras the world. Gay pri paras are also lled pri march, pri events, and pri celebratns. It normally clus a seri of ocsns and equently […] * biggest gay pride parade *

13 Biggt Gay Pri Paras the World Fance Watchlists My Portfol Markets Optns: Hight Open Intert Optns: Hight Implied Volatily News Vios Yahoo Fance Pl Screeners Personal Fance High-yield savgs acunt rat Crypto Indtri Contact Us S&P 500 Dow 30 Nasdaq Rsell 2000 C Oil Gold Silver EUR/USD 10-Yr Bond GBP/USD USD/JPY B USD CMC Crypto 200 FTSE 100 Nikkei 225 13 Biggt Gay Pri Paras the WorldIn this article, we are gog to list the 13 largt gay pri paras the world. The paras are outsi ocsns anized for celebratg lbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, non-bary, and queer (LGBTQ) self-acknowledgment, acplishments, lawful rights, and events addnally now and aga fill as monstratns for lawful rights, for example, same-sex marriage.

This event is nsired ccial for the velopment of prent-day LGBTQ social the Stonewall rts, LGBTQ people had monly not disclosed their sexual orientatn or personaly, but this ocsn aroed the gay muny and started more noteworthy polil activism on gay rights velopment. In 1970, on the first anniversary of the event, hundreds of monstrators walked along Greenwich Village's Christopher Street, which ns past the Stonewall, what many nsir the prcipal Gay Pri walk. At that pot, was the unmon neighborhood where gay dividuals uld proceed to meet out the open, and Pri paras worked at a neighborhood area level size parison to the 5 ln dividuals who went to last July's World Pri event New York Cy, the biggt LGBTQ ftivy the 1980s polil and social activism had gotten tegral to pri ocsns, and a large number of the marchers held plards and signs that raised the social issu of the day.

As acknowledgment of LGBTQ people group expand among the straight people, polil lears who supported the LGBTQ people group, and gay-iendly bs and enterpris started participatg the paras.


It was St. Petersburg’s first LGBTQ Pri march sce the onslght of the Covid-19 panmic, and jt three months after Florida’s ernor signed what crics ll the “Don’t Say Gay” law. * biggest gay pride parade *

But even this pal parison to the treatment meted out to the people most Asian and Ai untri, where LGBTQ people are rid and treated as send class cizens, while many Mlim untri, gay acts are actually punishable by ath.

7 lnSan Francis Pri is a para and celebratn held toward the end of June every year San Francis, California, to praise the lbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual (LGBT) dividuals and their partners. In 2015, the procsn, which mak route down Fifth Avenue om Midtown until headg to the Village and turng towards Christopher Street and the Stonewall Inn was full of gay and straight people celebratg the Supreme Court cisn to make same-sex marriage lawful wherever the U. For a whole month, the thori offered a rich blend of ocsns to the dividuals who joed om discsns, plays, mic shows, dance exhibns, social fairs, and the annual Pri ntue to see the 5 biggt gay pri paras the world.

Whilst London Pri is amazg, don’t fet if you are the UK to head to our home of Manchter, the gay pal of the North – Manchter’s gay village is amazg all year round but durg pri is gets sane! Wh gay and trans rights unr immediate threat, this year's Pri events are more than jt celebratns – they're tend as acts of uny by LGBTQ muny members and are the top statns to champn and celebrate Pri natnwi York Cy: June 25(Getty Imag)Every year New York Cy throws one of the biggt Pri celebratns the world.


The year 1970 marked what many historians nsir the first gay pri paras Ameri. * biggest gay pride parade *

Bryant was unr fire after lnchg a "Save Our Children" mpaign rponse to a gay rights ordance Da County, Florida, which granted LGBTQ people hog and employment first muny Pri event the Hampton Roads area was a potluck piic June 1986 held by the Mandam Society.


Here’s a list of some of the most gay-iendly ci the U.S. and their major events throughout the year. * biggest gay pride parade *

Addnally, 1971, Universy of Geia stunts created the Commtee on Gay Edutn, which later evolved to the Lambda Alliance – an officially regnized stunt 1989, the Boybutante AIDS Foundatn was created to provi support to those livg wh HIV and AIDS and to the muny. The tour pany offers this excursn for a few days throughout Ruth Ellis Center – a social servic agency for LGBTQ youth named after the activist who lived to be one of the olst openly gay Black women the world – is holdg a Catfight for the Crown event on June more tails, vis the Motor Cy Pri webse.

Chigo: June 25(Steve Long/Courty of Northalsted)Wh stunng archecture, vibrant nightlife and plenty of plac to grab a be, Chigo is a traveler favore year-round – and yet another statn full of LGBTQ history and Wdy Cy is where the first gay rights anizatn the U. Chigo is ftgly home to the biggt Pri para the Midwt, which will occur on June 25 this para on average se more than 1 ln spectators attendance; ns through the Boystown neighborhood, which 1997 Chigo clared the "official gay village.

* biggest gay pride parade *

Cy to pass a nondiscrimatn ordance; sce then, the area has cultivated a reputatn as one of the iendlit ci for LGBTQ people the untry – and even earned the distctn of beg one of the "gayt" U. Then, dance the night away at the En 2023: Official Pri Girl+ Party on June 23 or the Rich's at Rise after-party on June out the Hoton Pri 365 webse for more Anton: June 24(Courty of)San Anton's LGBTQ history has evolved over the years, om the drag performanc of the 1930s to the cy's Pri march beg a jampacked monthlong celebratn of the LGBTQ year's Pri theme is "Jt Say Gay.

The zoo has fay-iendly activi for all ag as celebrat more rmatn, vis the Pri San Anton Fe, New Mexi: June 24"This is where seasoned gays e to center themselv, but not a borg way, " said the LGBTQ magaze The Advote 2011 when Santa Fe was emed the send gayt cy the U. But Denver also has an energetic LGBTQ scene wh multiple gay-iendly bars, hotels and Pri annual Denver PriFt weekend is the largt Pri event the Rocky Mounta regn, typilly drawg more than 525, 000 participants to s ftivi. Enjoy ris and attractns around the park addn to live entertament and the LA Pri webse for further Francis: June 25(Getty Imag)In the 1960s Life magaze emed San Francis the "gay pal" of the U.


‘We say gay’: Florida’s largt Pri para draws hundreds of thoands .