Gay D. Pelzer is an attorney Iowa Cy, IA. 31 years experience General Practice.
This page ntas rmatn about the attorneys at the Universy of Iowa Office of the General Counsel. The attorneys are Jam Jensen, Gay Pelzer, Maria Las, Nathan Lev, Ann Byrd and Er Felt. * gay pelzer university of iowa *
Admistrator, HR and Fance, Sandy Gay, 201C GILH 335-1287.
Gay Pelzer. Guts: Jeffery Patch (Daily Iowan), Charl Dm (Universy Relatns), Mark Janis (Law), Al Hood (Emer Faculty Council), Gay Pelzer (General Counsel’s Office), Grane Mart (General Counsel’s Office), Kathryn Wyn (Provost’s Office), Bill Decker (Rearch), Michael O’Hara (CLAS), Jon Whmore (Provost’s Office), Lee Anna Clark (Provost’s Office), Bce Wheaton (Rearch), Julie Thatcher (Faculty Senate Office). Queer Health Advot are traed volunteers who acpany and advote for members of the muny who are lbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, transgenr, tersex, asexual, aromantic, queer, or qutng durg medil appotments.
One Iowa is the state’s leadg lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr (LGBT) anizatn workg toward full equaly for LGBT dividuals Iowa through grassroots efforts and tn. Guts: Charlie Dm (Universy Relatns), John Beldon-Stt (Art & Art History), Lisa Troyer (Office of the Provost), Kathy Kle (Staff Council), Gee Lance (Emer Council), Mary Greer (Staff Council), Tera Wahlert (Board of Regents), Ra Frantz (Nursg), Gay Pelzer (Benefs), Brian Ray (Gazette), Hannah van Zutphen-Kann (Prs-Cizen), Julie Thatcher (Faculty Senate Office). Staff Benefs Review Commtee, Gay Pelzer.
Gay Pelzer reported that a mtee has been tablished to nduct a review of the Universy Benefs Office. <div id="L" style="width:250px;text-align:center;background-lor: #fbaa02;paddg:3px;"><a href=" style="lor: #fff;text-ratn:none;size: 12px;"> Listed: Gay D. <div id="L" style="width:250px;text-align:center;background-lor: #fbaa02;paddg:3px;"><a href=" style="lor: #fff;text-ratn:none;size: 12px;"> Verified: Gay D.